HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2001 ~:;?;fj,i;%;}:il~'tf;!;~ffff! i i I I I ! ~ ~ !- I , , f ~ ;: r f' . , i , , ; f ~ -; t "-"-'-_..._-~,"--'''-----' -----,. -~...__. I" '130 r '-~' I - G__a. NQT'1'INGllAMuAND .IIn TO __.E.. ;J!. UOPOUOAl,L.AN1) IIlJl___________ QUIT-CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURI-:, Made lhi; n____..__~_t..b__________ _.... ..__ _day oL____________QJ..\Q\le" _h' _______0._. 0. ___, .-\. D. 19_:K. bct...een ..-------00---- GL R.hliQ~UJ!W!~__,!l4.._L9.ue !~Lt{~t'J.~~_ !lis _.~~1'~~_____________..__._._________________ of Ibe Count). of.._ -00________3'__ Lq_o1e _h_u_..._...._.. _..u and Sta'e of :Jl,.ori4. __ __'_"'_ p3rt lea of the fir<ll'Hr. an.1 -I. J. MODougall_and ~garet UoDoU88l.1. h18 wite, who..pe~nent .ddre.. 18 Fort Piero., St L t '1 14 . uf th.. COUll')' of ---- ______h.. - --'. ____uo_. ------- __ ___ __ ____ _ and Slate 01.___, o:r ..._~. _._ __u._____ _ I.aft lee of the sec..nd palt. \\'!TNESSETIf, That the said putt.. _ of the 6"t part, for and in consideralion oltbe sum uf__ .':..-::-.~--- -....~---~---~-_:!.J.!'.n__NHLN.(1),Q.(L~___ ~_. =__~_..~___~__.-. ,~_..::... -... _.~__~_ .~.__::__ _- It,. Jo" , - - - - - - - - - ____DoHalS. in haud paid by the ,aiJ part i.. - or lh.. secon.! "3tt, Ihe rec..iJol wh...eof is h...ehy ackno...ltd!led, na Y. thcse preselllS do -- -.... - remis.., rele:..~ alld Quil-c1ainl unto thc said "3rt 10. _ of the sccond part alld iorcwer, aUlhe rigbl, title, illlcrt>t. cl.1im and demand ..hich .h.. said I.ut 1.. or the 6rsl pall to:. ye rtmiSCtl. rdC"~!:-J and quit-cb.imrd. 3.ud rl)" their hf"irs ~n.i a~si.:ni .. in 31U) to th~ iuUo,,'insr: 1.1C'$cribfd lot I pkct_____ or pared -- ___00 "f./and, tZUXa1tuate. -17in&- and bei.n& in the County.-.or-St.. .-Luoie.. state ~ Flor.1<l....--- ~_o-.11;: _______n________________.__________________ no ___ ____ __no. ____._________:.__________________________._____._.______._ -------.-___________.______The ......t__Bal.! -l..}.-Ot---\M-JSQ~~b...~~-\el'-.-(.swiLot.-tlul'SOU'h.a.t n___ _00_ --- ----------------..:--~'o.r----lSEiLot-.\b..-.HO.r_~b_e..~_q.\AU'\or.. (DEi) ...ot..Slla \10111.2. -'l'ownshl11 _____ -------------------- --.--T.~.l).-.sOU\b.._ot..RaD&e.--~_XU.~.--8i- ..Luol_o --CO-Wl~.--.l"~or.1d...--Clo.nt.a1n1n&-....p_..-------.-- 'n_ __n..___ . - --~O~~~_t~U_I'I._Y.~L( QL_.~r'_'_~._.____u_____._____u _______._______.. __ ___ __0._00 _ _u_ _ _ 0._________ _. _________ .- --.----. --.------- - .-----..------------------------.-------------..-.--- .---- -.-------------.------ --- -, - -.---- ...------..------.--- -.----.-.---.-.------'----.---------------- _.---.__.__._-- .- .- -. ._- -------.---.----------- ----.---------- --------.--, --,- ----. "'-_o._-------. ._____.__________._____.________.____ .------------.----.------ -.----------..--.--- - -. .-------.-.- -------.- --------------------o..-------.-----.-------------- ____.__. .___._.______hn____________________ ----___.____.__________.__. __._______ _"_o._ ________ _____.____________h.________ ___.._ o.---______.._.___._h__________ _.________ - -- .-----,-.---.--- -.- ----.-" ----------------------------.---------..-.--.----....---- .------_. -....,.. - - _'-o.. _. o.