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DIRECTORY OF PAGES PV-1 PROJECTSUMMARY PV-2 SITE PLAN FVJ SINGLE-LINEDIAGRAM PVA SAFETY LABELS MODULE DATASHEET PC OPTIMIZERDATASHEET Z DISCONNECTOATASHEET a INVERTER DATASHEET < MOUNTING SYSTEM DATASHEET ILL 2703 GROUND AND BONDING CERTIFICATION PROJECT DETAILS PROPERTYOWNER ENTROM PROPERTYADDRESS 438 SE NARANJA AVE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34983 US APN ZONING RESIDENTIAL USEANDOCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ONE. OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING GROUP (GROUP R3) AHJ UTILITY COMPANY FLORIOAPOWER&LIGHTC0 ELECTRICAL CODE CAFPA TO) FIRE CODE 2015 NFEPN CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY BAY AR EA PROJECT SOLUTIONS LICENSENUMSER ADDRESS 2512 BAY FIELD CT, HOLIDAY, FL U691 PHONENUMBER (727)54M361 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE J Cmgl¢ M° —; 11SCOPE OF WORK THISPROJECTINVOLVESTHEINSTALLATIONOFSOLAR PANELS.THE SOLAR PANELS WILL BE RACKED USING J PREENGINEERED RACKING SYSTEM. THE RACKED MODULES T �ti I A WILL BE ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED WITH DC TO AC POWER r,e - I ,i INVERTERS AND INTERCONNECTED TO THE LOCAL UTILITY F USING MEANS AND METHODS CONSISTENT WITH THE RULES ENFORCED BY THE LOCAL UTILITY AND PERMITTING 1. x JURISDICTION. I' F +- t ' i f � PLOT PV-0 SCALE NTS t'Vhhn City � y - H tehinsd I Islend dcT•nryTBs'e 1P: " i v i ,dr.H Agr c 3 . Prosetvc , fPlt T . aOVk lfamingck y.SiaM P..rx. '�oJiW e if Parke - jr yi Ec, ' PorLS[ Lucie - :� - 1 I �- 2_ PV-7 STCAUG. NiS CONNECTION 24 DVA� G223NPB.2-POLE, 100A SOLPRDISCONNECT I P-102983 F- � M W W m U) Z Q M W W Q J 0 , u- d Lu W � O C/) 0 Z °o CC W LU C) F7 a 0 af C') �� AA 4GLi LZ PV-1 SITE SURVEY Paul Enstorm P: (772) 215-5003 438 Southeast Naranja Ave. Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 Electric Company: FPL Electric Account # 2816150570 Package: 20.060kW 68 295watt panels Front M 1 1 1 1 1 1 AM 9 FLAT ROOF SURROUNDED BY RED Back a Ab MODULES GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES P-102983 ' �/ F. oR. uxrtnYo.moEa lu m va v.m *Euq.WmE.aEwc msEwmw UTILITY HAS 241R UNRESTRICTEDACCESSTOAll yyyl"lll"`JJ7�111111 r. rulm Earn vrw v.ry un Rv.uaysvn r FAI .IE 1 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 4rin lnn rarx �� inn ilrastiv �� 2M000LES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDERUL 1703. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS I• 35UNLIGHT RESISTANi PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND PDWERDPTIMIZER$ i II Rm. mY. um wesq uwanvroau¢xr wceEur¢c RWW.V.rwE wExmmEmxr-x. CONDUCTORSARTICLE SODS EX 1 I wru N sr✓nmuon uw m+ sseA CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL IC i -- DISCONNECTS OLPos 4 SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE gss.wr. uaxExrroum wrmoreRlvr wE n wrmwrwm vurun 310.8(C). 1 t m:ocaawn WEdN uvxrcruE c"' nr — wz.w.c �+uWcna emcl �nmciroxgax .Ix t m. nww FW— r___ J31 �___ +& NOTES GROUNDING NOTES cn co r--J t r--y t �orm�mFgwmewsmsxvmureFuvcmwmgsw,lan ernxcean. 