HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING SITE PLANScc W W W 0 Q d m Y I W H 0 LU W W m 0 z W z co 0 ir J J Q 15KW generator location � Fv t�. Al 1 r`.IRr:11ITq IN THI.R ARFA Tin RF nN 95KW BACKUP GENERATOR ALL EXISTING EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL FIXTURES TO REMAIN l (3) #4/0 TBHWN in l 2" cond. (3) #4/0 THVVN in t�. Al 1 r`.IRr:11ITq IN THI.R ARFA Tin RF nN 95KW BACKUP GENERATOR ALL EXISTING EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL FIXTURES TO REMAIN l (3) #4/0 TBHWN in l 2" cond. (3) #4/0 THVVN in E Pt 5aA 3W SN 120/240/1/60 02'cond.— EP 99K M1BR 1A 3W SN Transfer 120/240/1/60 Switch M SR r� / #4 CU. ground to cwp bldg. steel 8t driven ground rod 15KW emergency generator LOAD CALCULATIONS 2554 x 3 VA = 7,662 2 - Recepticals = 5,400 1 Microwave = 1,500 1 DW = 1,200 1 Washer 1,500 1 Dryer 5,000 1 W.H. 5,300 1 Refrig. 1,200 Total 28,762 1sT 10 KVA <10,000> = 10,000 Balance 18,762 4A X 40% 7,505 = 7,505 Heat 8,000 Total 25,505 /.24ci = I OG Amps ELECTRICAL LEDGEND .RECESSED LIGHT —(— SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE UNDER CABINET FLUORESCENT FIXTURE F--Z --I SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE ® EXHAUST PAN OUTLET (50 CFM) CEILING FAN WITH OPTIONAL LIGHT KIT g THERMOSTAT- DUPLEX OUTLET QUAD. OUTLET 220 V OUTLET: FLOOR MOUNT DUPLEX RECEPTICAL _(k SWITCH -6%N, THREE WAY SWITCH DIMMER SWITCH a ELE`JISION -Q TELEPHONE" DATA & COMMUNICATION BOX (FLOOR OR WALL MOUNT) J❑ JUNCTION BOX EI XITI EXISTING EXIT LIGHTS WITH BATTERY BACKUP ` TWO LAMP .EMER®ENGY LIGHT WITH BATTERY BACKUP These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Designer. They are not to be used on other projects or extentions of this project except by written agree- ment with the Deisgner. No design changes which alter the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are to be made without obtaining prior written permission from the designer. Copyright © 2005 CO co tt� ce ® et:3) CD —45 � t 5 Cz 55 CO 00 CD LL_ m OD Co p MF FILE COPY ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW 0=- 041) BLDG: DATE: ELEC: DATEPLUM - : o•' DATE:110� DATE: MECH: DATE: SCANNED BY St Lucie County - ® U J 3 c U I� tea" 2 Z ® z�q E `�rrq 7O 0 i k1 ® c0 - E � co co r E C date revisions l o,(07 RSV 15IONS PER I aicrt wspbrToF 10122107 Qa RUKED Moan CAcas . drawn S.L. checked S.L. date _,.. 2/5/07 scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" lob number 07004 sheet ELECTRICAL RIOSER D9AGRAM A MIDWAY ROAD u� CHURCH OF CHRIST g DRIVEWAYS a o DO y3IyI > > a � 0 V) Q3 3:V)z� o o LIDWAY v w ROAD Y 0 ' rn 172' 171' 1 133' 126' 146' 23' 142' 1 t1,486' w DRAWDY OFFICE PARK"'. S i ! V)) , BENCHMARK 1 TOP 1/2" IR&C STAMPED LB 4286 TRA` ELEV - 15.56 N.G.V.D. OF 1929 D ME I 0 Ir- Q LLj V) LLI = zo N Q1 GENERAL NOTES PHASE II I. PROJECT NAME: Drawdy Office Park Phase II 13. FUTURE LAND USE: Commercial (COM) 2. LOCATION: South side of Midway Road, opprft 14. SITE COVERAGE 1320 feet west of South 25th Street Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II Phase II Phase II Phase III Plloee III Phase III Acreage Sq. Footage Percentage Acreage Sq. Footage Percentage Acreage Sq. Footage Percentage 3. OWNER: Phillip M. Drawdy, Troy W. Drawdy Tax I.D, No. 3405-421-0001-000-2 Building 0,13 AC. 5,743.0 SF 2,80% 0.23 AC, 10,172.7 SF 4.97% 0.51 AC. 22,050.0 SF 10,777 1216 Bell Avenue Parking/Sidewalk 0.40 AC. 17,385.0 SF 8,50% 0.77 AC. 33,452,0 SF 16.33% 1.17 AC, 51,187,0 SF 24.997 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Contact: Phil or Troy Drawdy Total Impervious 0.54 AC. 23,478.0 SF 11.47% 1.00 AC. 43,624.7 SF 21,30% 1.68 AC. 73,237.0 SF 35.769 4, ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Culpepper & Terpenfng, Inc. Total Open Space 4.18 AC, 181.334.0 SF 88.53% 3.70 AC. 161,187.3 SF 78,70% 3.02 AC, 131,575.0 SF 64,247 2980 South 25th Street Total Site Area 4.70 AC. 204,812.0 SF 100.00% 4.70 AC. 204,812.0 SF 100,00% 4.70 AC. 204,1`112.0 SF 100,00% Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Offl Contact: David L, Phillips, P.E. 15. PARKING: • Office (22,050sf ®5 spaces/1,000af) 111 Spaces Raqulnred S. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Lisa R. Nelson, R.L.A. PHASE I PtHASE II PHASE III (TOTAL) 5104 Oleander Blvd, • Standard Spaces Provided 10 spaces 212 spaces 105 spaces Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 • Handicapped Spaces Required 5 spooes Office: 772-464-2100 • Handicapped Spaces Provided 1 spaces 2 spaces 6 spaces Fax: 772-465-2790 To`i41 Spaces Provided it spaces 2y4 spaces 111 spaces 6 TYPE OF PROJECT' C t t B ildl on roc are u ng Cos 16. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: DRIVEWAY LOCATION MAP 7. GROSS PROJECT SIZE: 204,812 Square Feet, 4.70 Acres Construction to begin: May 1, 2003 1 ° = 100, B. BUILDING SIZE: 5,743 Sq. Ft (PHASE 1) 16,307 Sq, Ft. (PHASE II) Construction to be completed: Sept. 1, 2003 Total: 22.050 Sq, Ft. 17. UTILITY SERVICE: 9. EXISTING LAND USE: Office Bldg. TREE MITICTION NOTE is Water Service: City of Port St. Lucie Utility Systems DeNipt. ST LUCIE COUNTY CODE REQUIRES THAT CONSPICJOLS, DURABLE BARRICADES BE 10. EXISTING ZONING: Commercial Office (CO) Sewage Treatment: City of Port St. Lucie Utility Systems DepPt. ERECTED AROUND EACH INDIVIDUAL TREE OR AREAS OF VEGETATION THAT ARE TO FLOOD ZONE: Zone X (per F.E.M.A, Map #121110280-F) BE PRESERVED. AT A MINIMUM, BARRICADES SHOULD BE PLACED AT THE DRIP LINE t l.1/, 18. SITE DRAINAGE: OF A TREE. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY PROTECTIVE BARRIERS ARE REMOVED OR 12, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A Parcel of land lying In Section 5, Township 36 ALTERED AND LAND CLEARING OR CONSTRUCTION WORK IS BEING CONDUCTED ON AEQ• South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County, Florida. The The on -site stormwater management system will consist of a 40' 4o' THE SITE, ALL WORK AT THE SITE WILL BE STOPPED UNTIL THE BARRIERS ARE M�N,SETE CK East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, series of Inlets, Culverts, and Bill An existing on -site dry --"- RESTORED AND ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ARE TAKEN TO REPAIR OF Township 36 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie detention area will provide water quality (pre-treatment for the __ ""1 1✓ REPLANT ANY VEGETATION REMOVED OR DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF THESE ppONT County, Florida less Midway Road right-of-way. first 1/2 of run-off) and provides compensating storage. ENCROACHMENTS. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT TREES (ESTROYED DUE TO $1DE$ Discharge from the site will be towards the existing Swale along I CONSTRUCTION DAMAGE ARE REQUIRED TO BE MITI GAFED AT iA RATIO OF 4: 1, CNR SID" Said parcel contains 4.70 acres, more or less, the north boundary of the site, PHASE II CONSTRUI CT ONE; AR -1 PHASE III 2" WATER SERVIIICE PHASE II TW. CONSTRUCT [2]-EXISTING PARKING LAND USE: COM 2" WATER SERVICE 2" SERV1j. RTPAPZ [2]-EXISTING TO BE REMOVED ANSYRUCT 2" PHASE II 1k" METfER VATER SERVICE CONST 2"IN-UNE VALVE 1 (PHASE II) NOD'09'05"W 622.10' & 2" PLUG TO ALLOW FOR _.... ..IF" -OT- -T-F. PHASE I 0 r �___^_ _- ------ fyFpAJL �ll _ _ _-__.-. __---•----------------------- - 5!a�_ PHASE II __'__'_�1ye�R"R -� j / 1-"11 - ---- ------------------- f- - I /7/;1 / EXISTING I,'i' . V -'�LJ I DRY DETENTION �•r. , ;J AREA °; BU1L�tPJ-6#1'. ' i`��1 / I PHASE III BUILDING 4,150.0 F. F.F.E.=18.50 PHASE IN PHASE 11 CONST, 25' OF 6" CONST, 12'x3O' SAN, SERVICE O 1.0% LOADING ZONE 100' CLEAN -OUT. PHASE II PHASE III ``« CONSTRUCT 2" "' °A° T `� `�` WATER SERVICE I I I CONST, BUILDING#3 1" WATESERVICE ,/� t �, ,� ,•rM ``• ^a*�"Rs ' ; BENCHMARK , . TOP 1/2" IR&C 41150.0 5'.F. ; I F.F,E,=18.50 ems 14 rffrr" l "!"A Vn ' STAMPED LB 4286 TRAY 5 PHASE III 4W en° PHASE III *x° PHASE III CONSTRLUCT ELEV - 15.33 N.G. V.D. OF 1929 CLEAN -OUT CONST. 58' OF 6" rrE° reR ea p{ T nm T Tr R „ 2" WATER SERVICE CONSTRUCT 2 "RAP 1WATER too' SAN. SERVICE 01.07 SERVICE Z" SERVICE 1}" fRPZ ; 4 4Jl�F ! / i'! W.UO EXIST, IN -LINE VALVE TO xEEP PHASE II t" IIt ,t J P-�y \ti PHAtSE II SD-5 PHASE II PHASE II CONST, 2" 1p NE;TER I "'L i/ i 00 F.,,,e;�GE o Jv , / j' / )/� CONST. TYPE "C" INLET 2" LP,M. a EXIST. BLDG. IN OPERATION � TO INCLUDE GRAVITY SEWEROPOSED UTILITY R, PHASE III ; c 1 I �� l L/� --, i. / /' f/ 1' ) b 2 FM &GRINDER STATION I i I .... .. In'e Ir.>"a r s rw R,,,I ,"„ „" DUMP5TER PAD PH SE 1 o' 1z y ( )SEE DETAIL rni a i iv //' ,�, , .� I ' ! / / % L- RS" \'\\\• "COIN T. 8 ' 0 10 ,.�. RS 11 0 �y2o., 12' 4 I „ �, , Yd / 'lH----••-- -1"- y------------ ------ 6"'14 -P_"91 _,FN - ---------------------- ---- - - ---------- - i 5' _"_ r. __ _. _ .._ ._ 1 ; I - EXIST. 24' OF _ -.. ; CLEAN -OUT -� //' 18" CAP J,\ PHA II - - - -"-y- N' -PHASE II - EXISTING 10' WP.E. \ i �. ANI ARY MANHOLE t i \ ii) j o .,� Y• g CONST. 31' OFEe" W/ "PLUG y b UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ; SAN.0 ! SERVICE \\ \` Ili i i i >_. �' m�o.J:.�_.a m:•2ey.. X ' TI ' / / -.. 5' I I ; n1 r 50.6T 1 ) III I 1 I I \:' _',', / 1 AR�3., I \. 18 O 61 1�-� •• 131.59' I' iii i 1 PHASE IS ; ` I t r," p] "!'� - \ N I PH ALt 8 ' I JI EXIST. FIRE I I III I , 24• �`. \ \, \, ;{ EASE " is al ;!i /� I I I CONST. 215 OF 6 PHASE II I % HYDRANT i i 'Ir ' ' SAN. SERVICE ®1 0% j j- I �' n !�:' CONST. 44' OF.. REROUTE 2 LPM III ) 1 &REMOVE EXIST ,�''�� I I¢Y:�•• .•, ,�•• N 15' CAP 0 0.269 p '� PHASE I PHAA��, III Rs; _ _ _ - - ---------- GRINDER STATION AFTER I1 1 / n SYSTEM HAS BEEN ,' I O 7 CERTIFlED COMPLETE I EXISTING 181 L - _ ' i - ryfe - _ RS //-EXIST. PAVEMENT III I 25' / -/ - - - �- 10' ' ' I I 1 I In BUILDING F-k1 n ., _. n . --- --1 II 1 1 , t 1 W O 1 I n I r 10' PH SE II 11' 24' m X l a I I i i iii II ,1 I 5,743 S.F. 0 i j I , \ .� O 6 h - -•�"/ 6.75' HIGH. 6.92' MAOE, I ; � N - - - GO ST. , ' OF - PHASE I Q 11 1 I F.F,E.= 18.50 l 0NI11 1 0 -IS I D-6Q5 6 SAN. 0.4 % ._o rc - - r_aF� ----------- III II; IINI 1 1 PHASE II rJ I � OL EXISTDRAINAGE SAWCUT & REMOE CONST, TYPE "C" INLET W/ 8PLUG INFRASTRUCTURE I CONCRETE O NEAREST ' Ii ... _ or'--- C:T.c.-=-:..'. -.c::_c__-_..PHASE .II-..-. ''N. ... :: .. ... 1 .•.I'^"'."' I I EXPANSION JOINT i i I PHASE'ljl SAWCUT & REMOVE PHASE III 1 goo" - - - ; ?f CONST. 82 OF 6 r^ y Q i i III ` I �I CONCRETE *NEAREST �1 s' 0��5 ®1 % PS' p ,� ✓ e7.9a' I R--1T- - Ir 1r - r -r -1 l ,�,), I I I 1- �XPANSIS2N�lQA1T - „� ! p �i • _ n y 7 ,o' ...� '..` . t 1 ' `' ,`•, I / .*w M -" 4 ,fire nti ql n ^, "r S'T 1 I I 1 1 III I r 10' 12' i2' 1O' •"'" , •'"'' •. 11 I b l N A F - 2.5',) ,V7 F(i 0 ro +NHS~ Y,. ,,,, .,,, ^ CONSTRUCT 2"L �\ / 3SERVICE TFAP I II II®I II I1 I y� I I � � II 11 \\ \\ \\ FIN I I , n.. .,q . . �, ,... e•�.. .n 59 87 I t I I . eT7 e:"'^sl^... �.,., I I Fill PHASE II I TIRE STOPS ?\ \ I- N e TYPICAL L. pl- 'r -CLEAN-OUT -HDCP SIGN (I)P,) 90' 4 y PHASE III i BUILDING#4 n 3,577.3 S.F. F.F,E.=18.50 PHASE III nI CONSTRUCT: PHASE 111 A' r ` 1 j" METER I CONST. 6' Ir ' " 1�" RPZ lo)I Ni I a A CONCRETE%' ' N SIDEWALK A T '",., I a (TYPICAL) +•* `' .,,� .r" ,.,...- "., .., •», "711 rv„ ".; ^ �" lel ^' PHASE III CONSTRUCT 2" r" WATER SERVICE R"M ""# Cr9 PP•'i rrP r t7 r 9 . , „ , "s- r"" 1 I I I Pit 4M !*s1 F^. 