HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCi JOSEPH FILE # E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 3426307 OR BOOK air` PAGE 1729, Recorded 12/30/2009 at 37- —,3 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice of Commencement I ,^ p I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description and street address. if avallable) TAX POLIO NUBMERIcnt 9 6 ' 4 LI 1' bC0 SUHDIVrSION _ HLOCK 'rRAC? LQT BLHG UNIT 1. r .v �'11� �,ss "Ll 4, 0)4 ij) n `61.�1a �!a 0 Ala F! 'to ug h c 1 GEXERALDffi— ONOOV� t r, „nn"SU-' = n^ I � CANNED 3. OwNEB]NFORMATION: a.Nsrm Bly hAddress I at in prop Qr1 d Nams and address offeo riaV1G*lehaldu(fetherthsa Owmr) �f Lude County IL} y 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'SNAMAADDRDANDFHONENONIDER: 7. Persons whhia the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDaeca AND PHONE NUM31M a, in addition to himself or herself Owner designates the fallowing to receive a copy of the Manor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9. Expimtion date of notice of ecr amence tumt (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date Is specified):oS - '2 .t_, 20_LC) S nature of Owner Print Name and Provide Signatory s Title/OIGce Owner's Autbarla lticer/Dlreetor/Partner/Manager State of Florida ' Countyof St. Lucie The f r going instrument knowledged before me thlsM� day of Hy names of ers (type of authority,... e.g. officer, trustee, attomey in fact) For (name of party on behalf of whom Instrument was executed) Personally known or_ produced the following type of identification: SUSM7ESTA r MYCOMMISSIONADD6M9 (Signature of Notary Public) •r.•• r ` EXPIRES: Aprtl 19, T011 ` tir;fi'� 9onekttsuNouryWtlouMmnttsn Under Penalties of perjury. I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief(Section 92525, Florida Statutes). $i�aturge)afOwner{s)0 O"c(s)'AutharlxedOlfieer/Dlreotor/Partner/Manaeerwho signed above; By T^� ttc�.oe�-m ts.RaordN� /�tia /'t' . p � 000S STATE 9f F10R;04 ST, LUCIf COUNTY THIS lu TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A T RUE ` 0 CORRECT cncv ftt• T,.. By: Dat, O