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PHONE 1-888-ICC-SAFE s WWW.ICCSAFE.ORG Item No.0102PR12 CORRECTION LIST (confd.) 1 No.. , : !]ESC1�iPTICN Code' - Section , -2- Entdes to this Plan Revlew Record that requhe b field check or insRecUan of the inswa@an must be coordinated wfth the Inspection phase (R109) of the pwIML BUILDING ,PLANNING (Chapter 3) .SIGN .CRITERIA [Table R301•.2(1)] 19dor live load (Tslblel R301:5) • on plans .. n'sf Roof live load (fable R301.6) ON PLANS psi Ground snow ioad' "/A ' psi Basid.wind ,Speed ON PLANS ' :mph Wind.pxposure category (R30.1.2-1.4) ON PLANS High wind design criteria applicable (R301.21, i) ASCE 7• Seismic design category (SDG) (Figure-R3.0.1.2(2)) wA SDC C&D provisipne (R301.2,.4 nua Weathering ON PLANS Frost line depth N/A Termite.arBS' ON PLANS' Decay area, N/A Winter design temperature IN.ENERGY.•CALC' . Ice barrier underlayineiit required NIA Flood hazards N/A CONSTRUCTION (R302) "'" • Exterior Walls. (R302.1, Tables A302.1(1) Ind.R302.1(2)j N/A Townhouse separatio6 (R3022j on plans ContinGity and structural indapendence (R302.21, R3022.4) ROOM PLANNING REQUIREMENTS* fF1g63•thnnuni� i imnm Parapets and construction (R302.2.2, R3022•.3) "/�` TwoAmily dwelling separation (R8O.5)' INSPECT pwelling unit pon el:.rations (R302.4) !NSP� ECT DWelling/garage opehing/penetratfoh protec- f6w(R302.5) on plans.- Dwellipg/garage flte separ�igon (R302.6) . ' ON PLANS Under-stairprotection (M02.7), . ON PLANS . pilaff arid-cellirig finishes 0302.9) ON PLANS'-Flarrie'spread.index (R30.9.11 ON PLANS •Smoiie-developed index M3029 2) oN PLANS • Tosting (R3bi 9.3; R3029•:4) ON PLANS Insulation (R302.16) ' ON PLANS Flameapreadlsrrloi(e=developed (hi302- i0 :1; R302.10.2) N/A Cailtilose Itiose-fili and-ezposed attic insulatioh •(R302.1i0A 0362.10.4) ON"PLANS TQsting (R902.10:5) QN PLANS . Firebidcking (R302.91) ON PLANS. Draftstopping (8302,1.2) N/A ' •T Combustible insulation clearance (R302.13) Use. Area (0) Width. Cailing•hleigf�tt tVhtuial light - Natural vehtilatlon" Chong 120 . ` 8%#ldq i ii a 4 o floor urea . Dining 70 T-0° T-0�' 8%fioorarea 49'Qilborarea Mchon N.A. N.A. 7,; fv 8% floor, arog ' 06 f olbr area' Bedroom Bathiobrit 70 N.A. 71-0" N:/l ' ; : 71-0 7,,-0„ .80/a obdreliea 3 square feet 4%.floor area . '/Q st�uate feet 5Qe sections R303.1 & R303.3•1or merhanleW vraptilatlon and itftlal lightend 1913.03.4 for requlydi whdie•-douse teeclianfd-W•veniilallon. tj (Y-S'Min. at plumbieg ti MM9 and fir lion-hibitable•basemente. ON ON ON ON ON F ON heating'(R303..9) ON (R306 and R307) �Watercloset Tub or shower Kitchen area with'sitik Sanitary sewer (Chapterm) Private disposal (Appendix Q ' tai.AZlNG•(R30ti) .. • • • . oN'PLANS ' ld6ntifio;3tlon (1?308.1) N/ALoOpred windows or.jalousias MOP "/A' Mtimah-Impgtct loads/hazardous locations N/A Skylights and slopod glazing (R308.6) LM BUILDING PLANNING (cont'd.) . AND CARPORTS (14309) �ON PLANS Floor surface noncombustible; sloped floor (R3091) N/A Carpott: open two sides;-nohcombustibie floors; sloped floor-(P309.2) • ' ON PLANS Automatic garage cdgor opener.