7 P`I! i^.v p•'I 9!'1 1++ I•"; ..'^i".'" "9 !"^ >w ,..., F •I I I 1 I I I \ \. .. \` \ '\ \ _'a-- ` ! ---------_mil_ -PHASE III \1 BENCHMARK \ `,\`, -. I S,r------- I, croNSN 1z�s3o'"- TOP 1/2" IR&C ; II LOAD G ZONE , I I STAMPED LB 4286 TRAV `:`.;...''------`----_..--'--------=14�------------------'-------------------^. ELEV = 15.62 N.G.V.D.OF 1929 _-.--'- ._-__. _..__. i_-.._ -:T ., _ -v = _.. _ _ _.,1$ IS TO (AERTiF11' THAT THIS SITE PLAN ---------. -- I --I-`l WETSTHE MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS CIE COUNTY, LAND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ST. LU ----------------'----- I I I I XIST, CONTROL CODE. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONSTITUTr E..,. I �I I n - EXIST. RE CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION U'NT& AL &UCH PAOVI$IONS Of THE PROJECT DEVELOP- l, NT APPROVAL RAYS 8111I1N COMPLISO WITH AE .__. 50C90'00"E 619.25,FURTHER lDhNlirl MENT I I ADMI TRATOR I ST, LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 5 69 REVAQPqIEVNTD FOR CONtPLLANCE I kfAL RATF SUBJECT TO FIELD LN PECTIONS SEE ATTACHED �O BEET ZONE: RS-4 REVIEF�',D BY: LAND USE; COM i'vmrU ICR FIELD BK./PG. FILE REF. CONSULTiN & ENGINEERS 01-79BASE,DWG SP.las LAND 5URVEYOR3 - CULPEPPER & 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 TERP EN I N G,INC, (772) 464-3537 State of Florida Board of Professional Engineers Authorization No. 4286 -- R E V I S 1 0 N S- BY DATE PER CLIENT RCM B-2T-02 REVISED BUILDING LAYOUT RGM 10-0$-0 REVISED PER ST, LUCIE COUNTY & PSLUSD TJW 3-17'-03 REVISED PER CLIENT TJW 6-9-03 REVISED PER PSLUSD & ST. LUCIE COUNTY TJW 1 7-12-03 REVISED PER ST, LUCIE COUNTY TJW 8/27 ✓03 BY DATE DESIGNED DLP 2-11-02 CALCS. DRAWN CSM 2-12-02 DETAILED CHECKED I DLP 10- 002 APPROVED LOCATION MAP I' � GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft, STUCCO a I 13'-4" 6" CONC. PAD � W/6 'x6 x6•' 10/10 GA. W.M. ON COMP. FILL 8 CONC. i BLOCK . FYI V,\VLF II IIV I vv ,l.l\ W/(2) #50 BARS CEDAR W/1001x12" WIRE GATES ELEVATION PLAN DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DETAIL SIGN FILE COPY NOTES 1. TOP PORTION OF FTP 25 & 26 SHALL HAVE A REFLECTIVE BLUE 3. FTP 25 & 26 MAY BE FABRICATED ON BACKGROUND WITH WHITE REFLECTIVE ONE PANEL OR TWO. (V SYMBOL AND BORDER. 4. FTP 26 IS FOR AREAS WHERE SPACE 2, BOTTOM PORTION SHALL HAVE A IS LIMITED, REFLECTIVE WHITE eACKGROVNG N1TH BLACK OPAQUE LEGEND AND BORDER. II/Y R CONCRETE STOP c 1/2' - 1 1/2' R _J_,t BLUE CIL rrwc --W-. '"rcs PARKING BY ^ § PARKING BY I,h SERIE9 'C''•. DISABLED 1.6 t< BLED q• PERMIT �". PERMIT �`� ONLY.e' ONLY $250 PINE $250 FlNE PIP as il" as HANDICAP DETAIL 7 -- I'AW 2 8 2003 DAVID L. PHILLIPS, P.E. • FLORIDA REG. NO, 58732 DRAWDY OFFICE PARK PHASE II SITE PLAN DATE: 2-3-02 HORIZ. SCALE: 1 "=30' VERT. SCALE: NONE JOB No. 01 -79 SHEET 1 OF 2 715.3.2 Other types of doors. Other types of doors, including swinging elevator doors, shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 252 or UL 10B. The pressure in the furnace shall be maintained as nearly equal to the atmospheric pressure as possible. Once established, the pressure shall be maintained during the entire test period. 715.3.1 Side -hinged or pivoted swinging doors. Side -hinged and pivoted swinging doors shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 252 or UL 10C. After 5 minutes into the NFPA 252 test, the neutral pressure level in the fumace shall be established at 40 inches (1016 mm) or less above the sill. e d u ZN Lf CC 715.3.3 Door assemblies in corridors and smoke barriers. Fire door assemblies required to have a minimum fire protection rating of 20 minutes where located in corridor walls or smoke barrier walls having a fire -resistance rating in accordance with Table 715.3 shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 252 or UL 10C without the hose stream test. If a 20-minute fire door assembly contains glazing material, the glazing material in the door itself shall have a minimum fire protection rating of 20 minutes and be exempt from the hose stream test. Glazing material in any other part of the door assembly, including transom lites and sidelites, shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 257, including the hose stream test, in accordance with Section 715 4 . Fire door assemblies shall also meet the requirements for a smoke- and draft -control door assembly tested in accordance with UL 1784 with an artificial bottom seal installed across the full width of the bottom of the door assembly. The air leakage rate of the door assembly shall not exceed 3.0 cfm per square foot (0.01524 m 3 /s - m 2) of door opening at 0.10 inch (24.9 Pa) of water for both the ambient temperature and elevated temperature tests. Louvers shall be prohibited. 436.2 Closet doors. Every closet door latch shall be such that clients can open the door from inside the closet. 436.3 Bathroom doors. Every bathroom door lock shall be designed to permit opening of the locked door from the outside in an emergency. The opening device shall be readily accessible to the staff. 436.4 Door closure. Any exit door designed to be normally closed shall be kept closed and shall comply with Section 153 12'-n" 12'-9" T-A" i4l_n" ill-r." a,-n" R'_u" 0' a" — — ii' " FI®®r Plan scale: 1/4" 0 1'-0" 1. FURR OUT EXISTING WALLS WITH 1 x 2 P.T. 16"o.c. WITH 4.2 FOIL INSULATION 2. PROVIDE R:30 BATT. INSUL ALONG TRUSS TOP CORD 3. PROVIDE MONITORED FIRE ALARM 4 • ALL DOOR HARDWARE OTHE.RTHAN 5NTH R)nM HARDWARE. SHALL HAVE. PASS,AC�-LWK'5P-T THA7 MEETS II-4 13r7 TOTAL BUILDABLE OFFICE SPACE: 4150 SQUARE FEET FR One Hour Rated Door & Jambs ® One Hour Rated Walls One Hour Rated Ceiling ALL PROPOSED WORK ) ANY CORRECTIONS 1 LD INSPECTORS THAT SARY IN ORDER TO . APPLICABLE CODES. 