HomeMy WebLinkAboutFL DEPT OF ENVIORNMENTAL PROTECTIONt 15- Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bob Martinez Center 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED FQIED INSORDER TO PECTORS TtiAT Rick Scott Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera Lt. Governor Noah Valenstein Secretary R e cvftw VLUL�mission SCANNED BY St Lucie County SELF CERTIFICATION FOR A PROJECT AT A PRIVATE, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILD OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD 11/07/2018 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDLNG DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CflAJ L:P CE , REVIEIYED9�t LLZ h2a Self Certification File No.: 0370426001EE DATE File Name: 804Osprey CtHutchinson Island, FL3494ANSAN'U Eii!IIATMUST BEKEPI: ONJOB �w .NBPdCTIpN WILL BE MADE. - Self -Certification Modify With Boat Lift (Aquatic Pre er`ves) Dear Bruce Jerner: On, 11/07/2018, you used the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's electronic Self Certification Process to certify compliance with the terms and conditions of the Federal State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) Self Certification Process for a project at private, single-family residence located at: LAT -Degrees: 27 Minutes:31 Seconds:58.0403 LONG -Degrees: -80 Minutes: 19 Seconds: 3.0905 SITE ADDRESS: 804 Osprey Ct Hutchinson Island, FL 34949 COUNTY: St. Lucie FA For: BETHJONES 804 OSPREY CORT Fort Pierce, FL 34949 You have certified that the project you propose to construct at the above location meets all the conditions of the Self -Certification Process. A project that is built in conformance to those conditions (attached for reference) will: 1. Qualify for a regulatory exemption under Section 403.813(1)(b) of the Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapter 62-330, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). As such, it is exempt from the need to obtain a DEP Environmental Resource Permit.; 2. Qualify for Consent by Rule or Letter of Consent (as applicable) under Chapter 253, F.S. and Chapter 18-21, F.A.C. (and Chapter 258, F.S. and Chapter 18- 20, F.A.C., if applicable), when the project is located on submerged lands owned by the State of Florida.; Your Self -Certification is based solely on the information you provided under this process, and applies only to the statutes and rules in effect when your certification was completed. The certification is effective only for the specific project proposed, and only if the project is constructed, operated, and maintained in conformance with all the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in the Self -Certification Process. In addition, any substantial modifications in your plans should be submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in a permit being required. You have acknowledged that this Self Certification will automatically expire if: 1. Construction of the project is not completed within one year from the self - certification date; 2. site conditions materially change; 3. the terms, conditions, and limitations of the Self Certification are not followed; or 4. the governing statutes or rules are amended before construction of the project. Completion of the Self Certification constitutes your authorization for Department or Corps personnel to enter the property for purposes of inspecting for compliance. Receipt of this Self -Certification constitutes authorization to use sovereignty/state- owned submerged lands, as required by rule 18-21.005, F.A.C. The authorization must be visibly posted during all construction activities. In waters that are accessible to manatees, obtain information on your mandatory Manatee Protection sign by clicking here. File Copy 16 FEDERAL STATE PROGRAMMATIC GENERAL PERMIT (SPGP) You have certified that the project you propose to construct at the above location meets all the conditions of the SPGP Self -Certification Process and will be built in conformance to those conditions (attached for reference). Your proposed activity as certified is in compliance with the SPGP program. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Specific conditions apply to your project, attached. No further permitting for this activity is required by the Corps. In the event of the transfer of ownership of the property by sale or by any other means, when the structures or work authorized by this SPGP Self -Certification are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this SPGP Self -Certification will continue to be binding on the new owner(s)of the property. Although the construction period for works authorized by Department of the Army permits is finite, the permit itself, with its limitations, does not expire. To validate the transfer of this SPGP Self -Certification and the associated responsibilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, the attached transfer of SPGP Self -Certification request must be completed and submitted to the Department at the time of transfer of ownership. The address is given below on the attached transfer form. This SPGP Self -Certification is based solely on the information you provided under this process, and applies only to the statutes and rules in effect when your certification was completed. You have recognized that your certification is effective only for the specific project proposed, and provided the project is constructed, operated, and maintained in conformance with all the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in the SPGP Self -Certification Process. This Self -Certification will not apply if any substantial modifications are made to the project. You agree to contact the Department for review of any plans to construct additional structures or to modify the project, as changes may result in a permit being required. You have acknowledged that this Self -Certification will automatically