HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1420 149 "' anI. nluntarll)'. and withou' ani o OIIpul.l on , oon.'rtlint. appr.hen.lon or t.ar o~ O.l' fro. bel' ..la hue'and. i I . . . ~ WItJIIU ., hand ana oftloial ...1 at laok..yll1.. OOUll', of Duftl. eO. Stah of l'1orl4&, i thb 19'h a., o~ Maroh. A. ]).. 1.18 I ~' ., Oo.ds.lon expires Ooto'.!" OUft Galph1Jl 1I0t817 Pa)11o. ( ~ , ; 1'1114 ~~ th18 U ta)' o~ ,0 . ./ . at 8slO A. K. P. O. ~4red, Olerk Oirouit Oour, _ ~ 1~ D. O. "'- -----" r; ......................... .~' .~ ; OOLOIfUL U1f]) 00. TO WA.R1Wlft Dmm OS. I. .I.. XOBLEOARD 1 ' fRIS IImntllU. lrade 'his 19th cla7 ot AQ8ust. A. D. 1929. BftrilSM Colonial IAmd Co.. a :.... leree)' OorporaUon, authorised to 10 buainell in the State o't l'lorl4a, party ot the tlrst- . par', and JIRS. I. A. lCOBLmARD. of .tlton o't tha Oount)' Of Lewi. and State of West Virginia part)' o't tbe leoand part, WITlIESSftH. ,hat the said part)' of the tirst pari. for and In oonsld- eraUon o't the sua of One ('1.00) Dollar. to l' in hand palO., the reoeipt whereof 18 hereb)' ; aola1owle4&ed, has granted, bargained, 8010., allem4, relll1led. r~leu.d, oonY8)'ed and oon:tirlD8d. ; and b)' the.. rr,sents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, oonve)' and oantirm, - unto the said part)' of the Beoond part and her hoirl and assigns torever, all that oertain par- oel ot land l)'1ng and being in the Oounty of St. ko1e and State ot Florida, more parUou1arly desoribed as tollows: Lots Se..n (7) in Blook 19 of plnewood, an addition to the Oit, ot I'ort Pleroe. 1'1orl4a, aooordiD8 to a plat thereot entitled "Pinewood" a subdivision ot part ot the .. of Seotlon 1.5. T. 36 S. ,~. "'0 E., and ft led 1~ the ottioe ot the a1e~ ot the Oirouit Oourt of St. Lua1e Oount)', J'lorlda, on June 9, A. D. 1926, and reoorde4 in Plat BOOk D, pqe 2', in the publio reoordl ot ssid Oounty. !Ocm1'Hl5R with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanoes, filth every privilege. right, title, Interest and estate, reyerslon, remainder and easement thereto belonging or In I~ anJWise appertainlD8: to HUE AB1> TO HOLD the lue in tee simple 'torev~~. !he abon desoribed paroel of land being hereb)' oonve)'ed upon the tollow1n,g express oon- dltione and relt~iotioD8: ; RIS'lRIC'lIOIfS The above de.orlbed traot ot land 18 to be sold upon the tollow1ng Itated oondi- t10J18 and restrloUona; first: ~t buein... buildings will be permUted on1)' Oil S. "th at.. S. Zrd S,., Pinewood Dr1ve, east ot S. 4'h St., ~d Hlb180ua Road. "1\ of S. 4th st., proyided ! plans tor ouoh bu1ildiDBs are .wullUted to and appro'Yed b)' tb8 pan)' ~ the first part it suoh 'bu11d1ns 18 oOlUltruohd, 110..4 or plaoed thereon prior to Jan. 1, 1932. S.oODCl: ~~ all other ~ 10t8 in Pine.ood no' IDInt~on.d abo.. are restrioted '0 d9fell1D8s to 00.' not 11.. ,baJ? fin ; thousand dollar.. !h1r4: .0 bu11dilJ6 or 8DI par' thereof maU be perlll1thd at an,y point with- : in 28 'te.' ot t~ front p~op.rt)' line, nor within three ft. ot 8D1 .14.. or rear properi)' line . , aD 10\8 renrlohd to cl1relli1\!s, exoopt oom.r 10\8 re.tr10hd to dwellin.ss on wh10h the bulld- 1DI shall no' be les8 than ten fl. 'from side lint on the Itre.t lide. On aU lotI on wh10h t.." busines. 18 permUted no bu1141D&. or 8D,J pari thereof shall be p'I'Il1t~ed .Uhln 3 fl. ot rear ! liDl.. Fourth: All pr1ya\. 881'88'. sbal1 be plaoed ut 1... than 90 n. 'froll the tron' l~ ~~:~~t:f{j~~~!~1;~({~r~~~;~5~!~f~~: --, . " _ . 0_,::';_: }~~1l~~~~f~~~;-