3601-A Crossroads Parkway RECEIVED
Fort Pierce, FL 34945 APR 2 21019
Permitting Department
405065071 st. Lucie County
Gale Insulation C IVE®
St Lucie county
BUILDER: NVR Inc D/B/A Ryan Homes SUBDIVISION: Oakland Lake
JOB ADDRESS:5210 Oakland Lake Cir CITY: Fort Pierce
PFRMITU- \ Q \ \ i h LOT/BLOCK:2
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation has been installed in the above property as follows:
1. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with Reflective Foil to thickness of .75" inches, which
according to Fi-Foil Company will yield an "R" value of 4.1
2. Exterior frame wall has been insulated with to a thickness of inches, which
according to will yield an "R" value of
3. Ceiling Area (flat) has been insulated with Fiberglass Blow to a thickness of 131' inches, which
according to Knauf will yield an "R" value of 38
4. Ceiling Area (vaulted) has been insulated with to a thickness of inches, which
according to will yield an "R" value of
S. Interior knee walls have been insulated with to a thickness of inches, which
according to will yield an "R" value of
6. Garage common walls adjacent to conditioned living space have been insulated with Fiberglass Batt
to a thickness of 3.5" inches, which according to Knauf will yield an "R" value of 13
General Contractor/Builder
Insulation Contractors Signature
License # CGC1512179
THE AFFIANT, Jeremy Theisen IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12
day of April 2019. n r 1
Notary Public, State of Florida
1f NNII t0 AM
• '-".:•
1",y l nnlvt. L]rN4 I it A Ap'
3601-A:Croift—Ads Parkway
( 405065071
Gale lhl,sulaflorr oy "'f CANNE®
BUILDEI€; NVR Inc D/B/A Ryan Homes. SUBOIVISION:'Oakland Lake `St Lucie county
JOB ARDRESS5210_Oakland .Lake Cir __ CITY.: Fort Pierce _ _ -
PERmrr#, LoT/BLOCK.z2
The undersigned hereby certifies that_nsulationhas been_nstalled;nthe aboye;properEyas follows;
1: ExteriorCBS°wails have beerr hsulated.with Reflective Foil tathickness of .75" inches, which
according to Fi-Foil Company will yield an'R" valueof
X. Weriorframe Will has'beerr Insulated with to a thkkdesi,bf Ihch6§,.Which
according to- wtllyleld an "R"value of_.
3 Ceiling Area (flat) has beerrinsutated wrth Fiberglass Blow_to a hickness of 3" ___inches;, wliicti'
according to Knauf will yiel&5fi "R" value of 38
4 Ceiling Area;(vauked) h-j pen insulated wlih = _-_ _- to athickness of - Inches; which
acco"rdingta _._ _ -- .. wlll yldf an "R value of
5: Interior knee walls have been'insula_ted with to a thickness of _ inches,:.which
accordi.ngto. _ — willyield;k0'1Kvafue,of _
6.: Garage commorr:wails.adjacentto conditioned living space:have been insdlateil-with, Fiberglass Batt
to a°thickness of 3•" .ihhwillyelan"ll* .5g 13_
Jeremy Theisen IS
Notary eublic,Sfafeof
Notary Nblt-StamdFl ida
(pl ISS64C450011
MYQMTm;EkQilo *A 2P
Infulation Contractors Signature
license # CGC1512179
to:and subscrlpe4before mg1his _12