7 These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Designer They are not to be used on other projects or extentions of this project except by written agree - mom with the Deisgner. No design Cho nges which alter the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are to be made without obtaining prior written permission from the designer. Copyright © 2005 LZ� tom) `• lam, t_ o.� v3 Z " N IW Cdi 1 C Dom_ tom. I t•, \ X Yi m U-i A� �. Gaon !. CCi l� ®— CO i C:) ♦i _ , •CO — - C - _� -4==0 _ > E co -, f ram; i �. — - , - drawn S.L checked S.L date 2/5/07 scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" job number 070M sheet A-1 Fire doors shall be sett closing. All single fire doors shall be provided with an active latch Bolt that will secure the door when it is closed. ALL c-LAZ ING IN iZA ;xEV WALLS TO g1~ FI1ZE YKOrscv,�H CIATI149 OF ONE HOUR, in MISED 5/,41o7 .................... _ .................._ - .... ................-.......................... .._.. .......... _..._.. ............. __..._.. .. _.__................. .............. ... .................. _............._. - _ _ . _ -_ _.... _....._.. _ ..............I....................._... �+ These Drawings and Specifications remove existing cork, as instruments of service are and 28'-2" 3'-4" �10", pads and replace with shall remain the property of the _y �" ,"�," - _ _ _ -� Designer. They are not to be used 4' x 8' 4" 2500# conc. pad F®undatiuom nnalp• 114" a 1'-rt" cVr1L 'b LVVV#F COfIC. Wa1K on other projects or extensions of this project except by written agree- ment with the Desgner. No deaign changes which alter the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are �__________________�-------------- ____� to be made without obtaining prior written permission from the designer. Copyright © 2005 3'-4" 2'-0" L see non bearing interior wall detail 4" 2500# fibermix concrete existing wall exterior wall on .006 vapor bearier on clean, compacted, termite treated fill 4" 2500# fibermix concrete on .006 vapor bearier on clean, compacted, termite expan. joint treated fill top course filled with conc. with (1) #5 rebar aw e existing footing cont =* 8 x 16 c.m.u. wall with (1) vert #5 in filled cell at corners Foundation Edge Detail scale: 3/4" e 1'-0" 12" x 12" fing. with (1) #5 rebar 4'_ to sanitary X � system bc.o. cliff 1_1 L�l! r, cam, All l�l J _ _/tom—_ • "? w, U � C � cry cl-_!!, W� LU CD 0WCD \1 � - C- 0 CO Ca LA__.1) 0 C co � CD U U_ v C L_ CD ® =z W Co Cz co _3 E e40 E drawn S.L checked SL date 2/5/07 scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" job dumber 07004 �I THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS 4 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT; MAYBE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICAItE CODES.1 Ise �: l i, I�, •) .a l� I `', scale: 3/4" e 1'-0" sheet% ir 51 f4101 These Drawings and e as instruments of service fire resistant caulk Designer. They are not tc at wall st ceiling existing wood R19 bait insulation anon remora c por ert, intersection batt insulation trusses 24"o.c. along top cordn sera or ernalong top cord 2 16d to chne 24"o.4R19 FINISHED CEILING � 1 -01 �i FINISHED CEILING _�>12•-0" 3 5/8" coot metal see UL certification 3 5/8' cont metal l� FINISHED CEILING gk 5/8,gy pS mt track screwed to 5/8' gypsum track screwed to for specifications — - — -Pbi- 9'-0" board furring channel board furring channel `f' 3 5/8" cont metal track screwed to _ _ _ _ _ _ HEAD HGTH. 6' 8' fuming channel One layer 1/2' gypsum wallboard ap lied parallel or at right angles to each caseing around drywrea1 screws Saeccsatyertical with 1 all windows joints and 12'c.c. at floor and ceiling runners and intermediate studs. alum frame window One layer 5/8' Type X drywall screws each suds, fasten with 1' o. - 8°o.c. at vert joints & 12'oc. along floor and at runners and interned. studs j ,I 4" 2500# fibermix concrete SILL HGTH. 4" 2500# fibermix concrete on .006 vapor beerier on 3 5/8° Gout metal track — - - — - — - -- - 3'-4" on .006 vapor bearier on 3 c coot metal hack clean, compacted, termite track fasten to conc. with clean, compacted, termite track fasten to coin. with treated fill power load Hilitl pin 12'ec. treated fill power bad Hilid pin 12'cc. I _ F.F.E. _ � 0.00' y _....._� _ F.F.E. _ _ 0.00' 2 x 4 jamb d One la er 1/2' gypsum wallboard le applie patallel or at right angles to each side of 3 5/8' steel studs 1Gca with 1" drywall screws 8°ca at vertical WALLS (®NE HOUR BATE®) o UL-U465 roans and d rote at floor and ceiling NOn � � *wkw WaN runners and Intermediate studs. CEILING (®NE HOUR RATE®) o UL-P531 scale: 3/4" m T-0" �� I&AMIll AL V.MII� �N$ vin. cove base 1 LI4.30 Signage. rpy — 4" 2500# fibermix concrete tr 5/8" coot metal track General. Signage required to be accessible by scale: 3/4° = 9'-0' on .006 vapor beerier on track fasten to cony with jt 1-4.1 shall comply with the applicable provisions of 1I- clean, compacted, termite power load HIM pin 12"c.c. 7.30. treated fill F.F.E. _ 0W Character Proportion. Letters and numbers m signs shall have a width -to -height ratio between 3:.5 i nd 1:1 and a stroke-wdthilo-height ratio between 1.:5 iltnd 1:10, II I1d1 M WAN 11ft Wk1dow Character Height. Characters and numbers on scale: 3/4' = T-0' :gns shall be sized according to the viewing distance tom which they are to be read. The minimum height is ,measured using an upper case X. Lower rase characters ,pti a permitted. 