HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Staff Report - Self-Storage Planning and Development Services Department Planning Division M E M O R A N D U M GENERAL INFORMATION: Applicant: Wylie Klyce Rapid Building Solutions 350 E Crown Point Road Suite 1080 Winter Garden, FL 34787 Agent of Record: Morgan Hampton Common Oak Engineering 1209 Edgewater Drive Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32804 Location: Southeast corner of Turnpike Feeder Road and Miramar Avenue Zoning District: CG (General, Commercial) Future Land Use: COM (Commercial) Parcel ID Number: 1313-232-0002-000-1 Parcel Size: 4.47-acres Existing: Vacant Proposed Use: Self-Storage Facility Urban Service Boundary (USB): Inside Utilities: St. Lucie County Utilities, Water & Wastewater Services Fire/EMS Protection: Fire Station #7 – Lakewood Park, located at 4900 Fort Pierce Blvd., 0.5- miles east of the proposed project TO: Planning and Zoning Commission THROUGH: Leslie Olson, AICP, Director Benjamin Balcer, AICP, Assistant Director FROM: Bethany Grubbs, Planner DATE: May 12, 2021 SUBJECT: Self-Storage Kings Highway - Conditional Use (CU–11202025893) Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 2 Aerial Map BACKGROUND: The applicant, Rapid Building Solutions, LLC, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit, in accordance with Land Development Code (LDC) Sections 3.01.03(S)(7)(g) – Household goods warehousing and storage-mini- warehouses and 11.07.00 – Conditional Uses, to develop a 103,200 square foot, three-story, self-storage facility. The project proposes 725 enclosed, climate-controlled, fully enclosed storage units along with forty- three (43) RV and boat exterior storage stalls, associated parking, drainage, and utility infrastructure. The climate-controlled storage bays and fully enclosed, which vary in size from 5’ by 5’ and 10’ by 30’. The first floor includes both drive-thru and interior units and an onsite rental office. The second and third floors will consist of interior units. The main facility is secured via an access control keypad. The outdoor RV and boat storage area will be enclosed with an automated steel rail fence for security. The 4.47-acre undeveloped property is located at the southeast corner of Turnpike Feeder Road and Miramar Avenue. The property is zoned CG (Commercial, General), with a compatible COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation. The property is located inside of the Urban Service Boundary (USB). As such, there is an expectation and a requirement that the full range of urban services are either in place or will be provided to the site at adopted levels of service. A Major Site Plan has been submitted to accompany the Conditional Use petition, which requires review and action by the Board of County Commissioners. Approval History April 28, 2021 The Board of Adjustment approved BOA Resolution 2021-005, granting a Variance from the provisions of St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 7.05.06.C.2.f(3) to allow a driveway with left-turn movements to be located less than 350-feet from the Turnpike Feeder Road parallel base building line and a Variance from LDC Section 7.05.06.C.2(c) to allow the edge of a driveway less than twenty- five (25) feet from a side property line. Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 3 ******************************************************************************* STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USE REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.07.03 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 11.07.03 establishes the Standards for Review for Conditional Use Permits. Approval shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates the following: A. Consistency with Local Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan The Development Review Committee has reviewed the proposed Conditional Use, and accompanying Major Site Plan, finding it to be consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) and Comprehensive Plan. Consistency with Land Development Code Regulations Pursuant to LDC Section 3.01.03.S, the purpose of the CG District is to “provide and protect an environment suitable for a wide variety of commercial uses intended to serve a population over a large market area, which do not impose undesirable noise, vibration, odor, dust, or offensive effects on the surrounding area, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with general commercial surroundings”. Self-storage facilities are an eligible Conditional Use within the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District, per LDC Section 3.01.03(S)(7)(g) – Household goods warehousing and storage-mini-warehouses. The plan complies with the minimum lot size and dimensional requirements for the (Commercial, General) Zoning District. The proposed three-story building is approximately 46.50-feet in height, complying with the 60-foot maximum building height allowed. The plan provides twelve (12) standard parking stalls and two (2) ADA parking stall, to meet the minimum required off-street parking, as per the Institute of Transportation Engineers Manual (5th Edition) and LDC Section 7.06.02. Two (2) designated off-street loading spaces are provided in accordance with LDC Section 7.06.02.A.3.b.T. The loading areas will be located outside, at