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SLIDE 1 -Opening Statement
Good evening Mr. Chairman and .-C.0.J'V'\/11\1~ \, o~"Yor the record , Bethany Grubbs with the
Planning and Development Services Department, presenting 8SiAd l!!Rt eP¥i ..:Q:!i:b. a request for a
Con?itional_ Use Permit on behalf Wylie Klyce and Rapid Building Solutionsl This is a quasi-judicial
public hearing . i ~ fv'v..__')or ,i~ i tf.\A
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SLIDE 2 -Public Notice
In accordance with public notice requirements outlined in Section 11 .00 .03 of the St. Lucie County
Land Development Code , public notice was advertised in the St. Lucie County News Tribune on
M ay 8th . Notice and response forms were mailed to all property owners located within a 500 foot
radius of the subject property and a sign was installed on the property notifying the public of
tonight's Public Hearing .
SLIDE 3-Aerial
This is an aerial perspective of the property and the area outlined in red indicates the subject site . ,
The undeveloped 4.47acre property is located at the south ~t_corner of Turnpike Feeder Road ""
· __ _cl.Miramar Avenue , in Fort Pierce.
Kings Highway & Turnpike Feeder Road , at the intersection of lndrio Road , recently underwent
improvements . A northbound right-turn lane and median was recently constructed within the last
year in front of the project site on Turnpike Feeder Road .
SU DE 4 -Zoning
The subject property is zoned Commercial General , with a compatible Commercial Future Land
Use .
____ . ___ --,........--,.---fhe storage use is proposed
inside a commercial node partly surrounded by a variety of residential neighborhoods . The
existing uses in the area consist of a shopping plaza that contains a Winn-Dixie , multiple
restaurants , retail shops , a gym , and a gas station, with surrounding commercial , single-family ,
two-family , and medium density residential districts . The Conditional Use is compatible with the
commercial and medium density districts , while serving residents throughout Lakewood Park and
north County.
SLIDE 5 -Site Plan
Operation of the self-storage facility is year-round . The applicant is proposing 24-hour availability
to individually secure storage bays via an access control keypad . The office will be open during
traditional business hours , 9 :00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m . Monday through Saturday , and 12:00 p.m. to
5:00 p.m. on Sunday, and staff approximately 3-4 employees. -
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On April 28th , the Board of Adjustment granted a Variance to allow a driveway with left-turn
movements to be located less than 350-feet from the Turnpike Feeder Road parallel base bu ilding
line and a Variance to allow the edge of a driveway less than twen ty-five (25) feet from a side
property line , as they determined that the driveway location should not adversely impact public
safety or traffic congestion in the area .
.A-Major Sile P!ao bas br.r.n iubr:nitt'id te aooeR1J'8FIY ti-le Gol"lelitiol"lel U:,e petitioFI , wbicA r=eep:1ire :s-
1 evisw a, :el action by tA'i Boeirs gf Cgunty G0R1ffli&iiQAilrS Jhe subject request is to develop a
103 ,200 square foot , three-story , self-storage facility . The project proposes 725 enclosed , climate-
controlled , fully enclosed storage units along with forty-three (43) RV and boat exterior storage
stalls , associated parking , drainage , and utility infrastructure . The climate-controlled storage bays
and fu lly en c lo se d , w hich vary in size fro m 5' by 5' and 10 ' by 30 '. The fac ility wi ll conta in a fire
suppre ssion system and is secured v ia an access control keypad .
The outdoor RV and boat storage a rea will be enclosed with an automated ste el rail fence for
security . The access control gates internal to the site comply w ith the queuing provisions outlined
t .
in LDC Sect ion 7.10 .15 . -fu ~\ of \ \.l_
The plan provides twelve ( 12) standard parking stalls and two (2) ADA parking sta1r,1 o m:et the :5¼ I I~
minimum required off-street parking .
Four (4) wall signs will be prov ided in the form of channel letters , one for each elevation and two
(2) monument ground signs at the driveway entrances on Miramar Avenue and the southwest
corner at the shared access connection .
The use will be buffered from the adjacent residentially zoned land with the installation of an 8-
foot wall along the eastern perimeter of the property . Southern live oak trees will be provided on
both s ides of the wall to screen the building and outdoor storage area .
The site will be served by St. Lucie County Utilities (SLCU) for water and wastewater services .
The commercial development will be tying into an existing drainage facility that has been designed
for the development of the subject property .
Analysis of the traffic analysis ind icates that no ingress turn lanes are warranted.
SLIDE 6-Concept Plan '~~N-,~ 1"' \-.
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The concept plan highlights the proposed 30 foot wide interior drive thru loading area and outdoor
storage access controlled gate locations .
SU DE 7 -Elevations
The proposed three-story build ing is approx imately 46 .50-feet in height, comply ing with the 60-
foot maximum building height allowed . The building meets the Community Architectural
Standards as per LDC Section 7.10 .24 , integrati ng a minimum of five (5) architectural features
including : Raised Cornice Parapets , Bahama Shutters , Display Windows , Standing Seam Metal
Roof, and Canopies .
SLIDE 8-Floor Plan
The first floor includes both drive-thru and interior units and an onsite rental office . The second
and t hird floors will consist of interior units .
Each floor contains a mix of units , ranging in size from 5' by 5' and 1 0' by 30 '; however, the first
floor predominately proposes the larger units 10 by 20 and 10 by 30 in size. The second floor
predominately proposes 1Ox12 and 1 0x20 units . The third floor predominately proposes 5x10 and
10x10 units .
SLIDE 9-Opinions Map
Notices we re ma il ed to 22 surround i ng property owners withi n a 500-foot radius of the subject
property .
The Plann i ng Department has received 2 returned responses fo r the Conditional Use Petition .
\ -In Favor -~ ~Of~ 0~ V
l -Not in Favor
0 -No Opinion
SU DE 10 -Standards of Review
In accordance with Land Development Code Section 11 .07 .03, staff has reviewed the petition to
ensure the Conditional Use does not have any negative effects on the environment, adjacent
properties , Public Facilities , fire protection , and is consistent with Land Development Code , and
Comprehensive Plan.
SLIDE 11 -Staff Recommendation ~\\.OL-07
Staff finds this petition to meet the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.07 .03 of the St.
Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals , objectives , and policies
of the St. Lucie County Comprehens ive Plan . Staff r:(iCOmmendi the Planning and 20IIiI19 -
.C eA1l'l'lissio11 frn oterd tl'lis pQtition to the Baaed at Crnmty GaroooisaioneFs withs rec0111111e11dat lor1
o_f..approval , subJecf io tlIe followin§! conditions of ~rovar.-~ { -{ lOM-¼0 ') ~ g3"iv-J
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SLIDE 12-Conditions of Approval \ '\..) \.
• Any alternative use proposed for the facility w ill requ ire a Conditional Use Adjustmen t.
• It sha ll be prohibited to initiate boat eng ines ons ite between the hours of 11 p .m . and 7 a.m .
• Prior to Major Site Plan approval , the appl icant shall prov ide a photometric plan that
demonstrates compliance with LDC Section 7 .09 .04 (K).
• Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy , all Category I invasi ve plant species shall be
eradicated from the site .
SLIDE 13 -Conclu s ion
This concludes my presentation . Staff and the applicant 's representative are available to address
any questions . =Fh aii ~ you . -=7w. CA:rr\1 (C4rf ~s eqpW'-(.d C\ fro~h~ · tcrv .
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