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Manual S Compliance Report Job: Jenness Residence P P Dab: October 22, 2018 €* r0Ca1CS Entire House rDlglwlyslgnedby ♦ w� are miwns prece a OCAta J Thomas V .10.22W FILE ProCaICS LLC �.. —Date* 02z P.O. Box 882032, Port SairtLucie, FL34988Phone:772-882-5700 Email: tom@pmcalcs.netWbb:www.ProCalcs.NetLicerse:CAC1815254 Project• • y For. Jenness Residence S' 2705 Bent Pine Dr, Ft Pierce, FL 34951 Outdoor design DB: 91.20F Sensible gain: 25857 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.20F Outdoor design WB: 77.1 OF Latentgain: 5561 Btuh Entering coil WB: 63.1'F Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 31419 Btuh Indoor iRH: 50% Estimated airflow 1219 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: SplitAC Manufacturer. Ruud Model: RA1636AJ1NA+RH1T3617STANJA Actuallairfiow. 1219 cfm Sensible capacity: 28320 Btuh 110% of load Latent capacity: 7080 Btuh 127% of load Total capacity: 35400 Btuh 113% of load SHR 80% Heating Equipment DesignjConditions Outdoor design DB: 36.60F Heat loss: 35688 Btuh Entering coil DB: 69.7°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data atActual Design Conditions i Equipmenttype: Elec strip Manufacturer. Ruud Model: RXBH-1 724A1 5C Actual airflow: 1080 cfrn Output capacity: 10.8 kW 103% of load Temp. rise: 31 OF Meets all requirements ofACCA Manual S. -*- 2018-0d-21 2020:12 wrightsoft® w�,...-,-o-� Rigt"Ule®Urrversal201818.0.31 RSU25344 Page 1 %..ssResidenoe%WorldrgDwgsUerressResidenoen>p Calc=NU8 FroriDoorfaces:NE i Load Short Form Job- Jenness Residence t��t ��l`s Dabs: October 22, 2018 e!te1�m,�,gP,Ke: Entire House By- ScclbPingtebon ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box882032, Port Saki Lucie, FL 34988 Phone:772-882-5700 Email: tom@pronlcs retweb:www.ProCalcs Net License: CAC1815254 For. Jenness Residence 2705 Bent Pine Dr, Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 Htg Outside db (OF) 37 inside db (°F) 70 Design TD (OF) 33 Daily range - Inside humidity (%) 50 Moisture difference (grAb) 29 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Ruud Trade Model RX13H-1724A15C AHRI ref Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space ithermostai Clg 91 75 16 L 50 54 100 EFF 10.8 kW 36851 Btuh 31 OF 1080 cfm 0.030 cfm/Btuh 0.60 in H2O Infiltration Method Blower door Shielding / stories 3 (partial) / 1 Pressure /AVF 50 Pa / 1708 cfrn COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Ruud Trade RUUD Cond RA1636AJlNA Coil RH1T3617STANJA AHRI ref 201285991 Efficiency 13.0 EER,16 SEER Sensible cooling 28320 Btuh Latentcooling 7080 Btuh Total cooling 35400 Btuh Actual airflow 1219 cfm Air flow factor 0.047 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.82 ROOM NAME Area (ff) Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) HtgAVF (r-frn) CIgAVF (dM) M Bedroom 255 6264 3691 190 174 WIC 77 936 321 28 15 M Bath 126 2830 1627 86 77 WC 36 971 511 29 24 Bedroom 2 207 4888 2987 148 141 Bath 2 69 144 202 4 10 Foyer 149 2028 1096 61 52 Laundry 81 628 977 19 46 Bedroom 3 184 4148 2846 126 134 litchen 833 12851 11600 389 547 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. • ,` w� �yuaw� a ^�• aNlea,4M1e Ha,M+e, cempeM RigFt-Sute0Urriversa1201818.0.31 RSU25344 �+�...ssResidernelworldrgDwgsUerFessResidercenp Calc=MJ8 FrordDoorfaces.NE 2018-Oct-2120:20:12 Page 1 Entire House 2017 35688 25857 1080 1219 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. a_) 1.00. RSM 25857 Latent cooling 5561 2017 1 35688 1 31419 1080 1219 Building Analysis Jai: Jenness Residence �jk 9Date: October 22, 2018 �� of 0Ca1CS Entire House By: Scott Pingleton pleW ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882032, Port SaintLicie,FL34988Phone: 772-882-5700 Email:torti@pmcalcsnetWeb:www.ProCalcs.NetLioerse:CAC1815254 For. Jenness Residence 2705 Bent Pine Dr, Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling St Lucie Co Intl, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 70 75 Elevation: 26 ft Design TD (OF) 33 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (grAb) 29.3 53.6 Dry bulb (OF) 37 91 Infiltration: Dailylrange(OF) - 15 (L ) Method Blower door Wet bulb (OF) - 77 Shielding / stories 3 (partial) / 1 Winds speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Pressure /AVF 50 Pa / 1708 cfm Component Btuh/ftz Btuh % of load Walls 4.0 7605 21.3 Glazing 36.7 8500 23.8 Doors 1 13.0 952 2.7 Ceilings 1.9 3814 10.7 Floors i 3.3 6602 18.5 Infiltration 2.7 4833 13.5 Ducts 3382 9.5 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 1 1 356881 100.0 Component BtuhAl? Btuh %of load Walls i 2.2 4164 16.1 Glazing 36.2 8387 32.4 Doors ' 11.7 858 3.3 Ceilings 1.3 2649 10.2 Floors 0 0 0 Infiltration 0.7 1305 5.0 Ducts ' 2225 8.6 Ventilation 0 0 Internal' gains 6270 24.2 Blower j 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total I 1 1258671 100.0 Latent Cooling Load = 5561 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.245 Btuhfft2--°F Data entries checked. GI&nt Glazing ns � wri•ghtsoft- 2018-Oct-21 2020:12 • ^�*t .ww.w�mp� Rigtt-SUte®thriversal201818.0.31RSU25344 Page 1 ACCK ..WsResidenoe\WorlargDAgsllermssResidenoenp Calc=MJ6 FrortDoorfaces:NE 'i rorC�In Project Summary Entire House ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882032,PortSaird—Lde,FL34988Phone: 772-882-5700 Email: tom@procalcsnetWeb:www.ProCalos.NetLicense:CAC1815254 For. Jenness Residence 2705 Bent Pine Dr, Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 Notes: Northlake Construction 9314 Forest Hill Blvd Ste 66 Wellington, FI 33411 Weather. Winter Design Conditions db 37 OF lb 70 OF TD 33 OF Heating Summary Structure 32306 Btuh Ducts 3382 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh EqIlpment load 35688 Btuh Infiltration St Lucie Co Intl, FL, US Blower door I/A Fne50 Pa(p17r08 o/fm Hearin Coolin Area (ftz) 2019 201 volume (fl3) 20499 20499 Airchangesmour 0.39 0.21 EqL iv. AVF (cim) 132 73 Heating Equipment Summary Make Ruud Trade Model RXBH-1724A15C AHRI ref Incy 100 EFF ig input 10.8 kW Ig output 36851 Btuh erature rise 31 OF airflow 1080 cflrr N factor 0.030 cfm/Btuh pressure 0.60 in H2O thermostat Job: Jenness Residence Date: October 22, 2018 By: Scott Pingleion Summer Design Conditions Outside db 91 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 16 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 54 grAb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 23632 Btuh Ducts 2225 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data Rate/swingg multipplier 1.00 Equipmentsensible load 25857 