HomeMy WebLinkAboutOWNER BUILDER AFFIDAVIT (2)Building &Cd& lKea F4t'Pler Fld!W� 34 _m , M, (M)44MITM, FEB 3'2010- 1 ,,OWNERBUILDER Ag#tDAVlTDISCLt)StJ#E STATEMENT' F., S. 485.103,(7)'EXEMPTIONS State law re p quif&s cofistruction,to-bedoncoby licensed.contractors., You,haVd-,Ap, lied for apermit under an licensed �j x _ 8; 4$.YoUr own �con r even I exam pdoin-to1hat you as�,the owner o.,your property; yoU do not 6vealicenseYou must provide _direct, ' on -site - W 41-oftofthec.o_fistructidn..yourselfY6 gs- two family residence. for .-yo4r, use, and.occup aPPY7 You-- y'o 1 0 �11 rfi*y,Ws6bQd'-brjm�� rove a �bmmerclal'buflcling,it a cost not vxceeding $75,00100 as.16ng,ii it is for our F? occupancy Y94 16rihe- pqrjmf, W f. use or oqcq '�ayn `66d,01_4m said _g r o selling or easine.th.9 bui in If you -sell or leasea4uilcling-,yoti have builf'or improved Mififil oneyear `after construction is cio'Mipletes then a ibh_U­�a,,Aola_tion ofthis-exemption. ou- presumri�on,'isc�thatit-Vatsbtiflt runproved fol- h sale 4, least:, wY building; Wis, ma othire-4n'uhlipe dd -act- as your con ctoror supervtse:p I - -wonting on your y,h_ ps person to _�qlp e, wo I and by-qQqnty that e by, you -have ve es-r y �ha, lic-en"s- 'required your responsibility to make sure at people _69 law municipal licensing ordinances.- You _rRq'not delegate - die responsibility," for supervising work W'a'licensod w,,p,erP e kbilfi, one. Y sii4cilbn.must comply 'th all le contractor 'Who, is not We�siea prm 6, mpyVI wqTI _8d qur cph ilding.cqdes;tancl zoning regulations. 1W ordinances, by jaws,,6rdin I understand -,that the building official. and" not there kAeAgn-or -- inspectors are give advice: on liow to e� et the in,Ml-mujh cqoq.Initial .1. understand that as an owner -builder that ' any ' b6fitiAd dPUtdis *,* ftW_ h b-contraq!qManci 1-must be handled, ­"with a civil cojrt4ith.tli.-idvide4f an,aqoMye This department,,hill-not,nfldigip.-an�.cgn*tdisputes. . �co Any work performed -they, are requited 'I understand trial tomaos* any person or,- - MV - lbr- 0 7kefisedin disjurlidon;If some reason n theydo-Ino't possess a licdnse�l•l may beregponsible,And liable fai the . cost of the,licefise.. initial .1 uh clostio that if any person that is unlicensed and uninsured gets injured- on my'construction protect they may be' compensation, 1,,could ,beheld liablp"kt,'qll doctor,:law yer medical cost, which could include lqssof-wages -during ,recovery from ,their inj ury,, -this siibstction� o To,clualif iis-exempt[on under' an.owner , y- fdkitl n- permit, 'Puc4io' " ati initial e above. application ther.6y, ac lerstqnd that any STATE OF FLORIb' 'Thel by R 1?J1511qWU4` YL INVa j -Z Title: Notary Public ` 'SLCPDSD Revig,W,05/115.12014 e that 11 have read and understand the above disclosure ,statement, and, that NAer of the terms of the owner/builder -ekemptidn, "I be rq wdVA, �by the Building and, rDepartment ,ida Stat j artnit- nt of. ProRegulation Signed and icknowledied,ons this 9, _ of'20, Ik"'. asidentification. uSANNAMARIS GNENS !W-COMW ION #-GO 022M Ty,pqorPrint.Namev Notary 16,2620 Commission Number ON J I