1 ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED PER THE W W m INJEPTER R REQUIREMENTS OF NEC ARTICLES 250 & 690 V mvk�n rxsn ¢amw¢mrAYExmasrmnmwlm.gaRwm, gsmcegsm py MODULES SHALL BE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING RAILS Lr C"D Q cv'J ' _ _ /1>aaw i / Yiwow mE gsrwvExxawrtiaucEnm:oavvroE Er+umxro 1 + uWuvowrtmEwmuruaTws wwEumsuowe..rTMErearv: USING MODULE LUGS OR RACKING INTEGRATED W w Q J Q I Q B mrsEVOTTs.wwnEANZTA WPx AAFT iR0r9EbPJ ER TYWirR! 2 GROUNDING CLAMPS AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. O 0 I <IT4nI0FMENpq➢E N.9.NM1V.vEq M+JlnNirS NMrEME Wim I i— 1 i— EovmourwrarauauE. ALL OTHER EXPOSED METAL PARTS SHALL BE GROUNDED �_I-- L_I-- Cl Q r r— uxuw,omssRuxcw.vnassuueEuxAgcaEnw Foiars.a USING ULiISTED LAY -IN LUGS. � W CD I BasmrtsM.IxeE REOlcewgxmRmlunaREumEsv.Yazaqu la of INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT MOUNTING SYSTEM HAS Q Q i I mevno 3 BEEN EVALUATED FORCOMPLIANCE WITH UL 2703 J Z I nuavaucEaEwwrEmoerrREmngRq.umvwrwanEssaF 'GROUNDING AND BONDING'WHEN USED WITH PROPOSED O `__. I+�mNFEwmxemewxWua+gs=_arlaraartxra•eaExneemiosE O W H- --- - 3 t R'o-5'ttxausv¢•lB.rv.rzM PV MODULE. ------------- �uaMEmER ALL GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED � ~ JGEC Caz '04' 4FORTHEIRPURPOSE W W V+cA wwrawlnuEcnoulsourr¢slanvsmEaavrvcEorsm:.Evn FTHE EXISTING MAIN BERV CE PANEL DOESNOTHAVEA I�0— VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE Q a 5CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A t SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. CJ AC SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR IGEC) l SHALL BEA MINIMUM SIZE#8AWGWHEN INSULATED,#6AWG IFBAREWIRE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC ARTICLE690.45, AND BEA MINIMUM OF uro MaEirvois lnrov PANEL 7 #10AWGWHEN NOT EXPOSEDTO DAMAGE,AND#6AWG Itan MsvwaowersRlSHALLBE USEDHEN EXPOSEDTO DAMAGE GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, B SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN, OR MARKED GREEN IF 2W Iw 1;ElER #4AWG OR LARGER SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PROJECT ID: 102983 DATE 11128118 CREATEDBY: S.S. CHECKEDBY: REVISIONS T SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PV-3 SCALE: NTS Pv-3 INVERTERS PEf.Ar R[1E.Vm YpEL \ixi fi9T:x DxMRY Wl,Efl CMREM MPEM x0.iAGE ESigExC/ lu t suexEWssErmuws mWna bx rmrn ssac ma xw Esm 9YBTEIA SUMMARY .mart 6rgv:6t slRn6E SrgW,r SIWrGt r src Pace snlsv sArsw aoisw smm� YTCiW:m LLYW lxt.W l6uW ¢EgS.ux WRVrfN4lEYr rL. PRSgAY5FNF5 ;y 1H s ww ron .wr �varws wi :Ps. zmemov rux aw c.wow �,ceaR nsnv umW xcmocuu.r wvrnwR Ewrmlcmlwgwvm uwrsxmnnE m.xcW Y �m0.VEWv�ER t44'I: w w rsmx: EwrmlE@PG YIIi.FT rBASrvI CONDUCTOR AND SCHEDULE WIELECTPICAL CALCULATIONS n%YN DC RACEWAYS EACH DISCONNECTNGMEANS FOR EAGIOEVICE MERE ENERGIZED, O SEE NOTE NO.5(DO RACEWAYS) O O UNGRWNOEO CIRCUITS MAYBE WOSED PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT IJB L JB; It, 131 1 DURING SERVICE. (JB1, JB1. 