HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - SOFFITSa C R W Building Consultants, Inc. Consulting and Engineering Services for the. Building Industry P.0, Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 Phone 813.659:9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 9813 SCANNED.. BY. St Lucie Codnty Product Category Sub Category. Manufacturer Product Name j Amerimax Home Products;. Inc. Panel Walls Soffits 450 Richardson Drive Standard V Panel and Standard Perforated V Panel. Lancaster, PA 176.04 Aluminum Soffit Telephone: 717.228.3714 Scope: This is a Product Evaluationreport issued by'R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt,-P.E. (System ID # 1998) for Amerimax Home Products, Inc: based on Rule Chapter No..61G20-3,.Method ID of the State of Florida Product. Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. 1 RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest. in the company. manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in_the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2: Product anchors.shall be as listed and .spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco: 3. Site conditions not covered by the details of drawing FL-5896.1 require .further engineering analysis by a licensedengineer or registered architect. 4. Wood/CBS wall construction; by others, must be designed properly to receive loads from the soffit and/or 2" x 2".batten strips. 5. All connectors shall be corrosion. resistant. 6..Aluminum soffits shall conform to the specification and labeling requirements of FBC Section 1709.10. 7: The perforated panel soffit has been tested for Wind Driven Rain according to TAS 100(A): 8. See drawing FL-5896.1 for size and design _pressure limitations. 1. Test TEL G91 2.. Drai .No. 3: Calc Ancl 4. Qua Certi Man man with i Documents: )ort No. ' Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed bv. 1116-1 TAS 202-94 and TAS 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. Wendell W. Haney, P.E. 1-109-18 TAS 100(A)-95 Architectural Testing, Inc. Joseph A: Reed, P.E. No... Prepared by Sinned & Sealed by 696A RW Building Consultants; Inc. (CA#9813) Eysca;ass Lyndon F.:Schmidt, P.E. Igoe a _SCHPy�Jo��O� Signed &Sealed b ions Prepared by g RW Building Consultants; Inc. (CA #9813)' e®�,eG ` j� '� � ® . . Ly 3�}ndon F. Schmidt,'P.E. No 4"09 e d lssurance °e' e of Participation issued by'National Accreditation and 0 nest Institute; certifying that Amerimax Home Products, Inca is ®"D products within a quality assurance STA I E' OF program that complies ®Q Turing 1EC 17020,and Guide 53. o XV..'�` P `4 e ee4S.•.-""u." 00 'leeooy,06 MIIC__ � % Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. efl08u0otiu�� FLPE No. 43409 Sheet 1 of 7/17/2017 .1 OME PRODUCTS, INC. 450 RICHARDSON DRIVE, LANCASTER, PA 17604 PHONE: 717-228-3714 STANDARD V PANEL & STANDARD PERFORATED V PANEL ALUMINUM SOFFIT GENERAL NOTES R I. ihts product has been evaluated and'u In compliance with the 61h Edition (2017( Florida Building Coda (FBC) structural requirements Including the Mgh Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ(. 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on defogs. Anchor embedment to base rmaterial shag be beyond wag dressing or stucco. 3. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 4. For design pressure ratings see chart this sheet. 5. Wood/CBS wag construction by others, must be designed properly to receive loads from the soffit and/or 2' x 2" batten ships. 6. Ali connectors shall be corrosion resrstont. 7. Aluminum soffits sholl conform to the specification and labeling requirements of FBC Section 1709. 