HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPUA RECEIPTInvoice Number768
Job Location
7369 Commercial Circle
Account Name
7369 Commercial Circle
Contact Name
John. Peluso
Project Name
Billing Address
7369 Commercial Circle
Project Engineer
Fort Pierce
Phone: (561)202-7617 Fax:
A 34961
New Warehouse
Review Fee
Charge Per ERC"
Water ERCs
Wastewater ERCs
Electric ERCs
Base Fee
Engineering Review Fee Total $646.00 -
Total Paid
Date Paid
Check Number
Miscellaneous Notes:
Review fees for a rvarehouse with (2)-518"0/4" water meters with sewer water & .626 sewer ERC's assessed
Note"Equivalent Residential Connections Pe ( ih" @,.-1-C J ,
1 his invoice is m accordance wnh the current FPUA Resolution, a copy is available at www.fires coal
The invoice amount is based on $500 flat tee forwater/wastewater and a $500 for fee roreleclac. plus $20 per water $20 per wastewaWrequivalent
residential connection(ERC), and $20 per electric .mater or point of service. Water and wastewater ERCs are based on 300 GPO waterusage and 240 GPOOr
wasteverardisGwrge FPUA considers mumlamily developments such- as apartments ortownhomes to represent 70%otone ER6 perunit. Forcommandal
developments, usage rs bared on the provided Engineer's estimate, FOEP standards and historical data, if available.
Please return the attached invoice signed along with a'check at your eadiest convenience so that we may begin toprocess your stamen ale
Reviewed By
Customer's Signature
Printed Name
James Carnes P.E. Environmental. Engineer ..r/G Data 9122/2017