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LJiAN 2 8 2019CONCRETE`ounty, Permitting DRIVE \4' s l ? 1 l " Q 2L. 21.32 Kl . G1 .. z 20.27 x 20.41 .20.24,�1 ST ,� 9 G1 EXISTING 1 STORY 30 `' . 3�oUQi MANUFACTURED 1,51 <� L, HOME FFE = 23.9' x 21.27 <' # 1795 21,85 x EXISTING FORMS ELEV. = 22.0' 3.9' 15.17 R) 20,37 20' CONCRETE FND NAIL BENCHMARK ELEV = 20.29' 4 21,95 a CONCRETE f f ' . `; . DRIVE "' z; ' 20.07 PATIO xr 2 0. 2 a EXISTING 1 STORY w RESIDENCE �Za FFE 25.1' w # 1795 45% NO w ,_ 21.96 `r COVERED PORCH EXISTING ®20.94 LAKE 15,13 a CERTIFIED TO: PERSHING MOBILE HOME SALES INC.; GOLDEN POND MOBILE HOME PARK; 12a 2.38 . EXISTING CARPORT EXISTING 1 STORY 2.29 MANUFACTURED HOME FFE = 24.3' # 1795 `,20,06 . ® .26 ' L 1 Ld . 1 L CONCRETE `� ' <' ` •L. DRIVE ;fig 9$ = ' / *1 L.1<L. 1.87 <X 20.10 2919 RUS AUOLD'DATE SIiiIED ;SSIONAL SURVEYOR' & MAPPER FLORIDA Record Survey For: Pershing Mobile Home Sales I nc. STREET ADDRESS: 1795 STONYBROOK DRIVE PORT FORT PIERCE, FL 34945 GOLDEN, POND MOBILE HOME PARK, SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 0' 20' 40' LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS: GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET A ARC LENGTH OHP OVERHEAD UTILITIES A/C AIR CONDITIONER ORB OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK BSL BUILDING SETBACK LINE P PLAT DATA C CALCULATED FROM -FIELD MEASUREMENTS PS PLAT BOOK CBS CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE PCP PERMANENT CONTROL POINT CONC CONCRETE PG(S) PAGE(S) CM CONCRETE MONUMENT POB POINT OF BEGINNING CA CENTERLINE POC POINT OF COMMENCEMENT D&UE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASMENT PSM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER ELEV ELEVATION R RADIUS FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION R/W RIGHT OF WAY nn'' A' FND FOUND TOB TOP OF BANK 6GAN VI ID IDENTIFICATION NUMBER TOS TOE OF SLOPE �� IP IRON PIPE UE UTILITY EASEMENT IR IRON ROD ELEVATION (TYPICAL) St Lucie CI IRC IRON ROD & CAP WATER METER LB LICENSED BUSINESS SEWER MANHOLE LS LICENSED SURVEYOR UTILITY POLE M MEASURED DATA DELTA NAD NORTH AMERICAN DATUM ELECTRIC SERVICE BOX NAVD NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM TELEPHONE SERVICE BOX GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO SHOW THE LOCATION OF A PROPOSED SHED IN RELATION TO EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOMES AND A PAVED STREET, LYING IN SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 2. FLOOD NOTE: BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE "X", ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 12111 C 0160 J. EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 16, 2012. THE EXACT DESIGNATION CAN ONLY BE DETERMINED BY AN ELEVATION 19,94 CERTIFICATE. 3. ALL ABOVE GROUND FIXED IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, HAVE BEEN LOCATED AND SHOWN HEREON. 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND UTILITY SERVICES HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED ON THIS SURVEY. 5. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED BY THIS OFFICE FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OWNERSHIP, ABANDONMENT'S DEED RESTRICTIONS, OR MURPHY ACT DEEDS. 6. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS MAP ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED 'SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR & MAPPER. 7. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS SURVEY AND/OR MAP IS NOT CERTIFIED BY THE SIGNING FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR & MAPPER. 8. THE LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK WAS JANUARY 19, 2019. 9. ELEVATIONS, IF SHOWN, ARE IN NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM (NAVD) OF 1988. COUNTY BENCHMARK C-25-6 WITH AN ELEVATION -OF 18.78' 10. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNITED STATES STANDARDS, IN FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF. © COPYRIGHT ARNOLD SURVEYING, INC. 2019 ALL DRAWINGS OR DOCUMENTS AND COPIES THEREOF ARE INSTRUCTIONS OF SERVICE AND REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF ARNOLD SURVEYING, INC. THE REPRODUCTION OR UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE5E DRAWINGS OR ANY OTHER PROJECT DOCUMENTS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM ARNOLD SURVEYING, INC. 15 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. T1115 DRAWING OR DOCUMENT 15 PROTECTED BY FEDERAL COPYRIGHT IAW5. JOB NO. 17-551 DATE: 07/16/2017 SCALE: 1 "=20' DRAWN BY: CA REVIEWED BY: CA ARNOLD SURVEYINEi, INC. •PROFESSIORAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FLORIDA LICENSED BUSINESS NUMBER 7903 4888 N. KINGS HIGHWAY #425, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34951 24 VERDE VISTA, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34951 (772) 708-1819 SURVEY®ASI-SURVEY.COM my CONTRACTOR: East Coast Aluminum 7r- " .cts. Inc. DESIGN CRITERIA: Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood. AA ASM 35 and AA ADMI Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association. and the AAF Guide to Aluminum Construction in High Wind Areas. ASCE 7-10. Live 3. Wind Load: 3.1. Building Occupancy Category, Section 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Category 1. 3.2. Basic Wind Speed, Figure 1609.3(3), State of Florida Debris Region & Basic Wind Speed, Section 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed: VmT =150 MPH, VAm =116 MPH 3.3. Exposure Category, Section 1609.4.3: Exposure B 3.4. Screen Enclosure Section 2002.4 4. Building Category for Aluminum Structures, Section 2002.6: Category Type 1- Patio Cover: Non -Habitable, Unconditioned Roof Type: MONOSLOPE Roof Material: 3" x 48" x 0.024" composite panel Elite 2000,1.04 density foam, Florida Product Approval Number FL 7561-R4. The following specifications are applicable to this project: 1. All work shall be in accordance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, and any other applicable local codes and regulations. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. Due to quality control issues, no manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the spec written, signed and sealed authorization of Florida Aluminum Engineering, Inc. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plated to ASTM B633, or coated stainless steel series "300", or uncoated stainless steel series "400". 4. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either #14 screws 6" from ends and 24" center to center or #12 screws 6" from ends and 12" center to center. 5. Where concrete specifications are required, whether in the screen enclosure scope or not, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are applicable: a. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: i. Portland Cement Type 1,- ASTM C 150 ii. Aggregates - Large Aggregate 3/4" max - ASTM C 33 iii. Air entraining +/- 1% - ASTM C 260 iv.Water reducing agent - ASTM C 494 v. Clean Potable water vi. Other admixtures not permitted b. Metal accessories shall conform to: i. Reinforcing Bars - ASTM A615, grade 60 ii. Welded wire fabric - ASTM A185 c. Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3" or more than 5". Water added after batching is not permitted. d. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2, and 3 including hot weather recommendations. e. Moist cure or polyethylene curing permitted. f. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. g. Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. h. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a bituminous paint or epoxy. 6. All flashing and weatherproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 7. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability not to exceed design and engineering fee. WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN DETERMINED USIT HE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL,—,." EBSITE AND GOOGLE EARTH. _o I 04 14'-0" I11'-6" 8'-9" 8'-9" 5-6" 3X3X0.125 POST 2X3KB (TYP) NIM 2X6SMB 4TH WALL 2X3 END BEAM LN44 2X6SMB A-2 EDGE 1 BEAM 1'-0" 3X3X0.125 3X3X0.12 POST POST 8'-9" � 5'-6" 3"X48"X0.024" 1.0# DENSITY FOAM COMPOSITE PANEL - a` es`'`,,llllllll* t �• �_ra tt.. 8-• ��C o O O; W W * W 3X3X0.125 -POST Z z ••• 4 s'''��lS • , QUO,, * lb/IIIg111111 __ 1811- v2s5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVIS REVIEW FOR COM IANGS REVI PLANS AND PERM ST BE KEPT ON JO OR NO I PECTION WILL B MADE S-5 A-3 2X3 END BEAM SGANNE® BY St Lucie C®unty 26'-0" THESE I I- AN$ ARID ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY COMOTION3 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT AIAY 9E NECESSARY IN ORDER TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES. B A-2 8'-8" 8'-8" 8'-8" r EIiE;3IV 0R'p A,C �` "s;:- t�B�LI�LIty �11�i� �ndlll���ii _ RESPONSIBILITY OF THE `RACTOR OF RECORD X3X0.125 OST RECEIVED Amv 14.2010 Permitting Department ;:�t Lucle County LLI tli W W Z m d w Z a Z QZ Ln N to w W O J C _ a F' 2 c- ZZ� �zD'^ Q =LL�� W Wda�om Q LU z M .... Z~~ O Z 1 U- rn w J co w LU W 20 wY JO m O Q gmw LU zOw W —F-dv M to X co d aU-U- DRAWN BY TP 10/08/18 REVISION SHEET NO: A-1 9 M v CONTRACTOR: East Coast Aluminum:,-- ,�-acts, Inc. DESIGN CRITERIA: (2017) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, 2. AA ASM 35 and AA ADM1 Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association. and the AAF Guide to Aluminum Construction in High Wind Areas. 3. ASCE 7-10. 1. Live Load: 10 PSF per 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, Appendix I Section 105.1 2. Dead Load: 2 PSF 3. Wind Load: 3.1. Building Occupancy Category, Section 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Category 1. Section 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed: VDCT =150 MPH, V-D =116 MPH 3.3. Exposure Category, Section 1609.4.3: Exposure B 3.4. Screen Enclosure Section 2002.4 4. Building Category for Aluminum Structures, Section 2002.6: Category Type 1 - Aluminum Shed: Non -Habitable, Unconditioned 1. Roof Type: MONOSLOPE 2. Roof Material: 3" x 48" x 0.024" composite panel Elite 2000, 1.0# density foam, Florida Product Approval Number FL 7561-R4. The following specifications are applicable to this project: 1. All work shall be in accordance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, and any other applicable local codes and regulations. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. Due to quality control issues, no manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written, signed and sealed authorization of Florida Aluminum Engineering, Inc. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plated to ASTM B633, or coated stainless steel series "300", or uncoated stainless steel series "400".. 4. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either #14 screws 6" from ends and 24" center to center or #12 screws 6" from ends and 12" center to center. 5. Door location shall be determined by contractor in the field. 6. Where concrete specifications are required, whether in the screen enclosure scope or not, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are applicable: a. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: i. Portland Cement Type 1,- ASTM C 150 ii. Aggregates - Large Aggregate 3/4" max - ASTM C 33 iii. Air entraining +/- 1 % - ASTM C 260 iv. Water reducing agent - ASTM C 494 v. Clean Potable water vi. Other admixtures not permitted b. Metal accessories shall conform to: i. Reinforcing Bars - ASTM A615, grade 60 ii. Welded wire fabric - ASTM Al85 c. Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3" or more than 5". Water added after hatching is not permitted. d. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2, and 3 including hot weather recommendations. e. Moist cure or polyethylene curing permitted. f. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. g. Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. h. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a bituminous paint or epoxy. 7. All lumber and plywood shall have grade marks and treatment identification and Shall conform to the following: a. Framing lumber shall be minimum no. 2 southern yellow pine and have a maximum moisture content of 15%. b. Pressure treatments shall be osmosalts, osmose k-33, womansalts or celcure, as recommended for the use condition. Pressure treated lumber shall be impregnated with a cca salt treatment in accordance with fs. tt-w-571 and bear the American Wood Preservatives Institute quality mark 1p-2. c. Wall Sheathing: APA rated Sheathing, thickness as indicated, Exposure 1. d. Aluminum members that are uncoated shall be separated from PT lumber by 30# felt paper, 10 mil polyethylene sheet or equivalent material. 8. Contractor shall provide Florida Product Approval information as to the exact window being utilized for this project, including manufacturers specifications, and installation methods for anchoring the submitted windows to Aluminum members and specific sizes as indicated on A-1. 9. Contractor shall provide any additional backing (aluminum, wood etc..) and anchors as required by the window manufacturers recommended procedures. 10. All glass panels within 24" of a door opening shall be of tempered glass per FBC-R308.4 11. All flashing and weatherproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 12. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability not to exceed design and engineering fee. WIND EIT-M AND EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN DE'+ 41NED USING THE ADVANCED TECHNOL<�� V COUNCIL'S WEBSITE AND GOOGLE EARTH. to WOOD 2X4P_T_ATTACHED TO ALUMINUM FRAMING W/ 1 /4" DIA. SD WOOD SCREWS AT 6" O.C. 6'-8" - 7'-10" 3X3XO.093 POST 3" REC CHANNEL TOP PLATE 1 /2" PLYWOOD HOUSE WRAP VINYL SIDING 3" REC CHANNEL BOTTOM PLATE COMPONENTS & CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES FOR WINDOWS / DOORS: +25.9 PSF / -34.7 PSF NOTE: DOOR AND WINDOW LOCATION FOR SHED TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR 2X5SMB 4TH WALL BEAM 3"X48"XO.024" 1.0# DENSITY FOAM COMPOSITE PANEL • 1'-0>I 3"X48"XO.024" COMPOSITE PANEL 9'-0" 3X3XO.093 POST 2x3PB 16 O.C. 1'-0" RECEIVE ST. Lucie County, Permitting a •w �c �: c� Q O i �L ••• Z A'0y••'••••.....•••��F '/:�-/i _ co to 7'-10" tx LULU W p: Z �m O � Z LU W W Z Z Q Z O a LU N U LL o� = a Z Z G _�''~uuu����q Z J - ce Q LLJ W zaMM OZ1 J W LL rn LU W > W°0 ii w Y cp 0 Q 0 m W �zLLJ OW 0 (0 W OTC LU d men-�LLL DRAWN BY TP DATE DRAWN 10/08/18 REVISION 0 12/17/18 SHEET NO: A-1A - 0%w�NN * UII ALUMINUM MEME MEMBERS DINS'� HOLLOW SECTIONS 10 i •••..•• �� //i♦ A 2x2: 2"x2x0.046" •d•• 2x3: 2"x3"x0.050" --- - --- -- 2 - 2x4: 2 "x� "x0.0501,ca �_-�•-(v•� 2x5: 2"x5"x0.050" Q 2 p O �d W cfl W OPEN BACK SECTIONS #14 x 4 7/8" SMS W! 1 x 2: 1" x 2" x 0.040"1 1/2" DIA. NEOPREN •• 1x3: 1"x3"x0.045" FACED WASHER @ 6EO.0 i O !�v' SNAP SECTIONS 3" x 3" •'h"iiRih f t' ♦I// •• ...•••��`,� 2x2 Snap: 2"x2"x0.045" POST I �••• _ .', 4,+a's..,.,M :'bnr �rtiu'rn. wi;z��;w7 sw'• ' � 4r°w •y' 2x3Snap: 2"x3"x0.050" � ..Y!; �.,f,. V,}a ..`.h r,�-.� !�++:R`alf•a +l•'�h✓:".�va':i 1•r. ,���/� 2 x 4 Snap: 2" x 4" x 0.045" � p huh `r`:x.Q:.:C?"`�•,•','�s�u.�a•�a ✓s•" k:.•f`y�v''-_.'"tiff =�', ����1,,,, - - -- - --- - - - - - ,Fw `';. :''{^" tr�: b�.:� r.:;, :r'�'i.i.: a: -. . , ..•: 4=.; SELF MATING (SMB) (2) 318" DIA. CONCRETE 2 x 4 SMB: 2" x 4" x 0.044" x 0.100" SCREW ANCHORS I I 3" COMPOSITE W LN x 5 SMB: 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.120" (3" CONC. EMBED) INTERNAVEXTERNAL I ROOF PANEL W 2 x 6 SMB: 2" x 6" x 0.050"x 0.120" 3" x 3" x 118" EXTRUDED 3" x 0.062" ALUM Z n1 2 x 7 SMB: 2" x T' x 0.05T' x 0.120" POST I I DIA. BASE W! (2) 3/8" THRU BOLTS RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ #10 x 3/4" TOP AND I (3) 3/8" DIA. 3 � O 2 x 8 SMB: 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.12 V' � BOTTOM AS END CAP THRU BOLTS W tD Z cl. LU 2x9SMB: 2"x9"x0.072"x0.124" I z 2 x 10 SMB: 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.398" Q d. q d ' �' e. 'e ' 2" x 6" SMB Z z MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE: 1/2" ; d MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING: 3/4" • tA O a .'a e • POST Q W CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR e ,e '!+ 4 pd' ' 6 • W LNL O J SIMPSON TITEN HD OR EQUIVALENT " O SHEET METAL SCREWS (SMS): = d � ITW / BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT B 3" x 3" POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION DETAIL S A 2 SCALE: NTS COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION U o A-n SCALE: NTS Z z ; G rw m ,4 C //�� ti Z G V W 7 Z'wmnr. J � � LL m m Q W aaa0- aw. °r z Q Wm c OwRn 9 LL ILL #14 x 4 7/8" SMS W/ 1 1/2" DIA. NEOPRENE 3" COMPOSITE FACED WASHER @ 6" O.C. ROOF PANEL #14 SMS x 1" MIN. LONGER FLASHING #14 x 4 7/8" SMS W! THAN PANEL W/ 1 1/2" DIA. #14 SMS x 1" MIN. LONGER 1 1/2" DIA. NEOPRENE NEOPRENE FACED WASHER O.C.LENGTH FLASHING THAN PANEL W/ 1 112" DIA FACED WASHER @ 6" O.C. OF ALLND BEAMS � NEOPRENE FACED WASHER 3" COMPOSITE III @ 24" O.C. ALONG LENGTH ROOF PANEL 1+.