HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1661 r--.- 3iJO I f - .- - -- ,---- I -.- .-..-._--..~. . 'tr - GU.lRAN'lY REALTY UORP. 'rO W~Y DUD 'l'lIIS INDmrTURB, lIlde thie 8rd daJ ot JIay, A.. D. 1926, Bftn.l5l5ft GUAlUJI!Y ImALTY OORPORA'rIOll, a oorporation UJJ,der ~he laws ot the 8~ate ot 710rlda,partyc u;the rirat part and D. L. ROSS and Km'lmA.ROSS ot Barto, in the State of PelUlsylvanla, parUes ot the 8eoond part. WITlIES8BTH, Tha~ the said par'y ot the rirst par~, ror and in oonaideraUon of the aum of Ten Dollars and Other Valuable Considerations to i~ in hand paid by ~he parties of the seoond part, ~he reoeipt wherdor is hereby aoknowledged, has granted, barBained and sold to D. L. ROSS & UltI& .A.ROSS .~ the said partIes of the seoond part, thei~ heira and assigns, torever, the tollowing des- oribed land, si~uate, lying and being in the Oountl ot St. Luoie and State ot Plorida, \0- wit. ] Lot lUneteen (19), Blook Three (8) or J'airlawn, a subdiY18ion ot the Bast Half (Ei) or lIorthwest Quarter (tnrt) of 80uthetls~ Quarter (SEt) and the Southwest Quarter (Sit) ot 1I0rthwest Quar~er (NIt) ot Southeast Quar~er (sEl) and ~hat part or the Southwest Quarter (s1ft) or the Nor~heast Qttarter (NEt) lying Sou~h ot the Okeeohobee Road in Seotion 17, Township 35 South, Range 40 x,s~. SubJeot ~o taxes and other assessments subsequent to 1926. This deed is BiT8n 8ubJeo~ to the following restriotions, lImitations and oonditions whioh shall run with the land and whioh said party of the seoond part has aereed to aooept as a part ot the oonsideration hereof. 1st. 110 residenoe or any portion thereot small be oonstruot~d or ereoted oloser to the ] stree~ on whioh it abuts than twenty-five (26) feet, or oloser to the side line ot any lot (exoept for a portG-o~ohere), than rive (5) teet, (the long line ot 811 oorner lots shall be oonstrued to be the side lines of such lots), unless one building eha1i be plaoed on more than one lot, in whioh event this provision shall not apply to the intermediate lot lines of the traot on whioh the building is ereoted, but will then apply to aide liaes ot abutting property. 2nd. 110 residenoe shall be oonstrUoted or ereoted unless the same shall be at a ooat no~ less than $2,500.00. Buslneas buildings shall not ooat less than *2,500.00 and shall have a square b-ont and fiat roof. 3rd. lIo unlawful or imJlloral use ahall be made of the prem1ses hereby agreed to be oonveyed nor shall the S8me nor 81\1 part thereot, nor any interest therein, be 801d"leased,,_or other- ~ise oonveyed to any person ot other then the Oau08s1an raoe, provided that nothing herein oontained shall prevent the keeping and maintaining ot servants on the Baid property tor reasonable ramily use. I "., A ~ ~- -~ ,Uh. 110 spiritiuoq or into:z1oaUDB liquor shall be lIMlX1ufaotured, bartered or sold in al\V portion ot the Baid subdiVision. 5th. lIo ai8na or any kind or oharaoter shall be exhib1 tad or displayed in any porU on ~ the reaidontial .eotion without ~he written oonsent of the 8aid fire' part,. 6th~ .0 Gxoayation OBB -be made upon a~ of' the above deeoribed property wi'hout the wrl'ten oonsen' ot the perty of the tirst part, exoept 8uoh as may be absolutely neoessary tor ,he oonstruotion of euoh building. as may- be ereoted thereon. "h. !he prlY11eBe i. hereb, re.eryed to aaid p.rty or the rirst part, its suooessor. and I ;~ .'t t- ;5. .'!' ~ -~~ ...<;. ;:~-:J ~1t;::J~~~~~if~rt~:1f~:??~-J~~S11J~~: - ..~-- ... - --- - --j ~i. :'~ assi8ns, to ereot and _inhln eleotrio and telephone poles and suitable equiplDOn~ tor same