the north and south side of the facility at the two entry points. The Major Site Plan proposes access control gates internal to the site, in compliance with the queuing provisions outlined in LDC Section 7.10.15 – Security Gatehouse and Access Control Devices. Architectural Design (Building) The building meets the Community Architectural Standards as per LDC Section 7.10.24, integrating a minimum of five (5) architectural features including: (1) Raised Cornice Parapets, (2) Bahama Shutters, (3) Display Windows (4) Standing Seam Metal Roof, and (5) Canopies. Pursuant to LDC Section 7.10.24, as indicated in the Preferred Color Chart, soft, muted tones shall be used. The ‘red’ accent color is not contained within the chart as a permitted color tone; however, the minor variation has been accepted as a result of the color being an integral part of the branding and business logo. Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 4 Exhibit 1, west elevation architectural rendering Signage Four (4) wall signs will be provided in the form of channel letters, one for each elevation (north, south, east, and west) and two (2) monument ground signs at the driveway entrances on Miramar Avenue and the southwest corner at the shared access connection, meeting the design standards within LDC Section 7.10.24.G.1.B – Signs and Lighting Standards. The architecture and color scheme promotes a unified appearance. Right of-Way Adequacy/ Sidewalk Improvements The current right-of-way in this location is 60-feet along Miramar Avenue. Pursuant to LDC Section 7.05.02, a condition of Major Site Plan approval will require that the property owner/applicant dedicate 10-feet of right- of-way along Miramar Avenue. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan The site is located within the Commercial (COM) land use area. The purpose of the Commercial Land Use is found in the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element which is intended to accommodate all commercial zoning districts as identified under St. Lucie County's Land Development Code. The development is consistent with, or is supported by, the following Comprehensive Plan Objectives and corresponding policies: Objective 1.1.6: Urban Service Area Boundary. In coordination with the other elements of this plan, future development within the Urban Service Area shall be directed to areas where urban and community services/facilities can be provided in the most efficient and compact manner so as to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. The proposed Conditional Use achieves this Objective which encourages infill development within the urban services area that is adjacent to other commerical establishements and nearby residential land uses. Policy - All new subdivision and site plan development projects that are proposed to take place within the approved service area of any duly authorized water/wastewater utility in St. Lucie County, shall be required to provide a "dry-line" central water and wastewater distribution/collection system, and provide for the connection to centralized systems as they become available in accordance with applicable Rules and Regulations and payment of utility fees. The standards for construction of Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 5 these systems shall be included as a part of the County's Land Development Code, or the Rules and Regulations of the duly authorized water/wastewater utility. The project will be connecting to St. Lucie County Utilities for water and wastewater service. Objective 1.1.10: Commercial Areas. St. Lucie County shall provide for the establishment of commercial zoning districts where various types of commercial retail, including commercial uses for retail trade, office and service activities and general commercial uses for highway oriented sales and services; light industrial service uses; and hotel uses may be permitted at intensities which are consistent and compatible wit h the surrounding community and the natural environment. Policy - Require effective visual and light diffusion barriers between residential and nonresidential uses. Standards and requirements for such barriers are to be included in the landscaping and screening regulations of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. As per LDC Section 7.09.03, the applicant has submitted a landscape plan detailing the required buffers, eight (8) foot opaque wall, and landscape plantings. Additionally, the development will adhere to LDC Section 7.09.04(K) in order to minimize light impacts. The Environmental Resources Department review details can be found in Section “F” below. Policy - To improve accessibility for all modes of transportation and reduce environmental impacts, encourage all adjacent developments to share common driveways and provide pedestrian interconnections whenever feasible, to reduce the number of driveways on major thoroughfares and potentially reduce environmental impacts on Hutchinson Island and other environmentally sensitive areas of St. Lucie County. The Site Plan proposes a shared access driveway with the Indrio Crossings Plaza to the south. Shared access between the two commercial developments, provides multiple connections and directs trips off the higher classification roadway (Turnpike Feeder Road). Furthermore, the plan provides pedestrian access to