HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1631 :360 - - r- x. Oal11ar4, Trulte., to .. known to b. the p.rlOD d.soribed In and who exeoutedtbe ror.- 80lng oonv.yanoe to A. J. Porter and aoknowl.dged the .x.oution thereot to b. hl1 tre. aot aDd d.ed as .uoh !ru.'.., tor the us.. and purp.... 'h.rein mentlon.d. ~""4Sigriatur. and otrioial ..al at I'on P1eroe, In the Count)' ot St. Inoh and Stat~(ot I'lorida, the day and y.ar last ator.sald. . ( P. O. Bldred (Seal) \ct .0' .sealY , Olerk Oirouit Oour, ......... _ By H. B. Lu.Ib. D. O. I'il.d ~ord~d th1e 27 day or Jan. A. D. 1930, d 10:4.6 A. J(. /(ct.Ct.Seal) \\\eO P. C. Bldred, Clerk Oirouit Oour, o{(.\ ~ (';( B7 ~ . ( l4~ ~~,c ~ [I D. O. , I I " 1 ~ t ~ i 1 4 'l j ":i ~ 1 ~ t .~ '4 'I rl I.. : 'I ; --:] - 1 :<I :~ :} ... ~~ ~ .~ i \ ................... DlIT JAlIESOll, SP"UL JU.SRR 'f0 A. B. WILLI.AMS IW3ftR'S DBBD THIS IlIDDTURE, )(ab the Smh ~ ot January, 1980, between XD'l JADSON, Speoial a.ter in Ohanoery, party or tbe rirst. part and A. B. WILLIAMS ot OUumra, Iowa, party ot tbe ..oond part. WHERZAS, the Oirouit Oourt or th. twenty-tiret ~dioial Cirouit ot 1'10rida, in and ...L tor st. Luoi. Oounty, in Chanoel")' on tbe 17th day ot Jul1 1928, &laCD<< other thiDB' orde~, .....~. adJu4<<ed and d.or..d, in a o.rtain oause then pending in the 8aid Oourt, between North St. Luol. River Drainag. Distriot, a Plorlda munlolpal oorporation organized under the 8eneral dralnaee'laws ot the Stat. or 710rida, oomplainant, and !homas W. Huls." et al., and C.rtain IaAb, derenctaDlI, that oerhin prud.sn mentioned in 8ald cleore., and here inaner partioularly desoribed, be 80ld bl laid Master, at publio auotion, the .aid Ma.ter tirs' Sh1n8 two ..ek. notioe ot the time and plaoe ot 8al. in a new.paper pub1181',ed in st . mole Oounty in laid .tate. ARD WHEREAS, the laid Speolal Kaster in pur.uanoe ot laid 4eoree, did, on the 6th day or A\l8U8t 1928, sell at publio auotIon the laid premis.., here1nathr deeorned, havlD8 tir.' t<. 8iven preoious notioe in aooordanoe or eald deoree, at whioh lale the .aid promiees, herein- athr desoribed were .old to the Baid party or the ..oond part ror "be ooneideration shown In the oertain oertirioat.. held by said puroha.er, tbe .aid .um being the BUD shown in -;> ,Of ~ ~ :~ ....... report or lale ot Sp.oial Malter and ril.d with thil lfonorable Oourt, that being the highest ... bid tor lame and .ale having been oonfir_d bl th. Oourt and oerUtloa\ee ieeued and b.ing now the prop.rty ot .aid seoond pari, and not IaavillS been re4ee.d and the laid cnrU- floate hold.r. have applied ror a de.d. lIOIf, 'fHlilU.itoRE, ms IBDElI!uBE 1Jl!DSSftH: thd the nid Speoial Muter in order to carrl into eftect the .aid lale 10 _de al atore.ald, In pur.uaDoe ot the 88id deore. ot the .aid Oourt ot Ohano.ry, in oonsid.ratlon ot the pr.mi..., and of 881d saa a. shorn In oerti- tloate., paid at the u_ or tbe ex.oution or the aaid oertltloa'.. and the t'urth.r .WIl ot three " 'lro/100 (~.OO) Dollars pa14 b.J tlW ..ld partl ot the Hood part to \be ..id Speoial Kaster tor the exeoution ot thi. deel., the reoelpt __.not 1. henb.J aolmOWleqel, has grant- .... 8i, bargained, '014, aUened, r.leased: oooeled and oOnflrMd, 1184 bl theie pnBant. doe. sra', bargaIn, .eU, alien, r.lea.e, oony.y anA oontira unto tbe .aid partl ot the IIeoond par', and '0 h18 heir. and as'18na toreVflr, tht o.rtaln parcel. o~ land lituated In Stat. or 1'10ri4a, County ot 8t. Luol., desorlbed a. tOll0D' -- ~ ~~~ ~i ::l : '\ ti -~. 1 j I I J . d i 1 ] , .~ ~ t~ ".:"3 ~ ~i .'?~ .,aj !~ ,~ 'ii ;~ .~: .-,~ :~~ .~ -~l :~~~~~)~yi~~{~~f~~~f~fF~~:~:FK~~:~B;~i~~t~~: ., - -- - ~.. -~- - ':, :.,.'.-;'. .:1~~~~'~19?~~~:~