11,N) l WARNING I I WARNING I JBI- TRANSITION BOX "INGELECTRICSHOCKHPZARD-°ONOTTOUCH- ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. THE DC MODEL NOT SPECIFEo e • e 1 POWER e O LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED NTHEOP N' CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY SE ENERGZED, INALS. TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND OPOSITION.- NEC 690d1(G(3)ANO IFC W611.1 NEC650.11(E) NEC690]5F) J82 ODEL-TRANSITIONNOTBOX AINYO DCDISCGNNECT(I1,1Z) O SEE NOTE NO. O OBTH TIE UTWTYAAND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SFEDBY MODEL NOT SPECIFIED SYSTEM(SWI,EPI,UTLTTYMETER) O O • e e e •• A 1WARNING I II -INVERTER DUAL POWER SOURCE. SECOND SOURCE IS SOIAR EDGE SEADOHLS a ee PHOTOVOLTAICSYSTEM. OOONECROM NEC6%%(C) AND IFCW5.11.1 NEC10S1E(D)p) p-INVERTER O AC SOLFA DISCONNECT(SW1) O AC DISCONNECT(SWI) O AS OISCNNECT(CBI IN EP,LBZ N EPD SCLAR EDGE$127NOH415 O O O SW1-DISCONNECT EATONDW3NRB O© O O NEC6M.13(e) NEC69RM NEC690.51 sACOOMBINERPANEL(EPH EPT -AC COMBINER PANEL O O f 0 I WARNING THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES. iOIA RATIN OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES, UTILITY METER EXCLODING MAIN OVNCURRENTOEVICE BHA UL NOT EXCEED AMPACITYOF BURSAR ONEC105JAD)(2)(3)(C) p LABELING NOTES 1 ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY 3014 NEC AND 2015 NFPA 1 WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. LABELS, WARNINGS) AND MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH AS, Z535.4, WHICH REQUIRES THAT DANGER, WARNING. AND CAUTION SIGNS USED THE STANDARD 2 HEADER COLORS, HEADER TEXT, AND SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL ON EACH LABEL. THE ANSI STANDARD REQUIRES A HEADING THAT IS AT LEAST 50%TALLER THAN THE BODY TEXT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.Z1(B). A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY SHALL BE INSTALLED PROVIDING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE 3 DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF NOT IN ME SAME LOCATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 69OSIN(B). WHERE THE INVERTERS ARE REMOTELY LOCATED FROM EACH OTHER, A DIRECTORY IN SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 4 DISCONNECTING MEANS, AT EACH AC DISCONNECTING MEANS, AND AT THE MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS SHOWING THE LOCATION OF ALL AC AND DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IN THE BUILDING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 69OA(H). LABEL1B11 WITH MARKING, ^WARNING PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE' SHALL BE LOCATED AT EVERY IO FEETOF EACH GC RACEWAYAND WITHIN ONE FOOT OF GJ EVERY TURN OR SEND AND WITHIN ONE FOOT MOVE AND BELOW ALL PENETRATIONS OF ROOFICEILING ASSEMBLIES, WALLS AND BARRIERS. THE LABEL SHALL HAVE WB- TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECT WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED BACKGROUND LABELS WRHMARKING,'PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIP OWITII RAPID SHUTDOWN'SWlL1 BE LOCATED 6 AT POINT -OF -INTERCONNECTION OR AT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT THE LABEL SHALL HAVE Sre- TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A