HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-04 Comments & Response Letter· Comment & Response Letter
4900 Kings Highway, Fort Pierce , FL
St. Lucie County
Planning Division
2300 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce , FL 34982
772 .462 .2822
MJSP-11202025892 , CU-11202025893
Prepared by :
1209 Edgewater Drive , Suite 100
Orlando , FL 32804
(407) 951.5915
Comments Received : March 4 , 2021
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4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce, FL
Outstanding Site Plan Comments:
1. Comment:
1. Response:
2. Comment:
2. Response:
3. Comment:
3. Response:
4 . Comment:
4. Response:
Provide an access agreement for the shared access driveway to
the south.
Acknowledged. The cross access agreement has been
included with this submittal.
The Traffic Statement shall be revised on the Site Plan. There are
inaccurate references to ITE "81151" and "East Torino Parkway".
The Traffic Statement has been corrected with the accurate
information for the ITE "151" & East Torino Parkway has been
replaced with Miramar Avenue. Please refer to revision 2 on
sheet SP2.0.
ITE calculations were provided in the Site Data; however, please
clarify the reference to 0.14 spaces per 1,000, or remove.
The ITE calculation has been removed from the Site Data
Table. Please refer to revision 2 on sheet SP2.0.
In the Site Data Table, include the RV and boat storage canopies in
the calculations for lot coverage by buildings are included in the lot
coverage percentage; however the canopies within the impervious
are calculations; however, they were not included within the lot
coverage by buildings.
The RV & Boat storage is included in the Max. Building
Coverage. Please refer to revision 2 on sheet SP2.0.
New Site Plan Comments:
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407) 951 .5915
5. Comment:
5. Response:
6. Comment:
6. Response:
7. Comment:
7. Response:
8. Comment:
8. Response:
9. Comment:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
On the Site Data Table, update the side (south) to reflect "side at
corner'' with a required setback of "20-feet".
The Site Data Table has been updated to reflect the "side at
corner" and the setback updated to 20 feet. Please refer to
revision 2 on sheet SP2.0.
Provide the dimensions/labels for the building setbacks on the site
The building setback information has been updated
through-out the site plan. Please refer to revision 2 on sheet
The RV/boat parking shall be included in the parking calculations.
The site plan accounts for the required three (3) additional stalls.
Please notate on the site plan that the three (3) surplus parking
stalls located at the main facility serve as the required parking for
the RV/boat parking area.
Under The Land Use Table, the Parking Stalls information has
been updated to show the spaces that are required for RV/boat
parking. Please refer to revision 2 on sheet SP2.0.
Pursuant to LDC Section 7.06.02, when abutting 90° parking , the
required drive aisle width shall be 26 '. The depicted 24 ' aisle w idth
is not sufficient to meet this requirement.
The Drive Aisle has been updated to 26 feet wide as required.
Please refer to revision 2 on sheet SP2.0.
There are inconsistencies on certain site plan sheets regarding the
placement of the required parking stalls. Sheet SP2.0 depicts the
parking as abutting the main facility. Sheet A 1.0 depicts the
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100 , Orlando , FL 32804
Tel : (407} 951 .5915
9. Response:
10 . Comment:
10. Response:
11 . Comment:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
required parking stalls opposite the main facility. Please revise for
The A 1.0 sheet has been updated to show consistency with the
SP2.0 sheet.
Clarify if the internal gates will operate as restricted access. If not ,
provide a statement of the hours and means by which the gates will
be manually opened and closed. Provide detail of the subject gates.
The internal gates will operate with the use of a keypad. For
someone to enter the restricted area, they must enter the code
into the keypad and wait for the gate to open. Gate specs have
been included separately with this submittal.
Pursuant to LDC Section 7 .10.24 -Community Architectural
Standards, at least five (5) elements shall be incorporated from the
architectural design list. On the elevation sheets (A5.0 , A6.0 , A7.0),
please identify which five (5) elements were incorporated. The
following elements(s) have been satisfactorily identified:
-(1) Display Windows
-(2) raised Cornice Parapets
-It is recommended to replace the dummy doors with
"Bahama Shutters ', which will count as one (1)
additional element.
