HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1789 ~ 518 ., (N .P. Helen 8. Groh (Enne) (Seal) 'ohl'l Publio. ~ Oommislllon expires Jul7 7th, 1931. 4. .-', Filed and"." ~.- ed=0, , II 12 da1 . \ \:' ~C", Ct. S, e,81)~~ " ~ ,/ ~ ot Ma1, A. D. 1930, at 4100 P. U. P. O. Bldred, Olerk Oirotli\ Oourt By ~\~ D. O. RQ ('0 'l'"q I~ (>,.. . //;" /(J(/ :1 :........... E. K. SUUHER. SPEOIAL HA.Si'ER TO BLANCHE J. H.A.R'r UAS'rER'S DEED THIS IIrnENfURE, J&ade the 6th day ot Ua.Y. 1930, between E. K. SUl!NER, as SPECIAL MA.STER IN OHANCERY, ot the tirst part. and BLlHOHE J. HART, ot Fort Pieroe, Florida pt tbe-seoond part: ] 1fHEREAS, the OIroui t Oourt ot the 2lat Judioial Oiroui t ot the State ot Florida, in and. tor the Oounty ot St. woie, in Chanoery. on the 8th day ot April, 1930, among other things ordered, adJud8ed and deoreed. in a oertain oause then pending in the 8aid Oourt. between - Blanohe .r. Hart, Complainant and A. A. Hendry. Sr., all adminis\rator ot the Estate of ~ A. Hendr" deoeased, A. A~ Hendry. Sr.. A. A. Hendry Jr.; Cader G. Hart, Priohar~ I. Hart, and Sadie Goodbread Nioholson and J. J. Nioholson, her husband. detendants, that the mortgaged premises mentioned in said deoree, and hereinafter partioularly desoribed, be sold by said J.faster. at publio:,auotion. the said lfast~r tirst giving 4 weeke notioe ot the time and plaoe , ot lIale, in a new8paper published at Port Pieroe. in the said State, to-wit. the Fort Pieroe IfeW8 Tribune. AND ~REAS. the said Speoial Master. E. K. Sumner and party of the tirst part to ] these presents. in pursuanoe ot the said order and deoree of the 8aid Court in Chanoery. did. on the 5th day ot l~. 1930. .ell at publio auotion the said mortgAged premises. hereinafter partioularly desoribed. having tiret given previous notioe ot the time and plaoe of sale. with a desoription ot the said premises, agre6able:to the order atore8aidi at whiah 8ale the said mortgaged preQises. hereinafter partioularly desoribed. were sold to the said part- ot the seoond part for the sum of One thoUlan4 dollars, that being the highest SUID bidden tor t he same. NOW. THEREFORE. THIS INDENTU~ WITBESSET.{; fbat the said Speoial l~ster. in order to - oarry into etteot the said sale so made as atoresaid. in pursuance ot the said deoree ot the eaid Court ot Ohanoery. in oonsideration ot the premieee. and ot the said. sum ot One thousand dollars, pdid at the time of the exeoution hereof, by the said party of the seoond part to the s8id Speoial !&aster. the reoeipt whereot he does hereby ao~nowledge. has grant- I ed. bargained and sold, aliened. released. oonveyed and oonfirmed. and by thhse presents doe. grant. bargain, ae4 sell, alien. release. oonvey and oonfirm unto the said party ot the seoond part, and to his heirs and assigns torever, the oer\ain peroel ot lend in the Oounty ot st.. Luoie, State of Florida. desoribed as followlI: Lot 10 of Blook ItS" of Di Ul'JI8r and JJoCer~l' s re'rtelon .~t their Ba.bdi vision ot I -r~__ oertain blookll l,ing West ot the ra ilroad in Fort Pieroe, aooording to tbe ~lat _de by .r. O. P'riell in A. D. 190D. together wUh all and singular the r1ghts, members. privileges. hereditaments end appurten- anoe. to the .s... belongiD8 or in an1w1l1e app' rtaining. . . !O HAVE All>> TO HOLD all and 8ingular the 8a,id premises. above menUoned and desoribed. ~\j~ih~}1~T~;~;~t~\}t!itf\~lJi:;