HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1535 ---~ ~264 I I , 2. '-'h. Le..., 88ree. to P87 al\1 and all lioense t.... oooupaUon tax.. and/or pr1Tlles. hx.. I11p08eel upon ~he sale of petro1.um produoh 011 tbe dellliBed premia.., and the bul1cUag Illld equlplllent thereon. 8. The le8s.e shall ban the ri8ht and pr1TileS8 to assign. transfer or oonve7 thh lease, or an,y pdt thereof. ad 8.-w.et the pr.mises or aJ17 part tbereot. " ." <I. Thai the lesllI. Us suooessor8 and/or aSlign.. sball han the right anel privilege of operat~D8 an~ ..lnta1nins a filling or servloe station on the proper~1hereb)' demised, wb10h right shall Inolude t~ r~ght to han~e ~i~e,. a~tomobile aGoeSSOrle8 and an)' other suppl4,.e. and/or equipmem inCident to the qarryll18 on ot the busiDes. ot the servloing ot .o~or vehioles. I 5. The JASSel 00T8nant8 wUh the JAssors to p~ all oharges for wahl'. gas. eleotrioU)' . ..; I and other lllWll1nan~ or J.... used upon and In oonneoUon wi th ~he demised premises when and as the same beoolDl due and p81able. 6. The 1osse. oovenants with ~he Lessors not to melee any usa ot said premises eletrl~ . . ..ntal to the 8ame, and not to malI:e any Illegal or unlawful use ot 8Gld prem18es. 7. ne Less.. oovenants with ~he LeBlors to remove all suoh sign. anel aelvert1sements on the termination of this lease without expense to ~he lessors as ~he le8sors may desire to have removed. 8. !he Lessee shall have the right a~ any time dur1na the term ot this lease to plaoe and ereot upon 8aid leased premises. any fixture. or improvements whioh 1~ ..)' deem neoess8r)' tor the oonduot of its bU81~ess. said lessee howanr, oompl1ing with the olt)' and state laws resulaUng suoh fixtures or Improvements. Illld the lessll 11I81 at any Ume elurlD8 the term ot this lease or any renewal ~hereof. remOve trom said premises all equipment suoh as plUlp'. tanks. oonneotions and appurtenanoes. all" oompressor8~ signa. eto.. whloh i~ may have plaoed upon the said premises. those remaining to be eleemed the property ot tbe lessor.- subJeot however to the provisions hereinatter .et out. 9. 'fhat the le.... will at Us own oost during ~he oonUnuanoe of th1B loasl leeep the saiel prem1Bn &Del eve1"1 part and paroel thereot, 1nolud1ng doors. windows and roots now .I tormiD8 a par~ ot any anel all buildings nor or hereinatter ereoted on said premises in good. sounel. olean and tenantable ooncUt1on and repa1r, or~, ..e anel tear and daJDage b)' fire or ~he ele~en~s exoepted. and that the llssee will not oomm!t any strip or waste ot the de- I"J m.ed premises. 10. That the leslee will at the expiration of saiel term (unless the lessee exerolses I'. right to purohase the propert)' as hereinafter set out) quietl)' and peaoeably deliver up said pr~miS88 in good Illld tenantable ooncU t10n ord1aar)' ..ar and tear and damage b)' fire and ~he elements exoepted. but that the lessee shall have a reasonable time, ~O-WU, _ de)'s \ atier the termination ot this lease and surrender of possession ot said premiles. to reaove \ , trOll sald premises all equipment suoh as pump8, t~~. oonneotlons and appurtenanoes, air ! 00lipressor8. signs. eto.. whioh it. or its hnants.- 'servant. or emplo)'ees may have installed there on. , rJ 2J PROVIDD tha' If the Lessee shall not P8.1 the rent herein reserved wUhin the t1mes anel Ji" In the -.nner herein set out anel oovonanhel. 8trlotl1 III aooorc1anoe herein or shall faU to keep and pertorm eaoh anel all ot the oovenants, oond1 UOD8, 8tipulaUons and agreements ot eyery kind whatsoever. oontained 1n this lease on the par-t ot the said les8ee to be kept and perto~el, (notwUhatllllcUng an)' 110ense 01" aOJ forlllOr breaoh of oovenant 01' wai VOl" ot the benefit hereot. or oonaent in a-tormer instanoe) OF tt the term hereby demisea. ahall be ~. .-. - --,-...-.-- - .. /.' ~ ~ :~~~.~~~~~~ij~: