HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - ll--NOV-202-3 TO`17--NOV-2023 FUND: 050 - General Fund-Fees Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL . !0009251 Noble, Sarah Reimburse Postage for Passport 52.65 10009257 Main Street Focus PO 2024-14 Quarter Page Color 175.00 !0009258 Realauction.com.LLC October 2023 Monthly Admin Fee 1,711.00 00475905 Bank of America Coffee with a Cop Day 17.98 Taco Day Lunch to be reimburse 22.17 Trunk or Treat food 45.48 Taco Day Employee Event Fundra 63.02 CHECK TOTAL: 148.65 33011500 Neill Griffin Marquis Osking P Refund Overpayment Recording F 8.50 33014900 Matthew J Brennan TTEE, Stephe Unused Application Refund 265.00 Unused Application Refund 84.50 CHECK TOTAL: 349.51a 33016800 Triedata Inc PO 2027-7 3yr Ecert Signing Ce 800.00 33017900 Frank Blandino Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018100 Kekeecha Rutledge Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018301 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018302 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018303 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018304 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018400 Willie Roundtree Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018600 Gene A Hall Unused Application Refund 265.00 33018800 Jaipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 265.00 33019700 Fiddle Leaf Fig LLC Unused Application Refund 33.00 FUND TOTAL: 5,663.30 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 055 - General Fund-Clerk to Bd Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00475905 Bank of America Clerk Vehicle Car Washes 20.00 Clerk Vehicle Car Washes 20.00 CHECK TOTAL: 40.00 FUND TOTAL: 40.00 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 060 - General Fund-Court Rel Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0009256 Language Line Services Inc PO 2024-13 Phone Interpretatio 201.04 00475902 Anthony Annalora Juror Service 15.00 00475913 Chandra Glenn-Phillips Juror Service 15.00 00475915 Clayton Shirey Juror Service 15.00 00475930 John Hedden Juror Service 15.00 00475931 Jon Young Juror Service 15.00 00475933 Kimarie Passalaqua Juror Service 15.00 00475935 Laura Bender Juror Service 15.00 00475936 Laurie Achee Juror Service 15.00 00475939 Maude Bellefleur-Hilaire Juror Service 15.00 00475941 Mendoza, Daniela Jury Replenishment 2,340.00 00475942 Miguel Gonzalez Juror Service 15.00 00475943 Nancy Baquet Juror Service 15.00 00475948 Rhonda Benedict Juror Service 15.00 00475958 Viola Milliord Juror Service 15.00 33015300 Mendoza, Daniela Jury Replenishment 3,000.00 33016800 Triedata Inc PO 2027-7 3yr Ecert Signing Ce 800.00 33023700 Realauction.com LLC Foreclosure Auction Admin Fees 1,475.00, FUND TOTAL: 8,011.04 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 117NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 172 - Information Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33013100 B1ueAlly PO 2024-6 Mac Book for J. Mead 1,594.36 FUND TOTAL: 1,594.36 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 10009252 Wheaton, Devin 562011C3001258 A Restitution P 26.50 !0009254 City Of Port St Lucie 562011CJ001321 A Restitution P 162.36 !0009259 St Lucie County School Board 562010C3000870 A Restitution P 26.50 00475908 Black, Albert L 562013CF003223 A Restitution P 26.50 00475910 Broken Glass Smoke Shop 562022CJ000709C Restitution Pa 46.50 00475911 C & R Leeder Liens & Tax Deeds Real Auction Refund 3,000.00 00475912 Calvillo, Eddy A 562019CF002269A Restitution Pm 21.00 00475914 Citizens Insurance 562016CJ000506 A Restitution P 16.37 00475917 DiGiorgio, Dean P 562022CD000155 C Restitution P 26.50 00475918 Donald Glancy Real Auction Refund 31,005.00 00475919 Doncell, Leslie 562022CJ000103 A Restitution P 4.68 f 00475920 Early Learning Coalition of St 562017CF002769 A Restitution P 13.25 00475921 Engleman, Koren 562002CJ001730 A Restitution P 26.50 00475923 Florida Department of Correcti 561993CF002731 A Refund Overpa 65.98 562020CF000189 A Refund Overpa 53.00 CHECK TOTAL: 118.98 00475924 Goodner, Morgan 562018CF002104A Restitution Pm 246.50 00475925 Green Mountain Land LLC Real Auction Refund 200.00 00475928 Jainel Forbes Real Auction Refund 10,000.00 00475929 JLD Property Investments Flori Real Auction Refund 1,800.00 00475932 Jones, Glenn 5620080000157 A Restitution P 26.50 00475937 Manooj Kumar Real Auction Refund 8,000.00 00475940 McPeak, Gary 562012CF003283 A Restitution P 71.50 00475944 North American Risk Services 562012CF002808A Restitution Pm 86.50 00475945 Phillips, Kayla Sue 562023TRO22100A Refund Overpay 47.00 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00475946 PNC Bank 562017CF001547 A Restitution P 26.50 00475947 Progressive Insurance 5620160000424 A Restitution P 26.50 00475949 Richardson, Antwon 562022CJ000997 B Restitution P 26.50 00475953 Rodriguez, Maria G 562018CF003052ARestitution Pmn 96.50 00475954 Spence, Kerry-Ann 562016CJ000910 A Restitution P 21.50 00475955 Tri-County Automotive & Towing 562018MM001757 A Restitution P 46.50 00475956 Trumbull-The Redwoods Group 562011CIO01321 A Restitution P 34.14 00475959 Walker, Anthony F 562022C3000103 A Restitution P 21.82 33010200 BEAMIF A LLC Refund to Certificate Holder ( 2,498.53 Refund to Certificate Holder ( 320.46 CHECK TOTAL: 2,818.99 33010201 BEAMIF A LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 33010300 Hart, Beth and Joseph 562010CF000881A RestitutionPmn 71.50 33010400 Cummings, Dave 5620190000885 A Restitution P 196.50 33010SOO Eleventh Talent B LLC Refund to Certificate Holder ( 566.98 Refund to Certificate Holder ( 2,984.62 CHECK TOTAL: 3,551.60 33010501 Eleventh Talent B LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 33010600 Carty, Elijah C 562022CJ000497 A Restitution P 48.25 33010700 Florida Department of Correcti 562022CF001525 A Refund Overpa 75.00 33010800 Gray, Hallen 562011CIO01176 A Restitution P 26.50- 33010900 Bucci, Miki S 562014CF003709 A Restitution P 26.50. 33011000 Laye, Candice 5620160000008 B Restitution P 56.50 33011100 Hartford Insurance Company of 562013CJ000938 A Restitution P 16.50 33011101 Hartford Insurance Company of 5620130000938 A Restitution P 16.50 33011200 Herman & Carmen Arbello 562013CF003287 A Restitution P 26.50 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33011300 J.C. c/o Victim Services 562022CF000275A Restitution Pm 44.58 33011600 Seven Restaurants LLC 5620220000973 A Restitution P 396.50 33011700 St Lucie County Parks and Recr 5620160000524 A Restitution P 56.50 33011800 Rico, Thalia 562023C3000288 A Restitution P 301.50 33012400 Walmart 562013CF000071A Restitution Pa 26.50 33012600 Alltek 562023SCO03601 Refund Overpaym 40.00 33012700 Arque Tax Receivable Fund (Flo Unused Application Refund 40.00 33012800 Alford, Jonathon R 562023TRO24740 A Refund Overpa 23.00 33012801 Alford, Jonathon R 562023TRO24748 A Refund per Ju 23.00 33012802 Alford, Jonathon R 562023TRO24749 Refund per Judg 23.00 33012803 Alford, Jonathon R 562023TRO2474 Refundper Judg's 23.00 33012804 Alford, Jonathon R 562023TRO24744 A Refund per Ju 23.00 33012805 Alford, Jonathon R 562023TRO24745 A Refund per Ju 23.00 33012900 Almeida, Pedro 56 2011CJ000391B