HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCC JOSEPH.E.- SMITH, CLERK vra THE CIRCUIT COLD VILE # 45.047 7.0 OR BOOK 4206 PAGE 16,0&" TAI TR 01 -0 F, ,LUCIECOUNTY 2e2-240250 PHOW 11�CTCOP9VFTHE' NOSCANNED UC&OF COMMMEAOM 1-M unddrsi13Y Floridaped'h b YPV=t willbe made to ceit'iD 'cA'Pr0PtrtY- and inaCcOrdiiih Chapter 713, tre y given notice at Impto mm wSaucleCOUnty ftufes the following infozmation.is-provfdcdin t%b Nodcc,bf commencement In LD tl;scription-aqd street address), TAX FOLIO NUMBER- 3 41 4—S01 —1 7QI-0001� 2.(;MWALDESaUMONOFne];eOVMgENT.._ )ritsi:dence 3. QWNM INFORMATION:, a.,N31ne Aj; b.Ad rss 8.000 S. UST, Suite 4.02r. PStj. FL- 34952 -'cAnterest in prowtt-- d. Nam and address of fee simple titichbider,(if otber thawowner) 5- WWrS.NAM X,-ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND-BONDAMOUNT: 6.1ENDER'S MAMA ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER4 7.,Fi;isons within tl=-Statb of Morida designated by 9-n"Pit %vbom notices brothiti d&-urpents mqy'b�t zer"dp'88:pr*v1dcd;t'y $CQU011 713:13 (1)(9) 7.. Florida SjaWw: ...... NAMzi.ADDRESSMD?jj01 1)6ug .;Brantl ey 715ir.oalt Dr. PSL , EL. S. In addition to bimvif.or herself; Owner desipatcs.the following to.riceive wcopy qMb,ucnoe&Notice,as provided:i wSection 713.13 (1)(OFlorida Sid,u*tes: NAM4ADDRZSS AND PHONE NUbW 9. Eupb*oon date c[notim of commeficament (the expimti6n date is I year from the date of recording unless aZffc=t date is. Signature of Owner or Owner'sAitthorized Offish ADirectoriPartnex/Adamger State olfflorida Countyof.. stx ral ie- T1m,fbrqgoibg insteument was;za&nowledgcd'betdee.mz,tbis; Matthew Myle Wvnn:p.'-, -Yice—p*-A'-iq-jA6nt. Print Name and Provide Signator7ls T*3UdOfrsce- (Nameof'oerstin '(Type officetrustee, attorney hihct) p,,Wynne Building Corporation ,(Nijacofp4dyahbebalfbfw,hoiniti.aiTaft was .ar.tuted) P&sofiallyroo"Zotppdu the fbllowuig,type of; W.'— (Printed Name of 4otaiy Public) (SoRturcoMotaryP : 611) Under penalties of pctjwry,_ I declare that I bive iead the 16regoiq and that, the facts in it ate true to the'best of my knowledge and belief (seetion92.325, Florida Statutes). . Sipature(f) qtOwner(4 or 6Wner(s)'Avthor4xed 67rer[Directod?artnez&anager, who s! . gnd&nbove: ByBy, '.. pt.'.0ipAWqAW'&W