-(R301a 4)- /�,T;_Fire sprinklers {R309:5): - • • .' EMEROENOY ESCAPE AND •RESCUE OPENINGS (R31:0).. ' - ON PLANs ' Where required(R310.1) • ; ON.PLANS Areas; height, width,.operation$. ... .. • (R310.1:1:=R3t'4.1.4}' . Window We16'(R310�'2} wA Sirs; grlliee,.coyers�and-'screens (R3i0.4) N/A- _ Under decks.and porches .(R3i.0;5) MEANS OF E014ESS (R311) N/A General. (R311.1) : ' : oi�.PLANs Egress door (R3it:2) ON PLANS Landings at exterior doors ; ON PLANs Vertical egress .(R3i i.4) INSPECT Construction and attachment (R311.5) - . Hallways, (R31 i.6): ON PLANS Stairway wldth,.headroom; vertical Ase, walkline . (R311.71- Rai 1.7.4) ON PLANS: Stairway treads; risers profiles (1d311.75-R3yf.75.4): '. oN'PLAN3 Stairway laddirigs.and walking surfaces (R311.7.6, R3t.1.77) ON PLANS, :Handrails- required oN Paris Hand)rail•helght, continu ft, gilp-size (R311.78.'1- R311;76.4) ON PLANS Stairway Illumination (RAA3 , R311:79) NiA .Special stoirways (R311.7.'10)' . "/3 Ramp scope, landings,'•iiandralls' (R311.8) GOARDS'AND WINDOW PROTlrOTION:(11312) oN PLANS' . Reyuired-for,opan-sided-Surfaces, stairs, ramps and landings >"30" above floor/ grade. (R3i2.1.'j)7. :: ON PLANS Height - 3131, {R312.1;2) ON PLANS ' Opening limitations (R312..1.3) ON PLANS Window fall protection (P 2.2) :AVTOMATIC.FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (11313) N/A Townhouses (1.�313.1) ' N/A One. and tw family dwellings (R313.2) SMOKE ALARMS (13314) ON PLANS Referenced standards'(R314.1, R814.2) INSPECT: Location and iilterc.bnnectloh, . (R314.3, R3144) INSPECT.' . Power source (R 14.4) CARBON -MONOXIDE ALARMS INSPECT New construction (R315.t, R315.2) . "/A Existing construction (RS15.3) - - N/A . Referenced standard (R315.4) FOAM PLASTIC:(R302:8, R316) INSP GT I.abeling (03162) N/A ' Surfabei burning;4hermal barrier; specific. •approval, (R3163'-'R3id.7)' DECAY AND TEhMITE PROTECTION (1713-17 and R318) ON PLANS . Protection required' . • . (Table R301.2(i), R3i7•.1, R318.'1). INSPECT:. Quality mark (R3172 and R318.1.1) SITE ADDRESS (13319). wsp'IT•' Address numbers (R3y8.1) ACCESSIBILITY (R320.) "/A ' Type B dwelling -units applicable •(R3_901) i`LEVATORS/PLATFORM LIFTS (R#i) .N/A. ; : :Refe�Qnlcegl standards (R321.1•- R3Pi.i3)' FLOOD -RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION (R322) "/A Gerierat (R322 i) "/A Hazard' area and requirements "/A 106sign professional (R322.3:6) STORM SHELTERS (R323) "/A GerieiaV•referencad standard {R321>I} -4- ,ON PLANS ON PLANS ON PLANS FOUNDATIONS (Chapter 4) N/A Concrete foundation wells (6404.1.21 N/A Wall height, unbalanced bacidill,•nominal - thickness (Taplas R404, iz(1) - R404.1;2f8), R404; S2J . ON.PLANS Horizontal and vertical reitiiarcementsizeand spacing [rab1di R. 404.1.2(X) * ' R404:1.2(8), R404.1.22; *R404.1.2.37J• N/A ., Stay -in -place forms (R4Q4. ON PLANS Footing edge•thiclmess = 6" miniffiUl :footing N/A ro SDC.0 and D provisions . p jectiori =2" minirrlurrr, biit•5 footino. R464:'1.2.4, R40[t 1.4 thickness (R403; i;'ij ( ) :.. . "/A Footing$ iri SDC:C or D (R403. i.2, R4i7.3..1.3 "'IA • •• Depth, bolow•(pptside)grade = 12" it ilihum;• but eio .frost line. exceptfor frost pro- tected:footings: (R403.1.4, A�103..1,4: f and R403: i:4.2� ' ON PLANS 'Sill plate botttng In concrete/masonry::.14".di-. ameter bogs, within 12" but not lesstFian 7 bolt d1arleters-frbin:qnds,lil.embetiment. (R40.3,1.6) . i (11402). Wood foundations .(R402.1) bdMpresslve.strenglh (R402.2)- (R403) Boil.bearing value (R401.4, R4031) Footing.width (Table R4p3 i) ON PLANS Height above'iihishedgrade'(R404.1.6)' ON PLANs gill plate size (R404.3) . N/A - Precast concrete'foundationwails'(R404.5) "/A : ftlns required I` -habitable or usable•spaces ' are below -grade* (6465) ON PLANS SOif class (Table R405.1)' N/A ' Danipproofing d basements are below grade* P ECT Fcotfngs adjacent to •slopes' (R4031. �) �. Waterproofing it high water table* (R406.R) Frost protected shallow foundations (R403.3) *'if uninhabitable;'see.Under-Floor~ Space (R408) lgs for precast concrete foundation WALLS (R404 - R406) Masonry foundation walls '(f?404:1:1) "/A • Wal! height; unbalanced backfiil. nominal thickness )Tables-R404: i.1(i) • R404.7:!(4), R404.1.5.1J .' - N/" Reinforcemdrit-'size.and spacing 17ab/es R404. 1..(2) - R404.1.1(4)J COWMNE (11407) ON - PLANS Protectlon from -decay or corrosion (R4071 and-R4072) ON PLANS Sttuctutal requirer 'ants (R407:3) NSA `TAnch6ragd,(R4073)' N/A Wood'coluirins (m. Inimum V squar6) (R407.3) VA Steel columns (Minimum 'diameter, Sched= u1e.40 pipe)'(R4073) �..:. iABLE R403.'t MIMIMIIMwWntu nenmmnowC rC ooC/-ACTne>t:wenoil %A* LOAD=BEARING VALUE OF SOIL (pall' 2,000. man ' ' ' 24.00a ' Convenfloniil•tigtlt rams coriatrucUan . 1-story 12 : .12'` •12 12 . I. 2-9 is 12 12 : 12. 3-sto : 23.' 4-inch briekveneer aWrIlght frame or B-Irrch-hollow eohcrete masonry 1 Btrj :12 12• ':. 12. 1$ I 2;sto 21: 18 .. .' :.: •12 12.' 32 4 .' 18 ....12 . • 8-lnch Wild of fully groufad masonry • - is • 12' : . '. 12 12 I 2 to n :21 14 : 3-slo �. �.. . 42 .32 21 . .12 ; 1B ny r ww,u FIRutuv IUp( = V.UlffU KM e. Wh®re minimum footing dih is 12 inc as, a single WAp of soild oifully grouted 12-4nch nominal concrete masonry, -units is permitted.' . -5- FOUNDATIONS fcont`d.) NDER-FLOOR SPACE (R408) INSPECT Removal of debris (R406.5) Ventilation (R408. I and R408.2) ON PLANS Finished grade (R408.6) Unvenied traiwi space (R408. 3) NIA., 1216odresistance (A408.7) NrA Access (R408.4) FLOORS (qhpoter-5). WOOD JOISTS AND GIRIDtRS (R602) ON PLANS Species and 9'rade'.(h5029'.1) jINS'=- 3b psi PECT, Joists-Sleepinq 'LL- ON PLANS Joists-7-Nonsleeping areas, LL =.40 Opf ON PLANS Cant &11 t lleverW rables and Rwgaa(2)]. ON; PIANS'G➢rda'r spin'p'in'd header spans for exterior bearing walls fTWe*fi6bPi5(1)1- 9N PLANS. Girder -spans. acid h9addrsparis for Inte(ior. bearing:Wglls IT 2)] ONPLANS oists. Under beadniq partitions .(Rq.0_04)_: NSPECT egrl .(1.5 . 11 minimum on Wood or 'dtik 311 ng. m on masonry c)r concrete) and -lap ped ]6ists. 1311 (R902. A502.6. ON PLANS ... Lateral ridrhilni and brl'clgIrig -INSPECT- Drilling and 'not6hing (R502,8) - Fastening: :(R;50Z.0)- ON-PLANS FrdMing.of cipbrilh§s (R50,210) Woad trusses (R502.11) INSPECT Draftstopping-(8.502, L4MBER FLOOR SHEATHING - (R503-.1.) ON. PLANS Allowable spin (Table R503.1) - INSPr=CT'­- -------- End joints M603. 1,11' WOOD STRUCTURAL PAWL SHEATHING (14403,2) ON PLANS - Grade (8503.2.- . 1) 'Thickness (R503.2. 1) ON PLANS.Allowable spins [Tables 1?503.2, 1.* 1 and R503.2.1.1(2)1' —Installation [-able 6023(t)] PARTICLEBOARD UN08RLAYM** 63 PNT (R.6 .3) ON- PLANS Grade (1?5q3.q.9.-- ON,PLANS Thickness (R5013.2)'. ON.PNS. instiliation rriple R602.3{1)j-. TRE-AMI-WOOD FLOORS (ON GROUND)- (Fj504) N/A.' -pa . se course. 41.1 thick with' maximum 3/,air- gmijdl or 6r:uihed bfohO (R60.4,2. 1) N/A - Moisture bafr.10r: placed over bai ' e course (14604.2,.2)- N/A Matenals.(R504,3) STEEL -FLOOR. FRAMING (171505) N/A .. -Cold-formed steel, applicability limits; in -line framing (0.05. -1) N/A ----..—.Structural fra.mlno.(R595.-?). N/A MaterIaLff?.505,2.I) ON PLANS Idontifidation (R505.2.2) N/A. doiro.sldn.,protect io n JR605:25) N/A N/A CONCRETE. FLOORS '(ONGROUND) (RS06) ON PLANS Thickness: W/2" minimum; C6n6fetistreingth , 0 , N* , PLANS- M506if) Suppo prepared �bubgradb; maximum earth !III :�g�inaxlm send or,gtdvbl fill ON PLAN,S' Babe course: 411:gradbd With 21 ri ixlmdrfi aggregate 000,u WOO ON PLANS Vapor retarder 0506.2.3 ON PLANS Reinforcement 7" nt suppoirt (F?51 6.2.!q .'N/A Support, attachment (R501' T N/� Wood/plastic materiids.(R5073).'.:- WALL CONSTRUCTION (ChgAer 6) ENERAL (11601) N/A Corrosion protection (R600.2.3) ON PLANS Design (R601.2) N/A ,—Fastening (8603.24) _ ON PLANS Co{tiponerlt-and.oladding wind loads N/A Wall constriictiori (R60. 3 - fi609 5) ' (�le'Fi301,2{2�j N/A Headers (fi603 6, ' WOOD CONOTRUrCTION (Rst?2) N/A ON. PLANS : . Cbndtruc ion , : ' Studs; tracks and structural sheathing (R603 7; R603 8) ' JFQg Ms R6D23(1)"arrd R602.3(2)j. INSPECT St.0 gta (R&02.2) SHEATHING (R604 and R606)' : • . ' oNPLANs QN PLANS* Wood stw*ral panels {Rso4) Exteriorwalls .