REDBACKGROUND P-102983 F- Co C1) W W m Of Z Lu Lu W Q Q (n ¢ W d = U Of 0 z � O X U) U) 0 Z m ~ oO W W v )7 n CD SAFETY LABELS PV-4 $®(� wNw.finkc;Glnr Corn aRnKo • 9p1a4FVFW EeaanmercJ SrnNM • FX3A$!plpi Om+� eelmNNrvMe&Jsr aMMa Calls us I j CE lz:/ ` KEY FEATURES 11111 4 pusher Solar Cell:r Dtl y ( n ]otfer ao helc oppso,ricu.: Vjnp it pcf ct ftt rco op .x!]latcn_ ®High E/CcieneY: D�n laR ll Caecmpree'noleneti NpbIP.33£i Denefil hero Pp;iM1atitl rm� —lod (PEPC) teennoagy. Anti PID Guarantee. ,mleY_. tl cawfr p.graCpl on of Eagle mativlp cauxntl by P O el1.c• giora n.ee prger dpC/P5.=eH ccnc' on Ipr Weis pMucYon low-Ilght Performance Ativp mcee ylp tl call 1 zxtv'nnp allow far eacellem Ferfn mOnce lnl ,,,ear t•menY. _z Severe Weather Resilience: Certlfetl.F WrOyanw M IJotl 124a1 Paua; Ord snort load 15e00 Ppgcnl. _ Durability against a direme environmental conditions: uuu fDn soli m sl ord—..io rool!Cnco CMi! by IUJ NCeD. LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY Ip rear hpeudwrnanh • 2e rear nner: re.-efaglnnh H uwbswlamve..m 1pyf1� ^ SloMvcperlampnce.apnry 'bs:e apTJaeo swo,.xF ow„�nh s n ss tern � rroVdegBeacvNge ievut 4T. bu III I11 III art car..el>aAw .u" Ill r j Ill Illli _ K Pa�kb9it�{;onitpuretfoRw .�.vi. (I,ial�Sh SY kt)4UT s'dn Cp .'�� ro-`J rvo�t a Nlr ¢� pm Soy !�45{ fAM birr;+� �54iIV�,�j ram_ .....- .�....:ax.a hams 'AI .u.�m Nlq Q:G C dy, l2AN +9 5 n —tl MOsldy Type I. `L1 1.f J l fd YJ 1 !A T,b,, Y`.8n1':, m NSr W - S,C. *Y.%1„ - A1.u.nrYmh ^I�+ti 2Cr::C }a., e"', 5`sll E1P:Y PSN'G Z2PAD I., IOU` u!n PCme 4cltvn N'nPY: 38✓ ZABV 3t.^V CV 32.N ;3J3V- _ 3] V MAY.. a326 J i J--mmnPm < 'J npl„ sofa m♦ 1els lo7A no.A :dl r1lA 7,21. nz1 LI. . [ d V M1`F!le ...v_ µea}, lr'll eRBY -Ar. }l Y✓. >._V�aBt V `teat _ _ 1 ry3AV - _iJ V M1flry: _ .J $'I `.enKlr(LIGn<rrc;lul 9LDA 1 :A d55A %,91.1 911n r e,73n e,D!n Op?annRTempVury a.Yl J�-�8$ti 4_ emMenpireeoeHtionis pl rh!ul .D.JES'< .mree.IwFanr�<.rcol, mb< nuln4e I C IM p. 1're{NIJbI '—_ y:...- JSk2Y .. r STC: cot llwdlence T uoaln,= W., Cell Temperature zs=c �t a,Mc1,5 NOCT: :Y3!lrradlanfe agave/m f&A.bifrn Tr,y,.w, TC '07,,,j AM-1.5 3 windSneed lmfS CdVTIDN: READ 5A`ETYANn IN5r2LLA'I01 Ins,Ru rIGNS 9 EPO4c Jill'g TI, PRODUCT .:k4$cal VeiAll i£'L9e... euf .l of v.4 if l...0 I .t av-.vcite tl rrgc ;.11 F,l ncl-v'e US-IoK soon ..n„:ow= SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On For North America P320/ P370/ P400/ P405/ P505 +terCt<'IK, zd pm,aIsT-ait ng y e' = YDOuIe~tcYel eohage s6iidawnfoH.Pta➢erGPd "fflgLter sa[ety y .J i4.iG h1111 I'iTi., 1.11 C, IAAIII'—5 LF+'A....E.G: UV 1;., solar" a- SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add On for North America P32011 P370 / P400 j P405 i P505 P3]0 i P320 P400 P405 ( P505 QPTIMRER MODEL nd figY: v ' IforR&%c Y - (I W fiM VM1a h1yM1 ower fi M1F,he• (YPi3'a1mMWeamPanbYrtY) fi0 !i1 U 1 60tNInMulttl ;. .....n.,,.n '� mo4ulas) � mvtlulesl. mat rtmtlelesl ...........L 2. 9]c :aro w, 5, I V, E L lAc.::em. a:u.al `P .le W °C ! 125 V Vtic ...: ... f.. A PPT pnq x. _ 9-Aa 6 60 8 30 15 lv's :.,.. 35 3 4 ...AEc A m M!nuu C rc t i3 13 Ll j .,. 