10. B. The perforated panel soffit has been tested for Wind Driven Rain according to TAS 100(A). - TABLE OF COM E= SHEET# DESCRIPTION 1 Typical elevation, design pressures & general notes 2 Typical anchoring detals&safth cletals 3 Typical anchronng details & so fit details 4 Bit of materials & componen s r. . ALUM. 3105-1-125 ALUM. 3105-1-125 12'STANDARD V PANEL 12"STANDARD PERFORATED V PANEL (MAX 24"SPAN) - (MAX 24"SPAN) ' DESIGN PRESSURE;(P.SF): ' '-- SOFFRTMODEL POSmVE- _ NEGATIVE. 12" STANDARD V PANEL SOFFITT +50.0 -50.0 12" STANDARD V PANEL SOFFITT +50.0 -50.0 (PERFORATED) gyp: �_°umn �Nr ftt � va•• Lp m f� y S C mW 1 `_ d�V 0LL6LL SSS NTTIITIW i 00 nw—Z --Z =03/23 09 E N.T.S.. a er: DWS er: LF5 3 M14HI Ne.: � FL-5896.1 ACTUAL ROOF PITCH VA RAPIER (G = 0.42 OR BET MAX. 24. O.C. SPACING -TUAL ROOF PITCH VARIES EMBEDMENT RER (G = 0.42 OR BETTER) AX. 2r O.C. SPACING � n g a W O.C. MAX. 9 24.O.C. EDGE MAX. n DISTANCE 0 2 1 ETAIL "A• FOR 3 J CHANNEL INSTALLATION TYP INSTALLATION ON A WOOD WALL SEE DETAIL W FOR SOFFIT INSTALLATION [TYP.) TYP INSTALLATION ON A CBS WALL SEE DETAIL•A• FOR J CHANNEL INSTALLATION SEE DETAIL •B• FOR SOFFIT INSTALLATION (TYP.) EXISBNGSTRUCTURE @11 HORIZON �'' DETAIL A' J CHANNEL INSTALLATION EXISTING STRUCTURE DETAIL "B" SOFFIT INSTALLATION INSTALLED AT EACH PANEL OVERLAP JOINT (12• MAX.O.C.) * III III�,i is • . i 01Q-�t'`m s 'n 4 11p1 Rol UN •: zo nn nyd mara C LL � Oz p� U� ?W o� moo aaZ W 3S� � of 2WQ NiU �y ✓Wi 03/23 09 e N.T.S. en DWS er LFS E Nq NO.: C FL-5896.1 cc 1 2 ar 4 C y 24' O.C. M!> JC. SPACING FOR THE STRUCTURAL SUPPORT (BY OTHERS) OF THE T' X 7 BATTEN STRIPS OVERLAP JOINT. SEE MAIL "A'SHEET.2 FOR J CHANNEL INSTALLATION 2 1 7 B SEE DETAIL'S' SHEET N2 FOR SOFFT INSTALLATION ACTUAL ROOF PITCH VARIES RAFTER (G= 0.42 OR BETTER( MAX. 24' O.C. SPACING O.C. MAX. 7', BATTEN S' O.C. MAX. TYP INSTALLATION ON A WOOD WALL o 24'MAX. - ACTUAL ROOF PITCH VARIES 24" O.C. MAX. SPACING FOR RAFTER (G =0.42 OR BETTER) THE STRUCTURAL SUPPORT MAX. 24" O.C. SPACING (BY OTHERS) OF THE 7X7BATTENSTRIPS MBEDMENf SOFFITOVI 5 CUT O I NSTALLED AT EACHIl NEL OVERLAP JOINT. (TYP.) ,• .. 14' o.C. 7 g a -° 7 MAX. • a g _______________ 4 ° EDGE DISTANCE SEEDETAIL'A'SHEETR2 - FOR J CHANNEL INSTALLATION 3 2 g SEE DETAIL"' SHEET N2 FOR SOFFIT INSTALLATION �3 TYP. INSTALLATION ON A CBS WALL 24'O.C. MAX. 1 LOOKING UP ® SOF7TT 3 N.T.S. R=5896.1 n 3 a 4 i BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM DESCRIP ION MATERIAL 1 STANDARD V PANEL SOFFIT 0.01T THK. ALUMINUM 3105 H251 ALUMINUM 2 STANDARD PERFORATED V PANEL SOFFIT 10.017°THK. ALUMINUM 3105 H251 ALUMINUM 3 STANDARD CHANNEL 0.0175' THK. ALUMINUM ALUMINUM 4 11 GA. 0.125' MIN. x 1' LONG ROOFING NAIL WITH 7/16' DIA. HEAD STEEL 5 #B x 1' PPH SMS STEEL 6 T x 2' BATTEN STRIP SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE G = 0.55 OR BErrER WOOD 7 10d COMMON NAIL 3' LONG STEEL 8 #8x2-1/TPFHWOODSCREW STEEL 9 3/16'x2.3/4"ELCO ULTRACON CONCRETESCREW;EMBEDMENT=I257 MIN., DISTANCE =1' MIN., CENTERLINE TO ADJACENT ANCHORS = 4' MIN. STEEL _� Vie$• o, al kA � r .m. 6' 6' SUBSTRAIE NOTES: gam, 'd" 1. WOOD SUBSTRATE: G = 0.42OR BETTER O.R..020' TYP. c yw' E MASONRY SUBSTRATE 3,000 PSI CONCRETE (ACI 301) OR HOLLOW BLOCK (ASTM C90). T -:1 —f "V'PANEL SOFFff AIRFLOW FREE FLOW AREA 9 FREE FLOW BM/ AREA PERFORATED 11.23 1 7.8%m A 2 LR..250^TYP. _ z f .07T MIN �-"-- = VIEW A - A E PERFORA71ON DETAIL - _ 2X SCALE i--2517 0.21 h-- E 1' o O STANDARD V PANEL SOFFIT RIB.125RX.02DP. 6� \\ f A aaaaaaa aaa aaa IRoas 11 aaaaaaaa III �aaaaaaaa l 1 aaaaaaa ! aaa aaa Y ii aaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaa� —' 0aaaaaa aaa aaa aaaaaaaa �aaaaaa0 .I aaaaaaa iwi aaabflinaan Ina iiT� IN . 0.121 n ^1 VIEW SHOWN 02S L-A 0.5" TYP. o 1 FOR REFERENCE TYP. 1917 TYP, .470' R.05TTYP. OUTSIDE 6° 5.9634' 1.21' n 21 P.- c STANDARD "J" CHANNEL O.R..O2QrTYP. T I A I-----250" D2T I-� . 1' o '4 O STANDARD PERFORATED V PANEL SOFFIT RIB .125 R X.02 DP. 0. r *a 1 " w LL n� e LFS ; mC NO-' m m FL-5896.1 n T 4 or 4 O