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 3469 Btuh Ducts 2092 Btuh Central vent (0 din) 0 Btuh (none) Equipment latent load 5561 Btuh Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) Req. 0.80 SHR 31419 2.7 Btuh ton total capacity at Cooling Equipment Summary Make Ruud Trade RUUD Cond RA1636AJ1 NA Coil RH1T3617STANJA AHRI ref 201285991 Efficiency 13.0 EER,16 SEER Sensible cooling 28320 Btuh Latentcooling 7080 Btuh Total cooling 35400 Btuh Actual airflow 1219 ch Airflowfaclor 0.047 drn/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.82 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrlghtsoft- 2018-Oct-2120:20:12 A� A •�^rt ��-��� Right-SLite@Uriversal20l8l8.0.31 RSU25344 Page 1 ssResidemelWorKrUDwgsUenressResidencexW Calo=MJ8 Front Door faoes:NE 7A 1 now nn"', Z343,A, —,"I ',.NNot IN. -7, f 4 3 If TO- Tj RighWO Worksheet Job: Jenness Residence � ��� w�u �remwwp�' �� Entire House October 22, Zo,s By: By. Scott Pingleton ProCalos, .LLC P.O. Box 882032, Port SairtLude, FL 34988 Phore:772-8825700 Email: tom@pronlcsnetWeb:www.ProCalcs.Net Lioerse: CAC1815254 1 Room name Entire House MBedroom 2 Exposicl Adl 167.5 ft 320 ft 3 Room height 102 ft 10.4 ft heaDbool 4 Room dimensions 15.0 x 17.0 ft 5 Room', area 2016.8 ft2 255.0 f12 Ty Construction UAdue Or HTM Area (f 2) Load Area OF) Load number (Btuhlfe n (Btuhftk or perimeter (ly (Bbih) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 BlodklNall R54rt -- 0.925 -ne 4.18; 2.36 500 ^rv373 "--15574 -881 --9 sngiepanealummum snglepanealuminum 1.100 1.100 no" no 3674 3674 4187 4187 13 62 0 0 491 2278 559 2596 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;0 ;0 11 V+J 11D0 . _ _._ Block Wall R-5IM _. _0.390 0.125 rre`_ so 13A3 418 �_1174 236 _ N :52 564 w 52 501 674 2090 .__ 607 , _ 1182 __ 0 181 _ _., _0 167 ____.. s . _.0 697 .� .4_ 0 395 singiepanealuminum 1.100 se 36.74 25.83 14 14 514 362 14 14 0 514 0 362 0 II --CC - snW,=ealuminum , Block WaII R-5 trd V snglepanealummum 1.100 0125 1100 _ se 9N ' "s+v 3674 4.18 36.74 _-- 33.83 236 34.38 _ . 49 550 62 49 457 30 _ ., 180Q 1908 2278 ._ _ 1658 ..-_T 108D " 2131 " -._ 0 169 0 128 0 532 0 - 0 _ , snglepanealummum 1100 _s+v 36.74' 33.83 -,31 31 1139 1049 31 _W. 31 139 1049 W I ,Block Wall R5 Int 0.125 nw. 418, 236 189 189 787 —_ 445 _ 11 11 46 26 q ParbhonWail2x4 0.094 - 313' 142 425 404 1264 575 0 0 0 0 0 0 �—D 11D0_r..._ _ _._ 0.390 �n -.� 1303 __.._ 1174 . �_. _._21 _21 __ .._278 _- - "250 .0 _ ._,w _.�.r_ C tileR-20spravtam 0408 1.89 131 2017 2017 3814 _, 2K9 255 255 482 —335, slabongrade_. . 1'180., .,NM 39A1` 2017 168,...___;.6�2 .. _ _..-0 : 255 32.. 1261 _. �...- x• _. .._ r - - -- — - _77- - - - - - — — 6 6 AED ewauson 311 176 Enrelgpe loss/gain 27473 16057 4708 2663 12 a) Irrtiltration 4 333 1305 963 260 b) Roomventilation 0 0 0 0 13 In" gains Occupants@ 230 4 920 0 0 Appliancedbf1 r 5350 450 11 Subufal (lines610 13) 32306 23632 5671 3373 Lessexlemalload 0 0 0 0 Lessfranskr 0 0 0 0 Redisli bufion 0 0 0 0 14 Subtaial 323W 23632 5671 3373 15 Dudloads 10% 90/0 3382 2225 10°/a 90/0 594 318 Total room load 1 35688 25W 1 6264 3891 Air required (din) 1080 1219 190 174 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Fw wrlg ts_ofe- 2018-0d-21 2020:12 Aft Right -Sate® Universal 201818.0.31 RSU25344 Page 1 ...sh ResderGe\WorldrpDwgsUemessResidermeAp Calc=MI8 FroriDoor%ces:NE � /1 5soproCalcs ~�weovu��ectes RighW@ Worksheet Entire House ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882032, Part Said Lucie, FL 34988 Phore:772-W25700 Emaa: tom@pmcat mtWeb: www.ProCatcs.Net License: CAC1815254 Job: Jenrtess Residence Data: October 22, 2018 By: Scott Pingleton 1 2 3 4 5 Room name Exposedwall Room eight Room dimensions Room area WIC 6.5 ft 10.0 ft heatbDol 7.0 x 11.0 ft 77.0 T M Bath 19.5 ft 10.0 ft heat/aool 1.0 x 126.1 It 126.1 W Ty Construction number U-%slue Or HTM Area (ff) a perimeter (ft) Load (Bhrh) Area (ii) or perimeter (ft) Load (Btuh) Heat I Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 11 0 0 0 _. _._. -._0 0 0 _._---0 65 0 _. _...T0 _. ,_.. _ . _ 0 0• 0 _„__.... 77 0 0, 0 ___ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :- ---- __ _-0,--- 0 0 0 75 7 0 ._ __0 120 0 __-...._._0 0 0 _: __..__0 0 0 __ _ _.0 68 0 0 _ _0 120 0 0 0 0 _ ___ 0._.. __..._._ 0 0 _ _0 285 245 0 � ._. 0 501 0 ..__-_-0 0 0 _0 0 161 280 0 0 283 0 _.---- - 0 0 0 ,_...._. 0. .._..._ -_-,_0 0 Block Wall R-51nt single pane aluminum singlepanealuminwn Block Wall R-5 Int single pane aluminum sinde'swealuminum- BlockWall R51nt single pane aluminUrnr singlepanealuminum:_ Block Wall R5Int_. Parh6on Wall2x4 _11D0_ .-_ -- _ __ MeR 20spravjbam-_.. 0.125 1.100 1.100 0.125 1.100 _ 1.100 0.125 1.100 _.._ .__1100 ._.�„_0.125 0094 _ 0.390 0.408 ne no ne se se -._se-- sw SN _ svu._:.. __ nw- - .n_ _.,__ 4.18 36.74 36.74 4.18 36.74 -,36.74, 4113 3614 _-387.4 .. _. 4,18 3.13 . ._13.03 - 1.89 : 2-36 41.87 41.87 11.74 236 25.83 _.-33.83 1 236 34.38 _._„33.83 _ 236 1A2 11.74 --_1.31- 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 __0 -----_65__.. 0 -..:._..._0. ---:..._0 0 0 77 V1J __..._ . _ -.. R M�--D _C F...labongrade___,-__. _-_.- 271 0 _ .�:__-_0 ,_. - ..._0 0, �.__ 0 146 154 0 _:_..._.._0 ._-_... - -0 ,, 0 0... _-_T_- 0 .__ __ 0 6 c) AED e=Bdon -9 -44 Envelopelosson 673 246 2039 846 12 a) Infiltration b) Roomventilalion 174 0 47 0 523 0 141 0 13 Internal gains Omipants@ 230 Appliances/other 0 0 0 0 0 500 Subbial (lines6tn 13) 848 293 2562 1487 14 15 Less a" I.W Lesstrarnfer Redistribution Subtotal Ductloads 10% 9% 0 0 0 848 89 0 0 0 293 28 10% 90/6 0 0 0 2562 268 0 0 0 1497 140 Total mom load Alrregirired(dm) 936 28 321 1.5 2830 86 1627 77 C -11i- wr7gF�tsoft� Rigtt-SdteV Lhversal201818.0.31 RSU25344 ...ss,Resdeme\WorlargDwgsVerressResdencejulo CaIc=MJB FrortDoorfaoes:NE 2018-0c�212020:12 Page 2 `1k •Calts Right -A Worksheet Job: Jenness Residence Entire House Date: October 22, 2018 By: Scott Pingleton ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 862032, Port SairtLude,FL3498BPhone: 772-8825700 Email:tom@procalcsnetWeb:www.ProCalcs.hMUoerse:CAC1815254 1 2 3 Room Brposed Room tame mall height WC 5.5 ft 10.0 It heat/cool Bedroom 2 28.0 ft 10.0 ft heat/cool 4 5 Room Room dimensions area 1.0 x 35.9 ft 35.9 IF 1.0 x 207.3 ft 207.3 tP Ty Conslrucfion number U-value (BhrhAl? T) Or HTM (BtutURO Area (tF) or perimeter (ft) Load (Btuh) Area (ff) or perimeter (ft) Load (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gros, N/P/S Heat I Cool 6 11 VJJ {�—CG _.. W fl C 131odk Wall R 6 trrt snglepanealummum dnglepanealummum Block Wall R5 trd single pane aluminum single panealummum.