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Pre- Construction HJLETT Te rnii eratment ' environmental 7670 Okeechobe B W ; WWWest Palm Beach, F1. 33411 Phone: 1-800-285-7378 Fax: 561-684-0122 Property Information Builder/Contractor treatment Date Time q : s�;— T (2 SGAw p D-- Name of Builder Lot BlockSr. B10 S C� Subdivision Name t Lucie County Shell Contractor Street Address (If known) State / Zip Owner's Name (If known) Construction Type OMonolithic OFloating/Stemwall OPa- tio OEntry 71Driveway OOther: Product/Treatment Information Treatment Type: ❑ Underslab Wood Treatment Product: ❑ Disodium Octaborate Imidacloprid Permethrin Concentration Square Feet Treated /�00 Patio/Driveway/Entry ❑ Final Bait System ❑ Other Cypermethrin Bifenthrin Other: Mixed Product Applied Linear Feet Treated 711 If this box is checked, then Final Perimeter treatment has been completed and the following statement is applicable: Cerltificate of Compliance: This building has received a complete treatm"esta vention of subterranean termites. This treatment is in accordance with the laws andhed by the Florida Department of AgricultuA and Consumer Services. Name Olease print) Signature 19 04/18 Hulett Environmental Services© 2018 Pre -Construction FEB 2 0 2019 ST. Lucie County, Pern Termite Treatmen-f 7670 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, Fl. 33411 Phone: 1-800-285-7378 Fax: 561-684-0122 Property Information Builder/Contractor Treatment Date 2 �( i�i Time (?0/7 6AA-d-� Lot sloop Name of Builder SCgNNE, By Subdivision Name Shell Contractor st Lucie ` i r-- � Q o ,,fC �a Cp U Street Address (If lmown) AC 3 tf ,5 Z Constxuction'�pe monolithic OFloating/Stemwall OPatio laty� State zip CJEntry Mriveway ❑Other: Owner's Name (If known) Product/Treatment Information Treatment Type: ❑ Underslab ❑ Patio/Driveway/Entry ❑ Final ❑ Wood Treatment ❑ Bait System 90ther Product: ❑ Disodium Octaborate ❑ Cypermethrin ,-Mmidacloprid I) prv,4lo v Z L ❑ Bifenthrin ❑ Permethrin ❑ Other: Concentration Mixed Product Applied D i Square Feet Treated U00 Linear Feet Treated 0 If this box is checked, then Final Perimeter treatment has been completed and the following statement is applicable: Certificate of Compliance: This building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. This treatment is in accordance with the laws and rules established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. I.J 4 h/ _� i - - _�_f4lmf, /&4.17 App icator's Name (please print) App ieato Signature HES TE019 02/14 Hulett Environmental Services® 2015 ;D U m R.L. I U) JOR L C N E N L l— �O U) Port St. Lucie. Building Department Certificate of Compliance This form is to be filled out by Pest Control Company (This Is a partial treatment only and not a guarantee or warranty) SCANA, ED Permit Number: stLUCSY 1@ Co unty Location of Property: 3600 Red Tailed Hawk Dr, Port Saint Lucie, FL_ 34952-3023 Legal Description: Section Pest Control Company Timothy Hulett Company Owner -Please Print WmW Signature 01/28/2019 President Date Title Soil Treatment Company Information Hulett Environmental ServiceE Sol[ Treatment Company Name 7670 Okeechobee Blvd Address JB5562 Soll Treatment/DACS License # The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. A second treatment was done on (date) / as per manufacturer's specification. If the second treatment is not required, a copy of the product label shall be Included with this certificate. Lot Treatment Information Date of Treatment DOMINION 2L - PRETREAT Chemical Used .l Concentration 60 Gallons Used Driveway Abutment Method of Application (soil mixed, etc.) 1200 sq ft Linear Footage of Area Treated Second Treatment Information O1/28/2019 Date of Treatment Chemical Used Concentration Gallons Used Method of Application (soil mixed, etc.) Linear Footage of Area Treated Please Note: The City of Port St. Lucie does not guarantee or warranty the preconstruction soll treatment attested to in the above. The purpose of this document Is to show that to. the best of this department's knowledge, the builder has satisfied the requirements of the Florida Building Code for protection against termites. This form MUST BE RETURNED to the Building Department before your final inspection is scheduled[