HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1811 J5~-~ ~- -- - ---- ~ OJ ---'&..0-__. ~ ._...._. ~ ~ _~' ~ '" AU"lm A. SU!fOJI to ,wwny DDD !HIS IB'Dntud, )fade thil Uth 4aI ot _, A. D. 1980. ~l~'" Allq4 A. Butt_, a liDel. IUD ot ~he Oount, ot pubaa ~ 'hi Stale ot B.. York part, ot ~he tiret part, and .r. A. Salth. who. pOlt oftlo. addrell i.. I'on Plero., ftorl48 Of 'hi Oount, of St,. lAo1e in th. I. A. BJIltll I 8\&\8 ot ftori48 PaMl ot the .eoon4 part. WItJE8B!H, !bat the .aiel part, ot the tir.' par', t~ and In oouideraUon ot ,be laa ot on ])()LT.lR .lJI!) OfHIRVAD1AB1B OOIBIDBRlUOllS to ~ In hand paid b, the aid par~y ot the laoond part, the reo,lpt whereof h he~b, aoknowl..d. h.. sranted, bargained and .old to 'the ..id part, ot the ..oond part, hi. ~i1"l and alaiBna torenr, all 'tbe ~1gh't, 'tU~ and Int.NI' et 'the fira' par', in and to the tollow1Jlg d..orlbed land, Iltuah,. l,riD8 and belD8 in t_ OoDttyot S~. lAole. Btate ot noru.., to-wit: lfU JJi ot Dl of ... ot SeoUem 86. !o1ruhip 8D louth 0'1 BaD8e 89 Ealt. oClllta1DiD8 18.26 aOftI. Sal4 Vaot MiDiS halt ot the area left In laid 40 aOl'e traot aner au)- traoUag 68 toot .trlp 'trOll the WDrih Ilde 0'1 lai4 40 acre traot and wll- traoUD6 r1gh't ot 'ft1 tor oanala and roa4. And 'the 014, perl: ot ~ha fir.. pari doe. hereb, 'tul1.7 warrant the un. to aAid land, and I .. will d.tend the __ ll6ainn the lawtul ohima 0'1 aU perllona wholll8oenr. m WIDlS8 1Ii1JilUiU', the aid part, ot ~he tirl' par~ hel here11D~o eet ~. band and &eal the 4.q and ',ear tirllt aboTe written. 81gDeCl, lealed and Gal1nred in pre..no. ot ua:) Dand V. Button ) 10h:D I'orl ClIl ) I Allard A. SuUClll (Seal) 8~ATB 0'" nw YO_,) OOUftY 01' ptJIf.~AK I HlREBY OD'lIPY, !'hat on thill cla1 pereonal17 appeared betore 118, an ot1'ioer clnl1 auth- orl..d to a4Ia1Dht.r oa~ha and tak. aoknowleI18_nh, Allard A. Buucm to lie well known and ltn01lD to 118 to be the IndiYidual desoribed 111 and who exeouhd ~he toregoiD8 de.d, and he aoknowleaaed betore ... thP.'t he exeouted the .... treel,r and Yoluntari17 tor the purpo... :; ~herelD ezpre.aed. WIBBSS lq hand and offioial 8eal a' Garrillon, 0011D~1 ot Pu~, and Shie ot Bew York, lohu 'orIon Bo'ar, PUblio, Stat. ot Be. York. ., o..uldon expirel Jllroh 8l/m. ot JIB7, A. D. 1930, at 101~0 A. X. t Po 1'. O. ~4n4, Olerk OirouU Oourt ~ _ ~_ 1~ D. O. .~~, ~. ~ ~' I . ..: I ;~ 'hi I A. D. 1930. ............. (, " -" ~ ., ;. .~~.~~~;?~?:1 ~~~'~~:~:~~-~~;~~~~~!\~}~S!~~' " .' ' , .: ',' ',:._'~71~~~~~":