HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1500 229.. .---_.....'~~"-----.--...'-'......-~-_......---------.,... y - .. STATE OF PIDRIDA. ) I OOUlfTY OF ST. WOIE. ) \' ~ I It'!R'EBy OER'rIll'Y, Thai on this dB)' personall1 appeared before me, an ortioer dul)' auth- orized to admin1Btel" oatha and take aoknowledgments. WAL'l'ER PETERSON and VIDA PETERSON. h"is wite. and'R. 1IHY'rE, to lie well known and know.n to me to be the \nc1ivlduals desoribed in and who exeouhd the toregoing agreemeni. and they aoknowle4ged before me that the)' exeouted the same treel1 and voluntari1)' .for the purpOSII therein expressed. my hand and offioial seal ai Port Pieroe, County ot St. Luoie, and State of September. A. D. 1929. n".' r.1 ~, ... .n , . Vahle Emmi ti Kotar)' Publio, State of Plorlda, at Large. MY Oomm1ssion expires April 9th 1932. .~.. ~-- ~ I'll eo()~ded this 30 eta)' . . .' .. . .t (Ot .Ct.Seal) 1 P. O. Eldred. Clerk.Oirouit Court B)'~1~ " . ~-.~.~ r, I,. f/ , ,.' . (. at Oot. A. D. 1929. ai 3:18 P. K. D. C. "j ................ WALTER PETERSON &: WIFE TO \'lAmER PETERSON FISH CO. WAR.lUltTY DEED r 'l'HIS InDENTURE. Hade thiB 8~h 4&)' of Ootober. A. D. 1929, BE'l'iYEEH WAt.:n:R PETERSON &: VXDA PETERSON. his wife. ot the County of st. Luoie in the State ot Florida. parties of the first paM, and WALTER PETERSON FISH COlD?.ANY, a oorporatlon, ot the county of St. fueie In the state ot 1'10ri4a part)' of the seoond part. JITHESSETH, That the said part- ot the first part. for and in oonsideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR &I OTHER VAIDA.BLE COllSIDERATIONS (~1.00) Dollar~, to them in hand paid by the said party ot the Beoond part. the reoeipt whereot is hereb)' aoknowledged, have granted, bargained and 801d to the 8aid party of the seoond part. its 8uooe8S0r8 and assigns flrever, the follow- ing desoribed land. situate. lying and being in the Oount) of st. Luoie, State ot Florida, to-wit: The East One (1) foot ot the ~orth !orty (40) teet ot Lot One (1) ot Blook One (1) l4 DIUmar's A.dd1Uon",to Bdgartown *ooording to Burve)' and plat of Franklin Sheen DOW on file in the oftioe ot the Olerk ot the Oirouit Oourt ot st. Luoie County. I'lorlda, in Plat Boole One (1), Page One Hundred Sixty-One (161) together with Riparian Rights. l IF -->>. This oonveyanoe is subJect to an agreement beiween Walter Peterson and Vida Peterson hiB wife, as parUe s ot the first part, and R. WhJte as party ot the seoond part, dated September lOth, 1929. And the said parties of the first part do hereb)' tully warrant the title to said land, and will detend the same against the lawful olaims ot all persons whomsoever. IN WITtlESS WHEREOF, The said parties of .the tiret part have hereunto set their hands and Beals the day and year tirst above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presenoe ot us:) Edt. th W. Hucks YaiE1e EnmUt ) ) Walter Peterson Vida PeterBon (Seal) (Seal) '" . -----& . .'.. -. . ~ . - . ..: .: ~~~~itl~i!/t~~\~t