___ Block Wall R5 Ud ahglepanealummum , _snglepanealummtun._ Block Wall RS Urt Parh6onWall2x4 17D0_._ _ . 6leR-20spravfoam 0.12-6 1.100 1.100 0.390 0.125 1.100 __-1.100 0.125 1.100 .. 1100 0125 0094 �. 0.390_LL1174 040_8 — ne ne ne _r1e se se se._ sw sw, sw_ r w 4.18 36.74 ',,,36.74 n _13°03..11.74 4.18 36.74 ._ u 36.74 4.18 ` 36.74 iM .36.74 _ 418, 3.13' _ 1.89 236 41.87 4187 236 25.83 „ 33.83 2 36 34.36 , 33.83 236 142 1.31. 55 7 0 _ _. _u 0 0 0 _ _0 0 0 �._.0 0 0 r . _ ..,:;0 36 48 0 0 _ _ wWuO 0 0 _. 0 0 0 , M. _ ..,,0 0 0 _0 36 °' 202 245 0 . U 0 0 ,..._ . _ 0 0 0 _ _' 0 0 0 _ ._ 0 68 114 280 0 _ �_0 0 0 ,_ _ r: 0 0 0 _._ _ 0 0 ---- --- "' 135 0 31 95 0 ._ T . 0 A 0 ___ 0 50 0 -_ 207 — I 404 0 0 95 0 __ 0 0 0 rv_ _ .. 0 50 0 207 3 0 434 0 1139 397 0 0— 246 0; 1298; 224 0 0 _..m__ 0 0 r 209 0 392 110.4 _ 0 0 118, 0 272 ._a . .,0 _ 0 _ 47 „__ w ___.-.- -,.., " P. _ - 6 c)AEDexcursion 1 -14 -82 Envelope loss/gain 732 427 3674 2077 12 a) Irdlt b) Room -A. ventilation 148 0 40 0 751 0 203 0 13 Internal OoMmnls@ 230 0 0 0 0 Applianceslother 0 450 Su" (lines6to13) 979 467 4425 2730 Lem e�emalload 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 15 Subtotal Ductlo�ds 100/0 9% 879 92 467 44 100/0 90/0 4425 463 2730 257 Total room Air recipred(dm) load 11 971 511 24 4888 148 2987 141 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. ssReademe%WortdrgDwgsUemessResdenoe.nrp wri F�t$of't� 2018-Oc#-2120:20:12 RigtESute®Universa1201818.0.31 RSU25344 Page Calc=M,B FrortDoorfaces:NE /y, r3FroCalcs Right-J® Worksheet Entire House ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882032, Port Saint Lude, FL 34988 Phone: 772-882,5700 Emal: %om@promlcs netWeb: www.ProCal s.Net Licerse: CAC1815254 Job: Jendness Residence Data: Ootober 22, 2018 By: Scott Pingieton 1 2 3 4 5 Room name EVosedvdl Room Room dimensions Room area Bath 2 0 ft 10.0 ft heatbool SS x 5.5 ft 68.8 fe Foyer 8.0 ft 10.4 ft heat/cool 9.0 x 16.5 ft 148.5 F Ty Con&udion number U-%alue (BluhnF- 9 Or HTM Area (tlZ) or perimeter (ft) Load (Btuh) Area (fF) or perimeter (ft) Load (Btuh) Heat Cool Gros, NF/S Heat Cool Gross M/R/S Heat Cool -- 6 11 -: - Block Wall R-5 Int single pane aluminum single panealuminum -._.._. _ __� � Block Wadi R-S ht single pane aluminum snAlepanealuminum_- Block Wall R5 kit singlepenealuminum single pane aluminum-.: _BlockWallR$_lnt,_�__._ Partition Wall2 x4 AlD0 _ tileR 20spravfoam_. siabongrade,-. _ 0.125 1.100 1.100 _ ___. 0.390 0.125 1.100 _.^_1.100.-_se_. 0.125 1.100 _ __1.100 0.094 U390 - _ 0.408 e.__. .1.180..__.. Tne ne Fie -no-, se se sN SN . sw, - n._.:...._ -_ 4.18 36.74 36.74 __ _13.03. 4.18 36.74 -. _36.74, 418 3674 ...... 36.7,4, _. 4.18 3.13' 13.03 _ _ 1.89 _._ 3941° 236 41.87 41.87 ' 11.74 236 25.83 33.83 236 3438 __ _,_33.83 238 1.42 1124 1,31 _ _w0,00 0 0 0 __. _ __-_ --0 0 0 O 0 0 0 .__. __.__ 0 0 0 ._..._.._0 0 0 ___. _.,_ 0 _0..._- 0 -fig ._..__w__0._____ --- 0 0 0 _ .._0 0 0 ...-�P U 0 0 _____ .._-O 0 0 0 _. -.0 0 0 85 0 0 __ _------- 52 12 0 _--._-.._0 5 0 ..._..__ T.O._�_. __.....12_ 0 -_-_____149 33 0 0 _.- -_,--52 12 0 Q 139 0 0 . ___674 50 0 0 21 0 ;n_.� _'0' 0 ---- 79 0 .0 .: 607. 28 0 -.--- __0. 12 A .,,_: _._0 ---.-_----28- 0 ..11D0 V�J E-G __T 0 0 _._ _, 0 ._..-_._._0 0 0 69 -_-- 69 __--0 0 0 M__ _.1--o 0..... _____. 