HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPERTY APPROVALBCIS Home ' Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts pr FILE COPY Produet Approval USER: Public User bra Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List> Application Detail CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE FL u FL16048-116 CONTRACTOR OR RECORD Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Revision 2017 Approved REETTNRECTSORK ATHESE OAY CORION REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Tri-Built Materials Group, LLC PO Box 70 Rutherford, NJ 07070 (800) 516-1485 david.ruiz@tribuiltmg.com David Ruiz david.ruiz@tribuiltmg.com SCANNED BY St Lucie County David Ruiz 250 Route 17 North East Rutherford, NJ 07073 (201) 842-2449 david.ruiz@trib3L/LUCIE aterialsg o p.com " --W1Sl1,0529 COUNTY BUILDING DP REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE X Roofing PLAN.; AND'PERMIT MUST BE KEPT UnderlaymentsSITE OR INLQ INSPECTION(S)aWILU Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer a Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE-59166 UL LLC 07/18/2020 John W. Knezevich, PE 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Standard Year ASTM D1970 2015 ASTM G155 2005 FM 4474 2011 FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Stang Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/25/2017 Date Validated 10/01/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/03/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Mode r Number or Name ' 16048.1 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments 0 CrlR qn' a Self-adhering, modified bitumen roof underlayments Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL,16048 R6 )1_2017_0_9_FINAL ER_LRL- Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes BI IIL[_UNDERLAYMENTS_FL16048-R6.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-150 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) The design pressure noted herein pertains to use Evaluation Reports of foam -on tile systems overtop the self -adhering FL1f2Q4B Rf_AE 2017 O_2FINAL_ER_TRI- underlayment for one particular application. See ER Section BUILT _I INDERLAYMENTS FL36048-R6 pdf 5.6.4 for details. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for other Limits of Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Use. �ea�i� fNeSct{ Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stong R d Dlighassee FL 32392 Ph • 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Coovrlaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacv Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund t t t Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response W a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the officeby phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: M ®UR S4'`C'ltl-iLs,ilSrh`ItIC-�` r EVALUATION REPORT TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC PO Box 70 Rutherford, NJ 07070 (800)516-1485 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT#13 OXFORD, CT 06478 (203)262-9245 Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-116 FL16048-R6 Date of Issuance:10/25/2012 Revision 6: 09/25/2017 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 61h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity) ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity IERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6. Prepared by: 's '' Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. '' ' ON�^4d•' Thefaalmile sealappearNgwasauNorned byeobert WemNen, Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DC4 ANE1983 P.E. on W/isrios). ThIa does not sere as an eiewookatv,tened document CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. TrinitylERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinityl ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. RINITY ERD ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments, as produced by TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Go' Edition (2027) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard Year 1504.3.1 Wind Resistance FM 4474 2011 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift UL1897 2012 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 2005 1507.2.4/ 1507.1.1, 1507.2.9.2 Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2015 1507.3.3 Physical Properties FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012 3. REFERENCES: inijw Examination Reference Date ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S40540.02.13-1 02/19/2013 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S40540.11.13 11/19/2013 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S40540.03.14 03/26/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S44870.04.14-2 04/02/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S44870.04.14-3 