HomeMy WebLinkAboutMASCHMEYER RECEIPTSs c'a Kai 1vD APR 1$D3 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park QL 33403 a. Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 ydI �I ..,itri l f i .If rl�1l it I,I � i1�' 1 n Iri d, Pi ll pv11 ili South 'East Florida Division Dispat h:/561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311�.('ANNFD P Concrete Tested ❑ Yes a ' o LOT # BY Water. -Added at Customer's ' Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No s Request ` "' - gals, to full load Comments y a" �•- ---= gals. to 2/3 load gals'. to 1 /3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLEFOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with waters If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME., ,,7 medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S' OWN RISK.. cement products. n Wash To Plant PLANT,• TICKET'# 4z� 9i 1' ORDER # TFUCK4 LOAD SIZE , MIX *„ ti, ,, SLUMP DATE 9r CUSTOMER # SOLD TO - - a : r ,, P.O. # PROJECT# t DELIVERY ADDRESS 11 GGq �y a" ZONE# USE DR(VER n INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUEii ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ! ! QUANTITY SIGNATURE XAA NING �- OR RE(,�EIPI&CON TE ANb ACKNOtNL'ED EME OF HAZARD • asc m ; e e Company will rt paesurrre la I Ity or any prope = . amage or any , t L. r any SUBTOTAL. equipme demage or deliveries beyond the curb line. f AUTHORIZED BY TAX SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERS SIDE. TOTAL THIS'DEL!VL,-i v, i's MADE SU&ILE&IO THE FOLLOWII :ONDITIONS,, r agrec$ to provide a suitable roadviay for ot.,r trucks, from the street pavernentto tfie pface o f dolivery 0.- YTi It sun sLfTI.able roidv,.ays aro not providen., wareserve ,h,� righl. to stop cleliveries unfil conditions are remdied an" ed, In suchi event, custornerwN be held responsibie for any losscaused "hereby, e-curb Jine at the cusl.orner or customer raore.,�entative.'s request, any darn i-lcluding. When deWery i�3 mFide b!�yond th, agi, ii but r,iat limited to, sidetwalks,, dt ivevvays,� buildings, tree;3, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drRin field, are, all, the ov,!ner's risk. 3, The custorner agVeas to reirnbume said Company for Ofis of time and equipment by reason of suc", delivery, at4d. also ,n indrimnify andsava� mamites s �iaid Company fforn ar)v laid P-!I claims, demands and sulLs for ter" on accounr of lrinanv marine r causcd by orarising trom, private driveway dc*Jveenii 4 C u s to , Ti e r af. knov;; edg-,-� is Fill i rn ate ri all aid service s Nown i, av e b ee n rece i ved, th at 1kr Ock tim, es s I Ilown are co r ct , an d that the arnount of water added at the customer's s 'questI', shown correctly, CAUTION: The addiVor, ofwalwqireduces 5. Vie are rto.t responsible for finishod results obta;ned ff -Irl this load of concrete; many important factors aftec!ing tlAp ulwrni.I.e quality of the corriviel2d Job are, beyond of .jr scope v-; responsibility and control. & A charge of $1.00 pet, minute will be charged after 8'rninula's per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to p rovide a sriltable wash fwcAlity for near truckam" tools at the place of delivery 01,11,naterial. 8The customer hereby pgrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable atttxrney's fee, �f he F"htaii ti sail to, pay for the merchandise refiected in this irnvo�c . =;,, whendue: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1 t2% �;jra rvice charge or.,the unpaid pasl due balanceThe custor',ier hereby acknowledqes v*ece!pt of tfie I-o mp!a'Ze OCTY of thi'Nact f I A ,.�a "I' 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 'T Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102�� South East Florida Division Dispatch:561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-531 CA NNED Concrete Tested ❑ Yes 19NO LOT # BY Water dell at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes afNo Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added 7 ; I ;; I - 1 I NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE. SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION skn and Wash expo edlsKn areas p omp=ly mixed concrete wthcause wat rinlfnany cement powderrloir CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and ,get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME, cement products. Begin was To Plant 70- TICKET# Q�ib)z�l #' TRUCK'# LOAD SIZE MIX s , SLUMP DATEOMER# OUST SOLDTO,,, . .� I',` �j `j P.O.,# TROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS 6G1 gyp �a P Ty i,=, '41 � � JZCYNE# y 'iH4� USE DRIVER ' •. I! 4 tee, L'af 0- U d T INS TRUCTION5 TIME DUE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION a I PrIll SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT -' CON CRS GF AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc ey r ; on a om angw no _assume la�l 1 ' or any property amageor any • ei�uipmenpptgdarira for, �eAjijries beyond -the curb line. SUB -TOTAL !f TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ONkREVERSE SIDE. TOTAL TH115 DEUVEn w PS RPAADF SUBJECT TO THE FOUMN ONDITIONS- Co-zArymcr agreF* to provide a. suitable road-ovaV* for our tnjc',,s from the ;street pavernent to the place, of delivet Y 6? m Medal. If su,b sr ltable roadway.-, arcknot piovioad, we reserve therk r-area i d phitasiopd0iveries until conditions are Ce ark: ,insj_.ch evert, custarner will be held reeponsible for any loss caused thereby, 2, When aelivery is madc, beyond the curb line; at the custorn.ei or customer representative's request, any damagas-Mcl, Jdir'Q. ouf no! flmited to, sidewalks, drivewjys, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systerns, includin the drain field" are at he ovvnee.<, risk 3, -1 he customer agrei.-3 To reimburse saic.�,;Company for -loss of time and equipment by reason oil such delivery, aihi�dsfsoto �Indernnifyand save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suft-s for or on accoun flj�'inany �-nanner caused by of arisingfrom privata� arlvew-T� delivery,' 4. Custom er acknowledges thatali materlai and semic "­ shown have been received, that ti tick fir -nos shnwn ari.) 6orfect, and that the a4'noL,nt of v,,vtsf added at the CUStOfiler's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of wat4if-wouces vonc.'el.o striongth -:tnd durab;Giy. .5. We are not responsible forfin,ished resufts nbtAined from this load of concrete; many important foctors affecting ti-i ultimate qMllfty Of t1heCOMOleted Job a-r;a boyana our scope of responsibility and control. 6. A charge of $1.00 per minute, will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time i,5 ex(,eecled, 7. The custarrier agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery J-namriai, S. The customer hereby figreas to may all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonatile attorney's fee. iif"'shail tail to pay for the rnerchandi.,i_,e reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are, subject to a 1 -11/2% n,�rvk'n charge on the unpaid pastabie ca!ance. The customer hereby acknowledges rec ipt of the compleie copy of th"�:,-;ritruact. � u,v' d�il I� Illd It ,t tf ial, �j rI iL); c'til�i t 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes E`No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes D No Request gals. tofull load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1 /3 load - Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN: COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed, skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE' WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH ,SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention: Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS. AT CUSTOMER'S' OWN RISK. BATCH T E t ' '. - ' - - -- - • 1 cement products. PLANT TICKET# ORDER# TRUCK#' 'LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE t t 1� t, f. CUSTOMER# SOLDTO P.O..# PROJECT# i DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE* USE DRIVER t`•rY vTi I'1`��•.I II' ..i \A i1l.. ,. ' .v ^ 6' '.! .. 1 �"!� .!Z. INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTI ON U.O.M. UNIT PRICE u SC NNE ,� !i/I [ Ii _ F.4 P°4 �' r.1 A Y ` .c. _.> + . `. I I �- ♦1 BY T r u Ir4 , is e County O 0RECEIPT".NCONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD SIGNATURE WARNING' • asc meyer oncre a p��y w� I o assume is i I or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment Wamdge,forxany deliveries1beyfond'the curb line �%rsl _ti , _ TAX X X AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE.. TOTAL THIS DL=UVL.., IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWIP ONDITIONS, 4 Cuslorner,aqcrees to provide a suitable roadway for our, trucks, from the street paverm-Amt to the place of delivery ateJal. It '3utch suitable roadways am not provided, WE. m- reserve the to stop deliveries until conditions are reedied q I Its such event, customer willbe. held resnonsible for any loss caused thereby, 2, When delivery is made beyond the curb lineal the custorner or customer representative's request, any damageslincluding, but ncf limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systerns, including' the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3, Tho customer agrees to reimburse sa;d Company for Ioso', of 11irrie and equipment by reason of such delivery, a�id also to indemnify and save haimless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for o,, on account of in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. 