(R60.2.3) I N.S PECT Stud 3.7,. Tab6e.F16i 3(6)J N/A : Particleboard spacWJR602 ON'PLANS :' interior load -bearing walls.:(R602.4). MASONRY CONSTRUCTION'(R6p6 - R610) ON _. PLANS General desigri.(R606)' INSPECT Interior nonbearlr�g walls. 2" x 3"'af 24" a.C. N/A ' or. 2' x:4" flat:ai•16" o:c: (R602.5). -SDC C and D. (R666.12) . : INSPECT D6lrng.aIhd•fiotdhIng—studs (R6026) ON'PLANS (knit maSQnCy (A6Q . INSPECT Drilling and notching=top plate jR602 8: t) . N/ MUltipla-Wythe.masonry (R608) ON PLANS Headers (Tables R502..5(1); R502:.. I ON PLANS Gioutedm$sonry (R608) R6d2.7.2 avid figure R6Q2:t.2j' . • rv/a Glass unit rnasoriry (R6i0)' . INSPECTFire_bloCking (R662.8; R302.i1) � : ' . -•''•� INSPECT Crippis�Walls (R602 8) -EXTERIOR CONCRETE WALL CONSTRUCTION (R611) N/A Applicability (R617 2) QN PLANsWall brs�ing, lines; panels (R602;10.1; R64210:•2) ON PLANS Requiredlength-of bracing, method fR602;10.3,• R6021,0.�, Tables . R6021Q.3(i) dnd.R6p2.Iasip)J ON PLANS i • 1 ' Mirnrrtuin Ierigtli,. connections; support,' joints, crlppie walls :002. i0.5 - R602. ON PLANS. Wall anchorage (SDC'C and D)• (R602.11). ON�Simplifled wall bracing (R602.12)' • STEEL WALL FRAMING (R") N/A General {R603. f) N/A Concrete well #Stems (R611.3) ' N/A Stay -in -place forms (R611.4) N/A. Materials, ophitruction'details EXTERIOR WINDOWS 8. DOORS (R612) INSPECT Geneialr performance; testing and labeling STRUCTURAL INSULATED. -PANE(: WALL. CONSTRUCTION (R613) - NiA Applicability.(R6132) N/� Structural framing $003.2) .N/A • Materfals.•(R IXV ' Material (R603.2.1) N/A Wall panels,'construgtiori details N/A (R613.4-R6i3.16) fderifirication (R603.2.2) 7' WALL COMING (Chapter 7) NTERIOR WALL COVERING (R702) N/A. Plaster materlat.(R702.2) N/A flaster sup.p9rt, (R02.2-3) ON PLANS Gypsum. board material' (R762.3. 1).' ON PLANS Gypiurh board support, a0pliciWon and . 14s= to nrh 6 (M(121� 3.2 - R7023.8) �N PLANS ..=eramllife (A024) ON PLANS Other flnlsfies'(R702 4; and MOPS) N/A Vapor retarders.(P 70Z. 7). XTER10A WALL'C OVENNG VA ....... irrresfStive lJ*arrl,ar.(R703.2) WA Wood ildln (o7p.41) N/A, Attachment-iind 0ihimum.thicAriess N/A -,--Wood shakes and shingles (R703.5). ON PLANS E)derlor 6listier-(14 703.6).. N/A .$tone'& masonry veneer fR703.*iA Ai-glirg- M Rt3.7),-ttiel angle lintels' rfilfijm� bearing -each' end (R70.;?0) N/A U.S. 9 , wire Veneer ties. g i or#22:U.S. gage t* Tliff 6orrugitbd ' Metf.11;.-h6r!zontal'- -add.Vedcal soclno�, 2,§7 square feet mamurn 1krda itippdrted (Wipo >:30:pjf and SDd d.br 4 maximum area ft".R- s q u a ra -1040.(703:'7.* 4. INSPECT Flashing NIA Ek6d6r ihsdlb4m'ank(fin'M systp rs N/A Fib6r cement sidifig (0703.16): N/A Vinyl -siding - (R700. 1-1). R00Fr0e1L1W.4C6N8thUr —MOR(Ph6pter,8). -N/A i-�18ns DftIgn.(R0Q1-.29ndR80.1..$) piano 0 A' C lent and?( r adding wind loads 7=116 MOT. 2 .. . . . W. ROOF FRAMING (ROO?) -19 ON PLANS , I a -retardant -treated wood (R802.1,3) iminj details. M8944 hir ties'(41, ox In upper third of gt#q)- (R862, .