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PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance (Company NaM ndividual Name) the' 1-��- Nc (Type of Trade) For:the project located at :5-0 BUILDING PERMIT DEC 0 3 2018 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agrktq, bee)e'. / /! �Ucir? C � Sub -contractor for (/ w ; r ,�T A/ . (� cc At sr- uh�r (PrimaryyCont ctor) or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 4.im , CONTRA RSIGNATURE (Qualifier) l�w�aki M geet4er PRINT NAME COUNTY -CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County or 6� • 1-0cn� I The foregoing instrument was signed before me this-3 day of 0�c- 20 k by D-A %ti3 66o4 ee r who is personally known _or has produced a V-L,'p L as identification. SignamreofNoNry Pu 1ic Ivit-41, wql�dC. Is:\ J e•,ns Print Name of Notary Public J7 . SUBSUB�RA RSIGNATURE(Qualifier) �,�� /1✓l. wee✓N�i PRBYr NAME Omnier /J WI1e r/ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County of iJi"-," G` The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of flee.. 2oAby �w��h4 GO,tAA%, who is personally known _or has produced aF" tr D L. as identificatiou. STAMP ��d'r^^�`�� STAMP Signature of Notary Public bALWk0, q I Iyere5 Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/16 i+ai�'• ''F �" DEANNAMAELGIVEMYCOMIAISSIO9?EXPIRES: Dece0Bonded Thm Way dtom D�NpMAfUE GNENS teS�bs'�'•; fl MY COMMISSIONq GGB �20 Bo�gdilluuN pubrKUndenvniers PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MEEKS PLUMBING INC (Company Namellndividual Name) the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) RECEIVED DEC 0 3 2918 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be MIKE GOODNER 19CAIVN80 (Primary Contractor) J^ tLucie Co For the project located at 5025 EMERSON AVENUE, FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the i filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 'qJ CONTRow" A rTO SIGNATURE (Qualifier) w"A // /U/ . (eeve j 1/ B/ PRINTNAME � COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER t State of Florida, County of r/C1 C— �] r Th5�,Jforego' Instrument was signed before this 3 ay of A P V— 20by '1 !J� who is Personally known _orhosproduceda 6r�md-e as identification. �S[AMP Signature Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Erich DanWI KrOch NtY a� NOTARY PUBLIC s STATE OF FLORIDA = Comm# GGIO5925 -'r/NCE 19�0 Expires 5/17/2021 Revisal 11r10016 — SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) KYLE MEEKS PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER �(% State of Florida, County of�j :—Coy. k4-C✓ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this lUNY or (t r who is es has produced YM State or'baWtn CaCa 02021 Lid sv6 Y PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT I] DEC 0 3 2018 ST. Lucie County, filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. I. Me lVUN1Y l:p.Kl/nl1J111UlY LYUnIDCrc � StzreofFlorida, County Theforegoing insrrumentvms signed before me this/ / /d�ayof /yDO-�20! by TA:77eS sC-(rri•�ae1� nLlo is persoaaay k—)Cor has produced a �i1SANRi6Wi1<N@6R9-- PrintNa §a ��` 8�°ki1pCOMMISiIQNEG0069059 •%�• �^ EXPIRES: Apd'2. 202i .�o:..g, Baldad lieu Noay F,tls; llndawnY.vs Revised 11/1612e16 SrAMP I , i -CONTRACPOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) i PRINT NA 1E V��f COUATYCFATIFICATTONNUMB �. 1 Slate of Florida, Countyofe- �a The foregoing instrument urns signed before me this 3 yof AfcQfA b r .20.( hs (-_l.— a10 is personally (mown or has Produced a asidenti oa S atmuafNo ryPa c PdntXameofNot1ryYnbUc �S�y�Sv Eficf Daniel Krach x $ NOTARY PUBLIC' g o STATE OF FLORIDA ` = Comm# GGiD5925 •s/hCE 9T6 Expires 5/17/2021 i 1 LERfAT# .ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BuiIding,&. Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERiNIIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGI EMENT DEC 0 3 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ' j' have agreedz to be (CompanyName/IndividualKaine) - the Sub -contractor for TLffCrt T ly legf J&A ��4� (Type of Trade) _ _ -.(Primary Contractor) -- - - 8�® For the project located at 5Da S �/ life p/� %1 U�17UE �I'e/j �i St tUC!