HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1437 166 -~~_."~"-~~--,""'''''''''~II :.. - ~ - ~ v ~ j7 ~ =-r- ~-~ I i ! ! ......- ... bo.ptiDI theretro. the _r18b.'~~~-WQ of the oan;ala of tbe Borth at. kat. Ri.,.r ~1D8B. ])l.'r1ot wbloh are .on parttoularq d.lorlb.l In Quit-olafa De.l Book .1, Pa.!e 111. ,the n.t AMunt of lAnd hereb)' OODn)"d balD<< approXi- .h1.7 798 aGre., lION or 181.. l)'iD& and be1118 In 8aint Luoh Oount)', l'1or1la. the all Propert7 beIDa Il1pro.,.4 with a home thereon and tvnieh1D<<s therelD, all of wh10h with the equIp.nt th.reunto appertaini1\! 1. in.lubd in thie J oonn)'aJloe . .&no. the sail parti.. ot the fir.t part do hereb)' full)' wa.rrant the tiU. to all. land, and wiU detent. the -- asa1l1st the lawful alai.. of all per.ans whOlllloe..r. III 1fI1'lR89 1fHIR!OI', the .atl partlts of the first part have hereunto s.t their hand.' aDd seala the tla7 and )'ear tirat .bon written. 81Bnetl, Se.le4 and Dlllyerel 111 Our Pres.noe t Wi tn.s.e.. as to s1&nature ot A. L. Brook8llli th aDd that he l18ntl hi. na.., ,b7 his urk.' J. O. Gault ] Olara E. XCle.baoh Ae \0 eJgDature of Iale7er Brookaai 'h. J. O. Gault Olara -. Kaesbaoh bf. A. L. X BrookaaUh mark :r..le)'er BrOol:ea1 th (1..S) (L.Sl SfAR 01' PJ.ORIn&, ) Oount)' ot Dade ) I B:U15.tsr O!:Rl'II'Y, 1'hat on thie c1a,y porscmall)' appeared betoN .., an offloer dul)' ~uthor1zed to adra1n1ehr oaths and take aomOWle4&_nh, A. L. Brook8lii1ih and !Ale)'or BrooksmUh, hie wi:te, 1;0 me well known and mown to .. to be the Ind1v1du~l. 4elorlbed in and who exeouted the roresolD8 tletl, and the)' aomowleased before .. tha~ the7 ex.outed the "11I8 tr.e17 and voluntar117 tor the pU.--posel there1zi expree.ed., BD I,' l"UB1'11.SH OBRrII'Y, ~bat the all. A. L. Brook_l \h ligned and exeouhtl the see ] .. ..~ .., , b)' his _J:'k beoaua. of pbysioal disabllU7 ot thia hanU, and 'hat the said JAle7er BrCJok8ll1 th . . , ~-: mown to lie to be the wi:te of the aid A. L. Brook8lld. \h. on a separah and prlnh eXlUllina- .. Uon taken and -'-- b)' and betoN ,., leparate17 and allan ~Oll her aald huaband, did aoknow.. leas. ,hat ahe made her.el~ a part)' to all. tae4 far tba purpose of renounoiug, rel1nqu1ahiug and oonYt71D6 all her right, \1.t.l. and 1I1hreet." w,hether o~, _0.0"1', homeltead or ot separate . propert7, statutol7 01' equ1tabl., In and to the landa d.loribed therein, and that she exeouted . ; 4 '"I tba .aid deed tree17 and yoluntarl17 and without an.y OCllpul.lon, oonltralnt, apprehen8ion or fear of or fro. her aall husbanl. 1fID!:SS rq hand and ot:tioia1' ...1 at H1aa1 Oount)' ot Dade, and State ot 1'101'14&, this ~ J I 30th (SBAL) . W. H. Btokbaa WotU'l Publlo, State of n, 01",14&. ., ..u.aion .xpire.: 4 19 33 A. D. 1929, at 8:18 A. X. P. O. E14red, Olerk 01r0111 t Oourt -~~. .;:; ') ';'J " ;/ , I ' IC, :.t D. O. ; ,': .....;.. '/ ................... ~ ~)1~~lff'~~lf~~~)Jff~1 . ---. -..'--..-........--...- ..--_.~_.__._. --'-- -- ,--~- -. - - ----------