-Denote that the metal roof is a 'Standing Seam Metal
Roof', versus an exposed fastener or other. This will
count as one (1) additional element. Denote the roof
-Canopies are conceptually depicted on Sheet A4.0 ,
but not depicted on the elevation sheets. They may
count as one (1) additional element.
-Describe the 13" bump outs .
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : {407) 951 .5915
11. Response:
12 . Comment:
12. Response:
13 . Comment:
13. Response :
14. Comment:
14. Response:
15. Comment:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
Acknowledged, these elements have been added to the
proposed elevations please see revised architectural sheets
A5.0 & A6.0.
Pursuant to LDC Section 7 .10.24 , as indicated in the Preferred
Color Chat, soft , muted tones shall be used. The 'red ' accent color
is not contained within the chart as a permitted color tone. Please
provide justification as to the selection of this color, i.e. branding.
Minor variations to the colors shown in the color chart may be
approved provided that the general intent of the color pattern is
being compiled with.
The red accent color is an integral part of the branding and
business logo therefore we really need to keep it in the design.
Provide detail of the external finish material for the proposed PBU
panel. LDC Section 7.10.24 .D , prohibits the use of corrugated metal
siding for building facades located in the CG Zoning District.
Corrugated can be defined as "(of material, surface, or structure)
shaped into alternative ridges and grooves ".
Acknowledged, please see revised architectural sheets A5.0 &
Provide detail of the external finish material for the proposed 3 '
horizontal IPS Panel, i.e., stucco, wood , etc. If the panel has the
appearance of 'lightly stained/painted wood in a horizontal pattern '
shall be considered as an additional architectural element.
Acknowledged, please see revised architectural sheets A5.0 &
The stucco proposed aluminium cladding to match the building
elevations. Please consider an alternate material. Pursuant to LDC
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407} 951 .5915
15. Response:
16 . Comment:
16. Response:
17. Comment:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
Section 7.10 .24.G .1.A.1 , free standing signs shall be designed to
be compatible with the architecture of the building (colors ,
materials). Depict the required landscape requirements for the
monument sign. The sign shall all have a landscaped area around
its base which extends a minimum distance of three (3) feet in all
directions. Such landscaped areas shall be completely covered by
natural drought-tolerant ground cover and shrubs , hedges, or
similar vegetative materials .
Acknowledged, please see revised architectural sheets AS.0 &
A6.0 and the separate sign rendering included with this
submittal. The proposed landscaping around the sign is
shown on revised sheet SP3.0.
At the northern exit of the main facility, lengthen the stop bar to
continue across the entire driveway and be perpendicular to the
direction of travel. Assuming a left-out is eliminated , the plan should
be revised to reflect a more restrained circulation pattern , see
The northern exit of the main facility has been updated to
match the exhibit provided by the reviewer. Please refer to
revision 2 on sheet SP2.0.
The total lot coverage by buildings is 130,681 square feet. Pursuant
to LDC Section 7.06.02 , for all commercial development between
120 ,000 to 199 ,999 square feet , four (4) loading zones shall be
designated on the loading zone . It is acceptable to place the
loading zones internal to the storage facility ; however, the four (4)
required twelve ( 12) x fifty-five (55) feet long loading zones shall be
illustrated and appropriately denoted on the site plan. Depict the
height on the first floor. Loading zones require a fourteen (14) foot
vertical clearance .
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407) 951 .5915
17. Response:
18. Comment:
18. Response:
19 . Comment:
19. Response:
20. Comment:
20. Response:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
Off-street loading is accomplished within the interior of the
building. Please refer to revision 2 on sheet SP4.0.
Is "Storage Units" the intended language for the signage , or will a
business name be substituted?
The building and monument sign will both say "Storage Units"
with a padlock symbol.
