HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1657 L_____ . 386 - . - ~ r v- - . ~~~ - ~.-~-- ~--------------......--.-------_...._-._--_.__..- ........_----_..........----~._-.~- _._.----..---_.._--~ r tor a perIod ot three year., beg1nnins at the terminatIon ot this lease, tor an annual rental' -- not exoeeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) per aore. Said annual rent to be paId in advanoe on the tirs~ day ot Ootober or eaoh year, and aooeptanoe ot whioh by lessor shall extend this lease tor one year trom date 0'1 payment. n is turther understood and agr.ed that a portion ot Iud d land has already been olear- ed and that said portion does not exoeed the area ot six aores; and the said lessee hereby agrees to ply the sum ot Sixty Dollaru ($60.00) per year tor the use or said six aores on the tirst day ot Ootober 1929 and on the rirst day ot Ootober 1930. The lessor also agrees with the lessee that should he otter tor sale the said land during his oooupanoy, that the lessee shall have the option to purohase said land at whatever prioe and upon whatever terms and oonditions the lessor shall agree to sell sRid land to any other party; but in no event shall a sale ot said premises In anywise atreot the two lear term prO~~d tor in this iease; and the lessor aBrees to give Baid les~ee thirty d~s notioe ot his Intention to sell Bald land. 11 I] All improvements made upon said lands by lessee shall beoolil8 the property ot the les80r exoept as hereinafter prOVided. 0/ Vor eaoh twenty aore: portion ot said land upon whioh the s&1d lessee shal put down an artesian well ot standard quality, the said lessor agrees to reduoe the annual rental oharge by One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) tor eaoh ,aid twenty aore traot for eaoh year ot the three year period abo~ mentioned that the said lessee shall use said land. It at any time during the additional three year period, the lessor should sell said premises to any person or party other than the 881d lessee, the lessor agree8 to pay the lessee the sum of One Hundre~ Dollars ($100.00) per annum tor eaoh artesian well put down on eaoh or every twenty aore portion of said traot by lessee for the unexpired term of said , 11 -:~ ! three year period or any portion thereot. IN ~!D!S8 WHEREOP the parties hereto have hereunto Bet their hands and seals this 1st day or June, A. D. 1929. If. 1, So1'1 (SEAL) Witnesses: Henry OUo David R. Pap Ed! th W. Huoks JIIiz ie Emm1 it H. J. Williamson (SEAL) S'l'A'm OP KAlISAS,) :88. COUNTY OF RILEY ) I IIBREBY OER'rD'Y, !bat on thi. 0..1 panonally appeared betore me, an oftioer duly authorized .to adll1nister oaths aDd take aotnowlec2&ments, )(. 1. SBIBY, to me well known to be J ther person desorlbed in and who exeouted tho toregoing Lease, and he aoknowledged before me that he exeouted the same ror the 'pUl'poses therein expressed. ottioial seal at Manhattan Ks, il l . tC Jlay .'h 1931 18 da7 ot Feb. A. D. 1930, at .4188 P. .. P. O. Bldred, Olerk Cirouit ~~ B7 f.j. - ( "\I"t ~ 1~.Jl..."'; ~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. 4 Court D. C. .-, - ~~~~-~; .~~-=~~~~~~~~~~