5 6 � _0 -..-_- 1250 0 W R. L--0 C_ F ...° ._0 0 . 0 -.__ _ 0 ____ _ _4 6 c) AED me rson -6 50 Envelope lass/gain 130 85 1530 919 12 a) Infiltration b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 306 0 83 0 13 Iniemalgains Occupants@ 230 AWliiancesfother 0 0 100 0 0 0 Su" (Idnes6 to 13) 130 185 1836 1002 14 15 Le."malload Lesstranster Redistribution Subtotal Ductloads 10% 9% 0 0 0 130 14 0 0 0 185 17 10% 90/. 0 0 0 1836 192 0 0 0 1002 94 __T_ Total room load Air regeDred (dm) I 144 4 202 10 2028 61 1096 52 _ •-lyii- wrigF�tsoft� Riglt-8Ute9Universal201818.0.31 RSU25344 ...sslResideme\WorldrgDwgsUemessReadencenrp Calc=NUB FrontDoorfaees:NE 2018-Oct-2120:20:12 Page 4 ICS Right-J® Worksheet Entire House ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882032, Port Saint Lurie, FL 34988 Phore:772-8825700 Email: tom@procalcsnetWeb:www.ProCalcs.Net License: CAC1815254 Job: Jenness Residence Date: October 22, 2018 By: Scott Pingleton 1 2 3 4 5 Room name Exposed wall Room height Room dimensions Room area Laundry 0 it 10.0 it heatbool 125 x 6.5 ft 81.3 W Bedroom 3 18.0 it 10.0 it heaftol 1.0 x 183.8 It 183.8 fP Ty Construction number U-xelue (BtuhffeF7 ° Or HTM (Btuh4n Area (fF) or perimeter (ft) Load (Btuh) Area (fF) or perimeter (it) Load (Btuh) H;t7 Cool Cross N/P/S Heat Cool Goss N/P/S Heat Cool 6 11 W iL—_GG Rw C F _. Block Wall R5 trit single pane aluminum single pane aluminum 11D0.._._. _ Block Wall R5 Ent single pane aluminum snglepane.aluminum- Block Wall R5 Int. sin le sngle�ealuminum- Block Wall R5 Int ,11D0 file 20WM(2foam spray dabongrade-._ __ - 0.125 1.100 1.100 .__.,.0.390- 0.125 1.100 ---1.100. 0.125 .__ ..1100,_srv... 0.125 _. 0.390 0.M __. 1.100._ re ne ne ne- se se _se sw nw n r__ 4.18 36.74 36.74 13.03 4.18 36.74 __----36.74 418 _. _ 3674 - 418 1303 _ 189. 39.41..� 236 41.87 41.87 _ 11.74_ 2.36 25.83 --__33.83.------.__,0-- 236 :--..3383 _ 238 _ 11.74 -_ 131 __0.00. 0 0 0 ,------,0 0 0 0 _. _.,..0... 0 21 _ _ _ 81 _ __ _t31 0 0 0 __U__._ 0 0 ---_.-_0 0 .... 0 0 21 _ 81 -.- _0 0 0 0 _ 0____.--__0-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 0 31 -- .--._ 0 50 0 .----------0. - _ _ 0 0 -_-- --0 _ .._...184... 99 0 0 ..__ ---0 50 0 _..m__. 0 0 145 _ _ _ 0 184 ._-- 18 413 0 1139' -0. 0. 209 0 ----_.--0 0 0 454 •- 0 _348 _ ---709 234 0 1298 118 0 - 0 r 0 0 207 • A ,_0_ __ 241. -_.._.0 0 _..._.� _._0'._.__-__...0 � .- 278 154 _0 0 250 107 Q 6 c) AED exaKdon -27 -78 EnWopeloss(gain 568 393 3272 2020 12 a) Infiltration 0 0 483 130 b) Roorrteentilation 1 0 0 0 0 13 Internalgairrs: Ooarpants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliancesfother 500 450 Subtotal (Iines6to 13) ' 568 893 3755 2601 Lessextemalload 0 0 0 0 Lesstrarmter 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 568 893 3755 2601 15 Dudloads 100/0 9-/Ol 59 84 100/0 90/0 393 245 Total room load 628 977 4148 2846 Air required(cfm) 19 46 126 134 -7 w_rigtitsoft�° 2018-Oct-21 20:20:12 RigttSute®Universal201818.0.31 RSU25344 Page ...ssResidercelWorldrgD"sUerressResidermrup Calc=MJB FrortDooriaees:NE i OCa�CS Right-M Worksheet �•�•� � Entire House jProCalos, LLC P.O. Box 882032, Port Sairt Lurie, FL 34988 Phone:772-8825700 F1nai1: tom(dpmoalmmt Web:www.PmCalcs.Net Liaerse: CAC1815254 Job: Jenness Residence Dabs: October 22, 2018 By. Scott Pinglebon 1 2 3 4 5 Room name Exposadvrell Room .eight Room tlimensions Room area IGhdw 50.0 ft 102 ft heaftol 1 D x 833.3 It 833.3 ff Ty Construction number U-relue (BUVR •n Or HTM (BtiM Area Q f) or perimeter (M Load (Stith) I Area or perimeter Load Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross NP/S Heat Cool 6 IL--CG .__. W — R C = -- -- -12 - --- --- - ---s-- BlockWall R S trit --' snglepanealummum snglepane aluminum 11D0-.-.....__ __- ---_ Block Wall Rs art single pane aluminum snkrlepane aluminum__ Block Wall R5 ht snglepanealuminum snglepanealuminum_. Block Wall R5Int _.. PartitionWall2x4 tie R-20 sPrav bam.-_.- slabongrade,_:____-;0.00 _ -0.125 1100 1100 -.1.__..0.390 0.125 1.100 1.100 0125 1.100 _ . .._r1.10D 0.125 0.094 0.390 -- -- 0.408 - no no ne dne_ se se se_ sw, sw -_sw_ nw, - _n _ __- 4.18 3674 36.74 .__. 13-W 4.18 36.74 - 36.74, 4.16 36.74 . _..36:Z4 _ 4.18 3.13 _ _ 1103 --- 1.89 - - 236 41.87 41.87 _._11.74 Z36 25.83 --- 33.83 236 3438 ..._3383 _ 236 1.42 .74 -1.31. -12 0 0 _. __ 0 106 0 49 322 62 _..._ -0.__a._ 116 215 _ _._. __0 _ 833 0 0 __ 0 57 0 ,- — 48 0 0 _0 236 0 1800 100 2278 _ 462 673 __-— _0 —1576 27 0 0' _. 0 133 0 _ 1658 613 2131 ____273 306 _.__ __ _0 -- 1094 ^_.._-49 260 30 116 215 __ _.._0 — -_833 _--- - ------- 7. 6 c)AEDiexaasion 144 . Flrueiopelassgain 10147 6381 12 a) Infiltration b) Room ventilation 1486 0 401 0 13 Inteinalgains Omupants@ 230 ApplianoWdher 4 920 2900 Subbtal (lines6tD 13) 11633 10602 14 15 Lesse bmal load Lessttansfer Redistribution Subtotal Ductloads 100/0 90/0 0 0 0 11633 1218 0 0 0 10602 998 Total room load Air required (dm) 12851 389 11i7F7 wr7gtT,tsoft- 2018-Oct-21 2020:12 Riglt-Stite@Udversal201818.0.31 RSU25344 Page _.ssResdercelWorlargDvQsUerressResdenoelup Cad=Ml8 FrortDoorfaoes:NE i4t Duct System Summary ��?!{�roAIC3 Entire House ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882032, Port SairtLmie,FL34988Phone: 772-8825700 Flnail:tom@proplaretMb:www.ProCalcs.NetLiceme:CAC1815254 For. Jenness Residence 2705 Bent Pine Dr, Ft Pierce, FL 34951 External static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply / reium available pressure Lowestfriction rate Actual airflow Total e$ective length (TEL) Heating 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 0.29 in H2O 0.194 / 0.096 in H2O 0.065 in/100ft 1080 cfm 445 ft Supply Branch Detail Table Job: Jenness Residence Date: October 22, 2018 By. Scott Pingleton Cooling 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 0.29 in H2O 0.194 / 0.096 in H2O 0.065 in/100ft 1219 cfm Name Design (Btuh) Htg (clm) Clg (Cfm) Design FR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Mad Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk Bath2 c 202 4 10 0.102 4.0 Ox0 VIFx 20.1 170.0 st2 Bedroom2 h 4888 148 141 0.101 8.0 OxO VIFx 22.0 170.0 st2 Bedroom c 2846 126 134 0.133 7.0 OXO VIFx 10.6 135.0 st1 Foyer h 2028 61 52 0.121 5.0 Ox 0 VIFx 10.2 150.0 st5 Kitchen c 2900 97 137 0.088 7.0 Ox 0 VIFx 29.9 190.0 st6 Kitchen -A c 2900 97 137 0.090 7.0 Ox 0 VIFx 30.1 185.0 st6 Kkherv.B c 2900 97 137 0.090 7.0 Ox 0 VIFx 30.0 185.0 st6 Kfthen-C c 2900 97 137 0.090 7.0 Ox 0 VIFx 30.1 185.0 st6 Landry c 977 19 46 0.117 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 10.4 155.0 st5 M Bath h 2830 86 77 0.079 