HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-18 DRC Pre-App Draft Report
Storage Units Ft. Pierce
Applicant: Signature Bright Future Homes, LLC
Agent: Jeremy Anderson, Common Oak Engineering
County Project Coordinator: Bethany Grubbs
Assistant Planning Director: Ben Balcer
Assistant Planning Manager: Kori Benton, AICP
County Project Number: PreApp-7202025781
Application Type(s): Pre-Application
Site Address: TBD Miramar Avenue, Fort Pierce
Parcel Identification Number: 1313-232-0002-000-1
Date Pre-Application Submitted: July 6, 2020
Pre-Application Meeting Date: August 6, 2020
Final Pre-Application Report Provided: TBD
This is a Pre-Application submission with the St. Lucie County Development Review Committee (DRC) regarding
a request to construct a three-story, 103,200 square foot, self-storage building along with three (3), 7,000 square
foot commercial office buildings. An alternative design proposes RV & Boat Storage in-lieu of the commercial
office buildings. The proposal indicates a potential commercial subdivision for three (3) parcels.
The subject undeveloped 4.63-acre property is located at the southeast corner of Miramar Avenue and Turnpike
Feeder Road. The parcel is zoned CG (Commercial, General), which is consistent with the COM (Commercial)
Future Land Use designation and is located within the Urban Services Boundary (USB). Water and wastewater
services are to be provided from St. Lucie County Utilities.
The comments in this report are based on the above information, the pre-application materials received, date
stamped by the Planning and Development, Planning Division on July 6, 2020, and the discussion held at the pre-
application meeting on August 6, 2020.
A. Review Assessment
The specific comments of each review agency related to this request are identified in Sections B through L of this
report. These comments are provided to assist you with the submission of a development application(s) and/or
building permit(s). If you need more information or further clarification on any comments noted in a specific
section, as noted below, please feel free to contact the reviewer listed.
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Section Department/Division Reviewer Phone Email Address
B Planning & Development
Services, Planning Division
Bethany Grubbs 462-1687
C Building/Permitting Doug Harvey 462-2186 HarveyD@stlucieco.org
D County Surveyor Rod Reed 462-1721 ReedR@stlucieco.org
E Environmental Resources Brian Arbeiter 462-2866 ArbeiterB@stlucieco.org
F Public Works Grant Chambers 462-2741 ChambersG@stlucieco.org
G Property Acquisitions Victoria Mitchell 462-1711 MicthellV@stlucieco.org
H Fire District Lt. Wayne Boyer 621-3322 WBoyer@slcfd.org
I Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Martha Kerr 466-1600
J St. Lucie County Utilities Raymond Murankus 462-5221 MurankusR@stlucieco.org
K School Board Marty Sanders 216-5755 Marvin.sanders@stlucieschools.or
L Business Navigator Thondra Lanese 462-2548 LaneseT@stlucieco.org
B. Determination of Compliance with Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan Requirements –
Planning & Development Services, Planning Division
Land Use & Application Requirements:
1. The proposed development will require the submittal of an application for a Major Site Plan. Major Site Plans
are reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) and forwarded with a recommendation to the
Board of County Commissioners for final action. The Board of County Commissioners shall consider
the Site Plan at a regularly scheduled public meeting.
2. The proposed development will require the submittal of an application for a Conditional Use Permit for the use
of storage. Conditional Use applications are reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) and
forwarded with a recommendation. The application for Conditional Use shall not be considered complete until
all minimum site plan criteria have been determined to be met. The petition requires a review and
recommendation from the DRC and two public hearings, one before the Planning and Zoning Commission, a
recommending body, and a second before the Board of County Commissioners for final approval.
Be advised, all proposed uses shall be in compliance with LDC Section 3.01.03 Zoning Districts. The use
allowances are outlined as follows:
• Household goods warehousing and storage-mini-warehouses. (999) – Conditional Use
• Motor vehicle parking-commercial parking and vehicle storage. (752) – Permitted
• Miscellaneous retail (see SIC Code Major Group 59) - Permitted
• Commercial Office such as s. Engineering, accounting, research, management, and related services.
(87)- Permitted
• Executive, legislative, and judicial functions. (91/92/93/94/95/96/97) - Permitted
• Financial, insurance, and real estate. (60/61/62/63/64/65/67) - Permitted
3. Potential Subdivision: Where a proposed Site Plan includes the subdivision of land, a condition of the Final
Development Order shall be approval by the Board of County Commissioners of a plat conforming to the site
plan and the provisions of LDC Section 11.03.01. Upon completion of staff review, the final record plat will be
forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for final approval.
