HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALL OF MANUFACTURED HOMES APPROVED PRODUCTAPPROVED PRODUCTS ��I FOR THE � INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES d MOBILE HOME SAFETY PRODUCTS continued... Dba Oliver Technologies, Ins. P.O. Box 58/467 Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 MODEL # IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION 1055-18L Longitudinal Stabilizing System 20" galvanized steel pad beam clip for longitudinal bracing system w/square tubing in a cross "X" pattern 1101L All Steel Foundation System Longitudinal Stabilizing System 1101 All Steel Foundation System Longitudinal and Lateral Stabilizing System 1101 V All Steel Foundation System Longitudinal Stabilizing & Lateral Bracing System 1101CV W Wet Bracket Concrete Full System 110ICVD Dry Set Bracket Concrete Full System 1101-W-CPCA Wet Set Bracket Concrete Longitudinal System 1101-D-CPCA Dry Set Bracket Concrete Longitudinal System 1101-W-TACA Wet Set Bracket Concrete Transverse System I101-D-TACA Dry Set Bracket Concrete Transverse System 1055-14 Plastic Foundation Pad 16" x 16" 1055-10 Plastic Foundation Pad 16" x 16" 1055-8 Plastic Foundation Pad 16" x 18" 1055-23 Plastic Foundation Pad 16" x 18 '/2" (rounded)(2 sq. ft.) 1055-9 Plastic Foundation Pad 18 %z" x 18 %:" x 15/16" SPA 264-1 Plastic Foundation Pad 18 %s" x 18'/z" x %" 4148-4 Plastic Foundation Pad 13 '/4" x 26'/4" x'/4" 1055-16 Plastic Foundation Pad 17" x 22" x 1 1/8" 1055-7 Plastic Foundation Pad 20" x 20" x 7/8" 1055-21 Plastic Foundation Pad 17 %:" x 22 %" 1055-17 Plastic Foundation Pad 17'/z" x 25'/2"x 1 1/8" 1055-13 Plastic Foundation Pad 24" x 24" 1055-22 Plastic Foundation Pad 21.13" x 29.13" (rounded) 1055-20 Plastic Foundation Pad 23 %4" x 31 ''/4" Revised 10/10 10 APPROVED PRODUCTS �� FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES 14f MOBILE HOME SAFETY PRODUCTS continued... Dba Oliver Technologies, Ins. P.O. Box 58/467 Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 MA3M11UM PIER LOADS IN POUNDS BASED ON SOIL VALUES Pad Area 1,000 lb. 1,500 lb. 2,000 lb. 2,500 lb. 3,000 lb. Remarks Configuration (sq. ft. soil soil soil soil soil Max. 16" x 16" 1.77 1,770 2,650 3,450 4,420 5,310 5,310 16" x 16" 1.78 1,780 2,660 3,560 4,430 5,340 5,320 16" x 18" 2.0 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 16" x 18 %2" (rounded) 2.0 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 18 %2" x 18'/2" x 15/16" 2.360 2,360 3,550 4,730 5,910 7,090 7,090 18'/2" x 18 %2" x'/4" 2.375 2,375 3,563 4,750 5,598 5,598 5,600 13 ''/4" x 26 '/" 2.4 2.375 3,563 4,750 5,938 6,400 6,400 17� 2.5 2,500 3,750 5,000 6,250 7,500 7,500 " 2.75 2,750 4,125 5,500 6,875 8,250 8,250 17 %2" x 22 %2" (rounded) 3.0 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 9,000 9,000 17'/2" x 251/2" 3.0 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 9,000 9,000 24" x 24" 4.0 4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 21.13" x 29.13" (rounded) 4.0 4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 23 '/4" x 31 ''/" 4.698 4,698 7,047 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 PAD CONFIGURATIONS Pad Description Pad Area 1,0 (Pyramid Footer Configuration) (sq. ft. 1 (2) 13 14" x 26'/4" as a base and (1) 20" x 20" on top 4.8 41 Three (3) 17" x 22" 5.0 5, Three (3) 17'/2" x 25 %2" 6.0 6. CAP BOARDS MODEL # IDENTIFICATION OT1CB1 Plastic Cap Board OT1CB2 Plastic Cap Board The cap boards were test on CMU pier (C90) with either a single or double Revised 10/10 11 APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED r HOME PRIDE, INC., continued... P.O. Box 160387 Nashville, Tennessee 37216-0387 MODEL # IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil Class Working Load Ultimate Load Home Pride Strapping 1 ''/4' x 0.0375" galvanized flat N/A 3,150 4,725 -- --- strapping, ASTM D3953-91 HP Galvanized Split Bolt 5/8" x 3" x 5/8" square shoulder N/A 3,150 4,725 w/hex head standard thread, shaft saw cut Home Pride C Crimping Seal / 17116" x 2Y4' zinc plated N/A 3,150 4,725 59002 TD S vel Strap 2.600" x 4.875" x 10 gauge with N/A 3,150 4,725 Connector 1 1/d' x .035" galvanized steel strap 59003 TD Beam Connector for 2.5" x 7.300" x 10 gauge used N/A 3,150 4,725 3" I-beam with 59002 and grade 5 bolt and nut 59009 Longitudinal Beam 1 1/z" x 6 %:" x Y<" used as a pair N/A 3,150 4,725 Connector with 59002 59011 Longitudinal Beam 6" x 6 3/4' x 7 gauge frame clamp N/A 3,150 4,725 Clamp with 8 — grade 5 bolts and nuts HP62 Adjustable Perimeter Door & Window Support N/A N/A N/A Support Min 16 X 16 HP12LS Tension Head W/Lag Concrete Anchor N/A N/A N/A Bolt RP13 Patio L Anchor Bolt Concrete Anchor N/A N/A N/A Revised 10/10 4 APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES MINUTE MAN ANCHORS 305 West King Street East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726 MODEL # IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil Class Working Load Ultimate Load MMA 2 alvanized Auger 5/8" x 48" rod, double bolt 4a 3,150 4,725 Anchor head with a single 6" disc MMA 4 Galvanized Auger 3/4" x 48" rod, double bolt head 4a 3,150 4,725 Anchor with a single 6" disc MMA 75 Galvanized Auger '/a" x 60" rod, double bolt head 4b 4,000 6,000 Anchor with a single 7" disc MMA 86 Galvanized Auger 3/4" x 60" rod, double bolt head 4b 4,000 6,000 Anchor with a single 8" disc MMA 12 Galvanized Concrete 5/8" x 10" threaded rod with Concrete 3,150 4,725 Anchor nut. Use with concrete slab (dry) MMA 14 Galvanized Concrete 5/8" x 10" rod with a 3" turn Concrete 3,150 4,725 Anchor on the end. Use with concrete slab (wet) MMA 42 Galvanized Concrete Swivel head. Use with Concrete 3,150 4,725 Anchor concrete slab (wet) MMA 18 Galvanized Tension Double head tension device N/A 3,150 4,725 Device w/bolt hole in bottom of yoke for use with expansion bolt in concrete slab (dry) MMA 22 Galvanized Tension Double head tension device N/A 3,150 4,725 Device adapter MMA SD2 Galvanized Stabilizer 18" wide x 13.5" center x 7 '/2" N/A 3,150 4,725 Plate on the sides Revised 10/10