HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1402 fT- ,- . i , i I;, I It . I ~: Ii If '." - - - . -~ - - -..... - '---"_ .,. __~. -'_.,'_ - _-. .___..._.... ~ ~ - __ .. __ "_._. __,._ ___.e. _ ._._ __ ._._..___.___~_ 131 , prop8rty to proteo' the oltrus trul\ and trees and to maintain ~oh teno8 or tenoe8. I . (d) the 18888e oovenants an4 agree. that 1~ will not 1n~e th8 trees or root8 of any tree. In 8a14 groTe on 8ald prem18os, but in oultlvating a~ plowing will use all dl1lgenoe n80oe8ary to~ the proteotlon ot 8aid tree.. (e) The lesleo oOTenant8 and a<<ree. that It will not permit or sutter any wa8te thereon. (t) Th6 lessoe turthor oovenant8 and agrees that it will not UBe sald premi80s tor any unlawful purpose. J. rl . (g) The lessee agrees and oOTenant. that it will not a8sign this lea8e nor underlot 'ho8e premise8, nor any part thereot, without th8 written oonsent ot the 108801'. (h) The lessoe agre08 and ooyenant8 that It will ;armlt'the le8Bor 01' hi8 agent8 to onter upon said prea18es at all resonable t!mea '0 examine the ooD4iticn thereot. (1) !he le88eo agrees that it will .urrender and dellyer up 8aid promiBes at the end ot the said torm with the tree8 In a8 good order and oondition a8 the 8ame now are, or may bo put by either part)' during this lea8o, damage or aot of God, or other UD8yoldab1a oasualty only exoepted. (J) It is turther understood and agreod betweon the les80r and lesseo tbat all oltrus fruit grown on tho property herelnaboye desoribed 8hall belong to tho 10S800, ... aubJeot to . the lien ot the 10S8or in the amount ot One Dollar(tl.OO) p8r tleld orato upon all fruit that 18 ploked, and that the le8see 8hall have tho right to gather the 8aid oltrus fruit, and ~hat the 8ald oitrus fruit grown on 8ald property 8hall be per80nal property. (k) It is further understood and agreed between the 10880r and the lessee that the 1esse8 8hall hnve the right to at all times during tho te~ of thi8 10a8e enter upon the property herein betore desoribed, together with its ottioers, agents and servants, team8, automobile8, truoks and traotors. (1) It i.fUrther Understood and agreed betweon th~ 10s80r and the 10s8ee that 8hould the , oitrus fruit trees upon the 8ald property hereinbetore desoribed be tilled by an aot of God, then this lease 8hall torminate and be null and void, and the le8see8h~11relinquish all right hereunder. {m) It i8 further understood and agreed between the les80r and tho lessee that the title to the oitrus fruit grown upon the above desoribed property during the term ot this leas8 shall pass toithe le888e upon the same beooming mature, subJeot, however, to the lien of the lessor of One Dollar ($1.00) per tield orate of all oitrus fr~t pioked upon said grove. (n) It is fUrther understood and agreed between the lessor and the lessee that the lessor . I~ , . shall pay all taxes and assessments leYi~d upon the above desoribed property as soon as the same shall beoome due, or during the time allowed by law tor the payment of tho same, and that Not the les8ee ehall~be liable tor any taxe8 or assessments against the above desoribed property. (0) It i8 further understood and agreed between the lessor and lessee that thie lease 1e to beoome effeotive and operative on the first day of Karoh 1930, whioh is the expiration dato ot the oontraot and agreement made between the purties to this lense for the oare, aultivat10n and marketing ot said oitrus truit grove8, and original ot whiah i8 attaohed to this lense and made a part hereot as though speoitioally inoorporated herein; it is furth~r understood and agreed that it, and in the event that, the oitrus fruit upon the trees in the groves herein de- soribed &8 attaoked, or beoomes infested with or by the Kediterranean Fly to suoh an extent that the lessee the Aome Fruit Compa~, i8 unable to ship or market the fruit from the groves, then and in that event this lease i8 to beoome inoperative, and the oosts plus ten per oent (lO~J oontraot, whioh is hereto attaohed as Exhibit "A". is to be substitUted for and in the stead ot this lea89, to run and be in effeot tor the then unexpired term of this lease, the ex-i plratlon date to be the same as tbat of the ~lease, namely the 28th day of Februar7, A. D_I 1936. It il agreed that betore ~ld oontraot~be aubstl\ut'd tor the leaso because ot the I II }::(!_;~i~.~.~~~:?::)~P~~f i~~}i~~re.;~~~' ., 4 .~. _ ___ _.____ '.~ .. ~ ~ :~~}~i;~~~Ri~~:l~l;