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The following comments and recommendations are provided to assist with the submission of a complete application
in compliance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC). The development review application,
checklist, and fee schedule may be found on the St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services website at
The following web site will provide the referenced Sections of the Land Development Code:
https://library.municode.com/fl/st._lucie_county/codes/land_development_code. A complete list of required site
plan documents and information may be found in LDC Section 11.02.09. General development design standards
are located throughout Chapter 7 of the LDC.
Site Plan & Conditional Use
1. In accordance with Section 7.10.24 – Community Architectural Standards, submit preliminary conceptual
design drawings, which include a site plan, architectural elevations of front and sides of the proposed
building(s), sign plan and elevation, and exterior lighting locations and standards. Building elevations shall
indicate building and roof form, windows, doors, materials/colors (include samples in color "spec" or "cut"
sheets), and all other architectural details and elements.
2. Pursuant to LDC Section 7.06.02(B)(1), the minimum parking access aisle dimension for 90-degree parking is
26-feet, for both one-way and two-way aisles. Revise the proposed 25-foot drive aisles to meet this requirement.
3. Pursuant to LDC Section 7.06.02, no paving or vehicular use area, other than shared entrance or exit drives
located in accordance with Section 7.05.06, shall be installed within ten (10) feet of adjoining property or within
fifteen (15) feet of any road right-of-way frontage, and said unpaved area shall be landscaped in accordance
with Section 7.09.00.
4. Pursuant to LDC section 7.10.24, pedestrian and vehicular use connections shall be provided between adjacent
parcels and buildings. Cross-access agreement(s) shall be obtained by adjacent property owners.
5. Pursuant to LDC Section 11.02.09, provide a transportation impact study, which is required for any proposed
commercial office development nineteen thousand (19,000) square feet.
6. The 5th edition of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation identifies the required parking
ratio for specific land uses. Incle the ITE reference on the Site Plan to determine the parking requirements.
• Pursuant to LDC Section 7.06.02, the minimum size of a standard parking stall shall be ten (10) feet ×
eighteen (18) feet. The stall width shall be increased to twelve (12) feet for accessible stalls and comply
with ADA requirements.
• In accordance with LDC Section 7.06.02, all accessible spaces shall have accessible thereto a curb-ramp
or curb-cut, to allow access to the building served and shall be located so that users would not be
compelled to wheel behind parked vehicles.
7. Restricted access gates for security shall adhere to applicable standards outlined in LDC Sections 7.10.15 and
7.06.02(B)(7). Controlled facilities require a minimum of four (4) queuing spaces.
• The developer shall provide the St. Lucie County/Ft. Pierce Fire District and St. Lucie County Sheriff's
Department with adequate access control devices or keys to permit emergency access to the property.
8. Pursuant to LDC Section 7.06.02, a designated off-street loading space shall be provided and maintained for
all commercial development. The following loading spaces are required:
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Storage Facility
Three (3) loading spaces are required for buildings between 60,000 to 119,999 square feet in size. Off-
street loading spaces shall be an area at grade level at least twelve (12) × fifty-five (55) feet long with a fourteen-
foot vertical clearance.
Office Building(s)
One (1) loading space is required for buildings less than fourteen thousand ninety-nine (14,999) square feet,
the required delivery space may have a minimum dimension of twelve (12) feet x thirty (30) feet with a fourteen-
foot vertical clearance.
9. Pursuant to LDC Section 7.05.04, all non-residential development above 6,000 square feet located within the
unincorporated area of St. Lucie County and within the Urban Service Boundary are required to design and
construct sidewalks within the right-of-way of all streets and roadways that abut or lie within the perimeter of
the property.
10. The site plan shall identify refuse collection areas accessible for each use, designed with appropriate access and
screening in accordance with the landscape provisions of the LDC.
11. Pursuant to LDC Section 11.02.09, the site plan shall identify the location, size, and arrangement of all proposed
12. In accordance with LDC Section 7.05.04(C), bicycle racks shall be provided for nonresidential development.
13. In accordance with LDC Section 7.09.04(K), if outdoor lighting is proposed, the lighting shall be designed and
arranged so as to shield public streets, highways, and all adjacent properties from direct glare or hazardous
interference of any kind. If lighting is proposed, provide a photometric plan.
14. The applicant shall provide the hours of operation for the proposed development.
15. Pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances, if the type of development activity for which a building
permit is applied is not specified on the above fee schedule, the county administrator shall use the fee applicable
to the most nearly comparable type of land development on the above fee schedule.
16. It is encouraged to conduct a neighborhood meeting to inform the surrounding property owners of the proposal.
The GIS/Planning division can supply a list of adjacent neighboring property owners located within 500 feet of
the subject property.
C. Determination of Compliance with Building Code Requirements
No comments received.
D. Determination of Compliance with County Survey Requirements –Public Works Department
All comments are based on the current Standards of Practice, established by the Board of Professional Surveyors
and Mappers, Chapter 5J-17.050 thru 5J-17.052 Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to current Section 472.027,
Florida Statutes.
1) Please provide a boundary and topographic survey of the site with flood zones depicted. In addition all
wetland areas (if any) will need to be identified and shown on the survey. All elevations will be referenced
to NAVD 1988. The survey needs to be performed by a professional surveyor licensed to practice in the
State of Florida.
Please provide a written response to all comments.
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E. Determination of Compliance with Environmental Requirements – Environmental Resources
The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is responsible for protecting and preserving the County’s natural
resources through compliance with the County’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. The following
information is preliminary based upon the information provided for your pre-application meeting and is intended
to assist you in submitting a complete site plan application. Additional comments may be provided at time of site
plan submittal based upon additional information received. We encourage you to communicate the project
constraints, timelines, etc. to ERD so we may better understand your needs and work together to meet the intent of
the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan and ensure a sustainable environment for all citizens of St.
Lucie County.
The following items will be required at time of site plan submittal:
- The National Wetlands Inventory depicts a wetland present within the subject property. A non -binding
wetland jurisdictional determination from the Department of Envir onmental Protection is required per
Policy and Policy of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Any jurisdictional
wetlands shall be depicted on the boundary and topographic survey in accordance with LDC 11.03.04.C.2;
- An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consistent with Land Development Code 11.02.09.A.5 (if
applicable due to the presence of jurisdictional wetlands referenced above);
- A landscape plan consistent with Land Development Code 7.09.00. Existing native vegetation may be used
towards these requirements if consistent with the intent of the LDC, and shall include the following but not
be limited to:
- A landscape buffer of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth shall be located along all road right -of-ways,
and shall be landscaped to include one (1) native shade tree for each thirty (30) linear feet of abutting
right-of-way and a 24 inch continuous native hedge per LDC 7.09.04.A;
- A ten (10) ft landscape buffer along the south property line consisting of a 48” continuous native hedge
and one (1) native shade trade every thirty (30) linear feet per LDC 7.09.04.B;
- A masonry wall or opaque wood fence of at least eight (8) feet in height is required along the east
property line where abutting a residentially zoned parcel per LDC 7.09.04.E. This shall be landscaped
with a 24-inch continuous hedge along both the inside and outside base of the wall or fence. One (1)
native shade tree is required every thirty (30) linear feet. Plantings shall be alternated so that at least
sixty percent (60%) of the required number of trees is located on the outside of the wall or fence per
LDC 7.09.04.E;
- One (1) square ft. of interior landscaping for each eighteen (18) square ft. of vehicular use area,
consisting of one (1) native shade tree for each 180 square ft. of landscape area per LDC 7.09.04.C.1;
- Clearly depict terminal islands and associated dimensions. Each row of parking stalls shall be required
to end in a landscaped island which shall measure no less than ten (10) feet in width, or less than fifteen
(15) feet in length. At least one shade tree of an appropriate species shall be provided for each terminal
island per LDC 7.09.04.C.3;
- No more than ten parking stalls are permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by a
landscape island per LDC 7.09.04.C.4 or a linear landscape median between two (2) abutting rows of
parking may be used to satisfy, in part, the requirements of this Section relative to interior landscaping
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per LDC 7.09.04.C.6. This landscaped median must be a minimum of eight (8) feet in width and provide
for the planting of at least one (1) shade tree of an appropriate species for every thirty (30) li near feet
of median length or fraction thereof. All parking lot median landscaped areas shall be protected with a
continuous, raised, nonmountable curb in accordance with the specifications for public works of St.
Lucie County as identified in Chapter XIII of this Code;
- Clearly depict and label the easements, right-of-ways, pervious/impervious area, and interior vehicular
use area. Please ensure that landscape plan is consistent with the site plan;
- Depict overhead utilities on the landscape plan to confirm compliance with Figure 7-30 of LDC
- Waste receptacles shall be fully screened with a solid visual and auditory barrier, and/or a densely
planted landscape screen consisting of evergreen shrubs/trees at least forty -eight (48) inch tall at
planting per LDC 7.09.04.F;
- A tree survey consistent with Land Development Code 11.02.09.i;
- A tree mitigation plan consistent with Land Development Code 6.00.05.D;
- This site may contain habitat for the state protected gopher tortoise. A gopher tortoise survey conducted by
a state certified gopher tortoise agent may be required per Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWC) protocol prior to initiation of any clearing activities onsite.
