HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1984 ~- ll~~ 147970 LETTS-IILLIAMS BVI~ING COMPANY. 1Nvo TO __ _ _. _,. H.. CONRAP QUIT-CLAIM DEED t- ~ ! i THIS INUENTURI::. Made Ihis h__._ _ 30tll__ 000._._ __00_._ _____. _.. day ol.Mal"G~ ._. _____. _ _ m __ __ n ___, A. D. 1932, !..-twecn l.QUs-11111tl11l8 n.BUild1Df---COm;p~.---lJ1a"'t-JL- aorl)ora.t.1Q1l._orpn1zed_ and _ ex1sting.under __ the __n_.____ J:~~ C~I~lyt~e St~t. ~~Je Or..~d~..~v.l_n~ _ a~: sfafel~ol~l_pl'f~f!a blJs1ne~sl~_ part Y __ of the fir_'t 1'~lt, an.1 I. 11. Conrad. of lor t Pie roe. St. Luo i8 _ an,l Slate <01 ...f aht Cnunt). of llorida I'an Y h( lhf' sr-c'lud (a;u I. WITXESSETII, That the .aid pan Y ____ 01 the first part. f,'r and in eon.iderali.,n ollh" sum of _ One DOllor &. other voluable oonsIderatlons__________._ __0._0._.._..______.________ n_ ___.n_____ _n__ _______00___ __ __'___ __00_ _ ________ :.a.aIia. in hand paid b)' tbe ,aid palt Y _ of rbe sec-olld part, 11:.. r<.,eil't wbtreof is bcreby ackno...ledgeJ, ba a .. mi.<<l relused and quit.cbime,I, ;U1J ">' Ihue presents doeS ..mi.e, re:...a.e a".l quit.c1~im unto the .aid pan Y __ _. __ of the second part and _ his b~irs and :l,~ir:ns l J fure,'er, aU the right, til!e, intere.t. <bim :lnd d,lIland which the ,a;d \':Ilt y_ _ __ of Ihe first pan ha S in ;tIlll to, the {(.n'l.....~ni: .lc!Crl~d 1.,}t5 p;e<~n_.___ or pmel-' __ ___ 01 land. ~~ sItuate. -lying. 8Ildbeing_in -the COunt-yot- St.. Lucie, State of fl()J:' !t1~. 00_ tC)-wi t_; ___ __._ _ m________.________.__ ______ ._m______.____...__ n_.' __ ______ h _n__.._ . __ ._._n ______ __ ________ ___ _n____.__ ___ __________00_.. _ _ ._______All_()f __ L()~~ _Qn~..n) _J~llli___~o.. (2) L_B:l,()C}(.2 of __ tile _.Plato~_(;~_~_~I'a.l_!h.1_~e. dC!ty. _ ~~_tng ___ _...n_..a. _parLQf _the SEt Q!SeQUQn ~.__TQ~s.!:lj,p_36 ~_ul!l1 of .I\El~ge.'lO,Eas t.t _ plat be ~n.B.__._ .____ ..J'e oorde4 ..11) P.1,El~.BQQIf.._~_9JL1~.ag~._~~.__. ~_c()r~~_ of. .~.~. o.Lllo!.e __.C.()~tYL ~_l()~l~_~o .____..._______ _n.._ TO HAVE "XU TO HOLI) r!J~ same. to!,'Cther with "II ~Ild sin~ubr the appurlenanccs Ihe..unto belon"in>;. ..r in anywi... '!>p<flainir,,;, ~II~ all it. (] .the (,5t.t~. ri.ght, titlt'. inttcr's! and d.J.i,n what~Of'\.('r of tilt' said i);lrt Y "f Ihe fir'l par,. either in law or equi:>'. r.. the only I,ropcr us.... btllefil and (Sc,II) s U t > ~ I U > f I i i I I ; uly. ~tDlOlY or eljDilat.lc. in and 10 tilt lands described ther"in. and thatJthe con.lnitt. apprehension or fur of or fro~ ber said busband. X WITNESS lilY hand and official leal at______ . ____n'OJ:~ Fle~_~~____._. an.) Slate of _ F1Ql'\.9~__ , this_.. _301;0____.____ x x day nf _ ,County of_ __ m~1;_o _~ll~,-ie _~~h _ _____ _._. ,." , , (Seal ) STATE OF FLORmA. } Counry or St. Lucie. BE IT REMEM'b:RED. Hat on tbi.__..____._J~l'_t -- ___._ ____ _.__ .....n__n _..I. .R..LOTT __ _ . ____________.day oL_~~I!l_.~~.._~;?..Q__f;.__~.I.__. . A. D. I~~. I. Clerk or the Cirasit Court in and fh~ sai<1 Counly, ha1'C dnly recorded tht (or~going Quil-Cbim Uee,) in the \."btic records or $;lid County- IN \V'TNESS WHEREOF. , hne hereunto set m, hand and It,e seal or said C"un Ihe .Ia, an<1 >-ear ..bo.. wrilltn. D<<<I R Drnr, Joc_riIk S6JOU ~ n ~, ~ W. ~ 1Jl'l"l___ __~(S..I) 9- ~~ ______~~-~-~:~~ ~r~~I_~~~_.. , / -- Deputy Oerk. ;,'~';r~71.~d~~~ljf};i~iji~' -~~. . .~ ~ -. -,..~~-=-:::;.:---.:..:...~-=-=-~--...-.~.-.~.- - · '. . ~c'.:."-I~~\~tr:;~j:;