HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1776 .505 - - . . .j the ..id partiel, their he1r. and a.lIlsne., in proportiou to the reapeoUn Yount ot land ~~,""" E ... 80 owneA, ot the property 4e.ori~ed abo... If IS J'UR!HJ:R lJ1mJm8!OOD .um AGRDD, ~bat eaoh ot the 88U partie. llhall ha.. ~he right ot egres., 1ngres. and rOgr8I1' oyer, Upon and aoro.1I the said lands ot either, '~, or allot tbe other parUell atoreaald, tor the purpo.e ot la7iD8 pipes, digglD8 ditohes, plaoiD8 oonduitl or tlWle., or prortd1D8 other means ~or ~he purpole ot oonTeling the water trOll eald .ell. to said lande ot ~hl parUel, bJlt i' 11 understood that pij1n<< or pipes, i~ und, Bhall be plaoed underneath the lIoil at suffioient depth, 80 all not to Intertere with the oulUnUon ot grow- ing or imprOl'eMntll ot ~ other ot ~he laid par~le8, and thd Id'tioieul .top-oookll shall be proYided, that lIuoh work ot proviltDg duot. shall be done at a suitable season and without interfering with tbe crop. or impronlHnts of aD7 ot the other parUel Jaareto and at the ex- peJ1lle ot the partl or parUe. tor whose purpole the same i. being dtlle; and ~he work and the right or W87, and uses ..11 be used and had with due regard tor the rightll ot the other p~le. hereto. I! IS URDERSfOOD AlfJ) J.GREED, that the water righh, oonred bl th1l Teellent, . aha11 not 'be used bl either or aQ7 ot the partiel hereto, exoept on tholle landll reffered to herein. \ ~ nor 81811 the .alDe be permUted to go to "lIh, or be c).jioharged upon other llnda. [,. ',' " ~: ... Exeouhd in our Pre.en"e: De.., CraWford .roseph H. Baualter JIlrtin B. BaWlker Andr.. .r. Baw:aker Henrl Alteauel1er If ~, ~ Slate ot J'lori48 Oountl ot.S~. Ln01e I hereb1 oerUf7 ~hat on thlll April l4~h 1930 per8cmal17 appeared betore me ltlrUn B. BaUliker, ~clre. .r. BaUfillter and HeDr7 A(leaueller, t~ lie well kno~ and known to me ~o be the perlona dellorlbed in and who exeouhd the abon and toregoiD8 agreement, and they senral17 aoknowleGged betore .., that they exeouhd the sam tor the ulle. and pmtpolles therein expressed. Wi'nee.'" hand ani offioial...l at ~ort Pieroe, St. w.aie Oounty, norida. this [~ ,. f Deal Crawford }foUrl Publio, State ot nori48 1tr OOIllll1ellion expire. liar. 21, 18 6 Ul o't JIll, A. D. at Ia.rge 1932 ~ 1930, at 8:38 A. U. ~e " o~ P. O. Eldred, Clerk Ciroul t Court Q' t- B7 ~ 1~ D. O. ~~;.;. J'~. (/ ............... nIBON .1JJ11S ABJ) WIn .'lO . 1WUWI'lY DDD LYDU H. 3LlDR U?,., t: - f !HIS DKD, 1Iab the B1gh'h 4al ot Septe.ber A. D. 1918, b, }felaoD ".... and hi. wite v taBellia .-... ot ,he Ooet, tn St. Luoie State o~ nori4a hereinafter oalled tlw gr.nt..., to ~~ ~. H. Slater, ot .TInaeD, of ,be OOUll', ot Jlartin State ot ftor1da hereinafter oalled tlw aran'e.. WI-dIiSSB'fH, ftrAt the aaid grantor., 1n oonal4eraUon ot ODe Dollar ani other ftlnable oGllall.era'lOllll tu reoelpt whereot il hereb, aoknClllrleaae4, 40 gl",grant, barsaln, ..11, aUen, real.., relea.., eDt.ott, oonY8l and 0~i1"ll unto ,he ..1d sranhe, and her heir. and alll1gna 1iD t.. a1.,,.., tbe lanlla .Uuat. in It. Wo1. Oount" state ot ~orU.., delOl'ibed aa tollo..: fA>>t. Jluaber.l Wi_ and !en (9 " 10) td Blook "D" at BenJu1n Hoa's Acl4iUoa ;:l';~f~::~;~lt~t:Ril~l~t~l~ : . . : ...~~j;~;.:;~{1~~~r~~~i~~~