existing adjacent sidewalk links. B. Effect on Nearby Properties The purpose of the CG Zoning District is to provide and protect an environment suitable for a wide variety of commercial uses intended to serve a population over a large market area, which do not impose undesirable noise, vibration, odor, dust, or offensive effects on the surrounding area, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with general commercial surroundings. The subject self-storage use is proposed inside a commercial node partly surrounded by a variety of residential neighborhoods. The existing uses in the area consist of a shopping plaza that contains a Winn-Dixie, multiple restaurants, retail shops, a gym, and a gas station, with surrounding commercial, single-family, two-family, and medium density residential districts. The proposed Conditional Use should not have an undue adverse effect upon surrounding properties. The Conditional Use is compatible with the commercial and medium density districts, while serving residents throughout Lakewood Park and north County. Operation of the self-storage facility is year-round. The applicant is proposing 24-hour availability to individually secure storage bays via an access control keypad. The office will be open during traditional business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, and staff approximately 3-4 employees. Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 6 Buffering Adjacent Residential Land Uses The proposed Conditional Use is not anticipated to have an undue adverse impact upon nearby residential properties. The use will be buffered from the adjacent residentially zoned land with the installation of an 8- foot wall along the eastern perimeter of the property. Southern live oak trees will be provided on both sides of the wall to screen the building and outdoor storage area. As the trees continue to grow, they will provide additional buffering and soften the look of the building. The site lighting will include building wall packs as well as site lighting poles. A photometric plan shall demonstrate foot-candle readings along the property line are zero (0) to ensure that there will not be any light spillover on the adjacent residential properties or roadways. Adjacent Zoning & Future Land Uses: C. Adequacy of Public Facilities The proposed development is not expected to create additional demands on public facilities. The site is located within the Urban Service Boundary (USB). All public facilities are expected to operate within the adopted Level of Service (LOS) Standards as set forth by the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. Water/Wastewater The site will be served by St. Lucie County Utilities (SLCU) for water and wastewater services. A water main is located on the south side of Miramar Avenue and a force main is located on the north side of Miramar Avenue. A privately owned lift station will be required to connect into the force main. A standard development agreement will be required between St. Lucie County Utilities and the developer in order to reserve capacity for this project. Transportation The self-storage facility use is estimated to generate 197 daily trips. The proposed project plans for two access points. The northern full access driveway on Miramar Avenue is estimated to generate 64 of those trips and 133 trips are estimated via the shared access driveway that connects with the Indrio Crossings Plaza, located towards the southern property line. Miramar Avenue is a 2-lane undivided roadway with a posted speed of 25 mph. Turnpike Feeder Road (SR 713) is a 4-lane divided roadway with a posted speed of 45 mph in the area. Kings Highway & Turnpike Feeder Road, at the intersection of Indrio Road, recently underwent improvements. A northbound right-turn lane and median was recently constructed within the last year in front of the project site on Turnpike Feeder Road, a State roadway. For pedestrians, a six-foot sidewalk was constructed along Turnpike Feeder Road, and along Miramar Avenue. Location Land Use Zoning District Existing Land Use Subject Property COM (Commercial) CG (Commercial, General Vacant Adjacent Parcels North RU (Residential, Urban) CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Realty Office, Single-Family Residences, Duplex Structures South COM (Commercial) CG (Commercial, General) Shopping Plaza East RM (Residential, Medium) RM-9 (Residential, Multi- Family – 9 du/ac) Vacant Residential West COM (Commercial) CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Vacant Commercial, Right-of- Way Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 7 The applicant has designed the driveway entrances and onsite drive aisles with adequate widths in order to accommodate larger vehicles typically used in conjunction with these types of projects, as demonstrated by a circulation plan. The ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, projects Use Classification 151: Mini-Warehouse to produce 1.51 average daily trips per 1,000 square feet of operations space. Kimley Horn, the County’s outside traffic consultant has reviewed the Traffic Impact Report for the subject use. Based upon the described operations, ITE 10th Edition generation data, and facility scale, the proposed storage facility is anticipated to generate approximately 197 average daily trips, with 13 a.m. and 22 