• ,,•,"a y asq Q 3" COMPOSITE OF ALL END BEAMS .� I y,s,-', ,'.'x ,`.r,,:q. ',r-r're•;.?w✓;:R,�:�1.i.,�:4^t n't� a{ ,n,.rk a•�t. ai;•+i+t'�' s'. ..�i ,ry}A.t: 'x:'2L;, t4Y� t 1 +i.e•,.•r .".,kT�, •,s„•L.`t;.;.`,r." t d.lr.,1._!iY ROOF PANEL q i+'r ;-i 'i:. `d°:`'' •r S�:w S uJ1f (t% '�,, x:.? -? w,!,•�i ' - ;� c �: r �, , n1 ii +hl-^�f \ .s .�' ' ;y,%. ?r:aa• (¢", ti' a .,., l :5 V`]"�i`.�LGY SSwi =S�, �L: ,? `4 1'x:'`:i.,�'x�f?ti. A: �• 1i✓, �'K:•.. Y .N. �. 1 f4 �r' ,:: ��•1�' �',. s;:",�:i�;':.,'`.;;•r �., ',.<.. a i,''.^;`; ,:w..... ;•,,� ....;;i"; •r,"r,�,;d{'c,'•r.�: c. Li-Y•^<"i'•.,; 4V•�.+•s. ,: j•�i ,a,.�.✓. y., :pv.+`i`('• '/✓V F''�`t 4•.{iY'•• h^'vNr•I rvK,, e•, u'ti s�5 av, :?_�; .. , :wwr'r ' ?; '�t' .' •.i•h. t•.G�:s. t•".. �. d W Y+','!d',l'iily.M1 +':y�ra Fi�le•i•. 4,ti r;,�,1,�::.<S ''• W W V) Er O t . •s :Y=yii;•' ;4. •�. h' f1 :e.r.d<Fi,,•..V•',; 't :t. �•..'ti t;:`Ci•..7i+:•. 5 •T .ten• :`. •t' N,;'.. ',t't.' ;;�'e�:. .y,".t 0. + �, i�K, riJ,:-,'A�'' i'4 is L:';+ir,•:` N .•":1T1 .Y t,' a .....'` 7riK )1 t \•ts' S'3Ct •.....!�ii..,i I'";:11 i:Jj• .l y'{ T h.•: !`:�«�4",'S:, .( .dsP�.� LtY p,..n ' ti'. ,y.l .:lii•nh.\ � __ .."' __ LLI v, L• .ifs 4{ Yig 1y , I :.:a•.N^ _ _ I • 2,. x 3" x 0.048" • END BEAM JO _ EXISTING 1 2 #14 x 4 7/8" SMS W! 1 1/2" DIA. NEOPRENE FACED WASHER @ 6" O.C. EXISTING BUILDING END BEAM • _ - - - LI BUILDING 3"x0.062"ALUM • I 1 - - - " J RECEIVING CHANNEL I I W/ #10 x 3/4" TOP AND BOTTOM AS END CAP 1 1/2" x 21/8" x 1 1/2" x 0.067' x 3" LONG Q CO W }• U 0 Z W Lo LU Z O 1 118"x 21/8" xl 1/8" x 0.050" ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ (3) - 0 0) (3) 3/8" DIA I THRU BOLTS / ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL W! (3) #12 x 3/4" SMS EACH I � I 3/8" DIA THRU BOLTS #14 x 3/4" SMS EACH SIDE BOLTS BEAM & (2) 318" DIA. THRU BOLTS w CC cM W {� O _I SIDE OF BEAM 8, (2) 3!8" DIA. K (3 TOTAL) � � INTO POST � � LL' LL THRU BOLTS INTO THE POST I DRAWN BY z° x s° SMB 3" x 3" I I (3) 3/8" DIA. THRU BOLT I I I 2" x 6" SMB I TP DATE DRAWN POST � � � 2" x 6" SMB i � � 3" x 3" - - - 3" x 3" - - - POST 10/08/18 POST REVISION S-1 COMP. ROOF TO POST (cD- 4TH WALL DETAIL S-2 COMP. ROOF TO CORNER POST 4TH WALL DETAIL S_3 COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CORNER CONNECTION A_rf SCALE: NTS © - " A _2 SCALE: NTS /1 n _n SCALE: NTS !1 G L 4 - SHEET NO: A-2 e t� RECEIVED \%%••a••au 3" COMP ROOF PANEL SELF -MATING BEAM \\ �(/ •'• .• '• / •'• / i:)M'.tlG;i '� ` ��'6,iier :�i :a.:>Y ,,,, i,ti f:j>'�i .' �;�•``'+� +'i"'y'i•'•! a •7 ii„1•^.,.lT".Ti�^'T.�'ia'•'VW'+'iK�'^f•:1f.,.lia r"ViY.9 i.�`.+M1r}.�'�''.'! M '. :J 4ii.�.y •'(�� d" O Q �W j t .. ti' ri' w^',,r }.., yr{..ri. ::•:'V Y •'�.fjtS .;:(;'iAfl+ � �sI x•,/•n(i4 N.J�:�[l': r'"��'.Y'.1'.L �: •:.�.iC.'''iv'M�Cj� �•,.R i�,; r•' C; `� x��� +,�.ti .afih:^+. h ._ yhp+ ^•i.'i�.r �•`? 4 i }i r^i:"a"1' i •"i `•�"!{% �'1!•C" ' y {I�'F'�' C3•. ( S1'. Lucie County, Permitting i : z o :ii .� uj J • ° a � � A fi�r• i' ff 5i4�. ,..,J.ij• y: .M `S' 4 � 4..��Y 4.n �-��:r��Ji(.�4". :y tti�iWY� *, k(. !„.* nfe i,, �?.W 4 .• i^. t.. i;.;�•��•, .,r';a=cisr•,ti!'�:a'• �� s>�^.,a.- ;,�,� t v.+.y,i;-^ !'r9rk,.Kd�;.,!,.`+- i�.,,'t i`.�?3:ti• �' �>r'„•:a . wi+,i.». �s;.L:.-Lyn;, a W � • + V � L4 � � 0 .. I1 .e�.•.�„k.•=•.:��:,>z..�a�s� — — +I N ` GRADE 6 u' .