HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1835 564 -. "~--.- /' .'._. -... __ _..._ p __~ . a-_ _ ~, ~ ~~~ ~ .~ -- - - -~ toGatwuI wUh aU tbe \eaeMat., henUbMJl'. u4 .Plvt.DaJlM., with .nl"l _lY1le.... rqht. t1tl.~ iDhl'en _4. .dat.., r.wns.. ftMiDbr aJlt ......nt 'hereto ~1oDsl;DS 01' .1Jl ~ .p,."...~'.1 to HAft J.1I1) to R01.1) the .... 1Jl f.. ._1. fOl.'WV. !be a1aon b.erlbel pan.l of 1&111 b.iDs h...b, ooan,.d .0Il tbe toU... 1DI .1EIft.. ooncl1Uou ad ftnrt.UouI ..taI~I01ISa !he abon b.erib.d tnot ot laDl 1. to M .00d .011 thl tollowt.D<< nat.1 oOJld1tlou aJld ftaVlotlou; . firat. !hat bume.a bul14.lD6. wiU 'be ,.r- . . . II1tt.4. ~ OIl 8. 'th st., IS~ Ir4. n., P1Mwood .lft, .ad ot IS'. 'th St.,ud Il1bllou R08I, . . . .an ot S~ ,th 8t., pl'OYibd plau tor .uh but.l4in&1 are .ubai ".d to aJld apJrOTed b7 tbe , ., :pvQ of tM tll'n ']Mart tt ftoll b1d141D1 1. oouVuot.d; .....11 or pla..1 there CI1 ,rlor to lu~ 1, lt8a~ '.0_1 fhat aU other 10_ 1a P1nnood DOt .attOll.4. abo.... are r-anl'iot.l to Inl1111s. tn 00" ao' lell. 'ha tift 'hoU8Jld 10Uar.. ~Is .0 bu11dlD<< or 81Q' pari 'heroot IhaU b. ,UIIlU.I ., ., ,OlD' wUh1Jl U teet ot ,be tron' pz-apvq liDe, DOr w1\h1a . .., . ,. I I I I ! tbrM ft~ ot ~ .lle or rear prOpert, 11M OIl lot. re.~lo\el to IINUiD<<l, .xoept OorDer 10'11 relvlat.d to 4ftlUJIs' OIl wbloh thl bullclUs ahaU aot 'be le.. tbaD \ea ft. f'r_ ~~4e l1De on ,he .tre.t .1c1a~ OIl aU 10D OIl whioh buw.. II per...tte4 ao but.l41D<< or ~ part 'hereot IhaU 'be :peJ'II1tt.d wi'h1Jl a tt~ ot rear UD... hurihs AU prlYah P1"86.. ahaU be pla08d Dn le.. ,hall '0 ft. ~ 'be ~, IrOpm, 11M aJld OIl aU oGI'De 1.. renrin.d to 4JNlllDg., .-rap. aball b. ]llaMd 1D the OOZ'llel' tar'he.t troa both .'re.' UD.II. _0 Fh.'e ,aarap ahaU 'be buil' Poor t. . 4wUiIIB ale.. OOJlMJlt 1D wrUbII 11 .1 fta b, part, ot the tirat ,art~ l'ifths !'be tar.golD<< 1ft..... are .014 .oJ'" '0 8JV .....at. .... or ,to be IIa4e b, I 'be :par" ot ,be tin' part with .retereu. '0 .. IUUO dilU, .. be't.r_at aad the pari, of the l1l'8t p81"\ zre..r.w. .to U..U u. .......... an4 uliBu, 'be I'ish' to at..r \';)CID tba FopUq tor ,he P~'o..-.~ 'lDnltUDs 1o:il4 _h&alDlDg o'fVbeal .leotrioal w1re. and alllo to enter.._ ,he progert, tfir tbe purpne 'ot ooJinruot1Ds, ....,iD<< or -1nbI.DiDs aloBB \h. zrear 11Da of _14 FG.P-V owr a drip 'ot DOt lion tbaD Z ft~ 1D .llth, pole., w!re.. UDder- cro1lJl4. oCl14\l1u err pi,.. "'''.IU'J' t. Vana1, or hra1ah all ln or UQ' o~hei" ln, ~ \ltlU',~ fha p..tr ~ the tirn part aleo reHrTe. tlw righ' to ster..OIl the propert, lrior t. tba '1M bu1l~ 1. ."n.1 thereOJl. tu tbe P1ll"P0.. ot oleU'iDg neb and UJlbJ'W p"mh and 4ebl'1e~ &1zthl .0 billboard .Ip boU'4 01' alnrt181JJs Ulpla7 .xoe.41n,g 'ea .,~ ft~ 1D area ..11 b. .~o"d or plaMd OIl ~ ftoad lot 1D Pln_oo4 ezoepUus wipe ereot.d '0 adftl'U. PfDewoocl. ,8enaths ftII Pari7 of ,he _00D1 part agre.. DOt to oarr, 'on or perm:l' ~ ."01' fd ~h1DB '0 'be I.one, p.rt~d or o0D4UOhd OD ..14 properi, wldoh shall be . JlOZ1o'a:8, . a1l.S.1aJlO0, 1IIlWhol..... or ottenlft' to ,he _1&hborbeOd, .......r a pubUG g8n8. or ftlUJrc l\8t10Jl IIhall Dot be oouic1anl a. Rob 1D bum... U.tr1ot. >>18h'h: !'bat aid p.,e:ri) or Uq port1_ 'thereot ahalI DO' b. oOJlw,ed, lea..1. or ooov.p1e4 b, u.J -per.on ot I IDI7 o\lIIr ,ball (Jf aauealia ltaM exoeptiDS ,u.arten oooa;led b, ~nlo _nut. --kiD<< OD the prell1... _athl ".Vio'lou.. ,. b\l1lcUDs l1D.. OIl nook aM, 10' ftft, ~lOOk n, J.ot , ~100k II, J.o' 8 BloB, 11, an to be .n_bliwl b7 ,..t, 01 ,. tim pari wheJl 8814 prep.rt, 11 .014. I.: U ,be 'oner of ho 01' ~ ODD'tcuou 10u ba1N. to ~on ..ld lot. .. .. pln. thea iJlaotu .. Roh OCllUp,oU plo~. aN "-U'Iltrt., ,be ~....obS OOWJUU1t. or ndr10Uou .., .,. oonftrwl. a. .,,~ to tboe plot~ the t....o1Ds eo.Dat., ...tr1otlou a4 o0D4U10Jl1J'are to .... oonnru.1 a. ~t1\! wi'h t~ 1aD4~ .x"", hoRTer, U 11 IlUtaa~ _'-1'.'004 8114 apul ,hat _, fit ..II eoWDAIlY, re.b1eUou a4. 'o0J11Ulou .., b. alMre4 , ::'LrfG<~~;;;U:,t~:~~~;~~t . . ... ..... ~ .... ::ffJ~f~~g>>~~;;