HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1775 504 ,he W004Munt 00. bO., the oorpcraUol\ clelloJOibe4 In' ,the. toregoiD,S in'truMnt; tba~ he ex- eouted the .... b, order ot the Board ot. Direo\or. and affixed the oorpcrate seAl .\hereto bl like or4er., and that the seal thereto annexed 111 suGh oorporate leal. III WI'rBSS 1'IHKlmOI', I ha'fl 118\ my hand and 5ea1.the day and lear tir.' abb.. _1 Uen. Loui. ft. SU.nr~ ~ot8r7 Publlo KiD8. 00. ~. Y. Ooun'y Olerk 1264 ~. Y. Register 2q873 0011II. Eip. a/ao/38 I State ot We. York, ), II'. : Oounty ot Ne. York, ) 110. 20274 Seriell 0 - I, DABDL E.. I'IlIlf, Ole~ ot the Oountl ot Ne. York, and also Olerk ot the Supreme Oour, in and tor laid ooun", I law a seall tbat Loulll W. Sll.,.~ whose J1tUM 111 .ubsoribel ~o the annexed oertitioate or DO HElmBY OBR'lIlI'Y, !hat sa,id Oourt is a OO\11"t ot Reoord, haviD8 bl ) proOf ot aOknow1edgment at the aDDe~ed inlltru.ment was d the time ot taking the same a NO!A.RY PUBLlO aoting in and tor smd oount" duly oommiasioned and sworn, and qualitied to aot as auoh; that he has tiled in the Olerktl Otfloe ot the Ooun'l ot Ne. York a oerUtied OOP7 ot his appointmm t and. qual1tiont1on all Notary Publio tor the Oounty ot Kings "i th his autograph s1gnaturel that .. .UGh Not&rJ Publio, he was duly authorized bl the lawlI of the Stete ot ~ew York to protest notel; to take and oertit) 4epollitions; to administer oaths and attirma- tion.; to take affida.vits and oertit) the aoknowledgment and pr~t~other written instru- ments tor lands, tenements and hereditaments, to be read in eftclenoe or reoorded in this state; and tur~her. that I am well aoquainhd with the handwri Ung ot suoh Notary Publio and 'Yerl.lj~'bel1eY8 that his B1gnature to suoh proof or aolmowle~ent 18 genuine. m TBSfDlONY \Y~REOJ'. I have hereunto set rq hand and affixed the seal ot said Oourt at ~ ot Ne.~ rk, in the County ot !lew York, this 29 day ot April 1930 Daniel E.J'inn Clerk. J 6 clay ot Mal, A. D. 1930, at 8:01 A. K. P. O. ndred. Olerk Cirouit Courl B1 ~<'-- -1~ D. O. Becord Verifiecf .............. JWl'l1~ B. BAm.acn Elf AL 'fO HE1IRY AL'rEMUELLER AGRl!:EJJKB'l fHlS AGREEUl!:NT, beouhd bl and between, ltlrtin B. BaWllker ~d Andrew .r. Bau.mker ot Wort Pieroe, in the Oounty ot St. luoie, State ot noricla and Henry Alhmueller ot Washington ot the Countl ot J'ran1l:1in. State ot Jlissouri. ~e owners ot the land desoribed as tollo..: !he 80uth-ha~ of the Southweat quarhr ot the Southwest quarter at seotion 18 township 36 South, Range 40 Ballt (lell. the Sou~h 421 teet. 1-29 acre..) !he lanl described; divided as tollOWll: '!be louth i 'fa H. .r. AUelllUe11er, The si ot the 1ft ot above described property W JIlrtln B. BaWllker and the Hi ot the Ni ot abon desoribed propert, to Andrew .r. BaWllker. 'fhe laid pariS.. ha,.. oauaed h be ~illed one tlowing well located abou' the oenter of 88id propert, IHnUoned. the purpose ot the laid well is to proYide water tor the use and benetit ot eaoh par'l in the gr01fiD8 ot orOps and 1D oitrue fruit oulture. It being the intention ot ',he said partie. that tor all tilDe the water shall be available; to the owners ot 'he .aid land. It 18 asreed by and between the lai4 part'.es, 'heir heir. and a8signa., ~hat the said "U ahall be aiJlhin.d and kep' up at the ood ot ) ) L~,i;:".~tf.t~;~@~r'~:~~~:t~ -~ --