HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJVSEFH E. SMITE�,.'.ERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT V COUNTY FILE # 4496414 OR BOOK 4197 PAGE 1158, Recorded 10/-301201,8 01:4*6.:56 PM RECEIVED •PFRtvMN > NOV 19 2018 Is �.A +'ed torrcwrdlryr into r ST. Lucie Coun NOVICE OF_C011Kl1�NCEMENT ty, Permitting The ondersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be,madc'to certain real property, and'in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes . c: following,infoimation is provided is the Noticebfcommencement. L DEkREMO19 OF PFnPER!'Y (4egal dtscri;idori and stied address) TAX FOLIO NUMBERc•13 0 6-1 1.1 — 0'0101--f) 0 0 /.A CoSYfl5P4nShi Lc,�CeS�i<i� /7 34 39 ail that pant lying northeast of 95 � 2GENERAI,DESCRIPTIONOFL�IPROVEbIENT: 5zngle family residence � 3.OWNERINFORMATION:.:. a. Name -w r,.,n A" 4 "at on uil.din �'or b.addtess_8.000 S. USl,. Suite 402.• PSr PL 34952 a iaterrstinproperty S dXame end address of fcesimple titleholder Of other than ownaj Cq a,CONTRACTOR'SNAME,ADDRESS AND PHONENUlvffiER:_Wynne Dev6lciiment Cott7orati•on 80Ot) S. USI, '3g957 �,c "•Y�/1 Suite 402 PSL. Fr, _Zp R7g_,S�7 a 5. /LJ SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAP0, G1O ADDRESS AND PSONE NUMBER* 7. Persons within the Slitdof Florida �� ff( �/'�Y designated by Owner upon whom nohces.or other documents may be served as provided by Seatioa 713.73 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statutes: . NAMA ADDRESS AND PHONE NU,b1Bs Blvd.. Ft.. Pierce, FL.. 20'1= b-� B. In'addition.to himsdf or hetsglf• Oviner designates the following tc receive a espy of the Lienor,'s Notice as provided in Section 0596 .. 713.13 (1)tbj. Florida Statutes; NAMB, ADDRESS AND PHONE -NUMBER* 9. Expiration date of notice of cornmcncement'(theexpiration date is 1 year from the date otrbcord;ng'unless a diffuent,data is speci&d)_. • t Matthew Lv:le Wynne, yjcla-Prpm,;a'ent Signature'of owner or Print Natne'and Provide Signatory's TitldO(tice Owner's Authorized Of6cer/Director/Pirtner/Manager 5tateafFSorida County of` R t . r.n -i e - 4he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before, me this 2.a.. day of R. Matthet,r r.vl a Wv . _ r J 20 .1 8 ttvam6or person) -T- pe'ofauthority...e.gr.Owner.-oMcer. trustee. attorney in fact) Vbr.Ynne•Huilding Corporation (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument Was executed) Personally Known �orprodueed ti(e following type oflD: — e ��/� .. OOROrHYANNBASNiN ty f�! NN [JASgri J fs MYCOMMt$SION f10009t11d5 (Prinied.Name ofNotaryPdblio) �} raj EXP0tE5:Onaber2;2lYltl,. (Signature of of Public) t ,, r BondedJhluNotsryWNkUles. Under penalties of peduty, I tfeclue that I have, read the foregoing and That fhe facts ill itareanie to the best of myl�towledge and u; belief (scon92525; Flacids Statutrs). Signature(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized OffredDire_etor/PartnedManager:whosigned above $y: �:���- •err • aar:atrionmliRrro,cwtl ' STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. 1 By: PH E. 8Mi11 7H, CLERK DepU{V C I Date: