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GOP-Wl-EN3100-02 d Units 8'0" Height — Outswing X 1 X0. OX, OXO 2'0" COP-WL-EN3166-02 01-0314.26 43.0' NO 2'6" 218" 2'10" 3'0" 3'6" 2'8" + 1'0" Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed r r Not Listed — U•Rating1. — 1 2'8" + 17 2'10" + 1'0" 2'10" + 17 3'0" + 1'0" 3'0" + 17 17 + 2'8" + 1'0" 1'0" + 2'10" + 1'0" 1'2" + 2'8" + 1'2" 1'0" + 2'8„ + 1'0" 1'0" + 3'0" + 1'0" 17 + 2'10" + 1'2" 1'2" + 37 + 17 2'6" + 2'6" + 2'6" 2'8" + 2'8" + 2'8" 2'10" + 2'10" + 2'10" TO" + 3'0" + 3'0" XX, OXXO 2'6" + 2'6" COP-WL-EN3167-02 01-0314.26 43.0 NO 2'8"'+ 2W 2'10" + 2'10" 3'0" + 3'0" 2'6" + 2'6" + 2'6" + 2'6" Not Listed Not Listed — 2'8" + 2'8" + 2'8" + 2'8" 2'10" + 2'10" + 2'10" + 2'10" 3'0" + TO" + 37 + TO" Notes: 1 1 Door arrangements using fewer panels than what is shown In the above chart also comply under the product approvals r/ ~�® shown. 2. Assembly details are available from the Masonite International website (www.masonite.com) or from the technical center. Test Daia Review OPffcertisate 09026447C and CoPRes1 31 Installation instructions are available from the Masonite International website (www.masonite.com) or from the technical #3D26447c-0�oi provides center. addiliD831 information- available from the ITSlWH 4 Actual design pressure requirement fora specific building design & geographic location is determined by ASCE 7 (Minimum website lwww.ellserekii.com), the Masonile webslle design loads for buildings and other structures). National, state or local building codes specify the edition required. M me technical center. 5'. Masonite International structural, cyclic, air, water,.forced entry/or impache t testing is done in accordance with Miami -Dade BCCO protocol PA201, PA202 & PA203. 91 tnter9y- Entry Systems June 11, 2002 Oar continuing program at product improvement makes specifications, design and producl deleil wbietl to change without notice. Z ' d irt3-trB�,9-17ZLL Et[f u,,,re lY I,om r/VJIWVe1•��Gl�if: {ran Pr•m,um Ou�11rY Daor, Masonite international Corporation dotySaooQ S t3 W_ e T T e 0 T ...170 ZZ ._UeC. —_. i XX 1 ' ! Glazed Outswing Unit 8'0" METAL -EDGE STEEL DOORS OVED ARRANGEMENT: I W.rnak rtf/ WE71•® Test Data Review Certificate 13026447C and COP/Test Report Validation Matra i3026447C-002 provides additional inlormation available Irom the ITSIWH website (vrvm.ellsemko.com). the Masortite website (wwtv.masonlle,cdm) or the Masonite technical center. Note: Units of other sizes are covered by this report as long as the panels used do not exceed 3'0" x 8'0". Double Door Maximum unit size = 6'0" x 8'0" Design Pressure +43.0/-45.0 Limited water unless special threshold design is used. Large Missile Impact Resistance Hurricane protective system (shutters) is REQUIRED. Actual design pressure and impact resistant requirements 1Dr a specific building design and geographic location Is determined by ASCE 7-national, stale or local building codes specify the edition required. MINIMUM ASSEMBLY DETAIL: Compliance requires that minimum assembly details have been followed — see MAD-WL-MA0012-02 and MAD-WL- MA0041-02. MINIMUM INSTALLATION DETAIL: Compliance requires that minimum installation details have been followed — see MID-WL-MA0002-02. APPROVED DOOR STYLES: 1/i GLASS: 404 Series 450Series 108 Series ,ntergy try Systems 17, 2002 rminuinq program al Droducl lr pmvemem makes speoincanons. design and product S,hled w change without nollce. ,r�C � F. UvrivclY I.om mrum Ov.11 ry Door. Masonite International Corporation 6 ' cl .178t�81,91,ZLL doys.io0a S H W e T T : 0 T 1;10 ZZ Uer I XJI JI Gla APF FUt Outswing Unit COP-WL-EN3167-02 8'0" METAL -EDGE STEEL DOORS 'ROVED DOOR STYLES: L GLASS: f t I I , I I 1 i 810 Series 862 Series 300 Series FIED TEST REPORTS: NCTL 210-1887-4, 5, 6 10, 11, 12 Certifying Engineer and License Number: Barry D. Portney, P.E. / 16258. Unit Tested in Accordance with Miami -Dade BCCO PA202. Door panels constructed from 26-gauge 0.017" thick steel skins. Both stiles constructed from 0.032" steel. Top end rails constructed of 0.032" steel. Bottom end rails constructed of 0.032" steel. Interior cavity of slab filled with rigid polyurethane foam core. 'Slab glazed with insulated glass mounted in a rigid plastic lip lite surround. Frame constructed of wood with an extruded aluminum bumper. threshold. UCT COMPLIANCE LABELING: TESTEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH MIAMI-DADE BCCO PA202 COMPANY NAME CITY, STATE To the best of my knowledge and ability the above side -hinged exterior door unit conforms to the requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code, Chapter 17 (structural Tests and Inspections). State of Florida, Professional Engineer Kurt Balthazar. P.E. -- License Number 56533 mtergy itry System e 17, 2002 oonfinuing progrem of produd impravemem makes Specirlotrans, design and pradurl 11 svlwe�l ra 0mge without n Hl ck"ff m Y 7a Tat Data Review Certificate 13026447C and COP/Test Report Validation Matri( 13026447C-002 provides additional information - available from the ITSNVN website (www.ellsemb.com), the Masonite website (wwwmasanite.com) or the Masonile technical center. Evclu,rvelY Ira Yr�rnfum Ova�i rY Dearr Masonite International Corporation CI 1 .178tr8.1791P1ZLL doys..tooQ S S W e 1 1 :0 T tro ZZ Uer I ^ 1\ XX 'II 1 Unit OUTSWING UNITS WITH DOUBLE DOOR TYPICAL HINGE ATTACHMENT TYPICAL ASTRAGAL PROFILES I 4'x4'BUTTHINGE T 1-9� /16,I 1-13/16' 1.3J4' (12 GAUGE) t SIOEJAMB DOOR PANEL 2-15116- 2-5/8' 2-3/4 $n DIAMETER 5n6 ®I © MWINEWE`M 1-3/4' DIAMETER c 1-3/4' DS EEi" 1-3/4' j MMINUM- Q I _ 1 O YtMjllNRlpylM j1I 2MI MUM 1 7 MI"'M D 1 REQUIRED n iRROW REO QED I REQUIRED O ) ��j` _I t 1• t r 1- ALUMINUM EXTRUDED ASTRAGAL (U.D6' MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS) WITH ADDED REINFORCEMENT INSERTS AT TOP EXTENSION BOLT, BOTTOM EXTENSION BOLT AND CYLINDERICAUDEADBOLT LATCHING LOCATIONS. ATTACH WITH $8 X 1' PAN HEAD SCREWS— LOCATE 1' FROM EACH END MINIMUM AND 22' O,C. MAXIMUM. (6)i1Dx314 ...._._....- FLAT HEAD WOOD_SCREWS FIAT HEAD WOOD SCREWS OR (3) 2- LONG X 1/2- CROWN WIRE STAPLES June I17.2002 Out eordlnuing reagram or product Irapro✓¢menu rakes specilicatl—, de-4P and arodUCI detail suDtecl to change without notice S ' d 'b,Ei'b8-179-b,ZLL TYPICAL HEADER & SIDE JAMB ATTACHMENT FINGER -JOINTED KILN DRY WOOD FRAME HEADER (1-1/4' X 4-9/16- WITH 1/2- STOP HEIGHT MINIMUM) N' LONG X ' CROWN RE STAPLES FINGER -JOINTED KILN ORY WOOD SIDE JAMB (1-1/4-X 4-9/16- WITH 1 STOP HEIGHT NIMUM) rr.,.«;k 1ia.ry F7® Test Data Review Certificate d3026447A i30264476; 13026447C and COP/7.1 Report Validation Matrix 13026447A-001, 002.003;/3025447B-D01.002, 003; 13026447C-001. D02- D03 provides additional irdorrnation - available from the ITSAYN website web a (www.masonitee.com))osooite the Masonite technical center. O,. mi. rn Ou.lita Deor, . Masonite International Corporation dot-Isjo0a S H W e T T= 0 T f"O ZZ Uer d i XX I I► I Unit DOUBLE DOOR 7YP. TYP. CLa 7YP. 6' TYP. 6'8" UNIT 87 UNIT 13-15/16' 17-1/8' MAXIMUM ON CENTER TYP. Minimum Fastener Count • 6 per vertical framing member • 8 per horizontal framing member Hinge and strike plates require two 2-1/2" long screws per location. Rough Opening 1 • Width of door unit plus 1/2" • Height of door unit plus 1/4" Test Oala Review Certificale 03026447A;1130264470; I3026447C and cOPlrest Repport validation Matrix 13026447A-001, 002.003; /30264470-001, 002, oo3; I3026447C-001, 002, 003 Provides additional information - available from the ITS/WH website (www.ellsemko.com), the Masonite websile (www.masonite.com) or the Masonite lechniml center. Latching Hardware: • Compliance requires that GRADE 3 or better (ANSI/BHMA A156.2) cylindrical and deadlock hardware be installed. • UNITS COVERED BY COP DOCUMENT 3147, 3167, 3242', 3247, 3262• or 3267 Compliance requires that 8' GRADE 1 (ANSI/BHMA A156.16) surface bolts be installed on latch side of active door panel — (1) at top and (1) at bottom. 'Based on required Design Pressure — see COP sheet for details. -,r Notes: 11 Anchor calculations have been carried out with the lowest (least) fastener rating from the different fasteners being considered for use. Fasteners analyzed for this unit include #8 and #10 wood screws or 3/16" Tapcons. 2: The wood screw• single shear design values come from Table 11.3A of ANSI/AF & PA NOS for southern pine lumber with a side member thickness of 1.1/4" and achievement of minimum embedment. The 3/16" Tapcon single shear design values come from the ITW and ELCO Dade Country approvals respectively, each with minimum 1-1/4" embedment. 3;. Wood bucks by others, must be anchored properly to transfer loads to the structure. Ine 17. 20-02 prr continuing Drogram or Product impovemdni rnatea sDetilkatioras, design aM Dfodoel detail subject to charge WilhOet nonce. I 9 . CI frB-1;,8 f,91,Z1.L d •r.mium Duality Doo„ u Ea<lu,:r.ly lrom Masonite International Corporation doyS-JooQ S El W elT=OT �0 as Uer