The northwest corner appears to have an overhang. Please verify
that it is indeed an overhang, and not the building footprint
encroaching within the required front yard setback. Pursuant to
LDC Section 7.04.01V, unsupported roof overhangs may encroach
up to thirty (30) inches within any required yard setback area.
The overhang that is in the northwest corner of the building is
an unsupported roof overhang. It is Architectural facade to
show building depth.
The use of RV/boat parking is not specifically listed on the fee
schedule. The County shall utilize the trip generation statistics
supplied and certified by your P.E. to calculate impact fees.
Traffic Review Comments:
1. Comment: The revised Traffic Study, submitted March 2, 2021, was submitted
to Kimley Horn and remains under review. Comments may be
forthcoming .
1. Response: Acknowledged.
Survey Comments:
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407) 951 .5915
1. Comment:
1. Response:
2. Comment:
2. Response:
3. Comment:
3. Response:
4 . Comment:
4. Response:
5. Comment:
5. Response:
6 . Comment:
6. Response:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce, FL
Please include Horizontal accuracy statement per SJ-17 .051 (2)(b)
in the notes.
A horizontal accuracy statement has been added to the revised
Please add areas for all parcels.
Areas for all parcels have been added to the revised survey.
Please add the parcel names to their corresponding less and
except descriptions to avoid confusion .
Parcel names have been added to the revised survey.
Please add the bearings from the less and except description for
parcel "B" to the face of the survey.
Bearings have been added to the revised survey.
Please add missing dimension for description above the first course
from the P.O.8. the dimension of the 691.35 feet does not appear
on the survey.
The dimension for the description has been added to the
Please show all sizes and types of found or set monumentation.
Sizes and types of monumentation have been added to the
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407) 951 .5915
7. Comment:
7. Response:
8. Comment:
8. Response:
9. Comment:
9. Response:
Public Works
1. Comment:
1. Response:
2. Comment:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
Please add an inset sketch to the survey for the less and except
parcel #124 , the description is hard to follow, and it's hard to
determine just what is being "lessed out".
A sketch for parcel #124 has been added to the survey.
Please check curve information for parcel #124 above , the length of
arc does not match radius and central angle , also the bearing for
the existing southerly right of way line of Miramar Ave. differs from
the survey to the description , if this is the case a note would be
There are two north-south dimensions on the common line between
Parcel A and Parcel B, please choose one.
A legal access agreement for the southern driveway will be required
before a site development permit can be issued .
Acknowledged. The cross access agreement has been
included with this submittal.
The driveway connection to Miramar Avenue does not meet the
side property line setback requirements. The driveway also does
not meet minimum setback requirements from the intersection for
driveways allowing left turn movements serving uses generating
more than 50 vehicle trips per day. A driveway variance from the
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100 , Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407) 951 .5915
2. Response:
3. Comment:
3. Response:
4 . Comment:
4. Response:
5. Comment:
5. Response:
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce , FL
Board of Adjustments will be required for the proposed location of
the driveway on Miramar Avenue.
Acknowledge. The Variance was applied for on March 19, 2021.
Property line cross sections should be provided for each property
line. The typical cross section appears to be only the east side of
the property. Ensure that there is a flat area at the base of the berm
before reaching the property line.
A property line cross section has been provided for each side
of the property. Please refer to revision 2 on sheet SP2.0 and
Additional comments may be issued at time of Site Development
Permit application review.
For discussion regarding these comments, please contact (772)
462-27 41 or chambersg@stlucieco.org
Property Acquisition Department
1. Comment:
1. Response:
Following site plan approval , property acquisitions will be in contact
with you to coordinate the 1 O' right-of-way dedication on Miramar
1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407} 951 .5915
Thank you ,
4900 Kings Highway
Fort Pierce, FL
Jeremy Anderson , P.E.
Common Oak Engineering , LLC
1209 Edgewater Dr ive Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32804
Tel : (407) 951 .5915