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips. The analysis demonstrates that the proposed access driveway on Miramar Avenue has sufficient capacity available to support the project trips and no ingress turn lanes are warranted to maintain the integrity of traffic flow and capacity of the roads during peak hours. The secondary shared access driveway (OR Book 4572 Page 2421- 2429) connects with the Indrio Crossings Plaza, which has an existing dedicated northbound right and southbound left turn deceleration lane. Exhibit 2, Site Plan snapshot Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 8 Exhibit 3, Aerial - Kings Highway improvements: deceleration lane & raised median Parking The applicant has provided fourteen (14) parking spaces meeting the parking requirements of eleven (11) off- street parking stalls, including two (2) ADA accessible parking stalls based on the ITE Parking Generation 5th Edition, Use Classification 151: Mini-Warehouse. The plan incorporates a bike rack, as well as pedestrian access to adjacent sidewalk links. Stormwater/Drainage The commercial development will be tying into an existing drainage facility that has been designed for the development of the subject property. The drainage system will consist of new stormwater infrastructure, which shall flow to the drainage area on the adjacent property to the west as shown on the Site Plan. An existing cross drainage easement is in place and is recorded in the Public Records of St. Lucie County (OR Book 1143 Page 2759). D. Adequacy of Fire Protection The St. Lucie County Fire District - Fire Prevention Bureau reviewed and approved the proposed project in accordance with the State Fire Code and has no objections to the request. The closest fire station, Station #7 (Lakewood Park) is located at 4900 Fort Pierce Blvd., Fort Pierce, approximately 0.5-miles east of the subject parcel. The facility will contain a fire suppression system. The St. Lucie County Fire District has reviewed the proposed access design and control gate, determining adequate access will be provided to the St. Lucie County Fire District and St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Department. Subject Property Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 9 E. Adequacy of School Facilities There are no school concurrency or capacity issues for this project, as this is a non-residential use. F. Environmental Impact Background The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the February 4th, 2021 , date-stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is seeking approval for the construction of a 103,200 SF three-story self-storage facility with forty-three (43) RV/boat storage stalls, associated parking, and additional site improvements. The project is located at the southeast corner of Turnpike Feeder Road (S.R. 713) and Miramar Avenue in Fort Pierce and currently consists of one (1) vacant 4.64–acre parcel. The parcel is currently zoned ‘CG’ and has a land use code of 4900 – Open Storage. Findings Environmental Impact Report (EIR) dated November 9, 2020, was provided by Universal Engineering Science, Inc. on November 20th, 2020. A site visit confirmed that the majority of the site’s habitat is dominated by Brazilian Pepper, with small areas of canopy species, including slash pine, live oaks, and cabbage palms. The EIR identified a small low-lying area measuring 0.32 acres as an isolated wetland; however, subsequent correspondence with the South Florida Water Management (SFWMD) provided by the agent on December 28, 2020, confirmed the absence of any onsite state jurisdictional wetlands. A landscape plan provided by Common Oak Engineering dated February 8th, 2021 was reviewed and was found to be consistent with the land development code (LDC). The proposed project will impact a total of 30 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) of native canopy trees meeting the mitigation thresholds (consisting of 2 live oaks) outlined in LDC 6.00.05.D, resulting in a total of 60 inches DBH of required mitigation and 8 cabbage palms. Mitigation for these impacts has been provided with preservation of 298 inches of native slash pines onsite. Recommendation ERD has no objection to the proposed Conditional Use. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING & PUBLIC NOTIFICATION On March 11, 2021, the applicant held an off-site neighborhood meeting to provide a better understanding of the project details and address any questions or concerns. The informational meeting was attended by one (1) adjacent property owner, who did not express any concerns regarding the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff finds this petition to meet the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to the following conditions of approval: Conditions of Approval 1. Any alternative use proposed for the facility will require a Conditional Use Adjustment. 2. It shall be prohibited to initiate boat engines onsite between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Project Name: Self-Storage Kings Highway File No.: CU-11202025893 10 3. Prior to Major Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide a photometric plan that demonstrates compliance with LDC Section 7.09.04(K). 4. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I invasive plant species shall be eradicated from the site.