1 i 3tic 1 M1 C Qserval . 9>,a OUTPUT DUR_M__G OP€RffifON (POV.'ER OPTIM192ER C0_NN_E_CiFD TODPERAS_ING_SDLAREDGEINV_F_R_iFA) _ ,.,,�,:_.__....._...... Rla,mum Cu:pvY ,en. .5 AOc EMC fCC Ftrtt5 Cla55 fi, iECe1UG1e 2,1E.1. S 3 - `ary IEC62FGA I 1 f a'eYi. ULl'il : P h$ tN5}pt4lilQN SPKf fICAPIONS __ I 1!a'e.ptl f 4J12+x � tJCC . .. ...... .. .. .. .. .._ ... .... .... ...... .. C '1 I.m:eR ...... ......... N heE Si',�41 PF M1Tr�e PM1 .e"a':a 52xs6/ 19 1 It; 12d Se` G .ens c_z;Vvw LSXI lEdxl"2x'4/Sx 3 39'xla' S 59] 1 a '.. � 5 47 't2 ....: ....A3DIIJ ..... ] ]SJ/: 'I.. 9 1, -, rl L 3 e_11b.. ..4. :or.. ._.., . ...... . r. a.::.... _..._..... .. _. ._. ... .. ... .. ..._.... .._. .. .. ......... c nt; Lng ... DYs/aa ..... _ .i...T. ('t., P t Y iaF,i_ ....... 48(IJLNaiGP :. ... .... . .... ..... ..... ....... .. ......... fl2lative Yu^ic14 ':: . ........ ...................... D; 1CG I % 'THREE PNF6€49Q, -.., .... ...... .._. ....... ... _. .. .. .1 .r:nd Ln:FM1 y5 'S -' SW *.miienl Max:m.m Mw.r PE, Stri,6 5€]6CUX-U5, ': 52iG 60CC 1'i3G W II'I _.r n:,s otDHe:e.A LenrJis ... fx y e � fir• .. , 011® Powering Business Worldwide pe.eaton.c;m PE€71 ! General Duty Cartridge Fuse Safety Switch r DG223NRB`j' S` � = UPC;782113144252 F`r - Dimensions: • Height: 7IN • Length: 6.42 IN • Width: 8.82 IN Weight:9 LB Notes:Maximum hp ratings apply only when dual element fuses are used. 3-Phase hp rating shown is a grounded B phase rating, UL listed. Warranties: • Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first. Specifications: • Type: General Duty/Cartridge Fuse • Amperage Rating: 100A • Enclosure: NEMA 3R • Enclosure Material: Painted galvanized steel • Fuse Class Provision: Class H fuses • Fuse Configuration: Fusible with neutral • Number Of Poles: Two -pole • Number Of Wires: Three -wire • Product Category; General Duty Safety Switch • Voltage Rating: 240V Supporting documents: • Eatons Volume 2-Commercial Distribution • Eaton Specification Sheet - DG223NRB Certifications: • UL Listed Product compliance: No Data © 2016 Eaton. All rights reserved. solar- Single Phase Inverters for North America SE3000H-US I SE3806H -US/ SE5000H-US/ SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US/ SE10000H-US -W—. . 0 C, a solar =@@ Single Phase InVenerS for North America SE300OH-USISE3$00P,-USISE500OH-US! T T Rxw'ACrmYCtAp"Fi. ... _xm .....iBIU 3ccA.; _P999" ... .......... of . ......... 4?0_ . Ms 20 V Ad, 10. .. .... ...... — . .. . ......... ...... .. .... ....... Vi— .. .. . ... . ...... . .... RI ADDiTIONN FEATUMS. ..... . .. .. . . ..... . .... ..... ....... ....... ...... ... .. ........... IIHaWepl 7.7xMGxG.8/15Ox3?Gx174 a. J31 x'37Q ..... ..J. N .... . . ...... .. . ..... .. 'C T! . ... .... ... 333 p Itonn,y wave bpoMa't R'mnue vad'ed'ata, ANb C12.20 6S0�5105"Ciulatjj Z, AM, IRONRIDGE 0 0 Ground Mount System Mount on all terrains, in no time. The IronRidge Ground Mount System combines our XR1000 rails with locally -sourced steel pipes or mechanical tubing, to create a cost-effective structure capable of handling any site or terrain challenge. Installation is simple with only a few structural components and no drilling, welding, or heavy machinery required. In addition, the system works with a variety of foundation options, including concrete piers and driven piles. D Eno Top Caps Bonded Rail Connectors E Diagonal Braces Cross Pipe a Piers {n' a. � NNN €' c ..{ r Connect vertical and cross Attach and bond Rail Optional Brace provides Steel pipes or mechanical pipes. Assembly to cross pipes. additional support. tubing for substructure. — Rail Assembly XR11000 Rails UFOs e, Stopper Sleeves 0� Accessories Rugged Construction PE Certified -„�I -�— •----n Engineered steel and aluminum available most slates. letters ' =' components ensure durability. available in most states. �' L LL& UL 2703 Listed System Design Software Curved rails increase Universal Fastening Objects Snap onto the UFO to turn Wire Clips and End Caps Meets newest effective UL 2703 Online tool generates engineering spanning capabilities. bond modules to rails. into a bonded end clamp, provide afinished look. standard. values and bill of materials. __— Resources Flexible Architecture 20-Year Warranty Design Assistant T A NASCEP Certified Training +Qo Multiple foundation and array Twice the protection offered by Go from rough layout to fuly ra Earn Tree continuing education credits, engineered system. For free. while learning more about our systems. configuration options. competitors. ► i - Gc to imnr dgc.com?dcsign Y G. to ironridge.com;training The Ground Mount System may be used to ground and/or mount a PV module complying with UL 1703 only when the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in compliance with the included instructions. Unless otherwise noted,' .x refers to the module power rating and both black and silver frames are included in the certification. URN Modules with 35, 40, or 45mm frames and model identifier aaSM66yyP22-xi whereas- is CH Astronergy Solar l or A''yy' is either 10 or 12; and' is blank or(BL). Frameless modules with model identifier CH9M6610P(DG)-xxx. Axitec Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model Identifier AC-xxxY/aa-ZZ; where h is M or P; *as" is 125 or 156; and °TT is 545, 60S or 725. Modules with 35 and 401 frames and model Identifier CSbY-xi where "b" can be 1, 3 or 6; "Y° can Canadian Solar be K, P, U, V, or X; and "r can be M, P, AG, MS, PX, M-SD, PI PI or P-SD, MS -AG, MS-FG, or MS -SD. Frameless modules with model identifier CSbY-tax-FG: where "b" can be 3 or 6; "Y" is K, X. or P; and "r can be M-FG or P-FG. _ __ 1 Modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames and model Identifier ET-Y6ZZzxxAA; where "r is P. L, or M; °Zr ET Solar is 60 or 72: and "AA" is Vi WI BB, WBG, III WBAC, WBCO, W WCO, W WBCO or BBAC. Modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames and modal identifier FXS-xxxYY-2Z; where "xxx° is the module j Flex I Power rating; "YV' is BB or BC; and °ZZ" is MAAI B, MAA7 W, MABt W, SAA1 B. SAAI W. SACI B. ! SACIW,SADi W,SBAIB,SBAIW, SBC1B.or SBC1W. j _ GCL Modules with 35 and 40mm frames and and model identifier GCL-a6/YY tax; where"a' can be M or P� and °Yr can b s 60, 72, or 