4111eight Above MirtinuamCharacter finished Floor -�-Height ;luspended or 3 in (75 mm) (Projected Overhead minimum il, compliance 4bith 11-4.4,2 j 1-4.30.4 Raised and Bprailled Characters and - I dctorial Symbol Signs (Flictograms). Letters and 1jumerals ,shall be raised ih2 in_ upper case, sans serif or simple serif type and shall be accompanied with Grate 2 Braille. Raised characters shall be at least 51s in. (16 r im) high, but no higher than 2 in. (50 mm). Pictograms ::; all be accompanied by the equivalent verbal descrip Ion placed directly, below th pictogram. The border dirr n- sion of the pictogram shall be 6 in. (152 ram) minimwrl�in height. 11-4.30.5 Finish and Contrast. The characters 'L'1d background of signs shall be eggshell, matte, or ct er non -glare finish. Characters and symbols shall cons: st with their background--sither light characters on a d rk background or dark characters on a light background..i Mounting Location and Height. Where + �r- manem identification is provided for rooms and spat ts, signs shall be installed on the wall adjacent to the la kh side of the door. Where there is no wall space to the la th side of the door, includinglat double leaf doors, signs st�itll be placed on the nearest adjacent wall. Mounting her, ht shall be 60 in. (1525 mil) above the finish floor to l�te centerline of the sign. Mounting location for such signa� e shall be so that a person may approach within 3 in. li � mm) of signage without encountering protruding obje{Its or standing within the swing of a door. it -4 Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers 11-4.15.1 Minimum Number. Drinking fountains or witter coolers required to be, accessible by 11-4.1 shall cilimply with 11-4.15. I ll •4.15.2 Spout Height. Spouts shall be no higher than 3{ inches (915 mm), measured from the floor or ground .. sd faces to the spout outlet (See Figure 27(a))11 Spout Location. The spouts of drinking foun- t4Ins and water coolers shall be at the front of the unit and sllitll direct the water flow in a trajectory that is parallel or ntl=�rly parallel to the front of the unit. The spout shall pro - Ode a flow of water at least 4 inches (100 ran) high so as ' ti-fallow the insertion of a cup or glass under the flow of vi#ler. On an accessible drinking fountain with a round or olial bowl, the spout must be positioned so the flow of v ter is within 3 inches (75 mm) of the front edge of the "I mtain. I 111-4.15.4 Controls. Controls shall comply with H- 4.1�7.4. Unit controls shall be front mounted or side a1trunted near the front edge. - 11:.�-4.15,5 Clearances. I!(1) Wall- and post -mounted cantilevered units shall have a clear knee space between the bottom, of the apron and lithe floor or ground at least 27 inches (685 mm) high. 30 !inches (760 ram) wide, and 17 inches to 19 inches (430 ;rum to 485 mm) deep (See figure. 27(s) and (b)). Such units shall also have a minimum clear floor space 30 '!inches by 48 inches (760 ma" by 1220 mm) to allow a ;person in a wheelchair to approach the unit. facing for- ward. :.I(2) Free-standing or built-in units not having a clear .ispace under them shall have a clear floor space at least r10 inches by 48 inches (760 mm by 1220 mm) that '.allows a person in a wheelchair to make a parallel n.pproach to the unit (See Figure 27(c) and (d)). This clear Floor space shall comply with 11-4.2.4., Room Finish Schedule Boom Floor Wall Base Ceiling Hgth. Remarks 101 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-01, 102 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 91-0" 103 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-0" 104 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-0" m.r. drywall 105 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text 9'-01, 106 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text 9'-0" 107 vinyl sht..1f2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w.. text. 9'-01, 103 vinyl sht 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-011 m.r. drywall 109 vinyl sht. 1/2'" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-0" m.r. drywall 110 vinyl she. 1/2" d.w. Any 111 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9r-0" 112 vinyl sht. °rated®ur vinyl cove ®ne h®ur rated 9'-0" 113 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w, text 9'-0" 114 cer. tile. 1/2" d.w. wood 5/8" d.w. text. 9r-0" 115 cer. tile. 1/2" d.w. wood 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-01, 116 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/6" d.w. text 9'-0" 117 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text. 9'-0" 113 vinyl sht. 1/2" d.w. vinyl cove 5/6" d.w, text 9'-01, 119 vinyl she. 1/2'° d.w. vinyl cove 5/3" d.w. text 9'-01 m.r. drywall 40" 30 34'° \ - 29"-- 27"�\ - if 1/2" MR. gypsum on ail walls and ceilatg ADA Toilet Room Details scale: 1/2' e 1'-0" exterior wall on other prof this project except by writf mart with the Deigner. t changes which otter the the Drawings or Specific( to be made without obtaii written permission from the Copyright © 2005 n- cPs 10 t.t _ J V/ ti i� .CO CO ® co Ca � Me ..J 2�_ ass » L 1' c :ificationa are and of the be used ntions of in agree- 0 design intent of Lions are ing prior designer ,l > ® � + U - -19" ® Z metal anchor flange (4) by manufacturer with 1/4" x 3' tapcon to concrete, typ. (4) places condensing unit 4° 2500# cone. equipment pad extend min. 6" around all sides of unit I Compressor Attachment Detail scale: 3/4" e 1'-0" ® C..0 0 E co THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS '> REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT ®� (L � f; MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO 40 COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. e � co W 0 U co FILA py drawn S.L checked S.L date 2/5/07 scale: 1/4' = T-0" job number 07004 REVISED sheet 5114107 A-3 Fire Barrier CP 25WI?