—Puffihs (2",x- 411 at 41o.c. minimum) (FigUM JJ802.5. 1, R8600A SPECT Bee(rihjR MOM o)' SPECTCutting-and . notching JR402,7): SPECT Engineered wood products (F?002.7.2) iPECT Le ra-is-upponidd-brioo'ing"(II802.8) - 'PECT Framing -of 6 g P. ningo PLANS Wood trusses (R80,10). PLANS -�Aoqf tie -down (Rang 11) JNG JOISTS [Tables R802.4(1), F1802.4(2)] ufattic stowage, LL =10psf With attic storage LL = 20psf ..N/A Species and grade N/A Span' : on plans Size RAFTERS [TableiR802. . 5.1-(1)' R80.5w1Al WA -Prbun . d . snow -loid/LL =.20 . Sf* 'N/A- Pon--111600s tro ... 10. A.' snow)' .noi N/A Calling not dtt6ched1cQ1IIn N/A Spacing . Species and grade N/A., Spqn. N/A 'Size NhQ Hie; Adjustment fe,6totr RQ60 SHEATHING-(Rpqp.2) ON PLANS'. Grade - ON PLPAS Thickness NIA aliouvabte radin9 - . . ON PLANS. AJlowabff3spans [TAbtdff6o-3.2,1.1(1)j ON PLANS �.� Installation (R803.2.3) -8- ROORZEiflrfN.G CONSTRUCTION (cont'd:) STEEL ROOF FRAMING (Re04), • N/A Roof construction (R804.3)- N/A Geneiml•(RB04.1) N/A Roof tie -down (R804.3:9) N/A Sthrctutal -fntming .(R804.2) ROOF VENTILATION. {R606} . N/A Material (R804.,2.I) ; ON PLANS Ventilation requirements (R808.1-'R806.5) ON PLANS Identification' (R804.2.2). ATTIC ACCESS (R807) N/A Corrosion protection {R804.2.2 ON PLANS Access'requirements (807..1) N/A Fastening (R804.2.4).. A00FMS1+INBLfES (Chap er: 9) OF CLASSIFICATION (R902) NIA Wood shakes '(R905.ej . ONPLANS Roof covering material's (R902.1) N/A Built-up'roofs (R905.9) . ; •WEATHER PROTECTION (R903) , - - ' . - � ON PLANS . - . Mstal roof panels {R90.5 .10)-- ON PLaNs Flashing (R803•.2) _wA _,.Modified bitumen roofing.(R905.tI) N/A - _Coping {F 903 3) . N/A -tiiermdset single -ply roofing.'(R90,51R) • . .. N/A Roof drainage' R903.4). N/A .. . Thermoplastic single -ply roofind(R905•.13) MATERIALS (89.04) N/A Sprayed.polyurethane foam roofing {1.4905.14) ON PLANS Compatibility; specifications; physical oharac- NSA L!quld=applied. coatings (R905..15) . teristics; identification .(R904,2 - R984.4) NIA Photovoltaic shingles` (R9Q516) REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF COVERINGS (R905) ..' HpOF IN5'tJLATION (R906) NY- AsphaIt.shingIes (Rg05.2J ON PLANS" �,,.. General {R90fi 1) N1A Clay and concrete the (R905.3) N/A Metei'mofshingles (R905.4) REROOFING (R907) ON PLANS N/A Mineral4uriaced_ roll roofing {R905 5) Material$ and methods {R907.i) ' N/A .. •structural support(R907.2). Slate and slate -type shingles '(R908:6): NIA ' = Recover vs: replace (R907.3) N/A Wood shingles (R905.7) CHIMNEYS. -AND. FIREPLACES (Chaffer 1Q) FIREPLACE 3 (Ri001)' N/A Hearth extensiori (R1001X, R1001.10) Construction (Figure R1001.1 and Table R1.001: NSA Fireplage clearance (R1001.11) SDC-C reinforcing/anchorage -- - Fireblocking (Riot;02). (Rf001.3 and R1001.4) MASONRY CHIMNEYS (R1003). . Firebox wells and dimensions (R1601.5 and R1001:8) N/A • Construction 04ble.