04/02/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S44870.04.14-1 04/10/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S44870.04.14-4 04/10/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S43530.02.14-1-R1 05/14/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties 543530.05.14 05/28/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties S40540.30.14 10/31/2014 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties SC7645.02.15 02/13/2015 ERD (TST6049) Accelerated Weathering SC8520.04.15 05/27/2015 ERD (TST6049) Wind Resistance SC14045.05.17-R1 06/07/2017 UL, U.C. (QUA9625) Quality Control Multiple -Listing R16814 12/10/2015 UL, L-C. (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp. 07/18/2020 4. PRODUCT' DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment, with a 36-inch sheet width; meets ASTM D3970. 4.2 Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment is a self -adhering, non -woven polyester fabric surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012. 4.3 Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, film -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity) ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdictions. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-116 Certificate of Authorization N9503 E'H EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL16048-R6 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments; (800) 516-1485 Revision 6: 09/25/2017 Page 2 of 6 M10 5.4 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable Roof Covers: '. t�1v RG4F Ci_3YE,Ri3H7i4N3 t"AWN 'r.�..R: TM,c- =t k. 'i `. a-4.�.:'i ..'bt A r. Underlayment Asphalt Nail -On Tile Foam -On Tile Metal Wood Shakes &Shingles Slate Shingles Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Yes No No No Yes Yes Underlayment Tri-Built S/A HT TU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Underlayment See 5.5.1 Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Underlayment 5.5.1 "Foam -On Tile" is limited to use of the following Approved tile adhesives / underlayment combinations. Adhesive I Florida Product Approval Underlayments rICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 FL6332 Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment Dow TileBondT" FL22525 Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment 5.6 Allowable Substrates: 5.6.1 Direct -Bond to Deck: Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment, Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment applied to: ➢ Plywood; ASTM D41 primed plywood; OSB; ASTM D41 primed OSB; Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. While not required over plywood, OSB or Southern Yellow Pine substrates, TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC recommends priming the deck if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. Note: TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC requires tongue -and -groove board decking be covered with plywood or OSB prior to installation of the self -adhering underlayment. 5.6.2 Bond -to -Insulation: Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment, Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment applied to: ➢ Dens Deck Prime; SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board. For installation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam -on tile systems (Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment only), insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design professional and installed based on testing of the insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FM 4474, Appendix D or TAS.114, Appendix J. ' Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida Product Approval for Overturning Moment Resistance Performance. (Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report A4Z960.10.12-R6 :Certificate of Authorization N9503 6r" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1604E-R6 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments; (800) 516-1485 Revision 6:09/ZS/2017 Page 3 of 6 5.6.3 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Laver: Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment, Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment applied to: ➢ ASTM D226, Type I or II felt. For installations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached per minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam -on tile systems (Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment only), base layer shall be attached per minimum requirements of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04- 12). 5.6.4 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam -On Tile Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) does not address wind uplift resistance of all underlayment systems beneath foam -on tile systems, where the underlayment farms part of the load -path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to direct -deck underlayment systems that are not addressed in FRSA/TRI April 2012,(04-12) and are used in foam -on tile applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), Appendix A, Table SA or FBC 1609 for determination of design wind pressures. H3 Maximum Design Pressure =-45.0 psf Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional) ASTM D41 or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment, self -adhered. R2 Maximum Design Pressure =-67.5 psf: Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: Soprema Elastocol 600c Underlayment: Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment, self -adhered. p3 Maximum Design Pressure = -150.0 psf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch APA-rated BCX plywood (may be installed C-side up) to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Deck Preparation: Plywood shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust and debris that may inhibit adhesion. All sheathing fasteners shall be driven flush with the surface. All sharp splinters and wood projections shall be removed/sanded. Primer: (Optional) RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment, self -adhered, shall be thoroughly roll using hand roller and/or weighted roller to ensure there are no voids, and ensure there are no voids/bridging at side and end -laps. #4 Maximum Design Pressure =-60.0 psf: Deck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Soprema Sopra-G or Modified Sopra-G mechanically attached with nails (FBC 1517.5.1) and tin caps (FBC 1517.5.2) spaced 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch laps and 6-inch o.c. in three, equally spaced rows in the center of the sheet. Underlayment: Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment, self -adhered. - Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report A42960.30.12-R6 Certificate of Authorization h9503 CH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION _ FL36048-116 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments; (800) 516.1485 Revision 6:09/25/2017 Page 4 of 6 INITY ERa For mechanically attached Base Sheet, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), Appendix A, Table IA. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609. In this case, Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD3, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016) for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: Tri-Built Sand -Ft SA Shingle Underlayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment shall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after installation Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment shall not be left exposed for longer than 180-days after installation. 5.8 Tile Slippage Limitations (TAS 103 per FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12))• When loading roof tiles on the underlayment in direct -deck tile assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. ., .�'ax'FA#LEuZ "TiL,SI{PA _. LITIOf{SP�'ilt94RfitT'UECJ�`"fSLCsFAC,CA'LtO,Ni,a;^M1'j"*.�`' Underlayment Tile Profile Staging Method Maximum Slope Flat Max. 10--tile stack 6:12 Lugged Max. 10-tile stack 5:12 Max. 10-tile stack (bottom 2-tile stack shall be inverted, followed by 8 tiles high 6:12 on slope, as shown below) gt.tM11111111c, Tri-Built S/A HT TLI Underlayment Lugged Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-116 certiftcoteofAuthorization #9503 6r" EDITION 12017)FBCNON-HVHZEVALUATION FL36048-116 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments; (800) 516-1485 Revision 6: 09/25/2017 Page 5 of 6 TRINITY ER6 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC published installation requirements subject to the. Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate (if applicable). 6.3 Tri Built Sand R SA Shingle Underlavment Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlavment or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlavment: 6.3.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Table 1507.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.3.2 Non -Tile applications: While priming is optional, TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC recommends priming the deck if the final roof - cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge. Roll out approximately 30 ft of membrane and peel back the first 3 ft of release film. Adhere the exposed part to the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane as far as possible. Once the entire length of membrane is in place, peel -off the release film diagonally while holding the membrane tight. Firmly roll, broom or hand -press the membrane into place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be,minimum 3-inches, configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6- inches and staggered not less than 2-ft from vertical seams in the course below, sealed in accordance with TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC requirements. When installing at slopes above 8:12, TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC recommends back -nailing in the overlap area at the tap of the sheet at 12-inch o.c. For Valleys and Ridges: Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 foot lengths. Peel the release paper and center sheet over valley or ridge. Drape and press sheet into place, working from the center of the valley or ridge in each direction. For valleys, apply the sheet starting at the lowest point and work upward. 6.3.3 Tile Applications (Tri-Built S/A HTTU Underlavment only): Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein, using the instructions noted above as a guideline. For foam -on tile applications, reference is made to Section 5.6.4 herein for wind resistance limitations that fall outside the scope of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. See Table 2 herein, and TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC published requirements for tile staging. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MANUFACrURING PLANTS: Gulfport, MS 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL, LLC—QUA9625; (314) 578-3406; k.chancellor@us.ul.com - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-R6 Certiflcate of Authorization 09503 6r EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL16048-116 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments; (800) 516-1485 Revision 6:09/25/2017 Page 6 of 6 ♦4 �t F jy i 4 ��TitP1 P1• r �{"' 1 :. M ,$s c !,Waa '[ ui,aay voai 4 HiATOaO i' suemaswa«s"..I sUu`& m.j v?Wk m I ca b&W 1 eGlsaaolpy h uµs t scans l Produa approve ussR: wvwurer - 6WW6N �a ^H+ aP@aLL4I,058 �.il��a fachar+"Do, r Appikauen omaq ..... '`. FL .. M.9259A28 Apptkation:Type Royalton Code Version - '2017 Application Status :Approved Comments Archl"d Product Manufacturer' Aodre141Ph0ne)Emaal Authorized Signature. TechnicalRepra?entative ` Address/Phone/Emall - PDLYGIASSUSA i1a W. Newport center on" Deerfield 8aach,'P433442 °(954)233.1330 EsI242: : .. malpert�polY9lass.mm Maury Alpert; malpert®polvalassdom. ^ r2�1 ^kii9CYW r+;Ara11^ MM#,:lf[4M1a (taxu,T,a>vp SCANNED BY St Lucie County RECEIVED Nov 2 8 2018 ' ST. Lucie County,: Permitting - Quality: A5suranc9:Representative_ rwper{wlamyg:allwcam, ANel.Lender Addrei9/Phone/EriNil - .. .. . IIIIA Newport Center Drive- -Doerfiew Beach, FL 33442 - (954)233.1230. .. Category : Atender0odygiass:cotn 'Roofing, :Subcategory UndefaYments' , .Compliance Method 'Evaluation Report from a Florida' Registered Architect Ora Ucensed Florida ProfessionalEngineer Evaluation Report - MardcoPy Received Florida Engineer or Architect: Name who developed the Evaluation Report Robert Nleminen Florida Ucens'e PE-59166 ,Quality. Assurance Entity UL UC Quality Assurance Contract Enlratlon Date 10/05/2013 vaildated Ry John W; Knerewchc PE' ' gl` Validation 'Checklist - Hardcopy. ReCeNed Certificate of Independence.-FESJ59:R28 Cm +Zp1E 01 COt'HIEMINEy,ROj Referenced glanders and Year (of Standard) Standard X9M ` AS04 W976 2015 - ASiM 0226 2009 ASTM'04798 2011 , A57M D61M : 2011 _ A5TM D6222 - 2011 RM ao7a-. 2011 FRSAMU April2012 2012 UL1997 2012 Eaulyale M of Produd Standards CerUfied:By ` Sections rran the Code Product Approval Method. Method 1 Option D , Date: Submitted 01/24/2010 " Date Validated 01129/2016, i Dole Pending FOC Approval' .01/30/2018 - Dow Approved 04/1012018 APVro} �PPra ImpaC DaelEn O1Nen: undarla) the mid. : systgm,5 Socton Ur nae In HV#M No F15254 P28 11 '2otk NAI FR P(HYGUMS UNMRLAYMENMF 5259- 28'sdf. ' or we outside MVHVJ Ye Venflea ey:'Roben N iPE-59166 �latanin NIA - Created by Independ d Addy: Yes mum4N(A1,622.5 Evaluation Repeats he design pressure in this apppdcatkm YelateS,ta one particular p' S259 U M n NDER nvucu.c 11 b_ca.nen ..ar t system (oVer-pncrm detk) fsruse under feain-on tl¢ systems (Where treated by Independent Thlyd Pally: Yes bent forms part of the load-path)tRefer to ER Settlon 5.6A for other Be deck type$ and Mlicclated maximum designpiessures. 2.) Peter M ER, other limits of use. - - IIC.t�k NOYt .. itsex. P d Yr.XM -R "pppg':956-, a ., e na sumaftonwpen uyseoempmw.rainy r.DnaGx :: dasnudhb'-Ta+tamcra ^; &amdLStu®mt EM MEMO ( etc. Certificate of AuthoNmtion.#32455 353 Christian Street, Unit#13 Oxford, CT 06478 (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT CERTIFY Inc. Report 1111 West Newport Center Drive FL5259-R28 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Date of Issuance: 02/24/2009 (954) 233-1230 Revision 24: 01/24/2018 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61620-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the .Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described, herein have been evaluated for compliance with the a Edition (2017) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DEscRivrdw Polyglass'RoofUnderlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report,. is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code: that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility'location(s). NEMOIetc, requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADvEwnsemENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "NEMOletc. Evaluated" may be displayedin advertising literature. if any portion of the -Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided tothe user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be avaiiable.forinspection atthe job site at request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 14. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nleminen,.P.E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 The facsimile seat appearing was authorized by Robert Nieminen,. P.E. on 01/24/2018.. This does not serve as an clectroniielly sighed' document. CERTIFICATION Of INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEMOletc. does' not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEW I etc. is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial Interest in any, company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financiafinterestin any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This Is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO'Ietc. nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, In anyway; the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. -, t111EMCl,) etC. ROOFING CompONENTEVALUATION: .. ` I. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: U,nderlayment compliance Statement: 'Roof Underlayments, as produced by Polyglass USA, lat., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the a Edition ,(2017j Florida Building Code through`testing in accordance with the following Standards; Compliance )ssubject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations /Conditions of Use set forth herein; 2. STANDARDS.: Section Prdiae Standard Year 1504.3.1 `Wind Uplift FM 4474 2011 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift. - UL1897 2012 1507.13 / 1507A.1 Physical Properties ASTM D226' . 2009 1507,2.4/ 1507.1.1;1507.2.9.2 . Physical Properties :ASTM D1970. 2015 1507.3.3. :. Physical Properties °' FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 1507.111 Physical. Properties ASTPoI D6164° 2011 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM 06222 2011. TAS-110 Accelerated Weathering) ASTM D4798 2011= 3. REFERENCES Entltv. .. Examination 'Reference Date PM Approvals (TST ISO), WInd,Upiift 3004091: 01/12/2000 PRI (TST 5918) Physical Properties. PR101111 - 04/08/2002 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties, PUSA-005-02.01'. 01/32/2002 - PUSA-013 - ERD (TST 6049) ERD (TST6049) ERD MT 6049) PRD.(T5T 6049). ERD (TST 6049) END (TST 6049) ERD (YST:6049) ERD (TST 6049) ERD (TST 6049) ERD (TST 6049) ERO (TST 6049) ERD (TST 6049) 'ERD (TST 6049) 'ERD'(T57 6049) ERD.(TST 6049) ERD (TST 6049) NEMO.ETC, UX. 0e9;flLate grAuth6,1z&ion'#32455: Physical Properties :._ PUSA=055-02-02. ' Physical Properties PUSA-061-0202 PhysicalProperties PUSA-07"201 Physical Properties : PUSA-083-02-01 Physical Properties 'PUSA-088-02-01 Physical,Propeitigs': ]a20N2A Physical Properties RX14E8A QhyslcalPropertles' 11752.09:991' Wind Uplift 11757;08l01-1. Wind Uplift 1117646.02 physical Properties 02200.07.0,3 - Wind Uplift _ P740.01.67 - Physical Properties P5110.04.07-1 - ,Wind Uplift, ;" P9260.03.08• Physical Properties , P33450:08.09 Wind Uplift' •P30540.11.09-R1 '. • �P.hysicalPropertles P11030.11;09-1. Wind Uplift, P11030.11.09=2, Physical 0roperties ,, P11630i11,09-3- Physical Properties P33360.06.10 . 'Physical Properties P33370.03A1 Physical Properties- P33370.04.11 " - Physical.Properties' 'P37300.10,11 - eT" EDITION (2617)' 08t NON-NVN2 EVALUATION _ PolyglassAoof Underlayments: (954ri33.1230 ,12/23/2002 ,12/23/2062 07/14/2063 07/13/2005 01/12/2006 09/29/2006 12/10/2007 0112SY2008 11/30/2009 11/36/2009 11/30/2009 06/25/2010 03/02/2011 04/26/2011 10/19/2011 Evaluation. Report, P32060.02.09-1124 -'Et5259-R28 'Revision 24:OV24/2018r Page 2.of14 ONEMOjetc. Entl1tv Examination Rellerence Date ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P46390.08.12-1. 08/06/2012 ERD (TST 6649) Physical Properties P40390.08.12-2 .. 08/07/2012 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties C41420.09.123 09/21/2012. ERD (TST .6049) Wind Uplift P39680.03.13 03/04/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P45370.04,13 04/26/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P1738.02.07-R2 04/29/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11757.04.01-1-R1 04/30/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P41630.08:13 08/06/2013 ERD (TST 6049) 'WlndUplift. P11751.05.03-R1 11/26/2013 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P1178111.03-R1 - 11/26/2013 ERD (TST6044) Physical Properties P45270.05.14 05/12/2014 ERD (TST 6049) ` Physical Properties 6020.07.14-1 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049). Physical Properties 6020;09.14-2" 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-3 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-4 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-5 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09,14.6 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6649) Physical Properties P46520:10:14 10/03/2014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P43290.10;14 10/17/2014 ERD -(TST 6049). Physical Properties: PLYG-SC7550.03.15- 03/24/2015 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties. 040390:04.15 04/03/2015 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties, P44360.10.14-R1 05/18/2015" ERD (TST 6049) Physical -Properties PLYG-SC8080.05.15-1 05/20/2015 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift PLYG-SC8905.05.16-1 05/17/2016. ERD:(TST.6049) Physical` Properties PLYG-SC8080.07.16 07/16/2016 ERD :(TST "6049) Wind Uplift PLYG-SC12025.10.16 10/12/2016 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties: PLYG-SC13040.12.16 12/27/2016 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties PLYG-SC11900.03r17 03J10r2017 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties PLYGSC12115.08.17 08/08/2017 ICC,-ES (EVL 2396) IBC Compliance E5R-1697 11/Ol/2014 Miami-Dade(CER:1592); HVHZ Compliance NOA'14-0717.08 01/22/201S Polyglass USA Manufacturing Affidavit. Products. Current 02/18/2009 Polyglass USA P/LAffidavit mule -Hide Cross Ltg 03/01/2008 Polyglass USA Materials Affidavit Polystick SA Compound 08/18/2011 UL,'LLC. (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp.10/05/2018 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Is a SBS modified bitumen base 4.1.2 Elastobase P is a.polyester-reinforced, SBS r4cidified bitumen base sheet. 4.1.3 Polyglass G2 Base Is a fiberglass -reinforced, asphaltic base sheet. 4.1.4 Polyglass APP, Base is a fiberglass -reinforced, APP modified bitumen base sheet. s �cy.a is x 4.2.1 Polystick MTS or Polystick MTS PLUS is•a nominal 60-mll thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with polyoleflnic MITI surface; meets FRWRI April 2012. 4.2.2 Polystick IR-Xe is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane,,giass fiber reinforced, with an aggregate surface; meets ASTM D1970. 4.2.3 Polystick TU Plus is a nominal'80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber, reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM 01970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012. NEMO ETC,ILC. Evaluation Report P12060.02,09-R24 CerHJlodtc o/Autho,00001#32455 6"EDITION(2017),FBL NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLS259-1128 Polyglass Roof Undarlaymentr,: (954) 233,2230 Revision 24 01/24/2018 Page 3 of 14 ",NEM0 (etc. 5'5 Allowable Roof Covers: M 5 ." P" Underlaymeni Asphaft Shingles Nall -on Tile I Foam -on Tile Metal Wood Shakes Slate & Shingles Elastobase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes (0,ne Sheet in 2ply Wqtir) (ease Sheet in 2-ply system) Elastobase P Yes Yes (Baw shc,at in 2-ply system) yes (sasestumtIn -Plysystem) Yes Yes Yes Polyglass G2 Base- No Yes (Base Sheet In 2-ply system) Yes tBase Sh"t In 2-ply SVItenn) No No No Polyglass APP Base No Ye lease Sheet In 2s -ply system} Yes lease Sheet In 2-ply system) No No No _Polystick WfS or Mn PLUS Yes Yes No Yes Yes yes Polystick IR­Xe Yes NO No No Yes Yes I No, Yes Yes (see 5.5.1) No No No _.P9sys5cnU.!! Polystick TU Plus Yes Yes Yes (see5.51) yes Yes Yes Polystick TU Max -No yes Yes (See S.S.1) Yes No No Polystick Dual Pro yes No No Yes Yes yes Polystick Tile Pro Yes Yes Yes (See S.5.1) Yes Yes yes MU­X Yes No No Yes Yes Yes _Polystick Ela"eX S6 G Yes Yes Yes No Yes •Yes Elastc,flex S6 6 FR Yes Yes No No Yes yes Elastoflex G TU Yes Yes Yes, (See S.S.1) No Yes Yes Polyffee G Yes Yes Yes (See 5.5.1) No Yes Yes Po"exZF-R Yes yes No No Yes Yes Polvflex SAP or SAP FR Yes Yes Yes (See S.S.1), No yes yes MuleMlde SA-APP Cap Sheet yes Yes Yes (See S.5.1) No Yes Yes or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) 5.511 "Foam -On Tile Is limited to use of the following Approved the adhesives / underlayment combinations. ; '4' .13 1fay MLI vl""944' I .' WE Adhesive Florida Product Underlayments Approval DAP Foam Touch'n Seal StormBond Roof FL14506 Polystick "TU Plus, Polystick TU Max Tile Adhesive Dow Tiletiond"" FL2252S Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP or Tile Pro Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Maxi Polystick Tile Pro, ICP Adhesives Polysete' AH-160 FL6332 Elastoflex G TU, Elastoflex S6 G, Polyflex G, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA Cap FR, Mule-HIde SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Polystick Tile Pro, ICP Adhesives Polyset* RTA-1 FL6276 I Elastoilex 6 TU, Elastoflex 56 G, Palyflex G, Polyflex SAP,,Polyflex SA Cap Flit, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) I Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida ProductApprovalfor Overturning Moment Resistance Performance. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-924 Ceftillraft of AuthorUation #324S5 e EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZEVALUAIION F1.5259,1128 Polyglass Roof Underlananlents, (954) 233-1230 Revision 24:01/24/2018 Page 5 of 14 ONEMOletc. �r..� Allowable Substrates:, 5.6.1 DI ectect-R: Polystick (all variations), Dual Pro, Tile Pro, Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap SfieetrorSA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) self -adhered to: New untreated plywood; ASTM D41 primed new untreated plywood; Existing plywood; ASTM D41 primed existing plywood; New or existing; unprimed OSB, ASTM D41 primed OSB; Southern Yellow Pine, ASTM D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed structural concrete; Huber Engineered Woods "ZIP System" Panels (designed and installed to meet wind loads for project). Note: Polyglass does not require.priming of new or existing plywood or OSB sheathing. New or existing plywood or OSBsheathing should be cleaned of all dirt and debris prior to application of Polystick membranes. Elastoflex G TU, Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: D ASTM D41 primed structural concrete., Polyflex G or Polyflex G FIR torch -applied -to: ➢ ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. 5.62 Bond -to -Insulation: Polystick (all variations), Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) self -adhered to: ASTM C1289, Type 11, Class 1 polyisocyanurate or Type V poiyisocyanurate-composite insulation; Dens Deck OuraGuard; Dens Deck Prime; or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, Elastoflex G TU,-Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex 56 G'FR in hot asphalt to; P Dens Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board. Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR,torch-applied to: ➢ ASTM D41 primed structural;concrete; Dens Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board'. For installation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, ,insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam -on the systems, insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design professional and installed based on testing of theinsulation/underlayment system in accordance with FBC Section 1504.3.1. 5.6.3 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Laver. Polystick (ail variations); Polyflex SAP or'SAP FR,-Mule-Hide.SA-APP Cap Sheet, or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) Dual Pro or Tile Pro seif-adhered to: ➢ ASTMD226, Type I or It felt; Elastobase;:Eiastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base. Elastoflex G % Elastoflex 56 G or'Elastoflex S6 G FR'in hot asphalt to. D ASTM D226, Type I or 11 felt, Elastobase; Elastobase P, Mule -Hide Nail' Base or Polyglass G2 Base. Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR torch -applied to: Elastabase; Elastobase P, Mule -Hide NaiLBase, Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass APP Base. For installations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall' be attached per minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam-on'tile systems, base layer shall be attached per minimum requirements of F.RSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), Appendix A, Table 1, or as listed In Section 5.6.4:herein, or as tested in accordance with FBC Section 1504 3.1. MEMO ETC; LLC. Evaluatlon.Report P12060.02.09-R24 Cerdflcote clAuthort"60a#32455 6EDITION.(2017) FEC NONAHVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R28 Polyglass Roof Unded'ayments;.1954) 233.1230 Revision 24 61/24/2018 Page 6 or14 ,IrS� .,swap ,y' 4 ,�.<`�,pom 1 wtrvyer j svM+ksurda.vg (sju>.aFam 1 wluoiwn. t <, leaael �elssnvM^a spab 1, seises I i Producti novel rP' 1 trod tl b - Y RM M ! [Mn 4M h Y Lg, Application De n0l FL 8 aF117022-R7, APPliwtitni Tyne RavIApproye FILE COPY z Code Vershnt' 2017 ApPOCadunStatas'. APprOYed I Comments. a8/L8/2017V. data reapply. 