-Wauii: Product Data @UL g,SSIpyF US FILL VOID OR CAVITY MATERIALS CLASSIFIED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC.® FOR USE IN THROUGH -PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS (XHEZ). SEE CURRENT UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY 5016, 9aG9 1. Product Description • Brown co!ar. 2. Applications • Water seal: Seals against 3MTM Fire Barrier CP 25W6+ 9 Use to seal construction openings, Caulk is a premium elastomeric latex inadvertent water spills in the blank openings and penetrating items unexpanded state. caulk designed for use as a one -part • High caulk rate.1000 g(min. with against the passage of :lame, noxious fire, smoke, noxious gas and water gas, smoke and water. Restores fire nozzle. sealant In addition, the unique in. rated construction t0 oiciinal integrity. intumescent property of this material • Point contact allowed. Also for use with 8M Brand Fire Barrier (expands when heated) means that as • Continuous Operating Temperature FS195+ Wrap/Strip and CS-195+ cable or pipe insulation is consumed by not to exceed 120OF (48eC). Composite Sheet fire, CP 25WB+ Caulk expands to maintain the penetration seal. CP 25WB+ Caulk features superior 3. Specifications adhesion strength, caulk rate and no - sag application with expanded UL Product Classified fire protection systems plus a The firestopping caulk shall be a one -part, inturrescent, latex elastomer. The caulk shall halogen -free formula. be capable of expanding a minimum of 3 fimes at 10000F. The material shall be thixotropic and be applicable tc overhead, vertical and h ariminted flrestops. The caulk shall be listed 3M Fire Barrier CP 25WB+ Caulk can by independent test agencies such as UL or FAIT and be tested to, and pass the criteria of, be installed with a standard caulking ASTM E 811 Pvr Test, tested under positive prassuae. it shall comply with the gun, pneumatic pumping equipment or requirements ut the NEC (NFPA-70), BOCA, tCi iO, SBCCI and NFPA Code #101. it can be easily applied with a putty Typically Specified Dtvlslons knife or trowel. CP 25WB+ Caulk will bond to concrete, metals, wood, plastic Division 7 Thermal and Moisture Protection Firestopping and cable jacketing. No mixing is 07270 required. Division 13 Special Construction Fire Suppression and Supervisory Systems 139M CP 25WB+ Caulk Features Division 15 Mechanical 15250 Mechanical Insulation Firm Protection • Water Base: Easy clean up, no 15300 special handling, routine disposal. Division 16 Electrical • Intumescent: Expands when heated 16050 Basic Electrical Materials and Methods to seal around items consumed by fire. • Endothermic: Absorbs heat energy, releases chemically bound water. • Thixotropic: WID not sag or run in overhead or vertical applications. • Halogen4rea. • Fast dry: Tack -free in approximately 10-15 minutes. • Pain:abie. (Best results obtained after72 hour cure.) • Minimal shrinkage. BXUV.P531 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANS14M 2,63 Pace BQftoM See GeneraLInformat BXUV.PS31 Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. P531 October 23, 2006 Unrestrained Assembly Rating-1 Hr. Finish Rating-25 Min. Load Resticted for Canadian Appiieations — Sea Guide g;( V7 ' Page 1 of 4 http://database.ul.conVegi-binIXYV/templatelLISEXTIIFRAMEI sti;iwpage. html?name=B... 5/14/2007 BXUV.P531 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/LIL 263 BXUV.P531 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Page 3 of 4 ATLAS COMFORT SYSTEMS USA LP — Types 0856, 0856D, 0857, 0857D, 0857FP, 0857DFP. MANUFACTURED AIR PRODUCTS — Models CRD-7, -8, -9, -10,-11,followed by suffix AA, NI, RM, or SM. NAILOR INDUSTRIES INC — Types 0755, 0755A, 0756, 0756D, 0757 , 0757D, 0757FP, 0757DFP, 0758, 0759, 0760, 0761, 0762, CRDS, CRD5D, CRD6, CRD6D, CRD6FP, CRD6DFP. ROYAL METAL PRODUCTS INC — Models 241FRD, 243FRD, SOSRD, 507RD, 509, 556RD, 556RDD, 557RD,. 557RDD, 557RDFP, 557RDDFP, 0756, 0756D, 0757 , 0757D, 0757FP, 0757DFP. SHERER MFG INC — Models FRDB, TTRDB, RDB Type T, SRDB, RDB Type S. 5A. Damper* — Max nom 9 by 9 in. damper with Alrzone fan installed in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Max height of damper with fan shall be 11 in. Max damper openings not to exceed 360 sq in. per 100 sq ft of ceiling area. PANAMEX;GROUP INC — Type 075OHM 6., Furring Channels -- Resilient channels, nom. 1/2 in. deep by 2-3/E in. wide at the base and J-3/0 In, wide at the face, formed from 0.020 In. thick galv steel, spaced 16 In. DC, Installed perpendicuar to trusses. When batt and bianket material, Item 3, is draped over the resilient channel/gypsum Vusilboard ceiling membrane, the spacing shall be 12 in. OC. Channels secured to each truss with 1.1/4 in. long Type S steel screws. Channels overlapped 4 in, at splices. Channels oriented opposite at wallboard butt joints (spaced 6 in. OC) as shown in the above illustration. 7. Wallboard, Gypsum* — Nom 5/8 in. thick, 48 in. wide, installed with long dimension perpendicular to resilient channels with 1 in. long Type S screws spaced 12 in. OC and located a min of 1/2 in. from side joints and 3 in. from the end joints. At end joints, two resilient channels are used, extending a min of 6 in. beyond both ends of the joint. When batt and blanket insulation, Item 3, is draped over the resilient channel/gypsum wallboard ceiling membrane, screws shall be installed at 8 in. OC. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY — Types C, IP-X2, PPC-AR UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR USG MEXICO S A DE C V — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR 8. Finishing System — (Not Shown)— Vinyl, dry or premixed joint compound, applied in two coats to joints and screw -heads; paper tape, 2 in. wide, embedded in first layer of compound over all joints. As an alternate, nom 3/32 in. thick veneer plaster may be applied to the entire surface of gypsum wallboard. 9. Steel Framing Members — a. Main runners — Installed perpendicular to trusses - Nom 12 ft long, 15/16 in. or 1-1/2 in. wide face, spaced 4 ft OC. Main runners hung a min of 2 in. from bottom chord of trusses with 12 SWG galv steel wire. Wires located a max of 48 in. OC. b. Cross tees or channels — Nom 4 ft long, 15/16 in. or 1-1/2 in, wide face or cross channels, nom 4 ft long, 1-1/2 wide face, installed perpendicular to the main runners, spaced 16 in. OC. Additional cross tees or channels used at 8 In. from each side of butted wallboard end joints. The cross tees or channels may be riveted or screw -attached to the wall angle or channel to facilitate the ceiling installation. c. Wall angkeo or channels — Used to support steel framing member ends and for screw -attachment of the gypsum wallboard - Painted or galv steel angles with 1 in. legs or channels with 1 in. legs and 1-9/16 in. deep, attached to walls at perimeter of ceiling with fasteners 16 in. OC. http://database.ul. com/cgi-bin/XY V/template/LISEXT/1 FRAME/shawpage.html?name=B... 5/14/2007 Page 2 of 4 BXLIV.P531 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSVUL 263 1. Roofing System* — Any UL Class A, B or C Roofing System (TGFU) or Prepared Roof Covering (TFWZ) acceptable for use over nom 15/32 in. thick wood structural panels, min. grade "C-D" or `Sheathing". Nom 15132 in. thick wood structural panels secured to trusses with construction adhesive and No. 6d ringed shank nails. Nails spaced 12 in. OC along each truss. Staples having equal or greater with+ mwal and lateral resistance strength may be substituted for the 6d nails. 2. Trusses — Pitch or Parallel chord trusses, spaced a max of 24 in. OC, fabricated from nom 2 by 4 lumber with lumber oriented vertically or horizontally. Truss members secured together min.0.C356 in. thick galv steel plates. Plates have 5/16 in. long teeth projecting perpendicular to the plane of the plate. The teeth are in pairs facing each other (made by the same punch), forming a split tooth type plate. Each tooth has a chisel point on its outside edge. These points are diagonally opposite etch other for each pair. The top half of each tooth has a twist for stiffness. The pairs are repeated on approximately 7/8 in. centers with four rows of teeth per inch of plate width. Where the truss intersects with the interior face of the exterior walls, the min truss depth shall be 5-1/4 in. with a min mot slope of 3/17, and a min. area in the plane of tte truss of 21 sq/ft. Where the truss intersects with the interior face of the exterior walls, the min truss depth may be reduced to 3 in. if the batts and blankets (Item 3) are used as shown in the above illustration (Alternate Insulation Placement) and are firmly packed against the intersection (if the bottom chords and the plywood sheathing. 3. Batts and Blankets* — (Optional) -Glass fiber insulation, secured to the wood structural panesl with staples spaced 12 in. OC or to the trusses with 0.090 in. diem galv steel wires spaced 12 in. OC. Any glass fiber insulation bearing the UL Classification Marking as to Surface Burning Characteristics and/or Fire Resistance, having a min density of 0.5 pcf. As an option, the insulation may be fitted in the concealed space, draped over the resilient channel/gypsum wallboard ceiling membrane when resilient channels and gypsum wallboard attachment is modified as specified in Items 6 and 7. The finished rating has only been determined when the insulation is secured to the deciding. 3A. Loose Fill Material* — As alternate to Item 3 — Any thickness of loose fill material bearing the UL Classification Marking for Surface Burning Characteristics, having a min density of 0.5 pcf, fitted in the concealed space, draped over the resilient channel/gypsum wallboard ceiling membrane when resilient channels and gypsum wallboard attachment is modified as specified in Items 6 and 7. The finished rating when loose fill material is usedhas not been determined. 4. Air Duct* — Any UL Class 0 or Class 1 flexible air duct installed in accordance with the instructions provided by the damper manufacturer. 5. Damper* — Max nom 20 in. long by 18 in, wide by 2-1/8 in. high, fabricated from galvanized steel. Plenum box maximum size nom. 21 in. long by 18 in, wide by 16 in. high fabricated from either galavenized steel or Classified Air Duct Materials bearing the UL Class 0 or Class i rigid air duct material. Installed in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Max damper openings not to exceed 360 sq in. per IGO sq ft of ceiling area. http://database. ul.com/cgi-billIXYV/templatelLISEXT/1 FRAME/showpage.htnil?name=B... 5/14/2007 CGC INC — Type DGL or RX. USG INTERIORS INC — Type DGL or RX. Page 4 of 4 10. Gypsum Board* — For usr. with Steel Framing Members* (Item 9) when Batts and Blankets* (Item 3) are not used- One layer of nom 5/8 in- thick by 48 in. wide boards, installed with long dimension o t - parallel t he main runners. WBlli:oard fastened to each cross tee or ehe.nnel with me wallboard screws, with one screw located at the nddspon of the cross tee or channel, one screw located 12 in. from and on each side of the cross tee or channel mid span and