•R1001.1,-R1003.2, R100.3 3, and.Rgure RtObt. i) Steel fireplace units (R1001.5.1) N/A Corbeling (Ri003.3) _Intel (noncombustible) (R1001.7) -9- CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES- (cont'd.)• P N Changes in dimension (Ri003.6) 'A Additional load (R1003.8) A Termination (R1003.9) A Spark Arrestors (R1003..9 2) . AA Wall thickness; � 4" (R1i703,10)- Flue lining - material1iristailati6h . (R1003. i f acid A1003.12) ' � , •_ • Multiple flues. (Ri003.i3). Flue aria (appliance) (R1003.14) : ` Flue aria (masonry fireplace)' (RU03. i5) ' .Inlet (R1003_ 16)' : � ClQanouto enih Ri003.i P g 'l. 71 N/A 'Chi . mney clearance (R1003.18) N/A Fireblocking (R1003.•19) N/A Chimney crickets (14063.20)' FACTORYBUILT'FIREPLACES (ttldO4) N/A Listed and labeled (R'1004:1) ON PLANS fnstailation (R1004.2)' FACTORY.BUiLT CHIMNEYS (141005) N/A` Ustedandlabeted'(f#1005.1) ON PLANS ; . Installation (R1005.3 and.R10054). EXTERIOR AIR SUPPLY (R1006) N/A lntake size. (A1006,2, R1006 4) ENERGY. )EFFICIENCY' (Chapter 11) .: : - :... • .. ON PLANS :. Compliance; information .(/Vi�101.6,` Ni 161 s) Systems (N1103) ON PLANS ON PLANS �.. Climate zgne (Table N1101.10). Electrical (Ni104) ON PLANS ON PLANS Ovildding thermal envelope fNI.tg2) Simulated performance (Ni105) ON PLANS ON PLANS Al INSPECT Al ON PLANS . I PLANS. EXhi PLANS Dl1G1 ;PECT .. •MECHANICAL (Chapters 12.23) r lance labeling (01302; A4i,103j ' . "46 Chimney and vent location and termini#ions . . • lance access (M1305, A41401) .. {chapters.loarid�a)-:: • � . • . N/A T Specisl'equipmen.f(Chapter ar0) lance installation M107) ( ., .' N/A =Boilers/water heaters'(Chapter20) ing.anOcooling equipment; Idad.calcula- ins :(Chapfer 14)" N/A dronic ' in Ch Hy pjp • g (' . apter2l) ust systems (Chapter i5) "/A. Special plping'.and storage systems . (Chapter22) systems'(Chapter 10) NSA Solar systems. (Chapter23) )ustion air'(Chapter i7} .N/A T Penetration's of fire-n:sistande ratetl assem- : biles (R302.4; R302.5)' 1 Application (C2401.4) General regulations {G2404) A Appliance location (02408) A Air requirements (G2407) Installation '(G240s) PUEL.OAS {Chapter 24}. N/A . Clearances (G2400) N/A Electrical and electrical bonding N/A�,_..Pipa sizing.(0213) .. N/A • ' - Piping materials (02414) -10- FUEL .GAS (cont'd) N/A Piping installation (G2415 and 02419) N/A _ Venting (G2425 - G2429) N/A Piping support.(G2418 and G2424) N/A Mlsc appliances . N/A (G2423, G2430 = G2454) Valves, coaVolk connections . (G2420, G2421 and G2422) PLUMBING*( 1;hiPters 254431% Waterservice location and d6oh ` N/� _ _' Freezing pr6tection.(P2904.23) 06031 P2604) N/A Sprin ler coverage (P2904.,?_ ';an!tary and storm sewer location and .dep#h (P2603,: P2604) N/A Piping materials (P2904.3)' INSPECT. N/A__^„_____ Flow rates.(P2904.4:1, P21904.4.2 Piping support {Fable P2605.' 1) ) N/A Listed plastic materials (P2609) N/AT� Water -supply .capacity (P2904.6.2) INSPECT . Plumbiri' fixtures • Eh' " ter27: N/A Pipe'sialn g e eR ) g 1. ) Water. heater size and loca#loci (Chapfer28) N/A Drain;•waste and.vent pipe.sixhig and riser :.. N/A. diagram" (P3004,"P3005,•"ChapterSl) Water supply and diw6ution systerri'design N/A' and calculatloris (Chapter2J) Sumps•'and eWtors. (P*70 . N/A ' • 'wellng unlit -fire sp rinse`system• s (P2904) Oack*gter-valves; (P300.8) .. , . �. N�A NFPA •13D system .(P2904.1). • /A Fixtyrp traps.(P020'i) N/A Temperature rating N/A _. Storr' drat . a' (Chapter 33) (P2904.2.1, P2904A2) N%A Perietiations offire-resistance ratedassem- . .. - . ' • blies (R302 4, R$Q2.5) • : - • .. . ELECTRICAL (Chape>~s �43): .. • N(A • •- '' INSPECT • • Penetrations.of fire -resistance rated assem- . ;..Wiring methods (Chapter98) blles (E3402:'2) ON PLANS INSPECT .,RqL Wied ll6ilting,arld reCeptacle'oufletS. „Listed' and 'labeled materials f83403) ' (L3901, E390 .' ON PLANS ON PLANS _Service" equipment and Iodation • � Groand=fault and am -fault circuit -interrupter. {E340� E3601, E3608) �• protection (1�3602) ON.PLANS: �Ssr l.ce size'and load calculations (ES602) INSPECT-,Devices:and lighting fixtures•,(jhapfer•40)" INSPECT Available fault current 03 9,6 INSPECT • (• ) TApplian'Qq installation (Chap#er ON PLANS : :• System grounding (E3607) N/A _•SWimming*poois (Chapter42)' on{ PLANS Required branch circuits E3703 N/A ' q ( ) Class=2 remote -control, sigrioiling and -power.- _ ON PLANS Feeder requirements and load calculations ' lirriited circuits (Chapter4,3) (8370.4) MANUFACTURED .HQUSIN•G USED AS DWEtl,ING3 (Q0pendix N/A— adopted —Provisions .5 • R102 ". A l ) N/A " Compliance•with Appendix E verified RADON CONTROL MEASURES (Appendix F) N14 Provisions adopted•(Ri02.5) - N/A Compliance with Appendix F verified . SWIMMING -PObLS-, SPAS AND HOT TUBS (Ippendix G). /A Pmvlsidns adoptect (R102.5). N/A Compliance with Appendrx G verified PATIO COVERS .(Appendix. H) � N/A Provisions adopted (R.102.5) N/A Compliarice-with.Appendix H verified' pRI�/ATE.SEW4GE.DISPOSAL (Appendix Q N/A.Provisions adopted (1�0, :5)- N/_ A�Compllkhcewith•AppendJxl verified EXISTING'RUILDINGS AND -.STRUCTURES (AppG oix4) N/A.. . adopted, (R 02.5). ' Provisions adoCompliance With-Append'ac J verified SOUND•TRANMWISSI6N (Append!:K-K�." • . ,� N/A : Provlslons,adopted (-102.5), N/A Compliance with Appendix K vetifi64 HOME- IjAY. •CARE-R-3 OCCUPANCY (Appendix. M) N/A Provisions ado fed �4i02 5 N/A Com I'iartce wlfh A p ( p ppendix M,:verifled AUTOi11iATIC•VEHICULAR GATES (Appendi 0}: Provisions adopted (R702.5)' .: N/A �omplfance vuitii Appendix O=v®rifie'd NOTES -12-