HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1539 I. " .__.____. 'o:ab ._~ . - ---_.......;.. ~ ... - ----- ~. _____ _ _. A._ ......_... .--.. '~_A "-......-- ~ - ---- - ...-- H. ? HA.ZBLLID' J.l'fI) WIPE TO C01l'JRJ.0~ THIS COHTRAOT. made and entered into this the 21st day ot HOTember. A. D. 1929. b)' AOIIB PI\l1IT CO. and between H. F. IlUELLIEP and mmJ. HJ.ZBLLlKP. his wi'te. parUee o't the first part, and .lOB FRUI'l' COlfPABY. a oorporation. party ot the seoond part. WI TlRSSE'rH I THAT, WHEREAS the parties ot the first part are the owners o't a oertain groTe on land situated in Saint Luole Oount)'. .lorida. more partioularl1 desorlbed as follows: The East Halt ot the Borthwest ~uarter of Seotion .ourteen. ~ownship Th1rt)'- seven South, Range 'l'h1rt)'-seven East. oontaining eight)' aores. more or lessl AID WHBREJ.S. the parties o't the first part are desirous ot entering In~o an agreement with the party of the seoond part whereb)' the oltrus truit grown on the grovs hereinbetore desoribed shall be properl1 ploleed, paoleed and m8rleeted to the best advantage, .um WHERlU.S, the parUes ot the tirst part desire that a d1lee be thrown up around the ~ J property above desoribed for the purpose ot keeping the water heat. AND ~. the parties ot the first part desire that the party of the seoond part loan funds with whioh to purohase tertillzer to be applied on the above desoribed grove to the parties ot the first part, HOW, !BIREPORE. tor and in oonslderation of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable oonsiderations in hand paid \0 eaoh other by the re8peotive parties to this oontrsot. it is hereb)' agreed as follows: FIRST: lhe party ot the seoond part is to properl)' pick. grade and peele all of the tl merohantable oitrua fruit grown on the property hereinbefore desoribed shipping the same to suoh markets as it may deem best in order to seoure full market value for the said oitrus fruit. SECOND: .l oharge o~ ~en pe~ oent. on all gross 88le8 prioe~ will be made by the party ot the seoond part fDr marketing the said oitrus fruit as above mentioned. 'fHlRD: The said parties ot the first part agree to pay to the said part)' of the seoond part tor piolelng, hauling and paoklng. suoh oharges to be reasonsb10 tlnd based upon what i8 oommonl1 oharged b)' ditt~rent paolelng houses In Saint Luoie Count)'. Florida; the parties of the first part agree to pay all other expenses ot handling the said oitruB fru~t. suoh as freight. FOURfH: The party ot the seoon~ pert does hereby agree to advanoe to the parties of the tlrst part lIone)' with whioh to oonstruot a dilee around the above desoribed property, the said amount not to exoeed ane Thousand (.1000.00) DOllars, and agrees to advanoe to the . . parties ot the tlret part.aoney with whloh to purohase tertll1zer to be used on the oitrus fruit grove above desoribed. and it is understood and agraed that the party or the seoond part shall have the right to deduot trom the prooeeds ot the 8ale ot oitruB fruit grown on the above desoribed propert)' any lIone)'s due the part)' of the s600nd part tor mone)'s advanoed to the parties ot the tirst part tor tertillzer or tor the oonstruotlon ot a dike, and the parties ot the tirs\ part agree to do all neoessary worle on or about the Boid grove and to keep the same in .l #1 oondition. FIrTH: It is understood and agreed between the parties to this oontraot that the partl ot the seoond part shall have a lien on the oitrus fruit grown on the above desorlbed proper-t)' and also on the land itselt, for any moneys so loaned to the pe~tie8 of the tiret :..1 iI ), part. :~~~~~;::~~~~~~j)~~~~~;~}~~~~~~t~~~.. " ~ --- . ~ - "------. - .- ~ '..;.-.' .....~ ?~~1~i~~t~'