08121/17 n �'_� l �� Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/EmaA Authanaed.Signature Team cat Representative Address(Phoner/Emall ;. Quality Assurance. Reprdsentertive-: AtldressjphonelEmaiL. Category Subcategory Compliance. Method Extreme Metal Fabricators,.LLC 2160 SW Patna DrIVe Palm City, FL34990 (772)872-8034 fivalidation@lyahoo.com Rlehad,M Kuben BY III croyahoo.wm Richard McKuhen 2160 SW Prime DHVC .Palm City,. FL 34990 1172)872-a034 dcnard@le=TrWit Roofing -Metal, Roffing RECEIVED N n V '21 S 018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting SCANNED BY 8t Lucie county EvaluatianReport from a Floods Registered Architect" aLdensed Florida. Professional Engineer V, EVatuaboh Report.- Handcopy, Received' Monde Engineer or Architect Name,veodaveloped the Evaluation Report ` LOCKE BOWDEN Florida License PE-44704 Quality Assurance Entity keystone Constitutions, Inc. Quality Assstance ContrailExpiration Data 04/22/2024 Validated BY ZacharylR':. PdeSt,.P.E. <Z. Vaiidadan Checklist - Hardwpy. Received Certificate of Independence F 17022 RJ Cig FC17tliZ-1 k V CRIMP sir udf Referenced Standard end year (of Standard) stmidaa TAS 125 " uL 1997 UL$80 Epuivatru to of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code .. ' Product Approval Method Method I Option D Data 5ubmhted 0811812017 Date Vabdated :08j2S)20I7 Date Pending FBC APprov81 08/28/267 :Date Approved 10110/2017 c Yanr 2003 2012 2006 F'L it ber or Name: s Description 17022.1� p" (R6) 26 Gauge steel, 3)8' rib height, 24• Ones lapped roof peed malthenkalty attached to 15/32' plywood or Wood Deck With fasteners spite of use nln�alom Ins Italian Instructions RJ it Ft 77022 1_�.j��f�IM? "` ad/ Approved for use in HVHZ: NoPL17027 Approved for use outside HVH2verified By: Locke Bowdon, P.E. 49704 Impact Resistanu NoCreated by Independent Third Party: Yes' •. Design Preseuro: +N/A)�Table:AEvacuation Reports Omer.' Refer. to evaluation report fors. install me assembly In compliance PI1,202] R7 A 170: 1 S V: CRIMP Kit be filth me insfellauan method listed iand applicable code sections ofFSC. Created by independent third Party: Yes Refer to'manufacturcry barrelleven „ .., a..�-._..._�-_ .�.�....�—.—....... tt Y Lf i Compliantswith Florida `Bi Compliant with Florida -Pi Comp➢iarrtKeystone Cdr Product: 5 V Crimp 16GA Yield strentil R Y r Deck w/ min, D ` },Rib Heig6tit 3/8" Corrosion Resistant C0m1 Fattener 1(Method 1 Att 3J16".min tiiru deck or-5 requirements), Fastener 2 (Method 2,i l ,,-:x to meet re4ulrer Underlayment:,1 v T '��° sfope:,5hap bo it _f JY Y y$ rig Code 201 ct Approval alone `� 5 . lent: F0C sec., chment) #9 x it" embedmen 4 AttaChmerrt' deck .05J$" e oncewith A Sec. 1 3 {F E. '7 ifactUrer' Extreme Metal abricators, LLCA,': 6 F$V, 'oma Cirir►e` x. Pal, City, F1, 990 . 772 $22•$03,4 _. rld 41G20 3 5F ac sac 1507.4 2 6dto min x15/32"plywood car Wood xithlit:�rews. 24, Coverage J `n 07.43� � v,�:,f� .°• ,Fi J2"Hex-iAlasher, H end wood;screwv*'to penetrate ito_tivood.plank *or sufficient Ienehxo meet 10'x;1-1J2a Hex -Washer Head wood screw*,to k iednlent into'Wdod plank. (*or• sufficient length ; r, ec.�Chiirt 1507t11 , t 1507. . , See fa er efts„ ment si,M c `fcateons above _. ETHOD S METHQD 2 m METH00�3 METHCID.4 - ' •' . last d I talts. Talkie. �:?Allowa6l+� Loads a`Rh ',OESiGN PRE�SU E"�,= _ _ .� -8b. SF_. , `' ._-83.9 pSP �: - `.� 7101 PSF . � rr.; =228 PSP f- "ROW sPAaNG. ' ^" �. � � �►" o:c. � 16'f o.c: 8`° o.c. 6" b e 1ASTENEWSPAQ00 NOBA FASTEMERSIZE� 09• 410 Reference Data: ARCHITECTURALTESTING, INC T5T 116 1 Di _ UL SSO &�1892 04' s Test Report i- Y 1rM893 05/02l14 ` Test ; , Report 3386.Oi 9 is3 3/tal�ls U TAS.i`125-03"° ° ° Test. `Report D05893.02-480 18' Q7/2a�14: - ;`, F *EQUIVAl1NCY-ti&1897�04"!s evlulva/ent'Mtastsiandaid!!i'189J'*Des/gnprxs` uTmargfn,ofsafopf2:1 it wa owden, P.Ee 1s itot aimed, operated, or controlled by 06, 7 3 -y 3 Sr� rF f r4 F nand - a�ti •� 6 tuner, at but14productiundertks f f w ^ Ito FL17022.1 5V imp (26GA Steel), 24" Widd Roo inel - Details Limitations: 1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 61 ad. 2. Minimum slope.to be compliant with Florida Building Code 201.7 614' ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D. 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval _by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 6. Support.frd'ming in compliance wtFBC 2017 On ad., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. 7. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. — Fastenars- fig • 1.112 wn... or A10-mrrmin. parftO W 1"Rcw Spacing and O"190resswas Hex Washer Head Woof .Screws Oedc 15 Zor9toafnrnYWDad,or .wooddar* Panel Overlap rW OnapPm7PaW Fasten 717-1/2" Min, or #10 x 1.112" Min, per Table "A" Hex Washer Head Screw Spaced 12" ox. across the Panel Wdth Refer to Table "A" for Spacing Along Panel Length Deck-15/320 or greater Plywood, or -Wood plank