@ CpUnq,, (Project Street Address orProperty Tax ID #) •y It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the, above.mentioned' project the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing `f a Change of Subcontractor notice. Revised I ^A assne'efmesdn/pr by t ! 00O _or has produced a I. cWtol STANIP Erich Daniel Krach Q 1akyA�oo NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA o ` a' Comm# GG105925 JRcde te'le Expires 5/1712021 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATORE.( alder) PRINT NAME �L3RA D S . 1406tw 9/r� COUNTY CERTIhTCATI�Oa][BER State orriorlda,;Cqunty of 3 J! F' The foregoing tnstmmeatIvas signed before me this o��day of �Di ✓J1=% :20L/i� bl'�JA°ii�.S !-iDiiA,t) whols persouaagknmvn,Y or bas produeeda . as ideotifieatian.. STAMPbrgnatnrtk2U' ry Pu6Gc / - L.N�Y1A Print Nam21ML rp Pu61te IdY COMMISSION O GG OTWO aAo� E�IRE$ M3rd123.21121 vF��oe 9otNedlluuBWge{NotaryServlos PERMITN ,A1/)q ISSUE DATE M PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divis!0JL— BUILDING PERIIfIT SUB-CONTRAGTORAGREEMENT DEC 0 3 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 80AA(NpD .RtI 8y have agreed to be (Company NaMWITICIMUUM IN MC) --� the r!i(deP&Vrit / Sub -contractor for Mf*KE C'OOn At R (Type ofTrode) (Primary Contactor) For the project located at Strwt Address or Property Tax ID /2 C,ee It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing'of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 'w COU1l'V rfFICATION NUaBERI /rit! d sratc of �lOrr4 Coaatr of r The fo aI Justmm" ,ram rpra before m this 3 �r or �(��by o IV - who is prssonair knm orha Produced. ufdenfillcatldr - SCAMP Sibuabjs orNotuy Pubuc CG— "tNemeofNot.ryPabae rich Daniel Krach *�111141. agrNOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG105925 Expires 511712021 SUB-C//OWRACrORS Ut1C Wu.uatt) G/'k4;Z" I�OESGLN/1�t/,N PRINr rc"M Cof>\-ry lB48CeRTrrTCA3 TTON NM3ER i St.teofflorid.,Coaatyof r TheforegoInz I95 u twwdgoedberomw hb_L,-dayof who is Pc+sooaaY lmown_orbasprodoads ^� 1 SCAMP ;�1�@y;sue Joseph Gomez `= Commission 113016104 '« '- F>rpires: November 16, 2021 '4.,,;�i eondgd thm Aaron Notary PERMITS ISSUE DATE PLANMNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUIMING FERnaT >NPRACDOR AGREEMENT the in cu 6h on Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) =RECEIVED For the project located at. 50D-5 E-rnersm &c. F4- Pierea PL`401en. 9) Tt is understood that, ifdu= is any change ofstatw regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Comity will be advised pwsnant to the Sling ofaChange of Sub -contractor notice. Sb�ofFyraL, O�®tlof,� �C!(7 nefa.�m bdramr.m�abeSrea tbb 3 &y.f f2L�w - 2-OA, yXAMG+tt-CIMDM6?— .ba kemaWVYtuawa ortmw° UWaP g, sun.00xrrucroa runs(Qa.aect Raber+" J, Vaualln rsnrrxAM CDUMfgRTrlrCAMoNMMM SbteofEbr][1, CamtyfP On ee- MWf"sowrmb•m®tw ftmd bemreme@ts,Ldty.r •ve"W 20!Ly Roltrl- I- Va•9hel wborsp--WayI=" t�•rYurmdamde mr�r< sramma 5rAW s�m�e•fxw., J�rdF„ � lien nrrt�•rm�n:yrna. JMMk*A. Reid NOTARY PUBLIC Raysmtlnfam16 STATEF• TAOFLOMDA CGM*GGOIS 9B E)(Wres 7r27/Y020 i =cufvo°� JpF71tiWN1E77 n �11YC06dNS90Nl000a7099 � g Wff.S:A0d25,2121 FOF flap aQfIQCa 7IYYBW30l•^'ml $elm$ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BURMINGPERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT the MA50�IC4 le_cwt(RZe� _ Sub -contractor for ,or the project located at or Property Twc RECEIVED C 0 3 zJ',3 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ��© have agreed to be it is understood that; if there is any change. of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned irojecg the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the l ' Bing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. :0 SIGNA�er) CrOR 17fRE (QoaliBer) �J LI !r� �1�% C�ooc✓i�a� Joh JDeQtC- L� RIhTNAML PRW KUM Aped beroremetW 3 ay of 1�wc r=N6R ho c identi6nHoa SrA w J"I**A Reid NOTARY PUSUC STATE OF FLOPJDA Cartm# GG016M ci_®d111162016 E Ores 7/27/2020 0 [ q3 M45on r COUNIYCERWICAUONQNUMER 1 StateoMorida,Covntpoi = . The f�orepi�ng iostrvmen[cros signed brfore me 8�is oC waZg by / w is pers000lly hnorro_ r pmdoceda Ptaxe I& ta' if♦I