HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTGRACTOR AGREEMENTSi PERMIT'# I 1 ISSUE DATE / �-i PLANNING & DEVELO MENT- SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division o BUILDING PE IT SUB -CONTRACTOR A REEMENT ' SCANNED BY St Lucie County .Wynne.Buildlng Corporation haveagreedto.be (Company Naine/Individual Name) .the' Plumber Sub -contract for Wynne Building -Corp. (Type of Trade) (Priinary Contractor) For the project located 'at (Project Street Address or PropertyT ID #) It.is.uAderstood.that, if there is any change of status regar project; the Building and Code Regulation Division of St; filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. N "� 'n l� � "►U . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE -(Qualifier),' Willi am D-. Bra.n'tley PRINT NAME j . 29524. . COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of • L. The, forego'ng instrument ivas•signed before me this day of VQM 2j5byWilliam D Brantley who is pe rnally known V110'r has produced a as identification. i A `- STAMP Hg . re of Notary Public - 01 Print Name of Notary Public mare 'Notary Publie State of Florida Julie Ninassi My Commission GO 038942 of Expires 10/16/2020 Revised 11116,2016 our participation with.the abovementioned ie County will be advised pursuant to :the SIGNATURE W'lliam D-. Bra.ntley- P. NI' NAME 952.4. N.Ty CENMICATION NPMBER of Florida, County of C-Fit foreeigoji g insnstrumen,t was signed before'me this day, of 9 r �20. gbY '..1 11a Bra tley is -personally known _or has -produced a: entitication. STAMP Notary Public Notary Public. State of Florida Julie Ninassi My Commission GO 038942 wna" Expires 10/16/2020 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ]RUM -DING PERMIT SU13-CON'TRACTORAGRIZIEMENT SCANNED BY St Lucie County.: !Comfort Control o•f St. Lucie Caj nty_, Itic. haveagreed'to•be (Company NamedWividuai Nance) theiHVAC Sub-contractorfor -Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) I (Primary Contactor) For 'tile project located at (project Street or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisibn of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the Fling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. • 1 CQNTRACTOR S ATM (QuaNer). Matthew Lille Wynne ` �i,gnmerman PRINT NAME PMNT NAME 088,98 $288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NC7riffi1E COUNTY EE—P.TWCATION NUMSEP, Stare ofFlorida, County of S\-1 vo, Sta4 of Florida, County The forgoing instrument was skimed before we tuss day of T1tt`f"oiag instrument was Bf gAted before me '�y of C\Zae1-k � V(.20_ b/y�� who is personally known 1f or has produced a whoispersonally known a or has produced a as identification as identification. i enn STAMP- CJ STAMP goo a of Nola ublic Signature of Not4ry Pa bl' _y /7 ni,v �ASl�i n� J o RO`TK y Print 1�duce ofNota k'vbkic Print Name of Notary Publfe ,, •:�:;DOROTHYANN BASKIN e�s.s, MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 . '"" ��<•P,:;yd� OOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 ;e MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 %;pF F� g.•` Bonded Thtu Notary Public':Underwriters 's`s o;F EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 FOFE�o `' Bonded Thru'Notary Public Undewriters Revised I11 2016 L66-� Z000/3000d tL0-i 999L8L8ZLL dAo0 Suiplin8 auuAM -W0dd gL:ZL gL,-60-ZL I i ''PERMIT # ISSUE DATE' l A. ' r PLAN "IN & DEV MOPIVI�ENT�SERVICES' Bu l ne 8i Conde: omphance` Division. BITR;DING'El1IT .: SUB.=)bONT.RACT6k AGll ErvJEW ��► N �, ; . ... f�.ucie•County� .• .. •. � .. .. -Lali•'s.:Electric, Ini:.. haveagreed'to'be. Com an • Name/Individu�l Name. •.• P. y.... ) . the Electrician: Sub=contractor forT�ynne Build !L .�brp: '(Type of Trade) . (Primary Contraetor) ' ' For the'pro'ect loddied'at: (Project Streei Addressor Pioperty Tik.m #) Ttis .understood that, if tliere:is any c14Iige of status. regarding' our paiticipaiioii with ilie above mentioned i.. projeet !the $wilding and Code Regulation EIMSion Of St.':Lucie County wi11 be advised pursuant to •tile ` tit ng of•.a�Change:of'Sub:-contractor notice.: iCONTRAdTOR SIGNAT•ME•M- dalifier). ' :. S TRA (Qualifier). Ma.,tttew Lyle Wynne . James..W:.Law PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08998 ' : h .. ... ::... . 2098 •: . COUNTY •CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of•Florida, Countyof v ' State #•Florida, .014q.0f l_.►.�c„e=:; ' •,n. Nr'egoing instrument was•sigried before me tiris� of 'The-foreiwi g instratiierit,�va's sigfied before'riie thj'\ • da of 2OS by • who is personally- Mow.*. orhas.produced a. who is personally- MoWn -r has proil'aeed a . . as identification.. • as identifcatio .. STAMP•. ST signature of Nota' 61io ; Signatdre� of Notary Piiblic ntNameofNotaiyPub>;c:: PrintNaatieof.Nota ����Y PV .� �DOROTHYANN BASKIN �Y :7;''•. •SUAA AAWE' • RC 77 �+, MY CONIMI$SION, t OG 030145 zt' b :. thY COh4NiISSION t EF 187847 p: ' EXPIRES: otobet4 202U P== Pa(PIALG: r9bniary 23, 20i0 ' ••srp�. '` ;�.Oontlec ffiw'A-0tar'f:Pyblic,.Updentmters• . -. y;oF�� „�... Bondetl7rty:NgteryPublicUndenvtiters. :ReWsed`l•111612016 : ' .