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A. C. Brown, as SALl!: Jt\S'RR, appointed ~o exeouh 8al6. deoree ot laid Court d publio auotion,
at ~he tron~ door ot the Court HOU8eo~ St. Luoie Oounty, in the City o~ Pt. Pieroe, Plorida,
between the legal hours ot sale on .... Rule Day o~ ~he said Oourt a~ter advertis.men~ ot
saId lale tor not less than tour (4) oon8eoutive weeks Immediately preoeedtng the date ot
sale, saId Bale to be made subJeot to oonfirmation ot said Oourt,
WImREAS, laid SAm JQS'rD and party ot the first part, In pursuanoe ot the 88id order
and deoree ot said Court in Ohanoer", arter tirst giving notioe ot the time, plaoe and terms
or said sale by advertisement tor rour (4) oonseontive weeks in a newspaper published a~ Ft.
Pieroe, In the County ot St. Luoie, said S~ate, ~o wit, the Fort Pieroe Newe-Tribune, did,
on the 6th day or January, 1930, the Bame being the ~iret Monday in said month, and a Rule
Day o~ SAid Court, at the t1llle and plaoe and within the hours .. advertlsed, sell at publio
auotion all of the equ1~able intereit and title ot ~he de~endants, O. L. Winkle and ftm. E.
l~rt1n, in and to the lands and premises hereinatter partioularly desoribed; 'at whioh said
sSle the Bame was sold to the a~oresaid party of the seoond part tor the sum ot $2500.00,
that being the h1gh~8t .sum biddea tor the same;
AND WlIlmEAS said party ot the ~ir8t part made report ot se1d 88le to said Court, wherein
an order Bnd deoree was made in tho ahove (Stated oase under date ot 6th day ot January, 1930,
approving and OOnfirming said sale to said purohaser and bidder at and tor the sum atoresaid;
IIOW, 'l'HEREP'ORE, the said S.lL1!: JO.S~, in order to oarry into etteot the said Bale so
made as aroresaid, in pursUAnoe o~ the a~oresaid deoree ot said Court ot Chanoery, in oon-
sideration ot the said sum ot .~00.00 in hand paid at the time of the exeoution hereof, by
the said party ot the seoond part, ~he reoeip~ whereot is hereby aoknowledged, has granted,
bargained and sold, aliened, oonveyed and oontirmed, and by these presents does grant, bar-
gain and sell, alien, oonvey and oOnfirm unto the said party ot the seoond part, and to his
heirs and assigns ~orever, allot the equitable right, title and interest ot said detendants,
O. L. Winkle and 1m. E. Martin, in and to that oertain paroel o~ land situate, lying and being
in the County or St. Luoie, State o~ l1orida, more partioularly desoribed as tOllows, to-wit:
"Commenoing on the shore of the Atlantio Ooean at the Southeast corner of Seotion
32 in Township 36, South ot Range 41 East, and thenoe toll owing the shore of the
A~la~tio Ooean to a point 1600 teet North ot, measured at right angles ~o, the
Sou~h line o~ said seotion 32, whioh Is the point ot beginning; Thence run West
on a line parallol with the Sou~h line ot said seoUon 32 to the waters ot the
Indian River; thenoe run North and tol1ow the shore o~ the Indian River to a
point whioh is 1800 teet North o~, measured at rIght angles, to, the South line
o~ said seotion 32; thenoe Bast on a line parallel to the South line of said
seotion 32 to the shore of the Atlantio Ooean; thenoe South rollowing the shore
o~ the Atlantio Ooean to the point ot heginning; together with all riparian
and littoral rights thereto belonging or In anywiBe appertaining";
togdher with all and singular the rights, memb6rs, privileges, hereditaments and appurten-
anoes to the same belonging or in anywi8e app~rtalning.
'l'O HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises, above mentioned and desoribed,
and hereby granted and oonveyed, or intended 80 to be~ with the appurtenanoes, into the said
. party ot the seoond p&rt, his heirs and assigns. to the only proper use, benetit and behoo~
o~ the said part1 or the sooond part, his heirs and assigns torever.
III WITlfESS wa:.np;I)I', the said A. C. Bro_, SALB Jt\STBR, 88 aforesaid, party ot the tird
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