HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1454 ---- 18:i " i I ! ~'\-"'i)>- -_._-~ -..... .,,"'""'---- ...-. - ...c_.....__.__ _ ,.,..,.......,. _...........-"'........~_...-.. _L_....._~..A"'a_~_._> ....~__~ .-~...-..-.l"""1-......."'~~ t' ~...~. ._,- "- ..... ~~-<,.-I -~-- ~ _.. .- - _ _ -..A.__ -" - ~!l___~___~..__ ! 1'. TO WA.RJWI'!Y DUD THIS IlhlbTuKJ, ade this 18\h day of Septellb,r,.I.. D. 1929, BftWED ip. 1'. DGLAR and i MYRtm B. DGLlR, hiB wife, ot the Oounty of St. mob In "the State ot lPlorida, parUea ot the flrlt 'Part, and WAlKER LIDDOB ot I'ort p1eroe, ~orida, ot the Oounty ot St. blo1e In the Sta to E. DGLlR .um 171n WAIDR LIDDOB [" . . - [, , ot norl4&, party of the leoond part, I - wtTR1SSETH, That the said partlee of the tlrat part, tor and In oonslderation ot the i ! lum ot One Dollar and other valuable oonllderaUone (11".00) to them in hand paid b)' the Bail. i part)' of the seoond part, tho reoe Ipt whereot Is herebl aOknowle4&ed, have granted, bargained ~ and 1010. to the said part)' ot the 8eoond part, hie heirs and assigns torever, the ~ollow1ng , ; desorlbed Innd, situa~e, l)'lng aud being In'the Oount)' ot St. bloie, State o~ Plorl~a, to-wit: The !forth halt (Ni) ot the Sop-tho half (st) o'f the South halt (st) ot Lot 2 ) ot Seotlon 12, Township 36 So~th,'Range 40 East, oontalning 10.18 aores, more or less, and being in St. Luoie Oounty, Ylorlda. And the said parties of the first part do hereby full)' warrant the title to said land, : and will detend the 88118 again!Jt ~he lawful olaIms ot all persons whomsoever. III WITBES8 1'IH!REOl', the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and leals the 4&)' an~ year ~lrst above written. ... ( - ~ Signed, sealed and doli vered in presenoe ot us: .) ) ) ; ~.lie Blake witnesses to 8ignature ot }tJ'rne B. Englar , lI)orUe B. Englar 'P. E. Englar (Seal) (Seal) , Ellen M!lrUn Pred he Dide &lm1U . STAT!: OF OHIO, ) COUNTY OF' SUllUI''-:) . I HEREBY CERTIFY. !bat on this da)' pit rsonal'ly appeared before me. an offloer duly auth- orIzed to administer oaths and take aoknowled8ments. JJ:yrtle B. Englar to me well known and known ' to me to be ~he individual desorlbed In and who exeouted the foregoing deed, and 8he aolo1owled8ec1. before me that she exeouted the same :tree17 and voluntari1)' tor the purposes therein expressed. J.lfD I l'UR'fH!R C!RTIlI'Y, That the laid J(yrtle B. Englar known "\0 me to be the wife of the ., 8aid P. E. Englar on a sep8ra~e and prlyate eX8miDAUon taken and made by and betore me, separate- 1)' and apar"\ trom her said husband, did aoknowle4&e that she made hersolf a party to said deed II tor the purpoles or renounoing. relinquishing and oonveylng 811 her right, title and interest. : whether ot dawer, homest~ad or ot separate property. stat~tor)' or equ1tab1~, in and to the landa desoribed therein, and that ahe exeouted the said deed :tree17 and volunterily and WithOut any (!'"" to.:.I i't. oompuJ.eion, oODstralnt, apprehenllon or tear ot or trom her l5ald husband. WI1'1r!SS ., band and offiolal seal at Akron, Oounty of SWIIIl1t, and State of Ohio, this A. D. 1929. . Leslie ~lake rAtelle Blake B~ar.1 Publlo, State ot Ohio, ~ oommission explree- lul)' 6, 1931 ! ( i 'lHJ: 51A .. 0 ! Count)' ot SIIIIIfaU ! . I, I. J:. WIUl.., Olerk of tho Oounty ot SWIIIIl1t (and ~lso 01erk ot the CoaaCn Pleas ~~~::t-!:'{.~~~~~~~~:~~.~~~~~;~i~ft~~~~~~f~ _ ___,____ __h'______~_...... , I i oourt and of the Oourt ot Ap~a18, the ..81M b.ina Oourt. ot reoord ot the atoreea1d oount" I I banq bl law a seal), do bereb)' o.ri1tl that LesUe Blak' whos. name 1s subsoribed to tM