Restitution v 26.50 33013000 Bazle Jean Unused Application Refund 30.00 33013200 Caliber Trust LLC Unused Application Refund 20.50 33013400 Dolores Reynolds Jensen Unused Application Refund 32.00 33013500 Evan & Louisa Marcopoulos Unused Application Refund 20.50 33013600 Facey Realty Real Auction Refund 1,245.00 33013700 First International Title Unused Application Refund 31.00 33013800 Finn, Jason E 562011CF000296 B Restitution P 13.12 33013900 Mahler, Breann 562022CJ000327 A Restitution P 56.50 33014000 Frankie J Murphy Unused Application Refund 30.00 33014100 Gary Hanger Unused Application Refund 35.00 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33014200 Jaipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 31.00 33014201 Jaipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 32.00 33014202 Jaipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 38.00 33014203 Jaipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 34.00 33014300 Jayson Oneschuk Unused Application Refund 32.00 33014302 Jayson Oneschuk Unused Application Refund 21.50 33014500 Kurt Mueller Real Auction Refund 7,050.00 33014600 Laura Cunningham Unused Application Refund 20.50 33014900 Matthew J Brennan TTEE, Stephe Unused Application Refund 120.00 Unused Application Refund 36.00 CHECK TOTAL: 156.00 33015000 Matthew Nesbitt Real Auction Refund 880.00 33015100 Michael Stear Unused Application Refund 20.50 33015200 Joyce, Paul 562023CJ000087 A Restitution P 48.25 33015400 Watt, Debbie 562016CF001800 A Restitution P 26.50 33015500 Wilder, Jeannie M 5620070001412 B Restitution P 11.50 33015600 Optimum Equity Partners, LLC Real Auction Refund 1,550.00 33015700 Patrick D Duffield & Iris Duff Unused Application Refund 19.50 33015800 Paul Pollitt Unused Application Refund 19.50 33015900 Paypool LLC/Icahn Automotive G Unused Application Refund 33.00 33016000 Real Land Real Auction Refund 2,335.00 33016200 Terrence Kehoe Real Auction Refund 35,000.00 33016300 The Juniata Valley Bank Trust Unused Application Refund 31.00 33016500 Thomas F Mulvey Unused Application Refund 29.00 33016600 Thomas Griffin Real Auction Refund 10,000.00 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33016700 Treasure Coast Title & Escrow Refund Overpayment Recording F 15.00 33016900 Trinity Financial Holdings LLC Unused Application Refund 32.00 33017000 Ty Henry Unused Application Refund 38.00 33017100 United For U, LLC Unused Application Refund 46.00 33017500 ALLCORP Enterprises Inc. Real Auction Refund 10,000.00 33017600 City Of Fort Pierce Lien 6,261.91 33017601 City Of Fort Pierce Lien 28.23 33017602 City Of Fort Pierce Lien 1,909.99 33017800 Mayo Property Management LLC Real Auction Refund 25,000.00 33017900 Frank Blandino Unused Application Refund 29.00 33018000 Jack Harris Raynor & Jones P Unused Application Refund 20.50 33018100 Kekeecha Rutledge Unused Application Refund 32.00 33018200 Manuel Fuentes Unused Application Refund 30.00 33018300 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 33.00 33018301 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 36.00 33018302 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 37.00 33018303 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 37.00 33018304 Portofino CDD Unused Application Refund 37.00 33018400 Willie Roundtree Unused Application Refund 35.00 33018500 Dein P Springs (TR) Unused Application Refund 22.50 33018600 Gene A Hall Unused Application Refund 20.50 33018700 Georgeta Burns Unused Application Refund 33.00 33018800 7aipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 32.00 33018900 Mitchell R Pollak Unused Application Refund 36.00 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33019000 Rigoberto Diaz-Perez Unused Application Refund 19.50 33019100 Ryan Law Group LLC Unused Application Refund 41.00 33019200 Ryan Law Group PLLC Unused Application Refund 34.00 33019300 Trinity Financial Holdings LLC Unused Application Refund 32.00 33019400 Warren And Grant PA Unused Application Refund 23.50 33019500 Big Floor LLC Unused Application Refund 31.00 33019600 Edward ] Humpage Unused Application Refund 19.50 33019800 Gulf Group Holdings LLC Unused Application Refund 31.00 33019900 7eloar LLC Unused Application Refund 34.00 33020000 Orville C Weir Unused Application Refund 30.00 33020100 R & D Management And Investmen Unused Application Refund 17.00 Unused Application Refund 32.00 CHECK TOTAL: 49.00 33020101 R & D Management And Investmen Unused Application Refund 34.00 33020200 St Lucie Title Services Unused Application Refund 29.00 33020300 William Morse Unused Application Refund 23.50 33020400 Amadco Inc. Unused Application Refund 21.50 33020500 Comian X2 Tax Lien Fund LLC Unused Application Refund 19.50 33020600 Fiddle Leaf Fig LLC Unused Application Refund 32.00 33020700 First International Title Unused Application Refund 21.50 33020800 Jaipargas Singh Unused Application Refund 34.00 33020900 John A Willems JR Unused Application Refund 39.00 33021000 Manuel Fuentes Unused Application Refund 31.00 33021100 Michael A Ritter Unused Application Refund 30.00 33021200 Selinda Washington Unused Application Refund 20.50 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33021300 Thomas St Juste Unused Application Refund 20.50 33021400 RM Tesoro Holdings LLC Unused Application Refund 31.00 33021500 First International Title Unused Application Refund 36.00 33021600 Flavored Neutrinos LLC Refund to Certificate Holder 309.22 Refund to Certificate Holder 1,850.70 CHECK TOTAL: 2,159.92 33021700 Homepartners Title Services LL Unused Application Refund 39.00 33021800 Oak Ridge Resi Investments LLC Refund to Certificate Holder ( 219.86 Refund to Certificate Holder ( 1,795.10 CHECK TOTAL: 2,014.96 33021900 Sargasso Projects LLC Refund to Certificate Holder ( 2,061.73 Refund to Certificate Holder ( 272.92 CHECK TOTAL: 2,334.65 33021901 Sargasso Projects LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 33021902 Sargasso Projects LLC Refund to Certificate Holder ( 2,282.06 Refund to Certificate Holder ( 309.27 CHECK TOTAL: 2,591.33 33021903 Sargasso Projects LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 33022000 Tomas 7imenez Unused Application Refund 19.50 33022100 Azozu LLC Real Auction Refund 30,000.00 33022200 Eric Bodine Real Auction Refund 3,000.00 33022300 Flavored Neutrinos LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 33022400 MC2 And Associates LLC Real Auction Refund 2,700.00 33022500 Oak Ridge Resi Investments LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 33022600 Sherman Balch Real Auction Refund 3,000.00 33022700 SSG Worldwide LLC Real Auction Refund 10,100.00 33022800 Telco Investments LLC Real Auction Refund 10,985.00 33022900 Vinmas Holdings LLC Refund to Certificate Holder ( 3,752.12 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33022900 - Continued Refund to Certificate Holder ( 513.13 CHECK TOTAL: 4,265.25 33022901 Vinmas Holdings LLC Unused Application Refund 17.00 FUND TOTAL: 240,129.63 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 693 - Court Registry Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 10009255 City Of Port St Lucie Wilmington Savings Fund Societ 2,485.00 00475903 Arnoux Thulisma Arnoux Thulisma -VS- Donna McC 1,000.00 00475904 B14 LLC B14 LLC -vs- Fabian L Trice 1,900.00 00475906 Bank of New York Mellon Trust Bank of New York Mellon Trust 187,831.53 00475909 BR St. Lucie LLC BR St Lucie LLC -VS- Lawrence 2,407.05 33011400 KMJ Apartments LLC KMJ Apartments LLC -vs- Bain L 2,046.47 33016400 The Recovery Agents LLC US Bank trust National Asso-vs 32,921.75 33017200 US Bank Trust National Associa US Bank Trust National Asso-vs 2,633.66 33017400 William Wong PA Bank of NY Mellon Trust Compan 16,908.27 Bank of NY Mellon Trust Compan 500.84 CHECK TOTAL: 17,409.11 33023000 1302 North 21st Street LLC 1302 North 21st Street LLC -vs 883.75 33023100 Anthony J Stelmack Specialized Loan Servicing LLC 6,013.97 33023300 Ira 17 LLC Ira 17 LLc -vs- Julie Marchak 400.00 FUND TOTAL: 257,932.29 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 695 - Cash Bonds Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00475907 Barboza, Nancy Bond Refund 2023CT002255 - Sol 15.00 00475916 Defalco, Frank Bond Refund 2023MM002056 - Ren 750.00 00475922 Ferrante, Carmen Alfred Bond Refund 2022MM002735 - Car 300.00 00475926 Henry, Khadel Jermaine Bond Refund 2023CT002266 - Kha 500.00 00475934 Ladler, Roshuanda Ladler Bond Refund 2023MM002152 - Aur 750.00 00475938 Markel, Michell M Bond Refund 2023MM001992 : Jam 1,000.00 00475950 Rincon, Oscar Bond Refund 2023MM001879 - Dan 500.00 00475951 Rincon, Oscar Bond Refund 2023MM001886 - Adr 500.00 00475952 Rivera, Ovidio Bond Refund 2023CF002490 - Ovi 750.00 00475957 Vargas, Dana Bond Refund 2023CT001946 - Dan 215.00 00475960 Wilson, Melissa Bond Refund 2023MM001996 - J'v 500.00 33012500 Alessandra Valdes Bond Refund 2023MM001631 - Ale 500.00 33014400 Jessica Cantalupo Bond Refund 2023CT000541 - Kyl 22.75 33014700 Leon County Clerk's Office Bond Refund - Out of county - 1,000.00 33014800 Martin County Clerk of Courts Bond Refund - Out of County - 300.00 33023200 Christina Marie Prieto Bond Refund 2023MM001887 - Chr 750.00 33023400 James Arthur Hicks Bond Refund 2023MM001932 - Jam 1,000.00 33023500 Jose Perez Bond Refund 2020MM001563 - Kal 150.00 33023600 Mary Swint Bond Refund 2023CF002321 - Mar 500.00 33023601 Mary Swint Bond Refund 2023CF002321 - Mar 500.00 33023800 Rodriguez, Roy Jr. Bond Refund 2023MM000762 - Pey 500.00 33023801 Rodriguez, Roy Jr. Bond Refund 2023MM000762 - Pey 500.00 FUND TOTAL: 11,502.75 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 696 - COC-Ordinary Witness Fee CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00475927 Isaura Jimenez Guzman Case Name: State v. Terri Ann 1,037.74 33013300 Dallas Crometie Mileage 10/10-10/11 St v A Mal 90.78 33017700 Marangelly Del Carmen Davila R 10/8-10/15 St v A Malone 748.16 FUND TOTAL: 1,876.68 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 33010100 HealthEquity Inc. Flexible Spending and Dep Care 1,430.88 33016100 St Lucie Clerk Event Fund lean Pass 294.00 33017300 US Department of The Treasury WG2404781 Michael Green 218.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,943.49 11/17/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #7 - 11-NOV-2023 TO 17-NOV-2023 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 050 General Fund-Fees Operations 5,663.30 0.00 055 General Fund-Clerk to Bd Operations 40.00 0.00 060 General Fund-Court Rel Operations 8,011.04 0.00 172 Information Technology 1,594.36 0.00 691 COCC Trust Fund 240,129.63 0.00 693 Court Registry Fund 257,932.29 0.00 695 Cash Bonds Fund 11,502.75 0.00 696 COC-Ordinary Witness Fee 1,876.68 0.00 801 Bank Fund 1,943.48 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 528,693.53 0.00