one screw located 1-1/2 ir. from each wallboard side joint. Except at wallboard + nd 3oints, wallboard screws shall be located on altemating sides of cross tee flange. At wallboard end joints, wallboard screws shall be located 1/2 in. from the joint. Wallboard fastened to main runners with wallboard screws 112 in. from side joints, midway between intersections with cross tees or channels (16 in. OC). End joints of adjacent wallboard sheets shall be stagger d not less than 32 in. Wallboard sheets screw attached to leg of wall angle with wallboard screws spaced 12 dr. OC. 30;nts treated as described in Item 7. For use with Steel Framing Members* (Item 9) when Batts and Binakets* (Item 3) are used - Ratings limited to 1 Hour - S18 in. thick, 4 It wide; installed with long dimension perpendicular to cross tees with side joints centered along main runners and end joints centered along cross tees. Fastened to cross tees with 1 in. long steel wallboard screws spaced 8 in. OC in the field and 8 in. OC along end joints. Fastened to main runners with 1 in. long wallboard screws spaced midway between cross tees. Screws along sides and ends of boards spaced 3/8 to 1/2 in. from board edge. End joints of the sheets shall be staggered with spacing between joints on adjacent boards not less than 4 ft OC. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. USG MEXICO S A DE C V — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Last Updated on 2006-10-23 Ouestions'z Notice of Disclaimer Pace Tog Copyright M 2007 Underwriters Laboratories Inc W The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UUs Follow -Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow -Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non -misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright ® 2007 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" An independent organization working for a safer world with integrity, precision and knowledge REVISED -5/it/01 http://database.ul. cons/cgi-binIXYVltemplatelLISEXTI1 FRAMElshowpage.html?name=B... 5/14/2007 These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Designer. They are not to be used on other projects or extentions of this project except by written agree- ment with the Deigner. No design changes which alter the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are to be made without obtaining prior written permission from the designer. Copyright © 2005 C!l i �l. f�l tom) it < , C�J !!1 W tint z C .J' LU e> LU 0 U C Ui c m v" CD tpit Co Ll-> E> 0 U tdJ = assesses, L_ co .. ® 0 sipseep ® = Z C®`A 0 ry� E CL-0-3 WUL /l�qJ �LL RA 9i�ro r drawn S.L checked S.L date 5/14/07 scale: 1/4" = r-O" job number 070M Sheet A-4 L FILEoPy C e=pp �1 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS UIRED FIELDINS PECTOER10t REQ ry- p� WITH A$SAPP'LCAB CODEX c.. CIO f.p.l. meter 15KW generator location ALL CIRCUITS IN THIS AREA TO BE ON 15KW BACKUP GENERATOR ALL EXISTING EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL FIXTURES TO REMAIN ELECTRICAL LEDCEND v (3) #4/0 T Itl N In RECESSED LIGHT 2" cond. -� SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE I� LOAD CALCULATIONS =___—_= UNDER CABINET FLUORESCENT FIXTURE SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE 4150 X 3 VA = 12,450 q ry,�®�� Y5K Cf emergencyO EXHAUST FAN OUTLET (50 CFM) 2 — App. Ckts. = 3,000 C LP generator CEILING FAN WITH OPTIONAL LIGHT KIT I Microwave = 1,500 O 200A I DW = 1,200X 3qpe SIBg�' THERMOSTAT 1 Laundry 1,500 -Clt DUPLEX OUTLET I Dryer 5,000 20/24®0//11/60 QUAD. OUTLET 5W.H. 5,290 MBR go 220 V OUTLET I . 00 1 �r E FLOOR MOUNT DUPLEX RECPTICAL 2 c. 000 MMisisc.3, {{} SWITCH .. Total �4'12� �y (3) p� p #4/0 THWN In 1W THREE WAY SWITCH ., ,. 2" cond. {(} DIMMER SWITCH IsT IOKVA <10,000> = 10,000 -k TELEVISION Balance _'j TELEPHONE -3,4720 X 40"/o I388$ — (35�� DATA 6 COMMUNICATION. BOX (FLOOR OR WALL MOUNT) 2 Heat V 16,009 Total 2999 / 208 = 19,1t7Alnps E�J JUNCTION BOX EXIT EXISTING EXIT LIGHTS WITH BATTERY BACKUP USE ZOO AMP SERVICE PANEL TWO LAMP EMERGENGY LIGHT, WITH BATTERY BACKUP #4 CU. ground to cwp. bldg. Steel & driven ground rod " FILE COPY THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS I REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT; MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO' COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES.; REVISED 5ri41b7 These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Designer. They are not to be used on other projects or extentions of this project except by written agree- ment with the Doisgner. No design changes which altar the intent of the Drawings or Specifications ore to be made without obtaining prior written permiawon from the designer. Copyright © 2005 AI cal_ W 0) ►J 0) C •�fl z E m � drawn S.L checked S.L date 2/5/07 scale: 1/4" = f-0" job number 070M sheet E-1 t Cf� tb. r^ Y These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Designer They are not to be used on other projects or extentions of this project except by written agree- ment with the Deisgner. No design changes which alter the intent or the Drawings or Specifications are to be made without obtaining prior written permission from the designer. Copyright © 2005 (mil i J c�� J c / ) 1�J ' rb � 0) co n L C • � z U Z Em W e �W W 0 (D % �-oIL drawn S.L checked S.L date 2/5/07 scale: IM =''_0. job number 07004 sheet M-1 CJD L THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WO - ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTION' REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS TK MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE COD: _ FILE COPY