HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1768 497 I [f 'he tird part, her heirs or alllllgnl, or ot al11 other per80n or perllonl lawfully olaimlD8 or , to 018111 the S8lDlt, b" thrOU8h and under the grantor herein. Jn4 \he laid Par\l ot the tlret par~, tor herlleU and tor her heirs. the.abo'fe dell- oribed and hereb,granhd and reballed pre.illee, and e'f8l'1 part and paroel thereot, with the appurtenanoell. unto ~he sald partl ot the leoond part, 1\11 suooellsorll and alleignll, aealnst tbe lald par', ot the tirll~ part, her heirs, and agalnst all and eyerl person or personll whomso- eyer lawfUllJ 01al111D8 or ~o olaiJa 'the' 18IIl8, b7, throU8h and under the grantor herein, shall and will warrant and b7 these presentll 'Greyer detend. I1f n!m:9S WlmREOJ'. fhe I aid par\~ ct the tirllt part hal hereunto set ber IW1d anA 8eal the clay an4 year tirs\ abo1'e wri Uen. S1gDed, 118ele4 and deliTered in the presenoe of us:) IT Oharle. '1'. Bli.s ~ B. Hopkinl ) ) ETel7n B. Heskett (Seal) I SfAR 01' OALIJ'ORlIU ) SSe OOUlft'Y OF IDS .llfGBLBS ) On thi. claJ perlloaall1 appeared betore me, the underlligned E'nLYll B. HlSx.ET!, a single _11, to me well known and mOlfD to me to be the indi'fidual desoribed in and who exeouted the toregolD8 deed ot oonyelanOe, and aOknowle4gea. that she exeouted ~he same tor the purpose "" therein expreseed. whereupon U i. prqred that the I8.IH ID81 be reoorded. IT I1f WI1"!mSS ,WHEREOY. 0'1 APrl1~. I ._ _ _ (~\l) , Uf.P. Sea!), II I have h~reunto affixed rq hand and offioial seal, this 17th day Oberlel F. BliBa NO~l'1 Publio JI7 oO~lIlIion expirell .rune 11, ],.930 4>~ ('0 P. O. Bldred, OlerJr: OirouU Oourt ~Q" B~ C~ J~D. C. ~r" ~I.;' ~ <-'Q' 29 dal ot Jpril, A. D. 1930. at 9:29 A. M. ......... lY. F. RKftZ & WIn to WARRlB'fY 1JEIJ) OLInOll GRED & CELIA GRUlI 1- ~. F, ,. k mIS lIIMH'llJRE, JIlcle this 29th daJ O't April, A. D. 1930 B!iTiU5~ w. F. Reetllaa:4'~1rite nisabe'h Reats. ot SaD1"ord ot the Ooun1il ot Sellinole in tbe Sbte ot J'lorida parties ot the tirs' part, and Olifton Green and Oelia Green ot Shart, o'f 'he Oounty ot lfertin in the state 0'1 'l'lor14.a. l'arilea ot the aeoond par~, WIT1fBSSftH, 'fha' ~be .aid parties ot the tirllt part, tor and in oonsideration or the SWl ot fen Dollarll & O. V. o. Dollarl, to ~hell in hand paid bl the said parties ot the seoond par', the reoeipt whel'8ot 1e herebl aoknowledged' have granted, bargained and lIold to the said partiell ot the seoond part, tbeir heirl and assigns 1breyer, ,be 'following d8l!l0ri~ed land, l11\ua~e, 171D8 &net being in the Oountl ot St. w.oie, State ot J'lo.rl4a, 'o-w11;: Lot_ 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Blook ..., 0'1 St. Luoie Oarclena, in Seotion 7, !ownlhip Zj Sou4h, Ran8e 41 last. And \be I1lI1d parile. of the~tirlt pari do herebl tullJ warrant the title to llI1d land, and lit 11 . 4.eten4 the lame againet the lawful olalu 0'1 all per8<1l11 lfhoJUotn."8r. III W'ItlfE88 ml5!LIaJ', !he said parUell ot the tlrs~ parl haye hereunto set their handa t " and 1..11 the claJ ~d Ylar tirs' abon wrU'.n. .:;.~:f :itZt~:iC..~~{~~;:r~.~;~; .._.;...;.i.....1:-<-;,,;J.:.:..,;;-~~~--_:..:~ ~~ _ .. . : . ':' . t~~[{fjJtJ~i~