___. ____._. . TO H_-\ \'E AX Il TO HOLO the same. togtlhrr "ith all and ,ingular Ihe a"pUllcnance, thtrcunto hclon;:in!:. (.r in ",,)....i... apperl3ini,,~. and all Ihe urate. rigbt, tille, intercsl and claim whal>vcnr of the said part 1.. oi lhe first parI, ei!her in law or equit)-, .., tltt cnly I'ro~' or me. benefir .n.l I behoof or lhe said pall le. of the sHond vall. __ their . - ___htirs and assigns fQrc"~r. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. th.. sai:1 part laA of the 6rst pall ba_Y'_ __ __ hereunto scL.__._. the1r__ tht da)- and )-eaI first abo,,, 1l-rillen_ - - ---- hand . __ and 'eal 8 __ Siglled, ..aled and delh'..red in presence 01: I (ScalI R08e Anne. M~~ __._.__. France. crosa .. G.. R.lfot\1Q.8hOJl_. Louett4t HottiD&heln . ( 5rall STATE OF..___.nORIDA_._.___._____________ ) County of . - .n___;n'.LVCJ;.__________________________n_.._ -- f I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this da)- personally appcared bdore me, an offic.. duly aDlbMizcd to admini.ttr Odlh, and take aclmowk.ll;mtlll<. __.____<1_.. __Il.~_.MO_~~~!l.8l!~_~d -;l.9~m_~Q'IT_IN~__.:....._____.______h_____.____..:___ _______~_ ____ _____h_ to me well known tot: the l>rrson. 8 -- describcd in and who executed the roregoing mstrumellt and ___ ____ tilley _ fort me that _n____.___lley_ ---- ________. -___execuled tb.. same Ired)- and ,'oJuntarily for the VUIPO'U thereio exprus..l - ad:llowledJ(td be- . AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said --------.Lou.et_W_Jlott.1 n&!'aDl __.0.__ ___ __ _________ kn~"'n to me to bc the "if., of the said __ G. R.. Hot \ina}t... ______ 00_ _._________000. ____ __ .. ...._______ ___._ 00 a separate and pri'''l'' t:umination, taken and m..de by alld bdort mt. separalely and apart from h.. ,aid hllshalld, did ,...kllo1l!edgt lhal she ueculed lh. lortgoing 'lJetd ior rite purpose of relinquishing, alienating and com-eying all!>.. light. title and inttrest. ...-htlh.. of do...... homestead OJr of .eparate "rOJp' crt,., slatutor,. or equitable. in and to Ihe lands descriu-,d tberoin, and that she rxerutc,J said Deed rreel)' and 'ollllltarily alld ",ithoul any com"ut-ion. constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. I WITNES-S m,. band and offidal seal ar__.l'Or\ _P1er.QtJ..h___.__._____.. ________________ _____ ..., COunl,. 01 -8\._ _Luole _______..... and Slalt of u______'lnPi<<.::.:..'---- --- 00"__' this .---------6.1ih_________________..da,. of _' .._____Ootober______.____._______. ^- D_ I'J M. ~o..- '_.. ',' ""- .r-' -I ,- ...-' ~ . f (N. t ',.. STATE OF FLORIO~ } ., County 01 St. Lucie. '-0,;.0.-,._.-:;;; . <. BE IT REMEMREREO. That on tbis -___________26\h _ (Sui) P. SJW.) : I J ; Ros. .&.1UIe MoKan US Notary:eublfo;--state--Cit---'lorlda'at- t.arge-~'-- - _h' V1 Co~.~lon _~_~,,~___l'tt~~ __17.,_,l~36._ I - ------------___day of_.Deog1)er.\hi:~..A.M._, A. O. 19~. I. - - --- .-.-- ..- R._.LO'f'f____ _ __.. _____._____________00_______. .__ ___~__ hh____ 0.______ ___ Clerk of the Circuit Court in and r(Or said CQUllly, have duly record.d Ibe fortll:oing Quir.C1aim Deed in the I.ublic lcc...rd, of said C"U"'y_ IN WITXESS WIIEREOF, I have bcreunlo "I my hand aDd the scal of said Court the d;a)' and yur above "lillen. ~"::"-..~ /-,. II .-\ If (CT. CT. sqL) Il<flI RK<><<I No. &J. *. Lootk C_~, florid.. _;;r..., JK-.utc !GJOtJ .... >., ~ , to 00 .... Q" ~~ ~~ (y . .._Wa.B.. LOfT.. --- _ ___ . ___________ .--_..(Sul) "-..__C/UL_d:L ~~:;:~:~ '.' '\,,- // /(.~i. "....~.: ::::~~~ ~-:;--;....-: ---.:---:-.=;- --:-.~--:~~~-.--,-~,.---:.---=-:;--..-- , < - ~- ~ ~. .- :' <}!~~~~I;i*;~(it;,