HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1679 I I': 408'~- I I I ... ..._..._-.--_._--~_...-....~ ~ ~ 8iSDld. S.ale4 an4 DeUy.red in Onr Pr...noea u"th f. BrooUhlre (Ie .l. VO'h JInDk .. f7lv _Un. R. ~1er (L.S) (L.S)) SfAH OJ' "u)RI~. Ooun\, ot 8f. LUCIE.) I H!REBY OlRfIPY, fha\ on thie 5th clay ot aroh A. D. 1910. betore _ personal~ appeare4 Prank JI. "leI' and bUne R. ~ler, hiB wite, to _ known to be the per80n. desorib- eO. in and who Ixeou~ed the foregoins oonY8yanoe to J.. luli_ Crandall and eenrall)' .omo.... 1e4&el. the e7.e~uUon thereof to be. tbiir tree aot and deed tor the ueea and purpo.ee therein MnUone4; an4 the aaid !:IIIUne R. T)tler the Wite of the eaid bUk .. flIer, on a eeparate and priY8h e:uainaUon taken and I118de by aDd betore me. aDd .'PU.te1l and apart trom her lai4 hueband. did aaknowlease that she made hereel:t a party to the laid >>ee4 ot ConyeyanOI tor the purpose ot renounoiD&, reUnquhhiD& aDd oonnY1n8 all her r18M. title and interest, whether ot dower or of aeparate property. statutory or equ1\abIe . in and to the lands therein 4esoribed. and that 8he exeouted Hld dee4 freely and Yoluntari17. and without any oonatra int. tear. apprehen8ion or 001lpu181on of or tro. her laid huablUl4. WITlESS IQ si8Dature and otfioial eeal at .ort Pieroe, in the Oounty of St. luoie 11II14 iR II state ,.ar laat atorenid. (lIohrial , Sial) \(lI.P. Seal) ~- -,' , PUed an/Hoo;de~_.-f / 1 (~,~,.Ct.Sea1) 1 '=,/ ot Karch. .l. D. G. J.. loth lfotar" Publio. State of Plorida. ., oommission expire. Oot. 8. 1930 1930. at 3z06 P. K. P. C. Bldred. Clerk Cirouit Oourt 117 ~ '\~ D.O. 11 .~\e6 '\.1 r>(' i"^ 1t~("C" ........................ PLORIDA DrPROVEJml'1l CORP. TO WAlUWffi DEED VIt.Ll P.' l'RA1iaD: THIS I1ID&tfUM. Jlade this 27th day of l'ebruarJ. A. D. 1928. Jmll"dlt !he Plorida IlIIprove- _nt CorporaUon. a oorporation ex1Bt1Dg under the la.. of the S\ate of Delaware. haviDg Us prinoipal plaoe of buainesl in tbe OOUnty ot St. Luoie and State of florida. party o~ the t1rst part. all1 Y10la P. hanake ot Port Wa8h1Dgton. ot the 00unt7 ot _assau and Shte of 110. York par'y of the seoond part. WIttmSSftH. tha' the .aid party or th~ tiret part. for and in oon.ideration ot the em ot an. Hun41'ed (1100..00) Dollar8, and other sood and nluable oons1deraUon to it 1n hand paid. ,he reoeipt .bereo~ 18 hereby aODowllased, has sranhd, barsainld. solO., aliened, realsed. releaeed, oonY8Yld aDd oontirMd, and bl these pree.n'. doth sran'. barsa1D. ..11. alien. reDd.., roleasl. oon~y and oo~ an'o ,he sBid par\y ot the ..oon4 par'. and her heir. aD4 assigna tarenI'. all \hat oerhin paroel of land lying aD4 b.iD& in the County ot St. Luoie and state of noru.a. 1I0ro partioularly deeoribed as tollowl: ] I We.t halt (1ft) ot 'he 80\1th..., ,uarhl' (swt) of a.oUon !brIU (3); Sou'hea" ,u.arier (BB!') of tbe South.lt 'uaNer (swt) of S'OUOD fhNe (I); We., halt (1ft) or ,he 1I0rtmr.8t quarhr (....) ot SeoUon fbr.. (3), all In fownehip fhin,-aix (16) South. Ra!J8e 7h1r'l-ei8h' (38) Zest. bOlpUac Senn an4 ~e- haU (7i) te.' on ,be ..., dde or hal:t Seotion Unes and aeyen an4 one-halt (ft) t..t on the .., dde of S,oUon liDe. t.~ roa4& 1"WUllQ8 _orth and South' ~~>~:i~t~~~{fff~~t:i~~(~~f!{~ ..- .' < ~ .:. ;./' ~~~r~Jfiljg'ff~;~