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 34.9 210.0 st3 M Bedroom h 3132 95 87 0.065 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 47.0 250.0 st4 M Bedroom•A h 3132 95 87 0.066 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 46.9 245.0 st4 we h 971 29 24 0.083 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 33.0 200.0 st3 WIC h 936 1 28 1 15 1 0.067 4.0 Ox 0 1 VIFx 1 47.9 1 240.0 st4 Supply Trunk Detail Table Name Trunk Type Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) Design FR Veloc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Material Trunk st4 PeakAVF 218 189 0.065 624 8.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX st3 st3 PeakAVF 333 290 0.065 610 10.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX s12 SH PeakAVF 1080 1219 0.065 924 20.0 19 x 10 RectFbg st2 PeakAVF 485 440 0.065 618 12.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX st1 SO PeakAVF 389 547 0.088 512 14.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx st5 st5 i PeakAVF 469 1 645 0.088 603 14.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX st1 ® 2018-Oct-21 2020:12 wrightsoft Right-Sute®Uriversa1201818.0.31 RSU25344Page 1 _.ssResideroe\WorldrgDwgsVerressResidemefW Calc=MJB FrordDoorfaoes:NE Return Branch Detail Table Grille Htg Clg TEI_ Design Woo Diam HxW Stud/Joist Duct Name Size (in) (dm) (drn) (ft) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Matl Trunk rb4 Ox 0 126 134 80.7 0.119 384 8.0 Ox 0 VIFx rt1 rb3 Ox 0 148 141 122.5 0.079 335 9.0 Ox 0 VIFx rl2 rb2 Ox 0 333 290 147.7 0.065 424 12.0 Ox 0 VIFx rig rb1 Ox 0 474 654 115.5 0.083 468 1 16.0 Ox 0 VIFx I rl2 Return Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) MM) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk r12 PeakAVF 954 1085 0.065 614 18.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX rt1 rt1 PeakAVF 1080 1219 0.065 439 18.0 20 x 20 RectFbg wrightsoft® 2018-Oct-212020:12 AMRigttSUte9 h versa1201818.0.31 RSU25344 Paget sslResiderne\Worldr®DwgsUerressResidenoexW Calc=MJ8 FrordDoor taoes:NE rOCa�CS Static Pressure and Friction Rate `' 'W.a themlalm IC Entire House ProCalcs, LLC P.O. Box 882 I2, Port Saird Ude, FL 34988 Phore: 772-8825700 Email: tom@procalcsnet Web: www.ProCales.Net Lioerw. CAC1815254 For. Jenness Residence 2705 Bent Pine Dr, Ft Pierce, FL 34951 Job: Jenness Residence Date: October 22, 2018 By: Scott Pingleton (in H2(5) (in H2O) Extemal state pressure 0.60 0.60 Pressure losses Coil 0.07 0.07 Heat exchanger 0 0 Supply diffusers 0.03 0.03 Return grilles 0.03 0.03 Filter 0.15 0.15 H l midifier 0 0 Balancing damper 0.03 0.03 Other device 0 0 Availabl i static pressure 0.29 0.29 Total• Supply Return (ft) (ft) Measureld length of run -out 6 16 Measured length of trunk 41 27 Equivalent length of fittings 250 105 Total length 297 148 Total of Ic dve length 445 FrictionRate Heating Cooling (in/100ft) (in/10011) Supply Duds 0.065 OK 0.065 OK Return Duds 0.065 OK 0.065 OK Supply Return 4X=35, 11A=20,11 G=5,11 G=5,11 G=5,11 A=20,11 G=5,11 G=5,11 G=5,11 G=5,11 A=20,11 Gam, USR1=115: TotalEL=250 60=10, 11A=20, 11G=5,11 G=5,11 G=5,11 G=5, 6C1=10,11 G=5, 5B=40: TotalEL=105 wrightsoft® Riglt-Sute®U&emI201818.0.31 RSU25344 gdercelWorldrgDwgsUemessResidencexW CaIc=MJB FrortDoorfaoesNE 2018-Oct-212020:13 Pagel