expire if: 1. construction of the project is not completed by midnight, July 25, 2021, unless construction commenced or a contract to construct was executed before July 25, 2021, in which case the time limit for completing the work authorized by the SPGP ends at midnight, July 25, 2022. However, in no case can construction continue for more than one year beyond the Self -Certification date; 2. site conditions materially change; 3. the terms, conditions, and limitations of the Self -Certification are not followed; or 4. the governing statutes or rules are amended before construction of the project. Completion of the Self -Certification constitutes your authorization for Department or Corps personnel to enter the property for purposes of inspecting for compliance. If you have any questions, please contact your local Department District Office. Contact information can be found at: https://floridadep.gov/water/submerged- lands-environmental-resources-coordination/documents/district-office-contacts. For File Copy further information, contact the Corps directly at: http://www.saj.usace.army.miVMissions/Regulatory.aspx. When referring to your project, please use the SPGP Self -Certification file number fisted above. Authority for review - an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers entitled Coordination Agreement between the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Jacksonville District) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Programmatic General Permit, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This Self -Certification Process does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining other permits or authorizations from other agencies (federal, state, Water Management District, or local) that may be required for the project. Failure to obtain all applicable authorizations prior to construction of the project may result in enforcement. If you have any problems with the attached documents, please call the ERP Coordinator at (850) 245-8495 or by e-mailing us at ERP eAous(@den.state.fl.us. Sincerely, Florida Department of Environmental Protection St. Lucie County PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1553 Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification must be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted in duplicate with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no exterior structural walls, columns or other components are being affected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at (772)462-2172. Proiect Name Street Address Jmree &D40spmyCoO f1pnermit Number FM Pierce, FL Occupancy Type Construction Type Certification Statement I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and Assumptions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1 Florida Building Code 2017 Edition with 2010 Supplements and ASCE 7 -100 2. Building Design is: Enclosed: Partially Enclosed: Open Building: X 3. Mean Roof Height N/A Roof pitch: N/A Internal Pressure Coefficient: N/A 4. Width of End Zone: Wind Speed: 170 (3 sec. gust) 5. Building Classification Table 1-L ASCE 710 FBC Table 1604.5 1 6. Wind Exposure Classification D Adjustment Factor for Exposure & Height: 121 7. Components & Cladding Wind Pressure on Roof Zone 1 N/A 2 N/A—3 N/A PSF 8. Components & Cladding Wind Pressure on Wall Zone 460'61-a4.t 5 70'mt"745 PSF 9. Components & Cladding wind Pressure on Overhead Garage Door N/A PSF 10. Loads: Floor 40 PSF Roof/dead WA PSF Rooillive N/A PSF 11. Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes X No _ (if No, attach explanation) 12. Continuous load Path provided? Yes X No _ (if No, attach explanation) 13. Are Component and Cladding Details Provided? Yes X No _ (if No, attach explanation) 14. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: N/A Presumptive: By Test: PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included with this certification is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name: BOWDOIN G. HUTCHINSON Design Firm: BENCHMARK ENGINEERING TC SLCCDV Form # 020-00 Revised 5/18/09 (CL) #: PE# 70878 \1111 I I11! HUTc 41 Ile COPY //7/0 88/ ON; ; \\\\\� 00 Blue Hole Cr neR JONES 804 OSPREY COURT FORT PIERCE Ocean Harbour North (A —,-A) 1804 Osprey Court � f> � l 4 7 � f � 1 t, Bryn Mawr C) Ocean Towers Atlantic Vlew Beach Club 9 Jerner & Associates, Inc Marine & Environmental Consulting 2537SEAIfonsoAvc. Port Sc Lurie, FL 34952 Ph(772)283.2950 *bpi JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET Date: 1117118 SHEET 0 JONES 804 OSPREY COURT FORT PIERCE jerner Marine Associates,Inc. Marine U Environmental Consulting 2537SEAIfonsoAvc Port St. Lucu,FL 34952 Ph.(772)283-2950 IERNEWBELLSOLl7H.NEI Date: 111,7118 SHEETZ MARINA BASIN 95'FAIRWAY FROM END OF DOCK JONES 804 OSPREY COURT FORT PIERCE 5' STING DOCK r—F—Fj—F-1 Jerner&Associates,Inc. Marinc & Environmental Consulting 2537SEAIfonwAve. Port St Lucic,FL34952 Ph(772)283,2950 f .ycttr:�ty JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NEI 1 " = 10' Date; 1117118 SHEET 3 DOCK SECTION VIEW 5 All Bolts, Nuts & Washers 518" H.D. Galy. Or S.S. 2"x 6"SYP Decking w Minimal plank spacing. Fasten w #10, 2.5" SS Screws, 2 per Stringer 2"x 8" P.T. SYP, .40 ACQ treated stringers to MHW be butt jointed, butt _.._ _ _ _ joints to be staggered._ 2"x 8" P.T. SYP, .40 Varies ACQ treated bents Pilings jetted to a minimum depth of 6' and as necessary to provide adequate bearing and stability H H .ZONES 804 OSPREY COURT FORT PIERCE Min. 8"Dia. 2.5. CCA treated piles DOCK PLAN VIEW 5' O U { _.-'-'-'---------- -1i.. Stringers 24" _ O.C. Max Center Stringer(s) toe Nailed w SS Ring Shank Nails, Outside Stringers'G HUT"4114gCh /// i i IONA� T Jerner & Associates, Inc. Marine & Environmental Consulting 2537SEA1jonsoAvc Port St Lucic,FL34952 Ph.(M)283.2950 agraftiffidrA JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET Date: 1117118 SHEET4