HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1779 508 ,_ '_ --:i Pllea 7 clq ot. 1Iq, A. D. 1980, '\J ~(..\\.ed \teco~d. ' d 8186 P. J(. P. O. Eldred, Olerk CirouU Oourt B7 ~ .1~ D.O. .............. OOLONIAL LAlID 00. to WalWIfl' 1DID 1'HIS IlIDDrmm, Jlacla 'hi. 'h1rt'ittlrn cla7 ot ])eoember, A. D. 1929, _~..AIWI Oolonlal LaII4 00., a Ne. .rer.el Oorporatlon, authorlsea. to do bUlinell. in the Slate ot Plor14a, par', ot the tirll' part, and PRD ftZ, :ror' Pierce, :rlori4a. ot the 001Ul~1 ot S~. wole and Shte ot J'lorl4a par~, ot the .oond part., 'lIDBSSftH, that ~h. .aid part, ot 'he :tirst part, tor and. in oonllderaUon ot the lUll ot One DOllar and other yaluable oonlId,rations Dollar. to it PlUm I'D I I in ~ pald, tbe reoeip~ whereot 11 hereb, aoknow18dged, haa granhd,buga:lJled, II old , aUell- ed, r.ll1led, rel.aHd, oonye,.d and oontlr.d, and b, the'e prelentll doth grant, bargain, lIell, allen, rell1l1., relealle, oonnl ed oontira, unto the .ald part~ ot the lIeoCllld part and hi. heir. ed a.lignll toreyer, aU that oertain" parcel ot land 171128 and beiD6 in the Count, of St. mole and Stat. ot norlcla, more parUoularl1 deaoribed as tollowa: LO'. Pour (4) in Blook 16 ot Pinewoocl, an addition to the OUl ot Pori Pieroe, PlOrida, aooorcUng to a plat thereot enUtled "Pinewood" a lubdiYilliClll ot part ot ~he ~i at S.otion 16, f. 30 S., R. 40 B.. and tiled in the ottioo ot th. Olerk ot the 01roult Oourt ot St. Luoie County, J'lorlda, on .rune 9, I.. D. 1986, am reoorded In plat Book 6, pase M, in the publio reoorda ot salG: Oount,. 'lOOE'l'Hlm .ith aU the tenements, heredUamentll and appurtenano..,. with .ye1"1 pr1Ylleg., r18ht, Utle, interest and estab, r.yer.ion, rell81i14er and easement thereto belonging or In 8DJ1flle apperiain1D8I TO HlVE .llfD 1'0 HOL1) ,he l8lIle in tee .imple torenr. !he abon c1esorlbedparoel of land being hereb7 oClllnled upon the tollowiD8 expre.. I ooncUtiOllI and restrlotiona: RKSm~On The aboft clesor1ted traot ot land i. to be .old upon the tollowing stated oon- cl1\lonl and re.trioUonl, nr.~: !hat businelll builclings w11l be permUted onll on S. Uh St., S. 3rd St., Pln.wood Driye, east ot S. 4~h St., and Hibillous Road, 8aB' ot S. 4th st.. proYie1ed plan. tor BUoh builclin&1 are .ubmitted 1;0 and apprond bl the par1i, ot the tiret " part It lIuoh bul1cliD6 ill oon,'ruoted, mond or plao.d thereon prior to .ran. 1, 1932. Seoond: !hat all other 10\11 In Pine.ood not mentioned aboy. are r.striot.d \0 dwellingll to OOlt not I 18111 than tiye thousand do~lar.. Third: ~o builcling or 8D3' par~ thereot s"U be permitted at 8D7 point .ithin 25 teet ot the frCl1\ p~Operty line, nor within three tt. ot any lide or rear pl'Opertl 11ne on let. r.a1irloted to dwellings, exoept oorner lot. relltrloted \0 dweU+li r inC., .....t UlllllW __ JllIA'.1..'..4 ., ft lll~_ on whioh the building shall not be lese I than ten tt. t'roa lIide line on the street 'ib. On all lob on whioh bWllneA i. permIUed no builtiD6 or 8D1 part th.reot s..11 b. permitted wi thin 3 tt. ot rear liDe.. hurthl All prlyah g~ag811 shall b. plaoed not lese tban 90 fl. from the front proper" line and. on &11- Gomer lot. re.trlohd to dwellings, garag.. 8hall be plaoed in the oorner tarthell1i from both .tree~ line.. 110 prh.'. garase shall be built prior to a cl1rell1ne unless oonlent in writing i.-gi,.n bl party ot the tir,t part. 'itth: The toregolng premillell are 801d .ubJeot to aD7 agre,_nt. _do or to be mal. bl the party ot th. tiret part .1 th reterenoe to aD1 pubUo uUIU, or beUe1'Mnt and the partl ot the tirst part rea.ryes ~o it .elt ita lIuoo...or. ~~:':~i\%~.~1~~ij;~~~3ii '. ". '.' ,';\::~t'~~t~~;