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s� a FI L oo-P LOT 43 j VACANT :. a QWMT-2 LAKE -+( �C i _ SET 5/ 1R&C Le 428 q4.` LB -4286 TI 42 BENCHMARK — TOP OF DRAINAGE MANHOL ELEV. 6.57' (NAVD 7988) T --�- CUR9 SET 6/67R*C t Le 4288 ?� _ V T _ T 4 r PROPOSED ' '' •�24 Q` 4 ; 2 STORY � ,'TRY D. 00� rI .. RESIDENCE�� i F.F.E •=1 ?.40 ij 1 $iN A rn SET b/8`1RCcC I y V I � i LB 4786 J,3 WYA7ER. SERVICE i LOT 41 VACANT 1% o r GENERAL NOTES `rotrfL 1. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the centerllne of Radcl€ffeeMyhaving a bearing of S50'49'18"E, according: to the Plat. of RiVERSEND, Piat Book 67, Page 36, City of Port St. Lucie, St Lucie County, Florida. 2. All above ground fixed Improvements, if any,, have been located and shown hereon. 3. Underground utliltios and Utility services have- not been located on this surVay,, 4. Flood Note. By graphic plotting only, this property Is in Zone "X", according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO406 J; effective date February 10, '20..12. The exact designation con only be determined by an elevation certificate. 5. Reproductions of this map ore not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor & iV€apper. 6. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights—of-w-ay, easements of record, ownership, abandonment's dead restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. 7. The lost date of field work was February 05, 2014. S. Addltlons,.- or deletions to survey maps or -reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent ,of the signing, party or parties. 9. Elevations shown hereon are referee,,' `lo the North American .Vertical Datum (1'' `Q.) of 1988. I If RECEIVED_ T NOV 0 8 2018 I i; LOT 12 ST. Lucie County, Permitting r UNDER CONS T RUCTION t i - I z } GRAPIRC SCALE I r FILE COPY I; b)}t r LOT 13 STREET ADDRESS VACANT 3045 NW-RADCLIFFE WAY f LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being, all of Lot 42, according_ to ',the plat of I RiVERBEND; as recorded .in Plat l3ogk 67, Page 36 of this Public Records .of -St. Lucia County, Florida. ! Contains 0.4,3 acres more- or less. --------------- MIN. SETBACK REQ. FRONT ----- ��ID & ABBREVIATIONS C CCs___ NR colt DENOTES CONCRETE REA ©_' sQ.<e zsry,-S UP. DENOTES PERMENANT CONTROL POINT C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT VENOMS PLAT DATA 0•R.S. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK DENOTES CALCULATED FROM FIELD MEhC: 5UREMEWS. IR�DENOTES IRON ROD & CAPTECH.-__--_ DENOTES MEASURED DATA LP. OENOYES IRON PIPE !D DENOTES IDENTIFICATION NUMBER I.R. OENOTES IRON ROD -� DENOTES FLOW LINE U.E. DENOTES UTIUTY EASEMENT Tod DENOTES TOP OF BANK P L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR , , DENOTES rouND LBDENOTES EIEVATiOV (TYPICAL) LBMOTES LICENSED BUSINESS MU. DENOTES MMEAD UTIJTIES W..E DENOTES WAXA MANAGEMENT EASEMENT N.AN0. DENOTES NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM ON) DENOTES NON —RADIAL DENOTES STREET LIQiT 11,Z DENOTES RIGHT AWAY D NOTES WATER VALVE 1 LME DENOTES LAI(E.MAINTENANCE EASWENT DENOTES WATER METER jJ 1 DENOTES ORAINACE MANHOLE THOMAS P. KIERNAN DATE Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certiflcate No. 6199 REVISION: REVISED PER ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMMENTS GLM 3-24-2014 Survey, and Site Plan T LOT 42 For. File:LOT 42.DWG CULPhPI'ER & TERPENINQ, INC Date: 2/26/14 SCALE 1"=30' CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS DRAWN BY: GLM i YL� 2980 SOUTH 25rh STREET FORT PMRCE, FLORMA 34961 lPHONE 772.464-3$37 PAX 772-464-9497 www. -eng.com.