- All Category I invasive plant species shall be eradicated from the site per LDC 7.09.05;
Please contact our office at (772) 462-2526 if you need additional assistance or have any questions.
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G. Determination of Compliance with Property Acquisition Requirements – Property Acquisition Division,
Legal Department
In reviewing Storage Units Ft. Pierce – Pre-App, we have the following comments:
The parcel has the following frontage:
• Turnpike Feeder Road is a State owned and maintained right-of-way.
• Miramar Avenue is a 60 Ft County owned and maintained right-of-way.
H. Determination of Compliance with Fire Requirements – Fire Department
The Fire District has a separate application form. Please submit a completed application for Development/Site Plan
Review (St. Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review Application). This form is available on-
line at www.slcfd.com questions may be directed to Lieutenant Wayne Boyer at (772) 621-3322.
F. Determination of Compliance with Water Quality and Engineering Requirements –Public Works
1. Miramar Avenue is a substandard Right-of-Way. The County requires a minimum Right-of-Way of 70 FT for
roadways with open swale drainage systems. A ROW Dedication of 10 FT will be required along Miramar
2. Turnpike Feeder Road is an FDOT Right-of-Way. Please coordinate with FDOT for permitting improvements
within the Right-of-Way or any required Right-of-Way dedications. The contact for FDOT Right-of-Way
dedication is Nesa Harden at 954-777-4437, nesa.harden@dot.state.fl.us.
3. Provide documentation of legal access to the private roadway to the south.
4. Provide a tabular breakdown of existing and proposed impervious areas by type.
5. Provide the flood zone and FIRM panel for this location on the Site Plan.
6. Dimension the driveway width, radius of return, and setback from side property lines and adjacent driveways.
Section 7.05.06 of the Land Development Code includes minimum setback requirements for driveways.
7. Identify on the Site Plan where the stormwater treatment area(s) will be located.
8. A 5 FT sidewalk is required along adjacent road Right-of-Ways. The Board of County Commissioners may
authorize the applicant to pay a Fee-in-Lieu of construction of the sidewalk.
9. Provide a truck circulation plan depicting how the dumpster collection, fire department, and delivery trucks will
safely maneuver onsite.
10. Dimension the drive aisles and radius of returns on all curbed islands.
11. Provide typical pavement sections for all vehicular use areas. Vehicular use or storage areas are required to be
paved with asphalt or concrete.
12. Provide property line cross sections showing that adjacent properties will not be adversely impacted.
13. Provide a detail for the ADA accessible parking stall complying with current FDOT standards.
14. Provide details for curbing and sidewalk complying with current FDOT standards.
15. Trees placed within 10 FT of drainage structures or pipe shall include a root barrier product to protect the
drainage system.
16. Landscaping shall not be placed in the bottom of swales or retention areas where they will block stormwater
17. Gated access shall comply with section 7.10.15 of the Land Development Code. Provide dimensions
demonstrating that Right-of-Way setback and queuing spaces comply with this code section.
18. A Site Development Permit is required prior to performing site improvement activities. Subsequent to DRC
approval, the applicant may submit the required documents to Grant Chambers, P.E. in the Engineering Division.
Documents include, a Right-of-Way Permit application, a Driveway Permit application, a Stormwater Permit
application, two sets of plans, one copy of the stormwater report and other appropriate information. In
accordance with the permit and Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall retain the EOR for site
inspections and final certification.
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I. Determination of Compliance with Utilities Requirements – Fort Pierce Utilities Authority
This project is in the SLCU service area. Water and wastewater infrastructure is available. A Standard Development
Agreement is required in order to reserve capacity.
J. Determination of Compliance with Utilities Requirements – St. Lucie County Utilities
The attached submission for Storage Units Ft. Pierce is outside FPUA service area.
K. Determination of Compliance with School Board Requirements – St. Lucie County School Board
No comments received.
L. Business Navigator
St. Lucie County has a Business Navigator to assist businesses with navigating internal and external regulatory
processes, and to act as a liaison between County staff, outside agencies , and other business entities in order to
provide high-quality customer service experience. If you need further assistance with regulatory processes, please
contact Thondra Lanese, Business Navigator, Planning and Development Services at (772) 462-2548 and