4. CustornerackrimMedges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times z;hownare cqrre,-,t, and that the arnount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly, CAUTION: The additilo". of wale rlIredtjces concrete strergth and durability, 5, We arenot responsible for finishod results obtainecf from this load of concrete; many important factors affeefing t ultirnaie quality of the cornpleted job are bpyond our scope of responsibility and control. 14 6. A charge of $1.03 per.rninuto will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is cxc epded, T The custorner afire to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tooIs at the place of delivery of,,hiaterial. H & The custorner hereby pgrees to pay all costs and expenses oil collection, including a reasonable iattcrnk,�ys fee, if he SfT-2;i fail to pay for the morch indise refiectod in this, invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a -1 -1/2% se,r.,irlc charge on the twipald past due bajan. The customer hereby acknowAdedges receipt of the complete copy of thisiuonti-act. Sim Z111, • . .: 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 It Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 I IIij¢ r 111 -r -4 V JI 1,1 Fllii�l��IF9� f I 32, 07 7 + o LOT # Concrete Tested El Yes Fl _ Watery dded at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑Yes No ,Request gals. to full load Comments r gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO.THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoidcontact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATERADDEDIS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME ;.; _, s *� , .cement :products.To Job On Job Begin Pour Begin Wash To Plant �ET# PLANT ORDER R# TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX. r SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUEORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT • QUANTITY I.. f , CANNED BY .t 11!'..:- yl '4it Lucie County r ' i - SIGNATURE' OR RECEIPT - CONGRETEFAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc mreyep nprete ompany>.Wi rfot assume is 1 ity or any property , amage-or-any SUB -TOTAL e�quipmen�ailamalgrany�cjeliveries beye curb line - —�^r �" TAX i P ! AUTHORIZED BY , SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON SIDE. TOTAL REVERSE Sr,8LIIL-n,7�StrgADESUBJECI'TO-rHEFOLLOWIN DNDITIONS 1. Gustoomer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks fron4he street pavement to the place of delivery �f rnatorial. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stb,6 ijefiveries; until conditions are remedied alhd, in.,.-uch event, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused thereby, 2hen delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages', including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, int;'u6n'' the drain 'ield, are at the owner's risk. The custorner agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, AcIalso to indr-nir-ify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or an account of 6' in any ,-,er caused by or arising frorn private driveway delivery, 4Gistomer acknoWedges that ail material and services shown have been received, that truck firnos shown are c6.7�ect,amd that the arnount c." water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The arf&*n of watc4�reduces ncrote strength; and durability, 5. Wc °,.rs not rpsponsib!e fortinished results obtained from this load of concrete; many import ant factors affecting t tz ultirnato of the corripietted job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. ; j A O'large of $1.00 per rriinote will be jt:harged after 8 minutes per cubic and unloading time is exceeded. 7. The custr)rner agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility to, our trucks and tools at the place of dellvwy ol rnaterial, 8, The custarner, hseby 0grees to pay all costs and expenses of colleofion, including a reasonable attorn. y's, fee, heshail fail to pay for the morchandise refieGted in this invoice, when due. Past due accounts are subjectto a -1 -1 P2% A, vice charge on the unpaid past due, balance, The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of thig6riiract.