<. ' ., •'• 4 u i '. % O •• Z co �( •• ° ° 4 d I ) 1 1/2" x 2118" x 1 112" x 0.062" �/ v //// �y'•'•..• •� �(�\\\` <4 9d, �121- BEAM DEPTH CHANNEL W/ () rr///,7� •�•••.••• P�O•```\ I ( A4 — • � # 4x 3A�� 3SMS INTO 4TH-WALL-BEAM lost • 'a (2) #5 CONT 31" OVERLAP � \ I _ AT JOINTS ON 3" CHAIRS I Lu Lu 2" x 3" pg • 0- TYPE II \ I 12„ I — — • m MODERATE SLOPE FTG 2" x 3" x 0.050" \ I I L W z � 2:12 - 3:12 KNEE BRACE � � I I UPRIGHT C NOTES FOR ALL FOUNDATION TYPES: o; I Z Z Q 1. THE FOUNDATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON A MIN SOIL BEARING PRESSURE • O fi N OF 1,500 PSF. I _ 2. THE SLAB/FOUNDATION SHALL BE CLEARED OF DEBRIS, ROOTS AND 1 1/2" x 21/8" x 1 1/2" x tI9 Q Z Lu COMPACTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONC. 0.062" x 3" LONG ALUM I RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ (3) 2" x 6" SM13 W ^� U 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE PER SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET A-1. 4. FIBERMESH MAY BE USED IN LIEU FOR WELDED WIRE MESH. #12 x 3/4" SMS EA. FACE & I I 4TH WALL BEAM LL. 0 - O 5. VAPOR BARRIER NEED NOT BE INSTALLED FOR EXTERIOR NON -HABITABLE (3) #12 x 3/4" INTO POST =X CONCRETE FLAT WORK z s z — m A TYPE II FOOTING SCALE: NITS A 3 S'4 KNEE BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: NTS S-FJ TH WALL BEAM TO END BEAM ATTACHMENT A 3 SCALE: NTS A_3 C_ rr^^ C �Nq� z G V J�mm rg Q W ma�ti Q LLj Q z W Q 0 O z a J W o 3" COMPOSITE #14 x 4 7/8" SMS W/ 1 1/2" DIA NEOPRENE LL ROOF PANEL FACED WASHER @ 6" O.C. #14 SMS x 1" MIN. LONGER THAN PANEL W/ 1 1/2" DIA. NEOPRENE FACED WASHER u�!;-,�. 24" O.C. ALONG ALL SIDE WALLS ai'�ri' •c�%y�5 �i•aa;,.,•'•"r�•� �^,". ,:� 1i n"?(vS�:• ? '<' . #14 x 4 7!8" SMS W! 1 1/2" DIA. NEOPRENE 3" COMPOSITE FACED WASHER @ 6" O.C. ROOF PANEL (n LU ' I OPTION 2: 0.040"x11/2"x21/8"x11/2" VINYL SIDING INSTALL PER I 1112"x3"x11/2"x0.062" MANUFACTURERS CHANNEL W! #12 x 3/4"$i r s. ry.,..,.•.,e.f �,„,; �.!r Mie;vi���:�;a•Af ; jr",, a t f < u l N iFk Lll OPTION 1: ALUM RECEIVIINTERNAL OR EXTERNAL G CHANNEL I I SPECIFICATIONS I I SMS EACH SIDE i ti°` A+?''%r41 �` {* �`' ""1 +• N 2" x 2" x 1/8" ALUM ANGLE W/ (3) #10 x 3/4" INTO J..S ;„ �, ; ..� +r. a•4 . +rro �xt ',w - . S•:ti. , ;w .,, 'i,.Cn i : •,4✓ •� a: 'i'p: C,,=: ` `::i',? : 5 . - ' °' ' W 2 EDP W Y W/ (4) #10 x 5/8" EACH SIDE GIRT EACH FACE & (3) INFILTRATION BARRIER _ _ J O 110 x 3/4" INTO UPRIGHT I OVER 1!2" PLYWOOD FASTEN I i 2" x 3" x 0.046" o I 1 1/2" x 3" x 1 1/2" x 0.062" Q m O — — — — — — _ _, _• — � �_ _„_ @PANEL EDGES W/ #10 � � 16" O.C. ° Q } W x1" @ 6" O.C. & @ 12" O.C. @ HOLLOW @ I I CHANNEL W/ (2) #12 x 3/4" U INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS ® SMS EACH SIDE z ZO I W • Wi co I I m � 0) w CHAIR RAIL MEMBER I I I ch W 0 —1 2" x PATIO I I a 0_ � EXTRUSION I 1 1!2" x 3x 1 1/2x 0.062 " " �-CHANNEL W/ (2) #12 x 3/4" / SMS EACH SIDE 2" x 5" SMB I I POST x 0.093 11/8"x2"x11/8"x5"x0.062' DRAWN BY Tp ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL DATE DRAWN W/ (4) #14 x 314" SMS INTO o EACH SIDE OF BEAM & (4) 10/08/18 1x 21/C a ° a'e 4 e I #14 x 1" SMS INTO CORNER POST REVISION SCA °• SCREW ANCHOR @ 18" O.C. 12/17/18 • 4 A C a _ CHAIR RAIL TO UPRIGHT DETAIL SCALE: NTS S-6 S-7COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION A-3 WALL ASSEMBLY & CONSTRUCTION DETAIL A_3 SCALE: NTS SHEET NO: A 3 SCALE: NTS A-3- i