72H. GigaWattSolar - Motlules with 40mm frames and model identifier GWxxxyV; where'YV' is either PB or MB. Hanwha Solar I Motlules with 40, 45 or 50mm tram.. and model identifier HSLaaP6-YY-1-x ; where "aa" is either 60 or 72_"YY"is PAor PB; and"Z" is blank or B. w ? Modules with 32 35, 40, and 421 frames and model identifier aaYYZZ zxx; whereas' can be 0. or B.;'YY' can be PLUS, PRO, PEAK, LINE PRO, LINE PLUS, or PEAK DUO; and °ZZ' can be G3, G3.1, Hanwha O CELLS G4, G4.1, L-G2, L-Gi L-G3, L-G3.1, L-G3y, L-G4, L-G4.Z L-G4y, LG4.2/fAA, BFR-G3, SLK-G3, 1 BFR-G3.1, BU4G3.1, BFR-G4, BFR-G4.1, BFR G4.8. BLK-G4.1, Gi G4.1/SC. G4.IITAA G4.1/ MAX, BFR G4.1rfAA, BFR 34ANAX, BLK 134.1r17AA, BLK G4.1/SC, EC-434.4, G5, BLK-G5, L.G5.2, or L-GS.21H. Helier Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier YVZZxxx: where "YV" is 36, 60, 72. or 95: antl °a° is M, P, or MBLK. Hyundai Modules with 35,40 and Sam. frames and model identifier HiS-VxxxZ ; where 'r can be M or S; and "II" can be MI, MF MG, SG, RI, RG(BF), RG(BK), TI, or TG. look Modules with 40 or 50mm frames and model identifier IT-xxx-YV; where is blank. HE, or SE, or SE72. Modules With 35,40 and 451 frames and model identifier JAyyu-bb-xxxaa; where Ity° can be M, P. JA Solar M6 or PI °zz° can be blank, (K), (L), (R), (V), (BK), (FA), (TO), (FA)(R), (L)(BK), (L)(TG), (R)(BK), (R) (TG), (V)(BK), (EK)(TG), or (L)(BK)(TG); "bb° can be 48, 60, 72. 60So1 or 72501; and'as"can be MP, SI, SC, PR, RE, 3BB, 4BB, 4BB/RE, SEE. Modules with 46mm frames and model identifier JKMYxxxZZ-aat where "I is blank or S: "ZZ" is P Jinko PP, M; and"I is 60, 60B, 60J4, 60i 60(Plus), 60172. or 72-V. Frameless modules with model Identifier JKM.PP-DV. Motlules with 46mm frames and model Identifier KYxxx22-AA; where'9" is D or U; Zr is blank. GX, or Kyocera SX; and °AA' is LPU, LFU, UPU, UPS, LPB, Li Uri LFB2, LPB2, 3AC, 3BC, 3FC, 4AC, 4BC, 4FC, t 4UC, SAC, 5BC, SFC, SUC, SEC, 6FC, BBC, 6MCA, or 6MPA LG Modules with 35, 40, and 46mm frames and model Identifier LGmYaZ.bb; where "I is A, E, N, 0, S; 'a' is t or 2; "r is C. K. T, or W; and "bb" Is A3, A5, B3, G3, G4, or K4. Longi Modules with 40mm frames and motlel identifier LR6-YY-xxxM; where'" can be 60, 72. or 72HV. Mission Solo Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier MSExx#Zaa; where "ZZ° can be MM, SE, SO or S0; land a.' can be 1J 4,1, 4S, SK, ST 6J 6S, or 6W. Mitsubishi Motlules with 46mmframes and modal Identifier PV-MYYxxxZZ;where "Yr IS LE or JE: and"I Is either HD, HD2, or FE. Motech IM and XS series modules with 40, 45, or 50mm cremes. Neo Solar Power Modules with 35mm frames and model identifier D6YxxxZZaa; whom 'r can be M or P: "Zr can be Bri NA, E3A, E4A, H3A, H4A; and III can be blank, (TF), ME or ME (TF). lPanasonic Modules with 35 or 4Dmm frames and model Identifier VBHNx=Wzz;where "YY' is SA or KA: and fici is 01. 02. 0. 04.06, 068, 11, 11 B. 15, 158, 16, 16B, 17, or 1S. Phone Solar Modules with 35, 40, or 45mm frames and model identifier PS.Y-MA; where °Y° is M or P; "Z2' fs 20 or 24; and is F T or U. prism solar Frameless modules with model identifier BW-xxxBSTC; where"YW is 48 or 60______ (- i REC Solar tlule Mos with 30,38 and 45mm frames and model identifier RECxxx=; where 'VY°i.M PE, TP, or TF 2S; and "22° is blank, BILK, SLV, or 72. 