HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTLillie Air Conditioning_ l Topip p I y'N "/ffi - wyke_t, !iffie �.Electrical (Tyoe of T-Tade) For It is wkQ is 'PLANNNG;&,I)tVtLOPMENT;SERVICES Jftj"iNG SU]3-'WN7RXC.T'.'JjR AGREEMENT' st4 a);'to 11016 10041, 1741 hayagrOedto, be, Sub -contractor for iBAGA.La.nd Development LLC '.(Piinary ;Contractor) &t'-Iocated.it 3 Add Tailed Hawk Drive project goo w _.ve, Lot.7.0,23' .67 -.00 '2� 3425, 04; 0 ,CVt9idd Street. Address; 6tj?k6perty Tax W,#,)' with the , a I -Qve,,mention P4 Porm ed that if —h- 9tafus%rogard' creis-any'd 'aAge, of regarding QVT QQiPA b' the Building --id CA 1? plationr--DiV sion-pf Si. L. gan,, Code x ucie;.County.-- '11-b - advised pursuant to the 'Wi e�,,'a vise Ofdth4rigb, OfSuhcontractor notice: ; k j K. Gibson NAME- FJoridajzCo00y'of Hillsborough agngA-before -.me this 1 St day', -of Jared K. Gibs- on known V� 0 , I r has,, prodtfted a, 11116/20) 6 'SUB-CONTRACTORSIGNATURE (QuaHrier) PRINTYNAME' tbt'1260502 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Millsbo.rough, StakofF1660,10*06f The.'foiegmiogifi--peniri - t p71slbA-�iguedimethis 1'*',davof- No-Veiffiber -.o_',yWilliam 'Bashkie. who A. persf?nj1!yknorn., __or has _produced.a" LAURVOWE PAY COMMISSION# GG 172276 EXPIRES; February 24,2022 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underviriters