HomeMy WebLinkAboutD O H APPLICATION - PERMIT - SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIESk T- Applicat i6n/Permit County Health Departmdrit DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DIVISION OF HEALTH Application and'Permit of individual Sewage Disposal,Facilities Section Instructions: 1'.,,Perc?1ation test data, soil. pro- 5. Indicate name and date of 1. "file and water table elevation recording of subdivision. If information must be attached. not recorded,,attach metes ap.d, (Note: Test must be made at bounds description. proposed location of system). 6. Complete the following infor- 2`. E isting building and proposed mation-section'. buil5ings on lot must be shown and drawn to scale at their Notes: location or proposed location. 1. Not valid'<if sewer is availabiie­: (use block on this sheet or 2. Individual well.,must be 75 feet, d attach plot plan). from any par of tsystom. 3 Prop?sed location of septic, 3. Call_LL61_�530 and, give- tank,must be shown on plan. this office -a 24-hdur notice 4!�' An v pond or stream areas must wh Ay for"inspection.' en,J rea be indicated on the; plan. 86_ction'iI,,.7 InformA ,.tion: 1. Property Addre'W,41�,`Street & House'No.) Lo t K 131611'ki� Subdivision Lakewood Earl,[ o Date Recorded'v!" Directions to Job West on Indrio RoAd• "liorth on,, i. akewwod ParO,R!'65ad4'Bast on Santa Barbara Dr. South on Gre'eh Dolphin 12�l 2. Owner or Build�Y`r'�": M.D. Donohoe Lot on Right P. oltay Ft. Pierce, Fla. 3! Specifications ', Tank :Drainfield Scale I" Gals., fV.—of 6" clay tile' "5" erforated p (Rear) 'ffl4stic drain in a 3,";e'hch or , tr I THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ONE (1) I z I pry u� Gals. 300a/ .-;,"of 4" clay drain YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE ou S perforated q�as drain in an 0 'L 1 ench 4 Houso to be, c,?n r ted. It check one: FHA (D 0) H- (D VA "Convent iona 1 M 0 0 rh En U) (D P. (D (D 0 Tfi;is is o certify tha't' the project rt W described in this application, and as W I_ddt�Liled (D Sy Ithe,'plap"�,,,4,and specifics- SCANNED (D tions' an C �attachffient�',wii be con- BY I I JE . strddtedl I ­ witi�state- in accordance hl �StL Ucie Couity require S . nts ..... Applican K.D. Donohoe (Front) 1pfease,P * t of Street, or State,,Road) �n Signature k V Date : Oct25, 1977 DO NPT1,WR1TE,-1BELOW THIS.IINE Sec�b16n­. III _:�Appli'64 t, tion Approval '& Construction Authorization"` Insthllation subje6t to following S, ia onditibnp: T� 1 0.- signed, c tionj hE s', be -' f und The�,` v to,,be,ih.compliance with,'Chapter 1713,' p S is ii6reby approved, sub' o.t to e; Flord; a'Admin at ve d and construction e abo,—. s -- Fie o s n dim rr By. Count�y'! Health -Dept'%& Secti 'I Final •Construction Approval C ns ruction' of installation approved: Yes: No at 1: H No. VA No. /* TEMPOkARY SAN 428 73 12