1 Renesole Modules with 35,40 or foram frames and model Identifier JCxxxY-ZZ; where III is F M or Sit and °ZZ' . I is Ab, Ab-b, Ali Abh-b, Abv, Abv-b. Bb, Btrb, Son, Bbh-b, Bbv, Bbv-b, Db, or Dai Renogy 1 Modules with 40 or 50mm frames and model Itlentifier RNG-xxsV. WM1ere "Y" is D or P. S-Energy Modules with 40mm frames and model Identifier SNxxxY-22; where "Y' is M or P; and is 10, or 15. I Seraphim Energy Group Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier SEG-6W-xxxZZ: when, "VV" can be MA, MB, PA, PB; I 0nd°Zrcanbe BB,WB,orWW. I Modules with 40 and 50mm frames and model identifier SRP-xxx-6W; where "YY' can be MA. MB, PA, Seraphim USA PB, OA-XX-XX, and OB-XX-XX. I She, (Modules with 35 or 40mmirames and model Identifier NUnx where 'VY°is SA or SC. Sdfab Modules with 38mm frames and model idenlier SYV-2Qxx; whee Yr is SA or IA; SO or LG; and 'r r is M, P, or X. Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier PcI mY.=; Wnere M can be R or C; and Solaria is BX, BY PX, PZ WX or W7 Solari Modules with 42mm frames and model itlentifier STU-xxXYV; where' can be PERC or HJ. t SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus, Protect Xi, Seun, Bisun XL, may be followed by mono, poly or duo andor black or Li rnodules with 31. 33 or 46mm frames and model Identifier SW-xxx_ _____ . .......................__ Sfon ......__------ ------ ------ Thin film modules with 35mmfnames and model Identifier STO-cox or STO-xxxA Thin film frameless modules with model idemiher STL-tare or STL-taxA. Modules with 35. 10, or 50mm frames and model Identifier SE-YxxxZABCDE; where "r Is B, F, H. P. R, SunEdison orZ;"Z'is 0or 4;"A"isB,C,D,E,H,1.J,K,L,M,orN;°B°is Bor W;°C"is Aor C;"D"is 3,7, 8, or 9; and "E'Is 0,1 or Modules with 35, 38, 40, 16, tor Si frames and model Inanities OPTxxv-AA-B-WY-Z or MVXxwc- Suniva AA-B-YYY-Z; where "AA'is inner 60 or 72;"B"Is either 4 or 5;"VYY' is either 100.101,7001 or 1 B1; araI is blank or B. Modules with model identifier ount (GS) mm hams; and standard (21. or It?; Sunpower either, n b and a P or;'V can be MarcCOM. 7AC. , 19, 20, 21, or 22; antl "W°eon be blank, NE, BILK. -C COM, C-AC, D-AC, BLK-C-AC, or BLK-6AC. -AC BUK- -AC. or Sunprem, Frameless modules with motlel Identifier GXB-xxxYY; where 'W' is blank 4r SL. Suntech Vd, Vem, Were, Woe, and Wtl series modules with 35.40. or 50mm frames. _ Modules with 35, 40 or 46mm frames and model ktentifier TSM-xxxYYZ2; where "YY-is PAW, PODS, PDI Pi PC14, PD14, PE14, or D005; and Zr is blank, A, A.05, A.08, A.10, A.18, .05, .0$ Trina .10,.18_08D..18D,0.82,A.082(II),.W2,.WS,i08S,A(f),A.08(II), 0.05(II),0.10(IQ, or A.18(10. Frameless modules with model identifier TSM-,o xYY; and'YY" Is either PEGS, PEG5.07, PEG14, DEG5(11), DEG5.07(II), or DEG14(II). Know with 35 or 40mm frames and model Identifier Wsy-xxoi where'y'Is eitharPar T; and'"z°"is either M or P. either Yingli Panda, YGE, and YGE-U series modules with 35, 40. or 50 mm frames.