HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2126 118&20. ...... ROSK. P.. WHrl'HBY...__ ..__ TO --..-.----..-_._.... ~UJ_.Q.... NQ~IL.:..___.._._...__...._._..__.._ QUIT-CLAIM DEED u TillS INDENTURE, Made this..__...._..._21lt__.__...._...._ .day oL:..._.._____OO.to.ber._._.___._....__., A. D. 19 ..3~lxtween -.----...--..--.- ._..Bose.P.. -1Ih1tneJ' .....a.-a1naJ,.e...adu.1.t. .ot. I'ort. . P1ero~---.__--.-..---_--.-_.--..-_--- ::lllJt1DIr Cotlllly of 810.. Luole__._.__.._....__._..___._,.._... aRll Slale of._._... I'lorlda .... .. part 'T-. . of Ihe fiht \';"1. alld GUJ' O.__lfourse. ot 1'0rtPleroe ... .'." ... DZa C<>uoly of -- 810... Luolo ..-......._.. --."_ "__.",,,,__, and Slale 01.......__ ._...._..... l'lorlda.-.--.-... ..._........ \.ar,-J' .... of the sc,,'nd parI. WITNESSETH. Th31 the said panT___.._ of the first pan. for and in consideralion of the sum 01 _ Ono dollar..... ..... ..... _ ... .~m~__~_~_~__ - - - .~___~_.-=-__ ~__~...~_.~__ ~..~u_~u.~__~__~_ '__~___~.h~__ -__.~m~"_~h' ~...~ ._~___~__H~.n.~___~..n!!!...~._.~. .~__!!'!.__~ Dot1~rs. in 1.3nd paid b)- the said part 7 .___. of Ihe secolld put. the receipt whereof is hereby aekno...ledgcd. ha .8... .. remised. releastd 3nll 'luil-c1aimed. alld by I] .hese pruenls doOS.__ ... remise, re!ea... and qllil-cbim unlo the sa:d put.7 ...._ of the second part and ..h.:ir:s and 2'\signs .. his.....--. lorever, all the right. title. intercsl. cbi", and d<m~",1 which Ihe said put 7..-. of the first part ha 8 .. . in .nd to Ihe feolluwin); ,Ieseribed lot . ....... , piecc___._ or I'arcel.._..._ of I~nd. ~ a1tuato,.ly.ing.and.be1ng..ln .theCounty-.ot-- St..Lucie,..Staw--ot--.. F1Qrlcle.._. tQ~Wl t .:_...._...._..___..._..___._. _..____.____._.._... ___..___.._ . _.._..._____._ .____._.__._____.....____..._._._._._. -.--.- ...___.._The__lf.221.~t_Qt..the._.l.~l'10__j't; Qt__Nl!.. Qt__HWt . ot .Seo._ 4, .Twp35 .S.R40~. ......________. , -..---.:.-.-.-.... Nlcl_'nlQlfi_.Qt_t.M..1iWi._Qt_.1iho Ji~t._.Qt.HSo.o......".. ~. .35.S...uR 4O..L -.__......._._m._.__..__... --------------_._--_._-------------.---_._--~--_._._----------------- ___ ---0-------------------------------__.____..________._____.________._.______ ________..______________ ____....___~~ -'--- ----__ {lOILl'la.. doo.WIlQlltal"J'_.8MJP....OtlJlo.f)11edt__....._.....__ ...___.._ _"_'_"__"'__"_'___'_'_'_'_",,__ ....._._ ---.----------.-..--------.--.. --.----..______________________n__'__.__ ______,'0__0._ __ ___.. _________... _.____ _.____..___ ------_._..~-_.__._._._----------------+_._-_.__.~--_.-----.--------- ---------_._._----_.~--~-.- -.-------------- _._4 ___________.__ _______...__________________ ._____._ TO HAVE A~U TO HOLIl Ihe same, logelher wilh all and sinlCular Ih.. appurtenances Ih<r<unlo Ixlonging. (.r in 3nywise apperlaining, and 311 u the t'statt', right, ti.lt, ;nt~rC's.t ..n.l clainl Wha.tHK'Yt'r of tht- 53-it! part '7 .... of the first part. t:thtr in la.w or ~quit).. If' the only I)rap~r U"ir, bcnt:fll anti behoof of Ihe.said pan Y' <>f Ih.. se<oud "art,.. ._._..._ hiS..._.....h._........ heirs and assigns foru.er. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe $aid partY _.... of th., first part haJl ...__.... hereunto set.____.her.____.__... the da)' and year first abo\'e ...rillen. . ... hand __'n'n and seal.. ..__ ~..:::;:~::~::~:":"I~~ ~ I . JlOQe . P. WhitneY'.. (Snl) (SuI. STATE of___.11.Qr.l.da___ } County of _._._...__.S.t. .Luo..1tL....________.____..__ I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this day personally appeared before me. an officer duly aulhonull 10 aJmini>ter oalhs an" laLe zckno..-ledJ;menls. - ____..__.____.__._._._...RQB.Q ..PLWh1.tnQl':....LJJ.1D&lQ... adult....___..___..__._._._._.__._.___..____..._ .. d,,"cribed in and who execuled the foregoing instrllment and "'__.0.. ....._ .31:1.8. 1'1.' U 10 me weli known to be the (l"son fore me that._.._..__ "_-- ahe_..__.. ._~....exeeuted the same freely and \"oluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. X x^ND I FURTHER CERTIl-'Y. ThaI the said -..n.-----~I------_. ----.-.---. -.-.- -- .-----..:1:1:--- kno....n~ me to Ix Ih., ..ife of the said. '.... ....'m __....__..__....m........__. -X..--.-...---..--..-...-.-.--....-..--.---.-----.....--...- ..--..-.. ..-. .. X' . on a sep~te and I,ri,'ale ex~minalion. lake.. and mad., by and before me, separale'Xand aparl from her '~id hu;b<ond. did ac\mowledge Ihal she executed tc loregoing l[eed for .he purpoS<! oi relinqu'shint{. alienaling ~d convc).ing all her ri!!1\, title and interest.. whether of dower, homc'lud or 01 'cpu~le proiX erty, statntofjf or equitable. ill ~nd 10 Ihe lands described therein. and Ihat Ihe .execul~ said J1eed freel)' and \'oluntarily and without any compulsion. X I constraint. apQIehenlion or fear of or Irom her said husband. X X WITNESS n,y hand aud 'ifal...;.-...... 1'0r$_P.1.e.roa_._.__.__._._..__..... County of-----St..Luc1e___.__.._..__..... I and Stale ol_.__Flor1____..___.....~~.-, th;._____..2lS.t.__________.day of ...__.______October_.____ ___._..__, A, D. 19 39. ;. .... acknowledged be- u SUL) }foteri" PUbII~Rii~~~-C?~orlda a t-targe. lq .g~~.~~()J:l"'~~~~~dga!"!.._~_2J._;l,~~. .','m ._ __ _. (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA, } ....~L... '_' _"., ,. Counly of 51.. Lucie_ BE IT RE).{E).{BERED, TI.at on tbis..__._ 25th._.._ .-..--..-.------..day of_October,.__at...1J..:03._A._JA., A. D. 19 39, I. ..________. _ ._._...__.w...__._R.....to'r1'_.___. ... ..__...___... Clerk of Ihe Circuit Court in and for laid Counly. ban duly recorded the (oregoing Qait-C1~im Deed in the r.ubli~ record. oi sai" COUnl)'. {N WIT~ESS \\"flE.REO.... I hayc hercunto leI my hand and Ibe suI of aaid c.'UIt the <by and ,.car aoove'wrillen, c;-',... , . (CIR. CT. ~ ........ No_ 'J, St'. c_" nor-. '---0... _.__.._ .......!!~_...B..__~.___.. .---..______.__h..(SCal) BT-'--'~ t7f. bl~9rcuit Coa~_. I . Deputy Clerk. :fjJ~l/j '. .,'" .-,.,~"':'r. "of-",r ." .;' ReCOird Verified i0i~~;f!.;":~t:f' :Es~~~N~~~ -..-----=---...r;;.:..A_-.=:/t.-----.--- '.--~-- '-- '_ 255 i ,